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Demon's Tilt: A Comprehensive Guide
Készítő: Tegiminis
A guide to Demon's Tilt which provides you with the knowledge necessary to rack up those high scores.
Warning! This guide will be updated whenever possible!

This guide is as complete an understanding of Demon's Tilt that I currently have. If you see information that is incorrect or missing, please drop me a line, and you will be credited.

If we share the knowledge we have, then together we'll crack scores nobody dreamed possible!
Quick Tips
Don't want an in-depth explanation of the board, just some quick mechanical tips to help you do better? Here you go!

  • Focus on building multiplier over score. Score will come naturally as you play, because almost everything in Demon's Tilt increases your score.
  • Activate Wizard Mode by completing all rituals. Wizard Mode increases your global multiplier, which is a big bump to score.
  • Scoring over 100m in a single ball will turn the Tier 1 outlanes into Hardcore outlanes. Make sure you're prepared!
  • Cradling makes it easier to hit most ramps. Every ritual start ramp shot is easiest by cradling with the left flipper.
  • Hit the Priestess in the face frequently. Green magic is very useful for building multiplier and giving you safety options everywhere, so try to keep Tier 2 full of soul demons and spikes.
  • Slots provide you with various safety benefits in Tier 1. These range from temporary drain portals to outlane kickouts to bullet conversion. Useful!
  • Keeping the ball which activates the final phase of the Priestess cradled in Tier 3 allows for an easy Ultra Jackpot. When the final cup shot has been made - where the Priestess explodes in green flame - another ball will enter the field. If you keep the cup ball cradled in the left flipper on Tier 3, you can use the multiball to increase the Ultra Jackpot's base score without giving up an easy scoring opportunity.
  • Farm coins whenever possible. They increase the Chimera Ultra Jackpot's base score, which is a very easy and lucrative jackpot.
  • Use the Claw kickout to change flippers in Tier 1. Just wait after the kickout for the ball to bounce off the right flipper and onto the left. It's a really easy and safe way to change flippers.
Improving Your Play
This is a list of quick tips on mentality, practice, and so on that will help you improve your play. They worked for me!

  • Master nudging. There's a reason why it's the first entry in the Quick Guide.
  • Feel out how long you have to wait between nudges to avoid raising the tilt meter too high. The tilt meter (bottom right) decays over time, so there's a particular rhythm to nudging that you can learn to keep it from hitting max (which instantly drains your ball).
  • Don't be afraid to slow down. While combos are important, and losing a long combo feels bad, losing a ball can destroy your momentum. If there's too much on screen for you to keep track of, take a moment to cradle and let the chaos subside. You can always get the combo back.
  • Practice your shots. Really basic pinball advice, but extra important here. Hitting ramps and other passages is important to advancing each table, and missed shots can fill the screen with bullets or even advance the table further than you're ready to handle.
  • Observe the board as you play. It's not enough to just make shots; you need to understand why you make shots. The later portions of this guide will tell you, but nothing beats first-hand experience.
  • If you start to get frustrated, do something else. It's easy to get annoyed playing pinball tables. If you find yourself too amped up or frustrated, take a break. Go for a walk, make yourself some tea, whatever. The more adrenaline pumping through you, the harder it will be to make good choices.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself, and be consistent. If your personal best is 400m, but you score 40m most games, you should go easy on yourself if you fail to exceed 400m. Improving your average score is almost more important than a personal best, because your average score is a good indicator of your consistency, and consistent players get shots at personal bests more frequently.
  • Don't judge your skill by the players in the top 10. It's self-defeating to focus on the players who are already at the top. Rather, try to focus on exceeding people within a few ranks of you, or friends. Narrow the scope of your competitive nature to more realistic goals. Eventually you'll be at the top yourself!
  • Play regularly, and don't be mad with yourself if you do poorly after a long absence. Pinball requires regular practice to stay limber, and the more you practice, the better you'll get. A few games a day will keep you from losing your edge, and more will hone it even sharper.

