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Pilots 101 - How to become a Pro at controlling the Tornado as Tails in Multiplayer
By Tetrahedron Dash
Do you suck, lose, and/or rage at Sky Fortress Zone Act 1 and the Boss, in Multiplayer Mode? Well this guide will teach you how to become a good Two Tailed Fox Pilot! You will come out as a much better Pilot!

(Note: This Pilots 101 manual is meant for Two Tailed Fox Pilots that are accompanied by a Blue Speedy Hedgehog, but the manual does cover for when you are just a Blue Speedy Hedgehog.)

If you are reading this Pilots 101 Manual, it means that a Evil Scientist and a Metal Copy of your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend are plotting to destroy the world and most importantly, that you are bad at piloting your plane and most of the time, your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend ends up meeting their fate usually from falling off of your plane.

If so, this manual will transform you into a better pilot and show you what you are doing wrong!

Preventing your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend from falling to their death
To start off, you will want to normally keep your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend on the topmost part of your plane, for safety of course, but there is no big deal about them not staying there if you understand this important tip. If your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend jumps in the air, or is falling to their death, near your radius of sight, if you perform your Tag Move, then magnets attached to their shoes will rebound them super quickly back onto the topmost part of your plane, into the hands of safety. This works for anything that happens where they are airbound, even when they get knocked back upon getting injured. We will call this the FR (Falling Rebounder).

Tornado Emergency Ram Attack
If you are reading this section, it most problably means that said Evil Scientist has set up dastardly threats in the form of giant crate barriers that can cost you your dear life if you get stuck/caught by the barrier.

However for you, in such this case, there is one thing you can do. If you manually overide your plane to do a spinning barrel roll like ramming attack, called the TERA (Tornado Emergency Ram Attack) in the nick of time, your plane will break through the barriers. This is another important tip as well!

You are doing well so far! By now you should know a few new stuff! But be warned! Said Metal Copy of your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend is pursuing you in his Metal Carrier, and not in a good way! He will have a arsenal of attacks!

First of all, the least dangerous. He will open 4 flaps on his Metal Carrier, which will send out avian like badniks that will fly above you first before flying down towards you once, in the form of a attack. For a Pro approach, you can evade them or use the bottom wheels of your plane to destroy them.

He can also call in a swarm of turtoise like badniks that are controlled by a smaller one on top of them. They telegraph when they will go after you by appearing behind said Metal Copy's Metal Carrier. Like before, you can evade them or use the bottom wheels of your plane to destroy the small ones controlling them, but in the case where your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend is alone, he will have to home in onto the small ones to use the big ones as platforms until you can fly your plane back to him.


Said Metal Copy's slightly more dangerous attack is opening a panel revealing a giant cannon part that will shoot a giant cannonball towards your plane. In the event this happens, position and time yourself well then use your TERA (Tornado Emergency Ram Attack) so that you powerfully ram into the cannonball. If done correctly, it will send the cannonball right back to Metal Copy's Metal Carrier, damaging it.


One of Metal Copy's more dangerous attacks is shooting spark like balls that go up before coming down. Pretty simple. You touch one, you get hurt. He telegraphs how many/which ones will shoot the sparks when they start lighting up a bit, the rods. All can be savely evaded by using your TERA (Tornado Emergency Ram Attack).

What makes them a tad more dangerous is that he can combine this Spark attack of his with his Cannonball attack!
The Battle

You remember those last few sections? They were only a test. The true difficulty comes from your true battle against said Metal Copy, when you go back in your plane after having infiltrated said Evil Scientist's gigantic airship! As such, this is where Metal Copy has a arsenal of dangerous and difficult attacks!

At the start of your battle against Metal Copy, he will do one of the following until you damage him enough:

- Fly right. then appear at the bottom right under your plane and fire lasers up at you from the Spark rods.

- Fly right, turning his Metal Carrier upside down, then fly above you and fire lasers down at you

When your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend is near said Metal Copy's head, have him jump into Metal Copy's head to damage him then use your FR (Falling Rebounder) to rebound them back onto the plane.

After you damage said Metal Copy a certain amount of times, he will fly right then reappear at the right facing you, and then do one of the following until you damage him enough more times:

- Shoot a laser from the top while said avian like badniks fly towards you from the right.

- Shoot a laser from the bottom while said avian like badniks fly towards you from the right.

- Shoot a laser from the middle while said avian like badniks fly towards you from the right.

- Shoot a laser from the top then from the bottom or middle while said avian like badniks fly towards you from the right.

- Shoot a laser from the bottom then from the top or middle while said avian like badniks fly towards you from the right.

- Shoot a laser from the middle then from the top or bottom while said avian like badniks fly towards you from the right.

When your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend is near said Metal Copy's head, have him home in into Metal Copy's head, while being weary of the incoming lasers and avian badniks and use your FR (Falling Rebounder) to rebound them back onto the plane.

After you damage said Metal Copy a few more times, he will use his last resort. Said Evil Scientist will send giant missles flying either up or down, curved, where ever Metal Copy commands. Much like the Crate Barriers, if you get caught/stuck by a missle, its over for you and your Blue Speedy Hedgehog friend's living selfs. You will have to fly to the right while dodging the missles then at the final moment, use your TERA (Tornado Emergency Ram Attack) when close to Metal Copy. There is no strategy for where they come from. If you made it this far in your battle against said Metal Copy, then you can do it! Surely there must be a way he telegraps where the missles will come from, hmm?
Manual End
If you got this far, then it most likely means that you are now a Grade A Pro Plane Pilot!

Chaos Riley Jun 2, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
This was amazing!
justin.osunde Jan 9, 2021 @ 10:43am 
fg what
POPOPOPO Nov 23, 2020 @ 3:25am 
i tried this and got ban for hacks you are scamer
iggi Feb 12, 2020 @ 4:57am 
Ty obama