Amnesia™: Memories

Amnesia™: Memories

106 ratings
"Secrets Revealed" Achievement Guide
By »Anastasiya.exe
This guide will help you unlock the "Secrets Revealed" achievement.
About this Guide
➢ Each character has 5 images that contain a dialogue line.
➢ You can find these images in your gallery (album < gallery), with a rose stamp in the top right corner.
➢ Some images has 2 parts to it with a different set of dialogue lines. Right click the image to see if there is a second part to the image.
➢ Control + Mouse 1 (Left Click) to locate the dialogue lines.
➢ Areas circled in RED means there are only one dialogue line.
➢ Areas circled in BLUE means there are 3 different dialogue lines.
➢ Once you locate all 175 dialogue lines, you should unlock the "Secrets Revealed" achievement.
♥ Shin - Heart World ♥

Originally posted by Shin:
I ended up kissing you like usual this time, but... I didn't know you had amnesia.

From your Perspective, it was like being kissed by a guy you had never met before. I'm surprised you didn't get more upset.

Were you just spacing out because of your jumbled up memories?
Originally posted by Shin:
I never expected you to have amnesia...

I'm sorry for kissing you all of a sudden.

So... Do you want to have a do-over of the kiss from back then?
Originally posted by Shin:
I'm always thinking about kissing you.
Originally posted by Shin:
Why are you touching me so much?
It's actually kind of troubling when you get so assertive.
Originally posted by Shin:
What? You asking for a kiss?

Originally posted by Shin:
Sorry, I embraced you a little too strongly...

I wanted to kiss you so badly, I couldn't help it.

There's no need to explain. That's just how much I want you. Why don't you get that already?
Originally posted by Shin:
It's pretty rare for you to touch me.
Originally posted by Shin:
You have a kind of hesitant look on your face while being kissed.
Originally posted by Shin:
What? Have something to say? Then say it. You don't need to hold back.
Originally posted by Shin:
Are you still holding that surprise kiss against me?

But I only did that after you acknowledged me as your boyfriend, right?

Or would you have preferred me to kiss you after I told you I would? Doesn't that make you more embarrassed?

Originally posted by Shin:
It really helped me out that you were with me back then.

I decided to expose everything, but I didn't have the determination.

I was able to get that determination because I wanted to be a man who you wouldn't be embarrassed to be with. So really... Thank you.
Originally posted by Shin:
I look pretty relieved.

When I'm with you, I feel relaxed no matter how tough things are for me.

I really stand no chance against you.
Originally posted by Shin:
What are you looking at...? My collarbone? Why?
Originally posted by Shin:
What do you mean you're jealous of my pretty skin...? That's not something you should say to a guy.
Originally posted by Shin:
You smell really nice...

Originally posted by Shin:
...I still remember the song you sang back then. It made me think, even if you lost your memories, your hard work in the past didn't disappear.

You couldn't sing as well as before, but it was still a really nice song.

...Every time I think about that song, my desire to work hard and become a man who you're not embarrassed to be with gets stronger,
Originally posted by Shin:
I've got really warm memories.

Just being near you makes me feel like I can calm down, and think with a cool head.

Just so you know, being next to you is my position. Don't lend your shoulder to another guy.
Originally posted by Shin:
What about my choker?
Originally posted by Shin:
Hm? Oh, I see you like this choker.
Originally posted by Shin:
If you want me to pay attention to you, just tell me straight.

Originally posted by Shin:
... I don't believe the decision I made back then was wrong.

It would be a lie to say it wasn't painful.
But it was a necessary decision.

...I'll become stronger. One day, I'll be able to face up to him, and proudly say that I can protect you.
Originally posted by Shin:

Even I have times when I cry.

...That's enough, don't look at it so much.
Originally posted by Shin:
Did you just touch me? Oh I get it, you're instigating me, then playing innocent? I'll touch you too. You'd better not complain.
Originally posted by Shin:
Hey, why are you touching me so much? ...If you touch me too much, I'll lose my self-control.
Originally posted by Shin:
What? Do you have a problem with that?

Originally posted by Shin:
You really haven't changed since you were a kid.

Especially... That smiling face of yours hasn't changed one bit.