This is a quick and dirty list of useful techniques that I find myself using more than once.
  • Cradle: Holding the flipper button so that your ball is "cradled" at the base of the flipper. Important for lining up shots and preventing the loss of a ball.
  • Nudge: Nudging the ball in a direction. This alters the ball's trajectory, and is required for high-level play. There are a number of useful techniques which utilize nudging, such as:
    • Cradle Nudge: Nudging the moment the ball hits a cradling flipper. This kills all momentum, which is useful for saving a ball that might have too much speed to simply be cradled.
    • Curveball: Nudging a ball shortly after hitting it. Allows you to curve the ball's trajectory, which is of varying usefulness.
    • Back Shot: Nudging a ball backwards after hitting it with the base of the flipper (immediately after releasing a cradle). Hitting a ball with the base of a flipper causes it to go upwards more than forwards. If you nudge backwards at the same time, you can easily hit targets behind the flipper. Very, very useful.

Scoring in Demon's Tilt is controlled through three elements: scoring events, multiplier, and combos.

Scoring Events
Scoring events are any event which increase your score (duh!). Almost every interaction with a table feature counts as a scoring event, from hitting a kicker to scoring a jackpot. You can see the score as little numbers that float up from the position of the ball when the score is made.

There are roughly four tiers of scoring event, listed here in ascending order by amount (and, not coincidentally, descending order of frequency): Normal, Jackpot, Super Jackpot, Ultra Jackpot. As all scores are affected by multiplier, you will see exponential returns on high scoring events with high multiplier. See the guide proper for specifics on how to trigger the jackpot scoring events.

Generally speaking, the path to higher scores requires you ignore normal scoring events for a long time. All score you get on the way to jackpots and higher multipliers is essentially filler until you get a really high multiplier. Keep this in mind, so you don't spend too much time racking up small amounts of score.

Multiplier is how your score gets big. It does what it says on the tin: multiplies your score.

There are 3 kinds of multiplier: base multiplier, global multiplier, and jackpot multiplier, applied in that order.

         Normal Score = Base Score * Mx * Gx
         Jackpot Score = Base Score * Mx * Gx * Jx

Base Multiplier (Mx)
Base multiplier comes from several different sources, and appears as a floating green coin on the table when acquired. Typically, players will get multiplier from forging at the anvil (1 Mx per charge), defeating bosses (variable), or completing rituals (3 Mx per ritual letter, is retained through ball loss). Caps at 99x. More detail on where you can gain multiplier can be found in the table guides.

Global Multiplier (Gx)
Global multiplier is the second tier of multiplier, and is applied after regular multiplier. This means that increasing your Gx is the quickest way to rack up enormous scores. The only source of Gx is Wizard Mode.

Jackpot Multiplier (Jx)
Jackpot multiplier applies only to jackpots. It increases with every third ritual letter you complete.

Combos are a feature which rewards aggressive play. Every time you trigger a scoring event, it increments the combo meter. If you wait a short amount of time after scoring, you drop the combo and receive the bonus score.

In order to take full advantage of combos, you have to play aggressively and confidently. As any scoring event counts, hitting bullets will increment the combo and reset the timer, but can also knock your ball off track and into a bad position. Taking time to line up a shot will almost definitely drop a combo. You need to know where and how you are hitting your ball before it reaches the flipper.

That said, don't be afraid of dropping combos to keep a ball. If the field is too dangerous, just let your combo go. Combos will not increase your score as fast as multipliers, and losing a ball is far more destructive to your score.

Bullet Conversion
Bullet conversion is a an normal scoring event which I am listing separately because it is vitally important.

Whenever enemies shoot regular bullets - the fancier ones, such as pentagrams or stars, won't do this - there are sometimes gold, polyhedral bullets. If collected, these bullets will convert every other bullet on the board to a gold coin, which are then collected by the claw on Tier 1.

