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Souvenir/Secret Constellation Guide
От Macuelos
A guide to the finding of all the Souvenirs and Secret Constellations scattered throughout Pid - Peculiar Destination.
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First things
Hail and well met, player.

Good on you to use this guide so as to try and lower the insane amount of time necessary to find all secret items. I do need to warn you, though; I will use some terms throughout the guide to minimize the amount of repeated explaining.

If you have anything to add to this Guide, or would like to get a bit more elaboration on anything, do please say so in the Comments. I made this Guide to help others, and if there is any way in which it can be done better, that will help others even more, as per the point of this guide.

For the most part, all the Constellations and Souvenirs are obtainable on all difficulty modes. Of course, most of them are notoriously hard on the Hard Mode, what with the sudden influx of laser beams, rockets, and blue spring-spikes. Please, for your sanity, do not attempt to get them all on Hard Mode.

Cloud blocks
Cloud blocks are those funky white, see-through blocks that appear throughout the game. They will disappear when hit by a beam of light, making some of the platforming puzzles notoriously hard or downright impossible. Try to minimize the amount of cloud block damage when you are attempting to get secret items, they'll probably come in handy. Even moreso when their significance is spelled out in the guide.

Gravity Beam
You are directed by the game that throwing a beam of light directly downwards will create a beam right under you, but its usefulness is proven earlier than that.

Though Kurt is unable to cling onto walls and crawl up, improvised wall-jumping is most certainly possible. The easiest and fastest way to get about this is to first throw a Gravity Beam, get to the top of the beam, and beam the wall. Now be quick about it, and hold ↑, →, jump, and throw another beam. If you do it correctly, the new beam will be higher than the initial wall-beam.
It may require some practice at first, but once you've gotten the hang of it, you'll be scaling those walls in no time. Also immensely useful for finding and getting into those secret passages.

90° angles
The more notorious of platforming annoyances in Pid are the high-up blocks with 90° angles. Getting on top of these blocks mostly requires luck and persistence, along with a wee bit of knowledge how the beams work.
When attempting to scale 90° angles, it is imperative that you get your beam as high as possible on the vertical wall. Following that, throw a beam on the horizontal blocks as close to the first beam as possible, and jump into the vertical beam.

Burst Beam
Getting the Burst Beam will be very useful to getting a number of the secret items, but sometimes they're just a wee bit out of range, still. To deal with this, jump up and throw a Burst Beamon the ground. Now, you will start bursting off from a higher point, giving you a little edge in platforming. In the remainder of the guide, this will be known as a Jump Burst.
Souvenir #1 - Bus Ticket

Souvenir #1, the Bus Ticket, is mildly hard to miss. It's in the Reception, two platforms above the straight path. It is also right in view. I do hope you didn't need the guide for this Souvenir.
Castle Cave
Constellation #1 - Thumbs Up

The first Secret (a.k.a. yellow) Constellation, the Thumbs Up, is found in the Castle Caves, in the room where you get the ball of light. Make your way up the cloud blocks without making them disappear, then continue going up by utilizing the wall on your left.

Constellation #2 - Cube

The second Constellation, the cube-y box, is in a hidden area at the spike pit shown in the picture. Depending on the difficulty you play it in, there will be varying amount of spikes on the floor and walls. Unless you play in Easy like the screen, my preferred way of dealing with this is jumping down the pit, throwing a Gravity Beam downwards, then throwing one on the right wall, resulting in travelling into the secret passage~
To get out, throw a Gravity Beam on the left wall, then throw another at the end of the light.
The Attic
Constellation #3 - The Glasses

When ploughing your way through the Attic, you will come upon the place in the picture, a series of platforms with a few blue enemies. In the bottom-right corner, walk into the wall to find the secret passage~

Constellation #4 - The Dog

In the area of the Attic where the first Mini-Boss is, one can also find the fourth constellation. The rotating blocks will help you get higher up, and you might want to use the Cloud Blocks as well. Persistence is key, and will pay off sooner rather than later.

