

26 ratings
Hybrid Build - Versatility Crossbow + Chemical Pistol Build
By Quidam le Paladin
This guide cover how to make a very potent hybrid build using the Versatility feat. This build beat the game on hard very easily, and managed in enough to finish dominating.

This build is maybe not for new players, as crafting will be very important and thus require a good knowledge of the game and items to buy and look for.
Introduction - Core abilities and how to play
Long ago, I realized that it was possible to use Deadly Snare with a chemical pistol, but ... I did not manage to build anything viable, it require too much skill points in both guns and crossbow. However, the new Versatility Feat and Cooked shot changed the game in a way that will make this build very viable.

Actually, it's one of the strongest build I ever played. There is very few enemies that can match this build, and you have plenty of solution to prepare the battleground for tough fight, have the best kind of attack for a given target and still be able to dominate your targets in a fight without any preparation. You'll have most issues with Psi and stealth enemies, but nothing you couldn't beat. Anything else would be a piece of cake.

However this build is not meant for new players, mainly because you'll need to use line of sight and crafting a lot. And, most of your defense would be "active".

This build is also really good early on, with proper usage of traps and your chemical pistol. Even without Deadly snare you will manage to survive easily.

This guide will explain how to make this build, feats to take, skill points, and even stuff to craft or look for.
I - Base Abilities
Strength - 3
You do not need strength nor for the crossbow or the chemical pistol.

Dexterity - 7 (8)
You will want to reach 8 at level 12 or 16

You need dexterity for multiple reason :
Feats - Marksman (5), Cooked shot (5) and Quick Tinkering (7)
Skills - You'll use traps and lockpick and it will help you spend less skills points
AP usage - Dexterity reduce the AP cost of your chemical pistol, and you need 8 for that very reason.
With an advanced catalyzing belt and 8 Dexterity, you reduce the AP cost of a shot to 18.

It means that even with the fatigued drawback from Adrenaline shots, you can still shoot twice in one turn. Once with your chemical pistol (18) and once with your pneumatic cyclon crossbow (17).

Also, with 7 Dexterity and the Advanced Catalyzing belt you'll be able to cooked shot + shot your penumatic cyclon crossbow.

Agility - 7

You need agility multiple reason :
Feats - Surestep (5)
Movement - You will kite a lot, and abuse LOS with this build, so you need enough movement.
Skills - Evasion and Stealth would be usefull in this build, and will be your only defensive.

Note that with Agility and Dexterity at these level, you'll get a decent initiative.

Constitution - 3
Mostly, you'll be avoiding damage and you will be able to craft good energy shields anyway so ... You won't need constitution.

Perception - 10 (16)
Every point except two will be used on perception.
You will take the Extra perception feat as well

Perception is really important for a lot of reason :
Precision - You'll be using versatility to get effective skill points in guns in order to use a chemical pistol, so you need a lot of perception to have a decent enough precision with it. Sometimes, you'll be surprised with the CQC and move and shoot penalty of your crossbow, you will have more chances to hit with your pistol.
Damage - Your crossbow will be deadly with high perception. However, it will not affect most special bolt damages. So it's not needed to get to 18 perception.
Feats - Aimed shot (6) and Deadly Snare (10)

Will - 3
You won't be using psi power, so don't bother with Will. And even if you do use it late game (I'll come to this later), you'll only use utility psi power that can not fail or do not do damage.

Intelligence - 7 (8)
You'll craft a lot and need a lot of skill points, and you need at least 5 for a feat. You can add one more point around level 12, to save some skill points.
Skills - Crafting, Hacking and Mercantile will be usefull
Feats - Versatility (5) and maybe Premeditation (6).

It's certainly possible to manage with a 5 or 6 intel character and use the extra point in agility for improve defense, stealth and movement. But I would not recomand it as it appear to me that you'll be starving on points.
II - Skill points

Guns - 35 : You need this to get cooked shot. Plan accordingly to have enough skills to spare when you'll take the Feat.
Crossbow - Maximum : Put everything you can every level. Damage, precision with both crossbow and chemical pistol.
Melee - 0 : Not a melee build, but actually ... With Versatility feat, you'll have a good enough effective skill to be very effective with a knife early game. Use a knife for the first 4 level to kill things that reached close range, you'll have better success than with your crossbow.
Throwing - 30 (45) : You need 30 to get Grenadier, it is possible to suceed without throwing, but actually it will help you a lot. You will need to manage well your utility slots with special bolts and grenade and always select the best tool for the occasion.

