Discord Bot Maker

Discord Bot Maker

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Discord Bot Maker | Achievement Guide
By lylat
Discord bot maker is very simple-to-use application made to easify the task of creating bots for Discord[discordapp.com].

Most achievements are very straightforward to get, but there's some that are kinda vague on their requirements, like triggering an error to make your bot crash.
This guide is oriented to get all the achievements as fast as possible, even if you don't have any experience with the app.

Note that you'll need a Discord account to follow this tutorial. Make a new account here[discordapp.com]
if you don't have one already.

• Go to http://discordapp.com/developers and click on "New Application".
• Name it whatever you want, and then click on "Create".
• Now, click on Bot at left panel, and then "Add Bot" at right side. Confirm with "Yes, do it!".

• Click to Reveal Token, and then copy the content revealed.

• Boot Discord Bot Maker if you haven't done that yet.
• Create a new bot project.
• Fill project name and choose location, then create it.
• Go to settings.
• Paste the token you copied from Discord's developer portal into the "Bot Token" field.

★ Congratulations, your bot is ready to use.

Time to Win a Prize
You've inserted your bot token into the project. It's time to start this party!

• Go to Events and create a new event.
• Click on Event Trigger and choose "Member Join Server" from the dropdown menu.
• You don't have to create the event, just choosing it is enough.

Welcome to the Party
You've created an event triggered by a member joining. Be sure to welcome them!

• Click on "About", then on "About" and "Discord server" from dropdown menu.
• This will unlock two achievements.

About Time!
It's ABOUT time you got this achievement ABOUT the ABOUT.
Welcome to the Team
You joined the Discord server! N O W W E A R E O N E S T E P C L O S E R T O O U R T R U E G O A L

• Click on "Project", "Run Project" from dropdown menu, then save it.

Run Like the Wind!
You have run your bot! Time to see how things turned out!

• Lastly, disable your internet connection while your bot is still running to get an error.
• Since you'll be without connection, achievement will pop but not actually unlock on Steam.
• Run the app again with connection this time to get the actual unlock.

Burn Baby Burn
Looks like your bot had a little... accident. Hope it can recover!

• Just run the software from Steam 20 times.

He is happy
He is happy you have been using Discord Bot Maker so much!
How to invite the bot to my server?
This is not required to get any achievements, but if you wish to continue using the app after 100%, you can connect it to a server using the following tutorial.

• Head to Discord's developer portal (click)[discordapp.com] one more time.
• Once there, click on OAuth2 in left panel, then on "Bot" under scopes.
• Finally, copy the generated link at the bottom.

• This is an invite link, paste it in your browser to get an invite screen.
• Final step is just choosing the server where you want to invite the bot.

č May 26, 2021 @ 11:22am 
Where's the discord server?
noah01q Oct 31, 2020 @ 3:52pm 
Thai Ming Wong? Mar 18, 2020 @ 5:42am 
There is no Discord anymore, wow ;D
Cat Feb 8, 2020 @ 10:58pm 
Discord server one doesn't work.