Constellation #5 - The Shooting Star

Moving through the Attic, at one point you will come across the actual roof of the place. Halfway through, the Constellation will be visible, but you can't get to it yet. Continue on a bit further, to a platform moving in a vertical fashion, throw a Gravity Beam, and go through the blue chimney onto the roof. The Shooting Star will now be within your reach.
Dining Room
Souvenir #2 - Dinner Menu

The Dinner Menu can be a bit of the pain if you don't have a keen eye of perception. In the Dining Room halls, you will come upon a room laid out with blue spikes on the bottom, and a few platforms of massive blocks and Cloud Blocks. A few easy enemies move about the platforms, and I'd recommend taking them out with your beam first.
Now, on the first platform with Cloud Blocks, position Kurt above the jug. Throw a Gravity Beam, and you will fall down in-between the spikes. Cancel the beam, and throw the switch. A platform will now move you to the ceiling of the hall.
Once here, jump onto the small Cloud Block. Make your way through the Hall by whisking select Cloud Blocks out of existence; the first vertical line is best worked with the upper one or two, while the second one requires at least two. This latter wall may get you to fall down, but if you destroyed the enemies as pointed out at the beginning of the section, you shouldn't have a problem. Just get back up the platform, and continue on. Getting the Souvenir will probably cost you a Safety Vest jumping between the spikes, so do check if you have one if you don't feel certain about your ability to continue on unscathed.
The Sitting Room
The Sitting Room has four Constellations that, for the most part, can be gotten in any order, but this is my preferred order of getting them.

Constellation #6 - The Clown Pistol

When in the Sitting Room hub, there are four ways to go, as evidenced by the map board in the Hub. For the Clown Pistol, take the southern route. Near the beginning of the room, you'll see a long platform with a square platform above it, as well as some Cloud Blocks. The screen will be cut off, making the Clown Pistol invisible. Move up the Cloud Blocks, and the screen will shift, bringing the Clown Pistol into view. Now simply move there with some beams and cash in your stars.

Constellation #7 - The Boat

The Boat is located in the Sitting Room to the west of the Hub, above the point you entered from. At some point in the room, you will have to put a box on a panel to open a door. However, you can move up from this point, so do so while avoiding (or destroying) the blue pain. Move on up with the Cloud Blocks, and wall-jump your way up the right wall. Continue on and you'll find a secret passage~ The Boat is here.

Constellation #8 - The Apple

The Apple is located in the room to the north of the Sitting Room hub. After getting into the second "puzzle room" of sorts, the floor will be lined with spikes, and the box in the middle of the room will open the following door. It is imperative that you do not, I repeat, Do Not go through this door now. Instead, position yourself either right before this door, or right after the last one, and throw a Gravity Beam. Now it gets tricky.
Throw a beam on the wall, but be careful not to throw it on the slanted wall. Get your beam as high as possible on the straight wall, then get to the top of the beam and attempt to throw a beam on the next straight portion of the wall. If you succeed, continue throwing beams on the wall and make your way to your prize - The Apple.

Constellation #9 - The Bow and Arrow

The last Sitting Room constellation is in the same room as the Apple, just a bit further ahead. When moving your way upwards and to the left, there will be a left wall with a small patch of red spikes. Throw a beam on the spikes, and the secret passage will open up, revealing the Bow and Arrow constellation.
Souvenir #3 - Pillow

After giving the limbless woman in the Sitting Room her limbs, the next area is the Dormitory. This is the place where La Résistance first shows up. Again, do not yet go through the door; instead, fall down right before the door. What you will find is the lovely image as portrayed in the picture, except you're on the wrong side. First things first, plant a beam on the top wall in the middle and throw a 3-Bomb along the beam to destroy the blocks in the middle of the room. Then destroy the blocks, cancel the beam when the bomb will be able to fall down onto the blocks.
Secondly, stand on the awkward protrusion in the middle and throw a beam on the spiky part of the moving block. You may need to repeat this a few times to get the robot to move onto the touch panel. The door at the beginning will now be open. Get Kurt to where the beam in the picture is, and destroy the blocks there with another 3-Bomb, or a normal bomb if you prefer those. The robot will now make its way to the next panel, granting you access to the Souvenir.
Try not to die getting out of this room, and to get back on the actual path, wall-jump.
The Library
The secret items in the Library are a bit of a pain, and may result in the pulling out of hair of one's head. You have been warned.