Yea, that. I really like that smile... I want to protect that forever.
Originally posted by Shin:
When we were kids, holding hands was nothing.

But once we grow up, it's not like that at all...

Although, if you make a happy face like that, I can't let you go.
Originally posted by Shin:
...What are you smiling about?
Originally posted by Shin:
Why are you touching me all of a sudden?
...Was I walking too fast or something?
Originally posted by Shin:
...Hey, did you poke my back just now?

Originally posted by Shin:
I'm telling you in such simple terms, yet you still don't understand?

...I love you. I love you so much, I start to think I'm some idiot.

No matter what happens, I won't let you go ever again, I hope you're prepared for that.
Originally posted by Shin:
But that's good. That fact that you can still smile like that.

I thought that decision could have hurt you...

I was really unsure. I'm really glad...
Originally posted by Shin:
Your face is all red.
Originally posted by Shin:
Why are you staring at me so much? If you space out, I'll leave you behind.
Originally posted by Shin:
I don't dislike being touched by you, but...
♠ Ikki - Spade World ♠

Originally posted by Ikki:
It looks like the move we watched back then is going to be aired on TV.

I like the atmosphere of movie theaters, but...

It wouldn't be bad to relax alone together at home and enjoy ourselves, either.
Originally posted by Ikki:
I'd like to go on a movie date again.

But we don't have to just go to dark places anymore.

I want to go to bright and lively date spots with you too.
Originally posted by Ikki:
Would you rather watch me than the movie?
Originally posted by Ikki:
Why are you gazing at me like that? Have my eyes started working after all this time? ...I'm just kidding.
Originally posted by Ikki:
What? Is there something on my face?

Originally posted by Ikki:
Isn't it pretty exciting to do things like this right under people's noses?

Huh, it's not? But your hands are getting hot.

...That's just like you, it's cute.
Originally posted by Ikki:
Back then, I felt really filled with happiness.

We were just holding hands. It's strange.

But I want you to fill me with even more happiness now... Am I being a little too greedy?
Originally posted by Ikki:
My heart feels so warm when you're here.
Originally posted by Ikki:
Are you paying more attention to me than the movie?
Originally posted by Ikki:
What is it? Yeah, it's okay. Let's hold hands.

Originally posted by Ikki:
This was the first time.

I never felt so fulfilled just sitting next to someone, shoulder to shoulder.

But don't tell me to be satisfied with just that after all this time, okay?
Originally posted by Ikki:
You'd accept a kiss from me now, right? Also...

I'd be happy if you let me do more than kiss you...

...Hehe, I'm joking. You let me touch you a lot more than before, too. There's no need to rush things, don't worry.
Originally posted by Ikki:
I'll hold you tight, and warm you up. Come right over here.
Originally posted by Ikki:
What's wrong? Do you want to jump into my arms?
Originally posted by Ikki:
Are you more interested in me than the fireworks?

Originally posted by Ikki:
You let me dote on you, but is there anything you want from me?

I won't let you go until you answer.

If you don't answer, I'll kiss you... Should I take your silence as an OK?
Originally posted by Ikki:
I was pretty pathetic back then...

But you went with my selfish request, and let me hear your voice. That put me at east.

I can tell you honestly now... Thank you for back then
Originally posted by Ikki:
I want to hold your hand... Is it okay?
Originally posted by Ikki:
Can you tell that my hands are trembling a little?
Originally posted by Ikki:
It's strange. All you did was touch my arm, but it's soothing.

Originally posted by Ikki:
I was really shocked. I didn't think you had lost your memories.

Didn't you feel uneasy without any memories? I'm sorry I didn't realize it. And I'm sure my words and actions only made your anxiety worse...

I realize how worthless I was. But from now on, I'll protect you from anything, so you don't have to feel that way ever again...
Originally posted by Ikki:
Didn't I tell you? I'll tell you I love you every day, so it wouldn't matter

if you lost your memories again. But if that isn't enough...

I could charm you with a kiss every day. And we'll see how things go from there, alright?
Originally posted by Ikki:
You can wrap your arms around me, you know?
Originally posted by Ikki:
It kind of tickles when you touch my back like that.
Originally posted by Ikki:
Can you give me a hug, instead of just touching me like that?