Dodge - 0 : You won't need anything, you'll protect yourself against melee with another way.
Evasion - Every points left will go into evasion : Eventually, you'll reach nearly the maximum amount in evasion, but you might won't succed to do it early or mid game due to how much points you'll put in Crafting.

Stealth - Put enough point : You won't need to max out Stealth, but it will be handy to lay traps and prepare the battleground before a tough fight. Have a good enough stealth before DC, it will be annoying and ressource consuming otherwise. You'll try to find good tabi boots and bataclava to boost your stealth, and even craft a device to help with furtivity.
Hacking - Not a Priority : Having hacking will help you to get more loot, you might not have enough points to bring it to 130 before the end game.
Lockpicking - Put enough point : It helps in getting XP in the oddity system and unlock routes.
Pickpockets - 0 : You do not need any.
Traps - 25, 50, 70 : You will need 25 to get Quick Tinkering and 50 to get Deadly Snare. Then you can upgrade it until 70 to be able to detect every trap and disarm everything as well.

Mechanics - 90 : You'll need mechanics to craft good crossbows. Check how much you need with the material you found and put accordingly. You'll need around 90 to get the effective skill to build a 125 quality crossbow.
Electronics - 20, 50 then 110 : At first, you will only need 25 effective skill to be able to put the anatomicaly aware scope on your crossbow. Then 60 effective to build the Shock Bolt MK3 once you've found enough Plasma cell to craft a decent amount. Then, you'll need at least 110 to be able to craft the best Energy shields, googles and cloaking device.
Chemestry - 90 : You'll craft your first chemical pistol at Junkyard with Fixer to provide the stuff, make sure you have enough when you'll reach there. Then, reach 90 to have enough to build top quality guns, incendary bolts and
Biology - 100 effective skill : Biology is great, but you can do without it early game and totally spend your points elsewhere. Great to build crawler poison caltrops (55 effective needed) or simply burrower poison caltrops, but you can also buy it in shops. BUT, you will need 100 effective skill at DC to get corrosive acid. so make sure you have enough points before going there.
Tailoring - 0 or 100 : The two best armors for this build are the CAU armor and it's cooked shot bonus and overall good defenses and the Rathound king armor and it's speed bonus perfect for kiting. No reason to put any point in tailoring. Just look for good tabi boots at merchants. You can also suceed very well with any crafted regenerative riot armor or tactical vest. And High Tailoring is good to get nicer Tabi Boots, but you will certainly have to remove Hacking if you choose to do so.

You will use psi, temporal manipulation bring just too much bonus to ignore it. However a no psi build is possible, but certainly harder.

Psychokinesis - 25 to get forcefield, 30 to get electrokinesis, 45 to electronic imprint.

Temporal Manipulation - 55, to get both Haste and Limited Temporal Increment.

Persuasion, Intimidation - 0 : You do not have high will, so ... It would be a waste to put points into these things. Maybe if you absolutely want some quest peacefull solution. I won't recommand it.

Mercantile - 75 : I recommand to put points in Mercantile early on. You'll be buying a lot, and you won't have much money, especially early game. 45 is a good target, it will give you some special vendors. But yeah, it's possible to go with 0 in mercantile.
III (A) - Core Feats
1 - Aimed shot : Really effective with a crossbow, it will help you through the game.
1 - Versatility : It's a core feat, you'll need it to be able to have proper accuracy with your chemical pistol without puting any points in it.

2 - Marksman : Special arrow are really powerfull, and you'll be using it a lot, you do not want to spend more AP to use these ones.

4 - Quick Tinkering : It's a great feat to use with bear traps, even with the nerf that increased its CD to 5. It will help you against melee early game. It's also great to use in stealth to prepare the battlefield quickly and it synergise very well with Deadly Snare. You won't need it that much end game, but it's a free "attack" that cost no AP, it's too good to pass on.

4 - Grenadier : With the addition of Temporal Manipulation and the nerf to Quick Tinkering, Grenadier became a very valid choice. You will have to manage well your utility slots, but Molotovs and frag grenades will help you a lot early game, espacially since you can spam them with ease with Limited Temporal Increment.