        Note: You can also convert bullets by hitting the Tier 3 kickers.

Every coin you collect adds to the base value of the Chimera Ultra Jackpot. Upon claiming the Chimera Ultra Jackpot, the bank will be returned to the base value of 100k.

Converting bullets is an extremely effective way to pump up your score, especially at higher multipliers. It boosts your combo by a significant amount, and clears the board of those irritating, momentum-killing bullets. It also makes the easiest Ultra Jackpot much more valuable.

Common Board Features
For your sake and mine, the table of Demon's Tilt is divided into three tiers for this guide:

  • The Hermit, aka Tier 1
  • The Priestess, aka Tier 2
  • The Chimera, aka Tier 3

Each Tier can be considered a sort of independent table, but there are a number of common board features. They are:

  • A Tier-specific ritual which introduces you to the major scoring elements of each Tier
  • A boss whose phases you can advance through to earn the opportunity for an Ultra Jackpot
  • A seance bonus which involves gathering blue flames on the board and collecting a blue diamond
  • Portals and paths which move your ball between Tiers
  • Board enemies and bullets which disrupt your ball and score points

Each Tier guide will cover the ritual, the boss, and major table features.
Tier 1: The Hermit
Hermit Ritual
The Hermit Ritual is activated by hitting the mini-ramp directly above the right flipper, and it feeds into the top right flipper. Like all rituals, you will have to complete a series of objectives in order. Upon completing all rituals once, the order randomizes. The objectives are:

  • Kill 10 gore demons. Gore demons emerge from the right side of the board, traveling upwards in a wave pattern. When you trigger this ritual, you will receive a drain portal, which conveniently teleports your ball using the same path the gore demons take. Think of it as a free kick to Tier 2.
  • Kill 5 blood bats. Blood bats congregate at the top of the board, patrolling between the flipper at the top left and the cage at the top right. Easiest to do by dropping through the drain in T2, taking the drain portal in T1, or launching a ball at the cage.
  • Kill 5 Mastroshka. Matroshka in Tier 1 appear along the curved passage to the left of the anvil. Easiest to reach with a shot from the miniramp flipper, but the portal underneath the T2 flipper also leads there. You can also kill Matroshka on other Tiers.
  • Hit 5 tiles. These are the tiles along the path directly above the miniramp. Easiest to do by falling from Tier 2, or by nudging up after hitting the miniramp.
  • Spin slots. Hit the spinners near the claw once to spin the slots.
  • Flip 4 cards. Hit the cards underneath the Tier 1 boss to flip them and score points. If you're having trouble getting the last card, hitting the spinner will sometimes reset the cards.

The Boss(es)
Tier 1 is unique in that it doesn't have one boss, but many. Every time you kill a boss, it advances down the list in the order given. Once you've killed them all, the list repeats and the boss colors shift. Killing bosses also gives you multiplier, and sometimes adds a portal to the drain which will warp your ball to Tier 2

Every boss shoots bullets when hit. Some also have other behaviors, which are noted below.

  • Hermit: Will telekinetically throw the ball when hit. Deceptively dangerous, as there's nothing you can do about the telekinesis. Creates a drain portal on death.
  • Soldiers: Actually many small skeletons in a regular formation. Hitting one from the front violently repulses the ball, but a hit from the back is an instakill. Easy and relatively safe; if you can keep one on the right side alive, you can avoid the more dangerous bosses while keeping the shots which ascend you to T2 clear. Creates a drain portal on death.
  • Cephalopod: A dangerous eldritch horror. Shoots a huge amount bullets in a 360 formation when hit. Great for farming coins, but also relatively weak; dies in only a few hits. Upon death, triggers a multiball. Creates a drain portal on death.
  • Homunculi: A three-headed homunculi. You receive a multiball for this boss, which is good, as hitting it sometimes temporarily creates a gravity well directly above the drain. An incredibly dangerous boss for this reason, so don't be afraid to take your time to make sure your ball remains safe.
  • Goat: A demonic-looking goat with many eyes. Hitting the goat can make the eyes pop out, causing a pseudo-multiball. This can be a bit disorienting (Not sure what the eyes are used for yet, if anything. Sound off if you know!)

