Original War

Original War

Original War [2001] - 8K 60FPS Ultra HD SGUI Test (32:9 widescreen, 7680x2160)
"8K Ultra HD SGUI Test (32:9, 7680x2160)
Game version:
Test: 2018.11.07

"Original War is a mix of strategy and RPG. We have two campaigns available in the game which both amount to about 35 missions. Long, interesting and thinking inducing missions. What does Original War have to do with the role playing genre though? Well, this game isn't a typical strategy where the player pumps out tens of the same units. No, every soldier here has his own name, looks, rank and abilities. Each soldier who dies during a mission will be lost forever. Your team truly is indispensable, as the only truly new recruits that we will gain will be apemen, who will never compare well to human soldiers - who by the way gain experience during the course of the game. Those are the bare facts."

Polish dubbing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erqfvKgr4es
English dubbing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH4U0EEczFg
More about game: https://original-war.net/articles.php?a=review
My screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zonedev/sets/72157640301065574
Original War soundtracks: https://original-war.net/files.php?c=17
And my other movies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgn8fVl8dHYYHYXBqyo_OtGf0mZigLoq0

Game: Original War
Music: Original War BGM"