6 - Surestep : This choice may seem weird at first, and I really think that it is an underated feat. Surestep will protect you from both acid poodle from mutants and your acid gun, early game (That the crafting alternative can not do) and caltrops wich are underated as hell as well (And wearing metal boots will reduce your movement too much).
You'll use calltrops to protect yourself from melee, prepare the battlefield before a tough fight, make powerfull ambushes in conjonction with bear traps.
Acid poodle and caltrops can stack on the same spot, making that spot deadly for enemies.
Also You should get this feat just before Depot A, making your task a lot easier. You'll thank me later, trust me on this one.

8 - Cooked shot : It's a core feat. Cooked shot is essential in this build for three main reason.
Firstly, it's an AOE attack that will help in facing groups of targets and you'll get a chance on each target to get Acidic Entanglement.
Secondly, as it is an AOE target, it can ignore the target evasion and though be able to shot something that otherwise would evade your shot. This is AWESOME
Thirdly, you can use it on the ground, even without target to lay acid over caltrops to make a deadly trap and even use the sound of the shots to lure enemies and get back into stealh before they arrive

10 - Bowyer : You'll make better crossbow. +35% Critical dommage is a lot, especially after you'll get Critical Power. And it work all the time, not like Sharpshooter.

12 - Quick Pockets / Opportunist / Premeditation / Power Managment :
First choice, here. Quick pockets will be great as you'll be using an Advanced Catalysing Belt to reduce the AP cost of chemical pistol shot. But I realized that you can manage with only 2 utility slots. It will be a bit hard and require planning, but possible.
So if you think you can handle the situation with only 2 slots. Then, take Opportunist for extra damages, or put 40 points in Psychokinesis to get Force field and Electrokinesis and the Premeditation Feat for Extra Utility every 5 turn.
You could also take Power management, since you'll rely on your energy shield for defense, it will boost your defense. Also a good quality of life feat since it will improve Night vision googles and cloaking device

14 - Deadly Snare : It's a CORE feat. Everything is build around this specific feat, and once you'll get it, you'll be ... Deadly as the name suggest. It provide 100% critical strike on targets in bear traps AND Acidic Entanglement ... That you will produce very often thanks to cooked shots and your chemical gun.
Once a target is snared by either way, use a special bolt on it to get an almot guaranteed kill.
Incendary Bolts (Or even the cheap serrated bolts that even sometimes work better as they have 100% to cause bleeding) are great to do very high damages. With luck, the target will be feared as well and will burn to death
Shock bolts are even stronger. Since it produce an AOE attack around the target, AOE attack that will be a critical. You can kill an entire group of enemies with a lucky MK3 shock bolt.

16 - Critical Power : Do I need to explain this one ? You just get Deadlier Snare with it and also better aimed shot, that will help sometimes.

18 - Elemental Bolts : Double the damage of your Shock and Incendary bolts (Also acid bolts that I never use). Well ... You just got an Even Deadlier Snare than before. And sometimes, you'll be happy to use your special bolts out of snare.

20, 22, 24 - There is multiples choice out there, and you should choose according to your playstyle.
III (B) - Option feats
*** Options feats ***
Feats that I consider to be good options for these 3 last feats.

Packrathound - Quality of life feat. Even a good feat to take at level 12 I think. Caltrops and bear traps are really heavy. And you might need a lot of them to face tough fights. Still I think you can do without it, since the build is not a pure trapper build and with the acid pistol you need less traps. And the nerf on Quick tinkering will also reduce the usage of bear traps. Yet, I think that's nearly mandatory to go to Deep cavern with it bringing all the stuff you might need on the way.

Premeditation - It seems not that good to change to psi build nearly at the end of the game. Yet, you won't care about the 25% life you'll be loosing since you'll have good shield and most of the time, you'll die really really fast anyway out of your shield. Premeditation give you a free psi abilities every 5 turn. This is great. Psychokinesis seems the best choice with Force field and stuns that you can acquire at 40 points. But maybe Metathermics is good as well ?
Force field is really strong, you can use it to creat choke point where there is nothing, you can add a pilar to play with line of sight, you can push enemies into traps, and you can protect yourself during 2 turns and gain a free turn at the end of the force field.

Nimble - I really like this feat and would advise it if you like using the rathound king armor. It will further increase your evasion, increase your mouvement speed and reduce armor penalty. You do not have much defensive trait, but this one will help you in reducing the pressure on your shield by evading more attacks and increase your ability to play with line of sight. If you prefer the CAU armor, then take something else.