Originally posted by Ikki:
Thank you for telling me the truth back then. I was anxious, thinking that you were growing distant from me. But I was actually the one making you anxious...

I want to say this again. I love you. Today, tomorrow, 1 year later, 10 years later... Forever.
Originally posted by Ikki:
I'm sorry for making you so easy, it was all my fault.

I won't ever make you cry like that again.

I'll protect you, I promise. THat's why... Will you let me give you a kiss, as a sign of that promise?
Originally posted by Ikki:
Don't look up at me like that too much. There's a limit to my sense of reason, you know?
Originally posted by Ikki:
You rarely ever touched me like this before, so to be honest, I'm happy.
Originally posted by Ikki:
What about my face? Do you want me to kiss you?

Originally posted by Ikki:
I'm sure you'd get mad, and say that's embarrassing.

But I want to show off even more to others that you're mine.

So can I kiss you again? hehe, this could be trouble. If you make a face like that, I might not be able to stop.
Originally posted by Ikki:
Back then, we probably looked like a soppy couple to everyone.

I really wanted to show off that you were my girlfriend.

...I won't let anyone interfere again.
Originally posted by Ikki:
Why did you touch me just now? If you want to dote on me, go right ahead and don't hold back.
Originally posted by Ikki:
Heh heh, that tickles. But I'd be okay if you kept touching me forever.
Originally posted by Ikki:
What are you so curious about?
♣ Kent - Clover World ♣

Originally posted by Kent:
I think the reason I thought the festival was fun was because, well... Because you were there with me...

If I was alone, there's a chance I would have missed the true value for making such an evaluation.

So that's why we should go visit even more places. I won't forget my promises with you ever again.
Originally posted by Kent:
Back then, I believe I told you that holding your hand was mainly for safety reasons.

Those words weren't a lie. However, if I had to state another reason besides that...

I... Uh... I wanted you to be closer to me.
Originally posted by Kent:
Is there something wrong with my face?
Originally posted by Kent:
...Uh, don't gaze at me like that...
Originally posted by Kent:
...I don't know what to do when yo touch me.

Originally posted by Kent:
Why did you wear a swimsuit with such a lack of cloth?

It wasn't just me, there were many men there, you realize?

You already draw enough attention from men. So please... Try not to make me jealous.
Originally posted by Kent:
I understand the desire to overly monopolize someone is not an admirable trait.

However, leaving you alone presents the danger of men with wicked intentions trying to talk to you.

Thinking like that, I don't want to take my eyes off you I want you to be near me.
Originally posted by Kent:
I can't agree that touching men so much is a good idea. You should realize the danger of touching a man like that. And I'm... A man too, after all...
Originally posted by Kent:
By the way, do slender men or muscular men make a more favorable impression on you? ...No, nevermind. Forget that.
Originally posted by Kent:
You've been looking at my body for a while now... Have you made some sort of interesting discovery?

Originally posted by Kent:
Uh... There's something I'd like to request...

I'd like it if you did your best to only show that to me... No, nevermind.

What am I saying...
Originally posted by Kent:

I may have voiced complaints, but going to the pool back then was good memory.

It might be good to go again sometime. However, next time, I'd like it if you wore a swimsuit that was a little less... Provocative
Originally posted by Kent:
I'd be able to find you in a moment even without glasses, though.
Originally posted by Kent:
...! Oh, uh, sorry. It's just unusual for you to touch me...
Originally posted by Kent:
Is it that unusual to see me without glasses?

Originally posted by Kent:
Back then, I took a pretty bold course of action...

However, in order to prevent other men from taking you, and thinking of our future together,

I wanted to ask. I need to know how you felt about me.
Originally posted by Kent:
I feel truly happy when you're near me.

I believe your very existence is "happiness" itself, for me.

Could you come over here? I want to feel that happiness even close to me.
Originally posted by Kent:
When you touch me... Uh, while I'm embarrassed, part of me is also happy... Human minds sure are complicated.
Originally posted by Kent:
Hm What is it? Does this mean you desire physical contact with me?
Originally posted by Kent:
I want to touch you like I did back then, but... Is it... Okay?

