Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

217 ratings
Advanced Duplicator 2
By prick
This guide will teach you how to use Advanced Duplicator 2 because it is suprerior to Advanced Duplicator 1 and the default duplicator is terrible and you should feel bad for using it. Includes tutorial for both GitHub and SVN.
Introduction to Advanced Duplicator 2
Adv Dupe 2, or Advanced Duplicator 2, is a tool that allows you to save and store your contraptions onto your harddrive for later use. It allows you to duplicate stuff you already have and paste them almost immediately without lagging the server (which the normal duplicator does). Unlike Adv Dupe 1, you won't need to upload all your files to the server to use them. Adv Dupe 2 also has a lot of more features for pasting and saving aswell as being more optimized and saves them in even smaller files than adv dupe 1, which means less space required.

Update! AdvDupe2 now uses GitHub too, which means you don't need to use external software!
[GitHub] Acquiring Advanced Duplicator 2
At some point in time, the developers of Adv Dupe 2 decided to use GitHub aswell.
Ignore this section if you wish to use SVN.

The first thing you want to do is go to this link
This is AdvDupe2's main github page.

You generally want to ignore everything but the highlighted parts in the picture below:

Now you click on "Download ZIP" and save it to your desktop or somewhere else easily accessible.
Once you have done this, you extract it using winrar, 7zip or the default windows archive manager.
You'll get a folder called "advdupe2-master". Put this in:
Load up Garry's Mod, and see if it works. If it does, you did it right. If it doesn't, well.

Comment if you feel I've missed something or want further elaboration.
[SVN] Acquiring Advanced Duplicator 2
Ignore this section if you wish to use GitHub.

Firstly, you should check this out[], but you can skip it if you want to.

Now, you may not know what SVN is because it's not used as much with the introduction of the Steam Workshop. But it works flawlessly still and it's sad that it's not used as much as it should be.
SVN allows you to update addons without having to redownload the entire addon (unlike the Steam Workshop). Very useful for larger addons such as Wiremod, but that's a completely different story.

You can acquire Tortoise SVN here.[]
Install it as any other software and continue here once you're done.

You installed it? Good! Now, navigate to this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons
Create a new folder called "AdvDupe2" (since there is also a 1 which you might want to have at some point too.) and right click that folder. You should now be seeing this: (click to enlarge)

Now you click "SVN Checkout" (highlighted in the picture above) and this should appear:

Make sure the highlighted link is correct! (
Click "OK". You will get this:

Click "OK" again, and you're done! You have succesfully installed Adv Dupe 2.
Using Advanced Duplicator 2
Now that you've succesfully installed it, you will be seeing this new tool in your tool menu:

As you can see, I already have a bunch of trash laying around. As you will also notice here, is that Adv Dupe 2 can open Adv Dupe 1 files. No need for converting!

Using Adv Dupe 2 is not as hard as you should think. Refer to the image above whenever I talk about something you have no idea what is.

Create your contraption, remember to constraint everything together as Adv Dupe 2 only selects constrianted props/entities of the master-prop (unless you're using area-copy). No-colliding 2 objects will also count as a constraint, just a tip. Right click your contraption with the Adv Dupe 2 tool, and it will begin to 'ghost' the creation. This is so you can see it before you paste it. If you left click, it will paste the contraption. Depending on it's size (prop/entity count), this can take up to 1 minute. The base of my most recently build tower is 427 props and takes 15-25 seconds to paste.

To save a contraption, right click a contraption to have it in the 'ghost' state. Now right click desired folder in the dupe menu and choose save.

Area Copy allows you to dupe everything within a selected area. To access to feature, press shift and right click. Now you have a green box that follows your aim. All props within it will turn green, these are the props that will be duped. You can select the size of the area you want to copy using the Area-Copy Size slider located under the tick options.

If you scroll further down, there are some more menus too. Offsets allows you to choose the offset of the pasting dupe, obviously. Dupe Information tells you information regarding the selected dupe such as prop count, constraint count, date it was made, creator, etc. Contraption Spawner lets you dupe a contraption, then have it spawn when you press the assigned keys. Much like prop spawner. Area Auto-Save allows you to make the tool auto-save your contraption every X amount of minutes. Works like Area-Copy. Experimental Section gives you some of the still-in-progress tools. Most work, but are incomplete and something is usually wrong with them.

It is unfortunately not possible to link this addon with the workshop dupes, however you go to singleplayer, spawn your workshop dupe, re-save it with adv dupe 2 and you're good to go.

If you wish to use dupes across different computers, you will need to transfer them between those computers. To do this, go to:
Here all your dupes will be located in .txt format, including subfolders you might have created. Take this entire folder from the first computer, and go to the same dir on the second computer. Put these files in that same dir on the second computer and start your game. If your dupes are there, you've done it correctly and you're good to go.

You can experiment with the different things yourself or ask in the comment section for me to extend the guide with something you need clarification of. Remember to give your feedback and notify me of typos, as I will happily fix any issues. Now go save some contraptions!

Thanks for reading!

CptDashie Jun 10, 2016 @ 3:17pm 
CLAY Jun 6, 2016 @ 3:41pm 
i get an pop up saying file not saved :( please help :csgoa:
freedom forever Mar 22, 2016 @ 3:29pm 
"This guide will teach you how to use Advanced Duplicator 2" not helping with bugs XD
prick  [author] Mar 22, 2016 @ 2:27pm 
What makes you think I'm obligated to fix your shitty game?
Jimboboiii Mar 22, 2016 @ 12:14pm 
fuck you too
prick  [author] Mar 22, 2016 @ 12:09pm 
This isn't my fucking problem.
Jimboboiii Mar 22, 2016 @ 12:01pm 
I wish the guide owner would FUCKING HELP US because whenever I try to open a dupe it says in the bottom right corner "Duplicator is Busy!" and I can't open files, so please, don't teach us how to use the fucking tool as if we're stupid, and FUCKING HELP US ALREADY!!
Propaganda Mar 17, 2016 @ 5:15pm 
how do i delete a folder cause when ever i try then refesh t it comes back and this is in consol: [ERROR] addons/advanced duplicator 2/lua/advdupe2/file_browser.lua:132: attempt to index field 'Label' (a nil value)
1. GetNodePath - addons/advanced duplicator 2/lua/advdupe2/file_browser.lua:132
2. DoClick - addons/advanced duplicator 2/lua/advdupe2/file_browser.lua:631
3. OnMouseReleased - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:218
4. unknown - lua/vgui/dimagebutton.lua:129
Rich Homie Tee Mar 4, 2016 @ 2:21pm 
When I open a file, it says "File already opening" my my tool says "ready" and not ghosting with a loading bar and I can't open the dupe I want. How do I fix this?
I am a meme Feb 8, 2016 @ 11:39pm 
What happens when your adv dupe tool says that it is always busy is there a way to fix that?