Power management - Actually, I think it's a good choice here as a defensive feat. +35% energy capacity on a high quality shield will just rock and bring you like 400 or 500 more "Shield HP". The problem is you'll certainly have to craft again your shield and all your electronics device.

Ambush - This is a very good feat as well. it work nearly as well as Deadly Snare. The point is, you use a fire chemical pistol to set targets on fire or molotovs to set the ground on fire, and then with your high stealth and you being in darkness you just gain a 100% critical chance on the target, and using the same method as with deadly snare.

Very potent combined with deadly snare. One turn you use a Molotov to activate Ambush, the other you use cooked shot to activate deadly snare, and so on.

*** Not so good feats ***
Here will be the feats that seems like a good idea, but are not really. Still worth mentioning it's not that bad either.

Mad Chemist - As you will be using crafted chemical pistol, it might sound usefull to take this trait. Actually, it won't be that good since it will only increase damages cause by your acidic entanglements. Usually, it would go to waste since you'll be shooting the target with your crossbow. Still I can imagine that it's not totaly a wrong choice to have even better damages.

Strafe - It might sound very intresting, but you can have the same effect with some specs points. I personnaly always go for the Marksman Spec, but you could take strafe and take another spec.

Escape Artist - This one may seem good to use with the XAL-001. One problem is that you'll have to put 30 points in dodge to get it, points that will most likely go to waste. And, you can only remove snare once every two turn, that mean that you won't be able to shoot safely when your ability is on cooldown. It seems to me that it's not worth it. I'm maybe wrong about this one.
The ability is good as well, as it give you the possibility to survive enemies who have snare abilities that otherwise would most certainly kill you (Humans with nets and crossbow mainly)

Sharpshooter - Even if +75% critical damages (Considering you also have critical power) seems like a very obvious choice ... Actually, the problem is that you need to shoot before moving to get the bonus and since you'll certainly be playing a lot with line of sight to defend yoursefl against snared targets, it won't happen that much. This feat will mainly upgrade your opener aimed shot out of stealth and won't work a lot of other times. Second issue, is that ... Anyway, you're doing enough damages, mostly you kill everything in one shot already, no need to do triple the damages.
Yet, I still think it's a good late feat to help in defeating end boss.

Opportunist - Even if I advise it as a possibility at level 12 ... Same issue than with Sharpshooter. You'll be doing enough damages already. Maybe valid in Dominating difficulty though, i'm not sure.
Still better than sharpshooter for me, as you gain a bonus against snared target all the time and also against stun targets when it happens. Still a good feat for the level 24 maybe.

Special tactics - It will give you one more crossbow shot on the entire fight. Since you'll already be shooting a lot thanks to cyclon crossbow and adrenaline. One more shot seems not that great.

Hit and run - Maybe it's good, since you can be relatively sure about when you'll do a kill and be able to plan accordingly. Certainly a good choice if you prefer to use the Chemical Assault Unit armor instead of the Rathound king armor. A valid choice instead of nimble I guess.

*** Learned Feats ***

Hunter - Get this feat from Camp Hathor, it will help against monster and it's basicaly free.
III (C) - Specialization
Cooked shot - Reduction AP cost : You can have a cooked shot with the normal AP cost of an attack with 5 spec points, it will help you fire more bolts after your first cooked shot.

Marksman : This spec will act a a replacement for Strafe, as it will increase you accuracy even after the movement penalty, and be a nice against target with very high evasion.

Critical Power : Increase in damage, since you rely a lot on criticals strikes, it is a no brainer even with the latest nerf of it.
IV - Equipement
A - Weapons

Early Game Crossbow - Early game, you'll be using an Anatomicaly aware Zephyr crossbow with a super string since it will give you the most damages and you won't have the benefits from the Cyclon one yet.

Mid to End game Crossbow - You'll need to craft a very good quality Anatomicaly Aware Pneumatic Cyclon Crossbow.
With bowyer, it's a 185% critical strike damages, for decent damages since you'll be using specials bolts. But Most importantly, it cost 17 AP to use it (14 with bolt quiver belt). That mean multiple things :
Firstly, you can shoot 4 times when under Adrenaline shots.
Secondly, if you have the advanced catalyzing belt (Or Cooked shot specialization), you can cooked shot then shoot your crossbow
Thirdly, even if fatigued, you can still shoot 2 times.