Originally posted by Kent:
Just like you said, there's no reason or logical explanation behind the feeling of love.

I'm still perplexed how I should manage my growing feelings for you with each passing day.

I want to be special to you. I want to be the only one for you. I can't stop longing for these things every day.
Originally posted by Kent:
I heard about your disappointed love in that classroom.

If only I better understood my own feelings...

I know now that being abel to understand each other like this is a very happy thing.
Originally posted by Kent:
Is there an issue with my clothing? I was being careful with my personal appearance, knowing you'd be looking...
Originally posted by Kent:
Does this mean... You wish for me to embrace you? I hope this isn't simply hubris...
Originally posted by Kent:
Your line of sigh has been moving around for a while, does that mean you're embarrassed?

Originally posted by Kent:
To be honest, I was uneasy. I thought your feelings would grow distant from me.

However, you came for me. That's why I believe it's time for me to answer those feelings.

I love you. I doubt I'd be able to go on without you, and only you.
Originally posted by Kent:
When I found you helpless like this, I could feel adoration overflowing from my heart.

I wanted to rush over to you, and I succumbed to the urge to embrace you.

I tried to control myself, but... That was the first time when I felt overwhelmed by happiness.
Originally posted by Kent:
It's a happy thing to be able to feel you this close to me.
Originally posted by Kent:
You're looking at me quite intently...
Has something about me changed?
Originally posted by Kent:
Why are you looking at me so much? Well... I guess that goes for us both.

Originally posted by Kent:
I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart that you came for me.

Living without being able to see you is the most painful thing possible for me.

I love you. No matter what happens, I won't let you go again...
Originally posted by Kent:
London is a fine city. It has history, and elegance. And also...

The people there are honest about their own feelings.

I start to think that I've become a little more honest about my feelings... Would it be okay for me to embrace you?
Originally posted by Kent:
Winter is London is cold, after all. I can't let go of this scarf.
Originally posted by Kent:
You seem a little cold... If you'd like, I could buy you warmer clothes as a gift. Let's go shopping together sometime.
Originally posted by Kent:
I like this scarf the most.
♦ Toma - Diamond World ♦

Originally posted by Toma:
Your face was all red back then...

It's crazy to expect a guy to stay in control when he sees the girl he likes in her underwear right in front of him.

Anyway... You should reconsider what you did.
Originally posted by Toma:
I was trying to hide my feelings, and then the girl I like shows me her underwear. You realize I was totally flustered in my mind, right?

I thought I'd end up destroying the relation as an older brother I maintained for so long, with my own hands...

I'm really glad I was able to control myself...
Originally posted by Toma:
Exactly what kind of reaction were you expecting from me?
Originally posted by Toma:
I start to remember this every time I pass the shop.
Originally posted by Toma:
Don't stare at my face so much.

Originally posted by Toma:
Even if you feared me, and rejected me, I was desperate to protect you.

But... To be honest, I was scared. I wasn't thinking straight.

That's because I was so in love with you, I didn't know what to do.
Originally posted by Toma:
I'm really sorry about back then.

I doubt you'd forgive me just because I said a few words.

I wanted to protect you, and that's all... But that's just an excuse.
Originally posted by Toma:
I didn't want to be disliked by you, but I was beyond the point of stopping...
Originally posted by Toma:
I did a terrible thing to you, but I felt at ease knowing you were close at hand.
Originally posted by Toma:
I could only do this to protect you...

Originally posted by Toma:
Back then, your sleeping face...

I had forced you to sleep, but you had such a peaceful look on your face...

...I don't really want to think about these things anymore.
Originally posted by Toma:
I did such terrible things to you, but yo still accepted me.

I know this sounds presumptuous, but... I want you to be with me forever.

I'll make you happy. I promise to protect you for life, no matter what happens.
Originally posted by Toma:
Hm? What about my arm?
Originally posted by Toma:
I forcibly embraced you, so it probably hurt, right? I'm sorry.
Originally posted by Toma:
If you touch me too much, I'll start touching you back.

Originally posted by Toma:
I wanted to protect you from anything and everything...

To do that, I thought it would be okay even if you and Shin hated me for it...