The Anvil
A major part of how you gain multiplier in Demon's Tilt is through the use of the anvil.

As the Priestess casts magic, the Anvil charges. Each cast equals one charge for the anvil. You can tell when the Priestess is casting by looking for green rings of flame ascending into the sky, or the phrase "pachi reward" in the bottom left. To start her casting, enter her cup while you have green magic charge.

These charges are converted into multiplier when a ball is on the anvil being forged. Thus, you will periodically want to return to the anvil to raise your multiplier, as it is far more efficient than completing rituals. Effective use of the anvil can double the amount of multiplier you would otherwise get!

If you have max multiplier, the anvil is also an effective way to boost your score, as collecting multiplier at max gives you a large score bonus. At Mx 99 and Gx 3, I was getting almost 4m per forge!

You can reach the anvil by portal, shooting from the miniramp flipper, or shooting from the right flipper.

Jackpot - The Cage
Dangling immediately to the right of the boss, underneath the Tier 2 right flipper, is a cage. Upon completing a ritual letter, the cage will become a jackpot.

Super Jackpot - The Claw
Underneath the anvil and surrounded by spinners. It appears (unsure) that gathering coins turns the Claw into a Super Jackpot. The Claw itself is a kickout which throws the ball at the right flipper.

Ultra Jackpot - The Anvil
Upon killing enough bosses, the Anvil will become an Ultra Jackpot. Unfortunately, reaching the Anvil in Tier 1 is relatively annoying, so banking in that jackpot is tough.

Table Features
Slot Machine
There are a number of spinners next to the claw which spin the spell slots below the Tier 1 bosses. Also a ritual objective. The spells you can get are:
  • Midas: Converts all bullets to gold.
  • Shuffle Cards: Shuffles the cards so you can flip them again

The Claw
Hitting a ball into the Claw kickout will shoot it back onto the board. If there the Super Jackpot is not active, the claw will give you a random safety bonus: an outlane kickback, or a drain portal. If the claw attempts to activate a kickback which is already active, nothing will happen.

There are four slots below the boss which look like face cards in a playing deck. When your ball passes over them, they lock as the currently-displayed card. Aligning all the cards as aces gives a big bonus. Generally a passive scoring element. Also a ritual objective.

Tile Path
This is the vertical path, typically blocked by tiles, which is directly above the miniramp and top right flipper. If the tiles are cleared, it is an easy access to Tier 2. Also a ritual objective.

Extra Flippers
Tier 1 has two extra flippers compared to Tier 2 and 3. There is a flipper on the right which is primarily used when you hit the miniramp, and there is a flipper on the top left which can easily knock you into Tier 2.

  • Matroshka: When hit, will bounce your ball and give some coins. Only found along the left passage.
  • Gore Demons: Allows fast balls to pass through, but will frequently cradle falling balls, and can impact your momentum badly. Appears from the right side, then moves in a wave pattern toward the top.
  • Blood Bats: Roughly similar to gore demons, except they hang out at the top and patrol from left to right.

  • The miniramp, which starts rituals and leads to the top right flipper
  • The top left ramp, which leads to Tier 2