Acid Chemical Gun - You have to craft the best chemical gun as you can. But the most important component is the blob dispenser as it increase the chance to Entangle the target in acid. Giving you free critical strikes.
Acid is potent against a lot of enemies, and even on Mutants which resist acid, you can still entangle them with 0 damages.

Early game Fire Chemical Gun - As a secondary weapon, it's good to have. Mainly early game. It will help against mutants, and some other monster like electric spider.

XAL-001 - This unique gun is really great, and it seems that it could be a very strong addition to this build. However, due to the fact the gun can entangle yourself in acid, thus reducing your mobility and certainly kill you it's not that effective. The gun also have more damage than even very good acid pistol, and you can shoot up to 7 times under adrenaline shots. However, it "only" have 30% chance to entangle targets, (Good quality acid pistol can go up to 45%) making it less effective when you'll be using cooked shot.
It's possible to use this gun, but you'll absolutely need to have as well escape artist, and the chemical assault unit armor. That's why I recommand to stick with an high quality classic acid pistol.

B - Armor

Head - Good quality batacla at first, then you'll craft yourself a very good quality nightvision critical chance google to help against target in the darkness and give you chance to crit against unsnared target and to reduce the stealth requirement to reach 95% crit chance with ambush.

Shield - You'll have to craft the best shield possible, it will be your main defense.

Armor - You will use two different unique armor.
The Rathound King armor, since it's good for stealth, movement, protect from any kind of fears (Even the yell capacity that some melee enemies have)

The Chemical Assault Unit Armor, since it is really good overall and give you a bonus on cooked shot.

Or, if you choose to take Tailoring, you will use regenerative tactical vest or riot armor.
Antithermic regenerative supersteel Riot gear, will make you slower but a lot more resilient. It need better positioning before a fight, but you can wistand more damages. Anthithermic will prevent stealth, but will allow you to walk into fire to lure enemies, force them to waste AP.
Black Regenerative tactical vest, will work well as well, you keep high stealth and high speed, however, you can resist more damages.

Belt - First, you'll be using a Utility belt until you can get quick pockets.
You will have to find an advanced catalysing belt it can be hard to find.
*** *** ***
The Acid hunter have one, but you will need to kill them.
The Chemical Assault Unit have one as well, if you fight them during the Free Drone quests
Some Merchant have it, but it's really rare.
Found one in boxes already at the Hepheastus Facility during Protectorate quests, but I don't know if it is always the case.
*** *** ***

Expedition added a Bolt Quiver belt that is a very good choice. It reduce AP cost of Crossbow by 3 and still give you one more utility. With it, you can replace quick pockets with another feat.

Boots - You'll be looking for the best Tabi Boots possible at merchants, to help with movements and stealth.

C - Utility

Caltrops - Once you get Sure Feet, you can use Caltrops freely and it will help you a lot.
The regular caltrops are good early on, easy to buy and do relatively high damage to the low life targets of early game. It is unable to score a kill however. It is really good against bots as well, and you can cheese some parts of the game buy puting these on the patrol routes of enemies in Omega or Depot A.

Burrower poison caltrops - These are good throughout the game, and you can buy them as well easily. Compared to the regular ones, you can score a kill with them thanks to the poison. And there is a powerfull combo with burrower poison bear traps.

Stalker poison caltrops - These one are great. Like awesomely great. That's what I usually keep on the utility slot. The other caltrops are used to prepare the battlefield, not much in battle. If the fight go south ... Just lay them on a chock point and flee beyond line of Sight. You'll manage to stun the entire group for 2 turns with them for only 20 AP. Remember that on the last turn of the stalker poison (Before the stun), you can still stun a target, and it will be stun for a complete 3 turns.

Bear traps - Well, they are great with quick tinkering and deadly snare. Nothing much to say.

Burrower Poison bear traps - Here, there a trick to know. Burrower poison from caltrops do a maximum of 10 damage each turn (2 damage per stack), but usually, it will be at 5 stack. However, Burrower poison from bear traps do a maximum of 35 damages each turn (7 damage per stack), but sadly only put 2 stacks of the poison on the target.
What is amazing to know, is that a target with 5 stacks from "caltrops burrower poison" get a stack of "bear trap burrower poison" it will kinda "Upgrade" the 5 lesser poisons stacks to the better version of it. Your Burrower poison bear trap will now deal 35 damage each turn. Usually, it can lead to a kill.

