Garfield Kart

Garfield Kart

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how to report hackers in garfield kart
By lead poisoning gf
today i tell you how to report hacker and cheter garfield
finding the hacker
this should be easy. if theres hacker cheater in your game you should know becuase they use nermal and have type 2 diabetes

reporting the hacker
contact the fbi to arrest the hacker cheater in your garfield kart game and tell them that the hacker ruined your garfield kart game by stealing your lasaga. this is an offense that instantly warrants the death penalty

watch the hacker's life get ruined
the fbi will arrest the hacker and execute them. you shouldnt feel an ounce of regret. after all, they did hack and cheat in your garfield kart game

there thats it, now the world is safe once again thanks to you and your vigilance against the menace of garfield kart hackers. be proud of what you've done for your country

fat fuck Aug 5, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
i fucking hate nermal
lead poisoning gf  [author] Aug 3, 2021 @ 5:50am 
share it to everyone you know, garfield kart hackers are truly a menace to society
unknown_veggies Aug 2, 2021 @ 4:29pm 
This post saved my life, thank you.