This is a list of all green magic portals in Tier 1.
  • Drain Portal: Prevents you from going down the drain. Shoots you up to Tier 2 using the path the Gore Demons take. Appears because of killing bosses, slot machine spells, or performing rituals on Tier 1.
  • Top Left Portal: Directly underneath Tier 2's left flipper. Takes you to the Anvil, so very useful for building multiplier. Can also take you to the Matroshka path to the left.
  • Tile Path Portal: At the end of the Tile Path, directly underneath the divider between Tier 2 and Tier 1. Takes you to Tier 3.
Tier 2: The Priestess
Arcane Ritual
The Arcane Ritual is activated by hitting the right ramp which feeds into a spike pit. Like all rituals, you will have to complete a series of objectives in order. Upon completing all rituals once, the order randomizes. The objectives are:
  • Kill 25 soul demons. Soul demons are spawned by the Priestess periodically or when hit. Kill 25 of them. Also funds green magic.
  • Hit pop bumpers 15 times. The pop bumpers are in the left part of the board, and are relatively difficult to consistently reach. Hitting bumpers gives coins and sometimes multiplier.
  • Spend 30 pachi balls. The green magic meter is the "pachi balls". When the Priestess casts, it counts as spending them. So to do this objective, build meter and then enter the Priestess' cup.
  • Hit the left ramp 5 times. This is the Jackpot ramp which deposits the ball at the left flipper, not the ramp that takes you to Tier 3. Easiest to hit by cradling in the right flipper.
  • Retract spikes 15 times. Hit the right ramp when there are spikes on the field; easiest by cradling in the left flipper. When you bump into the spikes, you'll get progress.
  • Travel the secret passage 3 times. This is the passage on the right side of the table - directly above the right ramp - which leads to Tier 3. Can be made from either flipper.

The Priestess
The Priestess is the boss of Tier 2.

During all phases, the Priestess will spawn soul demons and spikes if hit by the ball. If hit twice in rapid succession, she will telekinetically throw the ball in a random direction (can be influenced by nudging). She also shoots bullets in increasing amounts as you progress through her phases, and some bullets will even home in on your ball! Rude.

When your ball goes into the cup on the Priestess' forehead, you will receive points, the Priestess will begin casting, and your ball will be launched straight into the Chimera. A spiky pink ball will block you from reentering the cup for a short while, bouncing your ball away violently.

The Priestess has multiple phases, but we can break them into 3 general categories:

The Priestess is sleeping. She will shoot bullets and spawn enemies only when hit by the ball. Upon going in the cup, the Priestess awakens.

The Priestess is awake and actively mucking about. She will summon soul demons, cast green magic, and shoot bullets at you. Each time you enter the cup, she will cast again, assuming you have enough green magic. She visibly deteriorates as you enter the cup, until finally exploding in green flame.

At the start of this phase, you trigger a 2-ball multiball. The Priestess is visibly demonic and shoots lots of bullets at you. You have 60 seconds, visible as a timer above your score, to make an Ultra Jackpot shot into her cup before she resets.

You can increase the base value of the Ultra Jackpot by 15k by hitting the Priestess' face while the jackpot is active.

Green Magic
As you kill enemies and interact with the board on Tier 2, you fund a green magic meter, visible at the bottom left of Tier 2. You can see when you get green magic, as green flames will travel to the meter. Green magic will start to decay if you have not acquired or spent any recently.

When you enter the Priestess' cup, she will begin to cast portals (and flames?) around the board, expending all green magic and adding to the Anvil's charge for each cast. If you kill soul demons to add to the meter during casting, it will increase the number of times the Priestess casts. Once all green magic is expended, she stops.

The easiest way to fund green magic is to hit the Priestess, which spawns some soul demons. Killing soul demons with your ball gives you lots of green magic, and you'll probably hit the Priestess trying to reach the ramps anyway.

Jackpot - Left Ramp
On the left side of the table there is a ramp which curves near the pop bumpers and deposits the ball at the left flipper. Upon completing a ritual letter, this will give you a jackpot.

Super Jackpot - Tier 3 Ramp
Not sure what causes this, but the ramp on the left which takes you to Tier 3 periodically becomes a Super Jackpot.

Ultra Jackpot - The Cup
Upon advancing the Priestess through enough phases, she will turn demonic and her cup will become an Ultra Jackpot.