Shock bolts - These are great, very high damage, stun and AOE damages around the target.
You need to have a maximum of these MK3 ones. Good against bots, as well.

Incendary bolts - These are cool as well, sometimes when you just stuned a target and still need to CC it, you can try a incendary bolt to get the fear out of it. You can also use them to finish of enemies that are on the way to a more distant target. Good against things that resist electric damages.
You should use a MK2 as much as possible and keep MK3 for the tough fights.

Flares - You might have issues with stealth enemies, mostly stalkers. Bear traps will sometimes not be enough with the room configuration. So use flare to uncover them and use aimed shot or special bolts on them.

Acidic blob traps - The acidic blob traps are very strong, and you should keep one or two for the toughest fight if you want to kill an enemy with quick tinkering only. Corrosive Acid Blob traps MK3 can do a ton of damages, and you should keep it for the strongest enemies. It's quite hard to build however and quite heavy, so it's advisable to only have few of them in the inventory.
V - Crafting
Crafting component

This build require a lot of crafting, that's why you must always check vendors and take everything you can, everytime you can.

Steel plates - You will use these plates to make caltrops and bear traps. So you're looking for low quality plates. These plates are not that frequent, so you'll keep them to craft Burrower poison Bear traps (Which are not that frequent) and Stalker poison caltrops. Usually, you won't need plates to craft regular and burrower poison caltrops and bear traps since there is a lot in shops already.

Burrower poison and Stalker poison - Keep all the burrower gland you can, same with Stalker sting. Turn it into poison and keep it for late.

Plasma cell - These are rare, and really important for you since it's needed to craft Shock Bolt MK3. Buy everything you see, and keep them to craft these bolts only.

Hexogen - These are rare as well, and really important to craft incendary bolt MK3.Same as with plasma cells, keep them and craft

Magnesium powder - Relatively frequent, a good way to craft incendary bolts MK2, which are ok for most fights.

Bolt trigger and micro electroshock discharger - Relatively frequent, but you'll use a lot of them. So buy as much as you can.

Acid, bounding agent, vials - You'll use these to craft chemical ammo. Fixer at junkyard has everything you need.

Corrosive Acid - You'll be able to have this once at DC. Make sure you'll have the needed things to make chemical ammo out of it before going to DC.

Pneumatic reloader - It's quite rare, and you'll mostly need 2 or 3 to craft cyclon crossbows along your journey. If you see one, buy it and keep it.

Anatomicaly aware scope - You'll need these one for every crossbow you'll make (Zephyr or Cyclon), so you'll need 4-5 along your journey.

Highest quality weapon component - Always check for high quality component, Zephyr parts crossbow early on, Cyclon parts mid to end game. Look for high quality blob dispenser, keep the highest quality to craft your acid pistol, use the other ones to craft incendary pistols. Same with acid collectors.

Blob dispenser - Even once you've got a good chemical pistol, continue to look for blob dispenser over 75 of quality. With it you'll be able to craft the powerfull Acidic Blob Trap MK3.

Biology stuff, drugs and medecine - I'm not good at all with crafting medecine, but I know it can be very effective. You have biology anyway, so if you feel it's needed, you can look for it.

High quality electronics - Having a good shield, good googles and a good cloaking device helps. Look for high quality electronics parts.
Cripple it Carl Dec 16, 2023 @ 10:48am 
Any updates on this build for Heavy Duty? I'm thinking of giving it a try for my next run.
Abigail is Abichill Jul 14, 2022 @ 11:01am 
Fun build, Tchort fight however is near impossible.
Zach Nov 12, 2020 @ 1:49am 
is this still viable?
zoner Feb 23, 2020 @ 3:21pm 
best merchants for high quality acid collectors? fixer only sells trash
NotaBear Dec 25, 2019 @ 9:40pm 
how are you finding incendiary collector before Depo B?
Blitze Sep 12, 2019 @ 8:52am 
So what exactly is the plan with this build? Are there any updates? Is it dead? Would be cool to see at least a lil bit of progress/update. Thank you
zion6 Sep 7, 2019 @ 11:26am 
Are you ever going to actually update this build guide?
Quidam le Paladin  [author] Aug 17, 2019 @ 9:04am 

This guide is not updated yet for Expedition. I'm working on it actually.

You can check this thread on the Underrail forum about it.