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Dark rider achievement guide: Lazy edition
By Pollonesa de Calpryca
The Dark rider is a secret achievement which consists in taking a 100 miles trip with your buddy Ruin. Now if you check and double check your stats you may think: Holy cow, this is gonna take for ever!. But fear not, because here I'll try to show you how to do it the easy way
-A controller. Sorry keyboard and mouse users, you need a controller with two sticks to do this (also, why are you playing with K/M? Get a Controller! It way more comfortable)
-A rubber band
-A TV, a bed, another PC, etc
Go to a wide open place, like the begining of the Ashlands, or Leviathan's Drift and summon Ruin.
Now take your rubber band and tie together your controller's sticks so one is pointing towards the other. Ruin should be running in circles by his own.
Now go watch something on the TV, take a nap or do any other thing you can think of, you're going to leave the game alone and come back in an hour or two.
If everything went right you should now have your achievement unlocked, congratulations!!!
Drake Platinum THE WORLD Jun 9, 2022 @ 11:37pm 
I remember using this trick in GTA Online back in the day to max stealth up. Same idea just went into sneak mode in ur apt. I think its patched now.
Gibt niemals Gunst Dec 16, 2015 @ 10:18am 
It worked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzPs3HU2flU <3 I even did my laundry \o/
BSwordsman Sep 10, 2015 @ 7:35pm 
Have you guys considered doing the rubber band thing then using cheatengine to speed up the game?
MооN _ShinE Jan 24, 2014 @ 5:39am 
i can;t unlock it anyway,y tried twice and still don't get it don't know why(
clearbeard Jan 20, 2014 @ 3:02pm 
100 miles is just insane! 10 or even 20 miles you might hit over the course of the game if you ride everywhere you can; 5-10 times that is stupid.
Dumpweed Jan 1, 2014 @ 9:57am 
This achievement realy costs you time that could bespend in other games (or whatever you could do meanwhile).
HeWhoWalksAlone Dec 28, 2013 @ 2:59pm 
Couldnt agree more, while we could be storming castles we are riding our horses back and forth around and around.