Table Features
Along the top of Tier 2, directly adjacent to the Tier 3 flippers, are votives. These candles alight when you hit them with your ball, and which candles are lit seems to determine what spells the Priestess casts when using green magic. Hitting all of them is pretty difficult as the Priestess is in the way from almost every angle; you'll need to use nudging to hit these bad boys.

If your ball falls behind your Tier 3 flipper while it is raised, you can trap it against the votives by releasing the flipper. This allows you to hold the ball as long as you like. Of middling usefulness; you can use it to hold a ball until the Priestess' cup is open, but that's about it.

Pop Bumpers
When you thread the needle between the two left ramps, you end up in the pop bumper area. The value of pop bumpers is dependent on how much you hit them; low combos simply give coins, but high combos give multiplier. Great way to rack up multiplier quickly, if you're lucky.

When you take the right ramp, your ball will fall down through a pit of spikes. Each spike that's hit will retract, scoring you points and adding to your green magic.

Tier 2's seance is along the path through the secret passage which takes you to Tier 3. There is also a skill shot seance bonus for hitting the top left ramp immediately after your ball spawns.

  • Matroshka: When hit, will bounce your ball and give some coins. Will appear next to the Priestess after a boss cycle or two.
  • Soul Demons: Same as the gore demons of Tier 1, but they give green magic power when killed. Summoned by hitting the Priestess.

  • Tier 3 Ramp: Top left ramp with the bulbous body. Deposits you next to Tier 3's left flipper.
  • Left Ramp: The Jackpot ramp. Also a ritual objective.
  • Right Ramp: The Spikes ramp. Also starts rituals.
  • Secret Passage: Technically not a ramp, but whatever. Above the right ramp, leads to Tier 3. Also a ritual objective.

This is a list of all green magic portals in Tier 2.
  • Anvil Portal: Underneath Tier 3's left flipper. Sends you to the Anvil. Still useful!
  • Soul Demon Portal: Underneath Tier 3's right flipper. Moves you along the Soul Demon path telekinetically before throwing you at the left kicker. Sometimes, this will immediately launch you into the Anvil Portal, sending you down to Tier 1.

Tier 3: The Chimera
Zodiac Ritual
The Zodiac Ritual is activated by hitting the ramp nestled between the Lion and the Scorpio Multiball. Like all rituals, you will have to complete a series of objectives in order. Upon completing all rituals once, the order randomizes. The objectives are:
  • Kill 4 matroshka. On triggering the ritual, the snake will spawn some matroshka. Kill them.
  • Hit 6 Tier 3 kickers. Easily done by bouncing the ball off the base of a flipper and nudging it into the kicker. Kickers also frequently throw the ball into the other side's kicker.
  • Kill 4 Mastroshka. Same as before.
  • Hit outer orbit 3 times. This is the big, looping ramp that is sandwiched between the Snake and the rightmost kickers.
  • Hit inner orbit 3 times. This ramp is between the Lion and the Snake, and can be difficult to hit. You'll know if you did if multiple star bullets spawned upon traversing the ramp.
  • Hit Snake ramp 3 times. You don't have to actually go on the ramp; hit the snake itself three times.

The Chimera
The Chimera is, funnily enough, the easiest boss. There are a few distinct phases, just like the Priestess

The Lion's face is shackled. You must hit the face many times with your ball to break the shackles; flippers or the Priestess' cup work equally fine. There's no special advice for this stage, you just have to do it. Upon breaking the mask, the Lion's face is revealed and the Chimera enters the second phase.

The Lion's face is revealed. Hitting it causes him to fill the screen with bullets. To advance, you must hit all 8 targets on the Tier 3 kickers.

Spending some time in this phase is useful, as every coin collected since the Ultra Jackpot was last collected adds to base score of the next Ultra Jackpot. You can farm coins by hitting the Lion and then hitting your ball from a cradled flipper backwards into a kicker.