...But somewhere in my heart, I could't give up on my feelings for you.
Originally posted by Toma:
What happened to be stuffed toy from back then?

I thought you'd be lonely by yourself, so I bought it for you...

Although you never asked for such a thing...
Originally posted by Toma:
Were you afraid of me?
Originally posted by Toma:
I put you in that cage for my own sake, too...
Originally posted by Toma:
You want to know how I got that cage in my room? ...Why do you ask?

Originally posted by Toma:
It's hard to know people's feelings unless they actually say them...

I know this sounds shameless after doing such terrible things to you.

But from now on, I'll try to always make my feelings clear, so there aren't any misunderstandings. I want you to hear me out when I do.
Originally posted by Toma:
When I think of what could have happened if I didn't read this diary, I get chills.

I would have probably kept misunderstanding your feelings, and probably more terrible things to you...

...I'm sorry. I didn't know how you felt, and did something like that to you. I want to make it up to you.
Originally posted by Toma:
You were hurt, and in pain... I'm sorry.
Originally posted by Toma:
You're still keeping that diary, right?
Originally posted by Toma:
I doubt I'l ever forget this day in my life.

Originally posted by Toma:
I really said some terrible things...

I thought that no matter what I did, you'd always run away from me...

I even thought about breaking you, so you couldn't possibly live without me...
Originally posted by Toma:
When this happened, I finally fully realized something.

When it comes to you, I get extremely narrow tunnel vision.

This isn't a good thing. I'll be more careful, so I can really treasure you.
Originally posted by Toma:
Don't play jokes. Making a face like that is just cute.
Originally posted by Toma:
The look on my face is looking really pathetic...
Originally posted by Toma:
So why are you looking at my face so much?

Originally posted by Toma:
I don't know what you see in me...

But I don't want you to regret choosing me...

I won't ever let you go. No matter what happens, I won't let you go.
Originally posted by Toma:
I always... Always wanted to do this.

I wanted to embrace you like this.

...I did so many terrible things to you, yet you chose me. I'll make you happy, I swear...
Originally posted by Toma:
You want to be with me? ...If you're okay with me, I'll be with you as long as you like.
Originally posted by Toma:
It's nice when I touch you, but it's also pretty nice when you touch me.
Originally posted by Toma:
That look on your face when you're doting on me is so cute, I have a hard time restraining myself...
♪ Ukyo - Joker World ♪

Originally posted by Ukyo:
I didn't think I'd see you there...

And after how much I warned yo not to get near me...

But I wanted to see you too, so I couldn't contain my happy feelings.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I wanted to touch you for all this time, but I couldn't...

That's why it's hard to believe we can touch so naturally now...

I feel like I'm dreaming.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
...? Maybe I should cut my hair soon?
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I never thought the time would come when we could touch like this.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
What is it? Was I making a weird face?

Originally posted by Ukyo:
I still remember the first time we met. You cam to Kobe on vacation, and I gave you directions when you were lost... It really was a trivial little coincidence.

But that's when everything started... That coincidence is still a very important memory to me.

Oh, right! Do you want to go here together sometime? If possible, when the cherry blossoms are blooming?
Originally posted by Ukyo:
If you'd like, do you want to go visit that place next time we meet?

We'll take a photo together very time we go.

And we'll hope that we can keep spending more time together, forever.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
...! Oh, sorry! You touched me so suddenly, it surprised me.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
It's comforting being with you.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
Why are you staring at me so much? Want to have a staring contest?

Originally posted by Ukyo:
It's kind of embarrassing thinking about it now.

I had never met you before, but you saw me crying...

But that was an opportunity for us to start talking.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I've gone through this world so many times, and kept denying my fate each time...

But... I really do think it's fate that we met.

This line might sound cliche, but... I'm really glad I met you...
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I'm happy you can touch me like this, but it's hard to get used to it.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
...? What is it? Huh, I got taller since then? Hm, I don't know. I really doubt I've grown.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I might just be easily moved to tears...

Originally posted by Ukyo:
This is when I visited your room at the end of July.

Of course I remember it. That's because, back then... Seeing your troubled face was so cute...

