Phantom Jump

Phantom Jump

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By Audity
A helpful guide which walks you through the process of obtaining all 10 in-game collectibles

It is important to note that after collecting any collectible, your health bar go Razer Chroma mode and you won't lose health over time. This means you can take your time completing the rest of the level and calculate each jump before making it. :)

CAUTION: Spoilers, obviously

Side note: All collectibles seem to be references to something. If you know what a certain collectible is referencing, please leave it in the comments!
Sunrise Mountains
Collectible 1: Slug - There and Back Again

The slug is found on level 3. It is located in an invisible locked cage just beyond the finish portal.

To unlock the cage, you must find a hidden key located to the top right of the phantom jump. First, activate the phantom jump, then collect the key, and finally double jump around the right edge of the platform to collect the snail. Jump up the middle pillar to the finish line but be careful not to hit the downwards facing spike right below the finish line!

Collectible 2: Pebble - Centrifuge

The pebble is found on level 20. It is located on the left side of the topmost platform of the level.

To get it, first activate both phantom jumps and land on the single block platform after the second one. Instead of going down towards the finish portal, double jump on top of the area you just passed through and jump over the spikes onto the left side. Once you collect The Pebble, backtrack to the single block platform and continue the level as you normally would.

Morning Meadows
Collectible 3: The Kid from I Wanna Be the Guy - Tight Timing

The Kid is found on level 3. He is located in the corner of the topmost platform of the level.

To get it, jump off the wall and pass as close to the overhead spikes as possible, then double jump to collect the jump booster. Make one final jump using the booster to get into the corner of the platform, where the collectible is. Continue the level normally after collecting it.

Collectible 4: Spikey heart - Turn Key

The spikey heart is found on level 14. It is located on a small platform above the key.

To get the heart, progress through the level like normal until you reach the phantom jump in the middle of the level. Then, double jump and land next to the small spike (tough spot to land on, try not getting a perfect timing on the phantom jump), then double jump again from there to reach the top of the platform. Jump down to where the phantom jump once was and continue the level from there.

Shaded Grove
Collectible 5: Pentagram - Weaver

The pentagram is found on level 9. It is located to the immediate left of the last phantom jump in the level before the finish portal.

After activating the final phantom jump before the end portal, make a very small jump onto the ledge next to where the phantom jump once was. The pentagram will be on the left ledge. Collect it and drop down into the finish portal.

Collectible 6: Giant cherry from I Wanna Be the Guy - Cocoon

The giant cherry is found on Bonus Level 1. It is located in a small, locked enclosure near the end of the level.

NOTE: This collectible is much more complicated to collect than the others so far, thus the description for how to get it will be more extensive.

There are three keys to find in the level before the collectible can be reached. The first is visible as soon as the level begins. Instead of going left towards the first phantom jump, head right, collect the key, and quickly head back left to the phantom jump.

The second key is located to the right of the main route. After jumping to the right side of the screen and collecting the key, jump onto the platform above the normal route and activate the phantom jump on the far left before continuing.

The third key is in a fairly obvious spot along the normal route. Double jump then jump off the wall to collect it before continuing.

Finally, activate the final phantom jump before dropping back down to the locked room where the collectible is located. Without the final phantom jump it is a bit more difficult to finish the level. Try double jumping off the wall below where the phantom jump used to be, then making a very small jump off the wall just above that and jumping again to reach the finish portal.

Flooded Caverns
Collectible 7: Beaver - Jumping Bean

The beaver is found on level 7. It is located in a pool of water in the top left portion of the level.

To get to the beaver, you must squeeze through a small gap between the spikes at the top of the water column on the left side of the level. From there, you must make a precise jump to get into the box containing the beaver. Once you have jumped back out of the box, it is easier to get back down through the middle section of the level and complete it normally from there rather than squeezing back through the spikes in the water column.

Side note: I'd rank this as the hardest collectible to get in the game in terms of skill. If you are really struggling with it, it might be better to complete the rest of the game before attempting this collectible.

Collectible 8: Bread from Minecraft (?) - Duck Duck Drake

The bread is found on level 12. It is located in a locked cage to the right of the finish portal.

In order to unlock the cage, you must collect two keys. First make your way upwards and collect the key in the top right of the level. A path into the water will then open below.

Next, drop down into the water, collect the second key and the path to the collectible will be unlocked. Finish the level like normal after collecting it.

Note: Unsure if this is actually bread or if it is from Minecraft at all. It is possible that it is salmon instead but I cannot tell.
Moonlit Peaks
Collectible 9: Power Item from Touhou - Hotrail

The Power Item is found on level 10. It is located at the bottom of the level on a moving platform which is blocked by a locked wall.

This collectible requires high speed and precision, so make sure you are very familiar with this levels layout and the game controls (which you already should be at this point) before attempting this one.

First, there is a hidden key to collect which is just left of the start of the level. To get over the wall, you need to make a very precise double jump, reaching maximum height before passing just over the very top spike. Move slightly right then left on the way down to collect the key, then start moving right after the bottom spike to collect the jump boosters and continue the level.

You will see the platform with the Power Item moving quickly off the right side of the screen, so you must quickly jump through a gap in the spikes, then make another very precise double jump to maximum height and clear it back to solid ground. From there, the level can be completed normally.

Collectible 10: Kabuki mask - Beacon

The Kabuki mask is found on level 12. It is located in two spots on the level underneath a platform and between two spikes, seemingly impossible to reach.

While it appears in two distinct spots on the level, it will only be collectable on one side depending on whether you choose to go right or left after activating the rainbow phantom jump. Whichever side you choose, the collectible will be on the same side.

To collect it, progress through the level normally until you activate the rainbow phantom jump for the second time. Instead of heading right/left towards the end portal, drop down onto the large purple platform and head left/right. Here, drop down directly onto the platform which should now have the collectible on top of it. From here, re-progress through the level like normal and complete it this time.

symphony Jun 20, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
Can you add bonus level locations?
Audity  [author] Jan 22, 2021 @ 7:02pm 
No worries :) Thanks for making an awesome game
Brad  [developer] Jan 22, 2021 @ 5:54pm 
Awesome well written guide! Thanks for putting this together
fabinss Jan 20, 2021 @ 4:08am 
One correction: At the Hotrail stage, it's the P from Touhou, not Mario. And thanks for the guide!