Upon hitting all the marked kickers, hitting the Lion will stun it and turn it into an Ultra Jackpot. There appears to be no timer on this. After you bank the Ultra Jackpot, the cycle starts over with the mask.

Seance - Scorpio Multiball
While playing in Tier 3, you will collect blue flames scattered around the field. Upon collecting them all, a seance bonus will appear in the Outer Loop ramp. Grabbing this seance bonus opens the lock on the Scorpio multiball.

Upon locking three balls, you can release the multiball by hitting the relic which appears directly below the Priestess. This releases the multiball and blocks the Tier 3 drain with retractable spikes. Not worth it to actively chase, in my opinion; activating Wizard Mode gives a much larger multiball, on top of increasing your global multiplier. Lining up a Wizard Mode with a Scorpio, however...

Jackpot - The Inner Ramp
Upon completing a ritual letter, the inner orbit will turn into a Jackpot.

Super Jackpot - The Snake
Periodically, the Snake in Tier 3 will become a Super Jackpot.

Ultra Jackpot - The Lion
As detailed above, the Lion turns into an Ultra Jackpot on completing a boss cycle.

Table Features
The kickers on Tier 3 are unique in that they convert every bullet on the entire playfield to coins, just like collecting a gold bullet. When combined with the amount of bullets spawned by the Lion, you can quickly earn lots and lots of coins.

  • Scorpio: Nestled between Scorpio and Lion. Can be hit from either flipper, but easiest from cradling in the left flipper and then hitting straight up.
  • Inner Loop: Between Lion and Snake. Spawns numerous star bullets in an arc pattern when used.
  • Snake: Ramp guarded by the snake. Can be reached without touching the snake by aiming directly above the snake from the left flipper.
  • Outer Loop: Between Snake and the rightmost kickers. Easiest to reach by knocking your ball upwards with the base and nudging to the right.

  • Matroshka: Same as on every other tier. Spawns from the Snake.
  • Gore Demons: Patrols the Scorpio ramp. These demons completely block your shots, but die in one shot. Time your entry into the ramp right to clear most of them easily.
Other Modes
Hardcore is identical to the regular board, with three major exceptions:
  • You only have one ball.
  • The flippers are slightly shorter.
  • The outlanes in Tier 1 are significantly more dangerous.

In essence, hardcore turns Tier 1 into a death trap. You will frequently lose balls to the outlanes, and nudging is of less use because of their design. Staying out of Tier 1 is a priority in this mode, except to complete rituals.

However, slots can create outlane kickouts, so an effective strategy to minimize risk in Tier 1 is to focus on slots until you have both outlane kickouts.
Here I will humblebrag my accomplishments because I want to preen. If you have a problem with it: crush my score!

Highest ranked player in pre-release

World First 1b+ score
35 megjegyzés
GRAPE máj. 28., 11:05 
as of 5/24 are the top global score legit?
Lootador 2023. aug. 18., 18:56 
Thank you for this guide, i'm trying to get 100% achievments, and this really helps. :steamthumbsup:
chierushii 2023. ápr. 6., 8:20 
I just want to say kudos for making this guide
si-fi 2022. okt. 21., 19:41 
Kudos for this guide. Went from #53 to #22 in the billionaires club after reading it 🙇‍♂️ Hope to crack top ten!
PP Large (find me on Spotify) 2022. máj. 31., 17:10 
Awesome guide, I am number 13 at 32 billion but I want that top 10!
ca$hmoneyvagrant 2022. jan. 2., 6:06 
very dope guide, thanks!
Charcoal 2021. dec. 27., 17:22 
Thanks for all the work you put into this... I was so lost and this helped a lot!
Voodin im back 2021. dec. 26., 12:19 
What about bonus tokens? how do you get them?
PatchGatsby 2021. okt. 30., 18:48 
Very good guide. A lot of advice that is true for pinball in general.
uuuhdavid 2021. aug. 23., 6:49 
Thanks a bunch for making this guide!