I ended up kissing you by surprise.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I think it would be best if you were a little more wary around men.

To be honest, I sometimes think your caution around other men is too low.

So, what I'm trying to say is... Be more careful, because it makes me jealous. Got it?
Originally posted by Ukyo:
If you're going to touch me like that... We should hold hands.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
Hehe.Your face is all red, you know?
Originally posted by Ukyo:
My heart's always racing when I'm near you. Is the beating of my heart really loud...?

Originally posted by Ukyo:
I was really happy back then...

I never dreamed that the day would come when I could embrace you again...

I'm glad I didn't give up on you.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
Looking back at the past like this, I start to feel that being able to spend time with you really is a miracle.

Don't go anywhere again.

Stay with me always, and forever. Please.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
It's okay to look, but you need to show me your face too.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
It's okay if you want to touch me. Oh! Nevermind that! Forget it, okay?
Originally posted by Ukyo:
Was it the first time you gazed at someone from this close? ...Me too.

Originally posted by Ukyo:
The words you said back then.

My heart skips a beat every time I remember them.

...I really want to thank you for being with me like this now.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I was always watching you in this repeating world.

But... I didn't think a future would come when you'd be with me. I'm so happy, I start to think this is all just a dream.

But it's not a dream... Starting from now on, I'll be able to live with you, together.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
If it's okay with you, could you hold me even tighter? I want to feel you even more.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
Your arms are so warm...
Originally posted by Ukyo:
I've never felt so happy in my life.

Originally posted by Ukyo:
This is the time I said thank you.

To tell the truth, I was fighting back tears.

...Huh? You realized it? Heh-heh, I see, I guess that's right. You were that close to me, after all.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
...I look forward to the days we're going to spend together so much.

Happy times, and fun times. There may even be some sad or painful times in there, as well...

But no matter what happens on any day, if you're there, I'd be happy. So let's be together, forever.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
...Could you not look at my face much right now? Um... I feel like I could start crying.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
...If we're this close, we could even hear each other's heartbeats.
Originally posted by Ukyo:
Being together with you is my greatest happiness.
Banake Sep 11, 2023 @ 3:12am 
Thanks. \o
Sam Aug 30, 2022 @ 2:07am 
I just got the achievement thanks to your guide, and want to say that you definitely DO NOT need to listen to all the voices. Please don't waste your time. I got my achievement by spam clicking and checking if I'd seen every single voiceline :Skull_DGR:
angel Jul 17, 2022 @ 3:07am 
To those of you about to comment that you didn't get the achievement: You need to listen to the full voice lines and can't skip through them/end them early.
Musicanime Apr 11, 2022 @ 3:23pm 
This guide is amazing! I was able to get the achievement. There is an error with the 5th picture for Ukyo. The dialogue listing was correct though
Ksana Silk Mar 14, 2022 @ 3:41pm 
guess i'm late, but if for some reason you catch achievement bug and can't get one: just move game files to another folder/ Some bugged achievements would added immediately after loading and for some replay is needed.
Demon_Dronny Feb 10, 2022 @ 4:45am 
Ukyo , четвертая картинка не правильная.
kandiiyuutaamu Jul 10, 2021 @ 4:22am 
Does all of these routes have to be done in chronological order or can they just be spontaneous?
Jumkot Aug 28, 2020 @ 4:50am 
Thanks a lot for your work, this guide really SAVED me!

Before I used a another guide in Internet but wasn't getting the achievement and later found the your work. Then I realized that not the entire "sound zone" was allocated on that site. It's worth noting that the guide is easy to use and a pleasure to work with

Really thankful you :BEheart:
Crystal Blue Jul 16, 2020 @ 10:16am 
Thank you for this guide! This is a well made guide and I managed to get all the hidden voice lines!!.Although it took me about 3 tries... I didn't realise you had to sit and listen through each single voice line. (I read pretty fast) I don't let the voices finish and basically spam clicked my way through in a way. Because of that I was really confused why I wasn't getting the achievement. So if you having issues with the achievement I suggest listening to each line till the voice finishes before moving on!!:Ukyo:
Haru May 11, 2020 @ 10:43am 
I did everything in here but I guess my achievements are broken: they never worked.