Constellation #10 - The Starflower

The tenth Constellation is probably the most excruciatingly annoying Constellation to get, so don't be put off if you die a few times. Waltzing through the Library, you'll come across a key that needs to be transported to a locked door. The transporting is done by throwing beams at walls and floors, and I'm sure you can figure out how to do this by now. Again, however, Do Not go through the door. Instead, throw a beam in the middle of the spikes, allowing a 3-Bomb to make its way to the destructible bombs not-so-hidden there. After that, go up there yourself. Destroy the four blocks that block the passage to the spikes, and make sure you have your 3-Bombs filled.
This is the frustrating part, so pay attention. Drop down, throw a Gravity Beam so you don't die, throw a beam on the right wall, and throw a 3-Bomb to the left. If this is done correctly, the robot will be destroyed, and the Constellation will be yours for the taking. You'll even get an extra 3-Bomb for your efforts.

Souvenir #4 - Children's Book

This Souvenir would be excruciatingly hard as well, if the next one wasn't such a horror.
Going through the majority of the Library, you'll come across a blue robot and a security camera. It is best to destroy both of these, so as to give yourself a remote chance of actually being able to get the Souvenir in the first place. Find the switch in the secret passage to the right of where the blue robot was. Now make haste and use the spring to the left and up.
When utilizing the spring, go left as much as you can and throw a beam on the block. This will give you a platform to stand on and pull the lever. After pulling the lever, make even more haste and go through this bit of platforming. At the last platform, use a Gravity Beam to move up and grab the Souvenir. Make your way back by jumping to the far right from the Cloud Blocks.
Rooftop City
The Rooftop City and the City Streets are in the same general area; the Rooftop City.

Souvenir #5 - Miniature Planet

In the top 3 of Very Frustrating Souvenirs, we find the Miniature Planet in the first area of the Rooftop City. After Bursting your way up on the first building, use a Jump Burst on the highest part of the roof to get up to a platform. Cling yourself onto this platform using a beam, and get it under your feet solid. Use another Jump Burst to get to this piece of Platform Hell.
Considering all the platforms move, take your time and try not die. I really can't help you here.

Constellation #11 - Free Fall Man

Still in the first area of the Rooftop City, nearing the end, you can find the eleventh Constellation. It's a bit hard to explain how to get here, so you're mostly on your own. Still, keep going to the highest platforms you can find and keep going to the right. Use Burst Beams when deemed necessary, and you'll come across it.

Souvenir #6 - Umbrella

In the rain area just after the boss The Crook, the Umbrella is hidden. About halfway through there is a house that will hide Kurt from sight. Here you can also find free Burst Beams, so make good use of them.
Just before the house, if you look at the upper side of the screen, you can find a (mostly) hidden platform. Use a Burst Beam/Jump Burst to get up there. Follow it up with another Burst to get to a higher, smaller platform. To finish it up, use a Burst Beam on the right side of the platform to launch yourself to a ╝-like platform. The Umbrella can be found right above you.
The Workshop
Constellation #12 - The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

This Constellation is on the lowest point of the Workshop, in the bottom-right corner of everything. From the Hub, go south and east to this room, which contains a lot of conveyor belts. Nearing the bottom is a platform with a spring; this is your target. Fall down the right side of this platform, and use the spring to reach the Constellation. The switch here will take you back to safety.

Constellation #13 - The V-Sign
I don't know what it is with the Constellation, but it seems to be in two different places. I am going to take a stab at it and guess that it is dependent on the difficulty you put it on.

On the Easy difficulty, this Constellation is above the previous Constellation. When making your way up from the bottom of the room, you'll find some destructible blocks. Go through the secret passage and jump on the Cloud Blocks to the V-Sign.

