Rogue Reaper

Rogue Reaper

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The Two Major Glitches for Speed Running and How To Do Them
By God Bless America
How to do the two major glitches/exploits in Rouge Reaper for speed running. Easy step by step instructions with lots of pictures.
"Well Hop" (Skips Parkour Tutorial Stage)
To start off, fall off the main platform facing the well and exit of the room in front of you.

Forward jump onto the well, if you phase into it, jump upwards. Then position yourself onto the corner of the wells highest point of the roof facing the exit.

Now forward jump upwards and at your peaks height, hit shift to use your dash ability. Practice doing this until you land here:

Now simply jump over the railing, grab a box with "E", and jump over the crashed boxes.

The reason for grabbing the box and not just jumping over the entire thing is to kill the upcoming wolf.
"MLG Big Boi Pro Skip to Boss Room" A major skip that's pretty easy with this guide.
To start out you will need the parkour ability for those sweet double jumps.

I also would suggest getting the stealth ability for an easier dash at the end of this skip.

This glitch begins after the room filled with crows, at the final fountain. You start along the wall I am facing below.

Stand along the wall facing forward. Get ready for a burst of wall running.

Now quickly double jump, and at your peak height, wall run forwards.

Once you make it to the next wall at a new angle, jump over the intersecting line between the two walls as shown below.

Continue to wall run along that wall. At the end of it, quickly jump around the corner, move your mouse to face the wall (at an angle that allows you to wall run forwards) and wall run to the red roof. You should have enough momentum and height to make it on top of this small corner. These series of wall runs may take some practice.

PRO TIP: I personally came up with a method for this I call "off boosting" where at the corner jump instead of jumping and rotating 90%, you just run off the wall and quickly jump mid air on the other. This is much more consistent on activating the final wall run.

Now continue up the roof to see the abyss.

Double jump to the top right corner above the roof and you should jump over or on the invisible wall. As show here. (Please note I turned around 180% to get a better angle to show you.)

Now continue along the roofs in the abyss until you reach the final one, stand in it's left corner.

Now you must pull off the greatest jump of all time. First jump diagonally off the courner and turn left. I am currently turning in this picture.

Once you face the lower box seen above. dash using shift, and jump. You should be able to just barely make it onto the floor off the box.

There you can continue into the final boss room.