On the Normal and Hard difficulties, getting this Constellation is a bit more of a hassle. Instead of being in the lower-right corner of the Workshop, the V-Sign is instead in the upper-left corner, behind two doors that require boxes to open.
The room where the Constellation itself is located is accessed by taking the upper-left route from the Hub. (This route doesn't exist in Easy, hence the relocation) Carry on until you see a beam-manoeuvrable block on a zigzag-line. The doors and corresponding panels are located a bit up and to the left, but you are missing the boxes to open them.

The first box is located behind a door that can only be opened from the other side. Go to the upper left corner of the room you're in, and go to the next room. Carry on through this room until you can move rooms again, and you'll be at the switch and box. Get the box on a panel and get ready to collect the second box.
The second box is in a secret passage above the zigzag-rail. First, get the beam-manoeuvrable block to the top of the rail, then throw a Gravity Beam to get up. Wall-jump up a bit and you'll be able to collect the box.
Place both boxes on the panels and claim your Constellation, along with some other prizes.
Souvenir #7 - Crayon Box

The Crayon Box is in a secret area in the first room of the Labyrinth. It is ridiculously hard to give a good explanation of how to find it, but if you know the location, you can double-back your way there, eventually. The secret area where it is hidden is right next to the entrance, shown as a big block of black when you're outside of it. Perseverance pays.
The Kitchen
Constellation #14 - The Telephone

In the category "Ridiculously Hard Constellations", this one is definitely in the top three.
The Telephone constellation can be found in the first area of the Kitchen. While making your way through this room, you'll come across two conveyor belts in a ╩ shape. Use a beam on the lower one at the end to get to the platform under the conveyor belt. Here, you will find a spring.
To get to the Constellation, use the spring and go → all the way. All the way? No, not all the way. This may take a bit of practice, but you'll get it, eventually. If you go all the way → while using the spring, you'll hit the platform with spikes and fall on the spring as seen in the picture. To actually get to the Constellation, just before platform with said Constellation, go a bit to the left. This will cause you to land on the correct platform.
The key to knowing when and how long to not press → is mostly experience and intuition, so keep at it.
The Catacombs
Souvenir #8 - Stone Statue

This Souvenir is definitely in the top 3 of annoying Souvenirs.

After escaping from another gruelling boss, you'll come to this room in the Catacombs. After going over a few platforms, you'll come to a platform with a free Burst Beam refill. To get to the Souvenir, you have to use a Jump Burst , and then keep using Burst Beams on the slanted areas in between the blue blocks. Halfway, you'll get an extra Burst Beam. Two more Burst Beams and you get to the ceiling. Here, use a normal beam. Now, if you have 3+ Safety Vests, you might try and succeed to get to the Stone Statue by taking a bit of a risk. If you don't, you'll have to take even more of a risk and try to get beams on the other parts of the ceiling.
And this is not easy.

Constellation #15 - The Running Man

In the final area, just before you need to ride the big blue winged enemy, there is this secret area.
Before this, there is a bit of platforming in the shape of an S, riddled with spikes. And the end of the S, go to the left into the secret area. Here, there are oodles of Cloud Blocks. Using your slingshot, you can make a pathway to get higher up, eventually getting to the top and the Constellation.
The Opera House
The Opera House consists of both the Backstage and the Stage areas.

Constellation #16 - Tragedy and Comedy Masks (Thalia and Melpomene)

In one of the Backstage areas, while moving a key to the door at the right end, you can move upwards on the platforms. Just before the triangular platforms that move vertically, on the ceiling, there will be a gap visible. Use a Jump Burst to get up there, and you will find the Tragedy and Comedy Mask Constellation.

Souvenir #9 - Silver Teeth

After moving upwards in the Stage area, you will find yourself in a sky area of the Stage, filled with floating platforms, clouds, and aeroplanes. Make your way to the end of the room, and wall-jump up on the right wall. You'll get into a corridor with a touch panel and the Souvenir at the end. Touching the panel drops robots, so you might want to get your bombs out. Also check your safety vests; you're probably going to be needing two or more.
Space consists of Outer Space, The Moon, and the Moon Base

Souvenir #10 - Meteor

In the first area of Outer Space, after you have gotten used to the orange and the wind, you will see Meteors flying around. Grab one of them and you have gotten yourself a Souvenir. The way to do this is by platforming this as quickly as possible. I tend to get the Meteor at the second tier of platforms, where the Meteor swoops by for the second time, but I'd assume that it's possible to get it at the other places it swoops past, too.

Constellation #17 - The Rocket

The final Constellation, the Rocket, is on the first screen of the Moon. After landing on the Moon, get your Anti-Gravity Boots out and walk into the moonbeam. Thanks to your boots, you will walk into a secret passage~ Now just walk to the Constellation and you're done.

Souvenir #11 - Whistle

Quite probably in the Top 3 Definitely Very Hard Annoying Souvenirs, this penultimate Souvenir is found in the Moon Base. After going through a corridor with a few laser-thingies, robots, and Kurt-detecting rockets, you come to the next part of the room, with a dozen anti-beam areas. Move on, and just before the part with the spikes and the vertical anti-beam areas, drop down next to the spikes, and go through a secret passage~
Now the fun part begins. Wait until the robots are out of the way and destroy the blocks. Avoid the spy-robot and destroy the next blocks. Move on a bit, destroying more blocks and more robots, until you come to lasers. Here, use some smoke bombs to pass through and flip the switch. Fall down, and be wary of the robots here. Use bombs and smoke bombs, get the Souvenir, and fall back. Because you flipped the switch, a platform will move vertically, allowing you to get out of this dump. Use a smoke bomb to get past the lasers again, and go through the secret passage above the path you initially used. Carry on as normal.
Souvenir #12 - Fleeing Rat

After besting the final boss, you get some dialogue from a certain lady, and then you're on your own again. Make haste.
Near the end of the first room in the area, you'll see the Souvenir on a destructible block. Hurry and jump to it, grab it, and turn around immediately. Flee.
Now finish the game and enjoy your achievements.

Congratulation. A winner is you.
27 коментара 18 септ. 2022 в 8:40 
ZiЯA 9 септ. 2021 в 12:08 
6th souvenir: if you are out of burst beams - dont worry they're in house
ZiЯA 8 септ. 2021 в 11:32 
Tip for the 5th souvenir: if you have the yellow beam at d click d and immediatly z, it will cause a much higher jump, therefore easier way to get to the platform. This will save you a lot of time
ZiЯA 8 септ. 2021 в 7:52 
Don't know if anybody suggested this, but i hated the 4th souvenir so much that i had to cheat a little and i suggest you do the same for your own sanity. USE MUSIC BOX - it stopes the mechanism so you have a couple omre second to do the parkour jumping
Migel 27 дек. 2020 в 12:15 
For a first time gamer this might be difficult... it's not. I just went pid a second time. And honestly? All souvenirs and constellations are very easy to get. I had bigger problems with:

- Souvenir #4 - Children's Book
- Constellation #14 - The Telephone (for example, to make it easier to get to the phone, just hold the arrow down and to the right, when you land there, use the burst not to fly out)
- Souvenir #8 - Stone Statue

There is a way to get them all easily.

Thanks for the guide. I helped myself to remember their locations.
Gemini 5 юли 2020 в 8:45 
Not sure if mentionned here. But I just found a trick to make easier some of the tasks here (for my case, expecially the library souvenir.

the music box is stopping the timers.
so instead having to race, sometime, use your music box to give you a few more time to achieve your goal.
Efficient for me with the plateform part of library souvenir...
ZiЯA 20 май 2019 в 8:17 
Oh damn, but thanks a lot, for answer and guide. Great Job!
Macuelos  [автор] 20 май 2019 в 1:12 
You have to go back and pick up a constellation or souvenir again if you did not hit another checkpoint after picking it up, yes. If you pick up a constellation and go to the next room and then die, you're fine; if you pick up a constellation, die, and get sent back to the last checkpoint you hit, you'll have to try again.
ZiЯA 19 май 2019 в 3:01 
Do i have to go to a constellation again if i died?
Bilbo_51 13 окт. 2016 в 17:03 
In the library, for constellation #10, it's much easier to lower yourself slowly by throwing the gems down the side wall a bit at a time (just get in the hole and throw one down first).