Scream Collector

Scream Collector

86 ratings
All achievements for each area !!!
By adroosh
This guide explains how to get all the achievements for each area
Area 1: Front yard
Area 1: Front yard

You need to explode 500 bats for this achievement
1 Bat per wave at 50 bats owned
2 at 200
3 at 500
4 at 800
5 bats once you reach 950

"Ghost busters"
You need to catch 100 ghosts
You need at least 25 tombstones and 250 ghosts.
Once you have that a ghost trap will start appearing and sometimes colored ghosts
will appear replacing regular ones. .
The colored ghosts give bonuses;

Red- Spins
Orange - Click bonus
Yellow - Speed bonus
Green - income bonus
Purple - Screams/income, 100x your current income per click
Blue -Gem

Capture each one of these colored ghosts for the achievement "capture the rainbow"

"Smashing pumpkins"
Smash 250 pumpkins
Buy at least 100 pumpkins so a hammer will appear in random places.
It will always swing to the left, if you miss 5 times it'll disappear early.

"Im melting"
Melt 100 witches
You need at least 50 witches and 100 zombies for a bucket of water to start appearing.
The bucket will spawn on top of the mounds of dirt.
Then continue to click above one of the witches standing at the cauldron.

Feed a tree or zombie 100 times
You need 750 trees for this one, a face will appear on one of the trees.
25 zombies and 200 witches to get the cauldron making apples and eyeballs.
Feeding either creature these will count but if you give a zombie an apple, you won't get any bonuses like
you would if you fed an eyeball.

"watching windows"
Play 50 games of simple simon
once you build the house up to where the windows are present, a window will start to flash red.
If you click it, it'll start a game of simple simon, you dont need to actually play to a certain score
losing right away will count.

All you need to do for this achievement is buy the moon in the yellow arrow tab

"eye scream"
Buy the giant eyeball in the yellow area tab and click it

Once you build the house to where the lightning rod appears, click it once for this achievement

"The end?"
Save up to 150 gems and buy the front door key in the tab with the hammer.
Reach all the quotas in the lock tab and buy every house upgrade and other ones too.
Click the front door after.

These achievements are simple ones you unlock as you progress through the game

"Clicker I"
Click on the house 100k times

"Click bonus I"
Activate the click bonus 500 times outside

"Scream bonus"
activate the scream bonus 500 times outside

"Speed bonus"
activate the speed bonus 500 times outside

All you have to do for this one is spin the wheel 250 times, I suggest buying "Replace click bonus with house time warp"
and "adds a large hard to get prize to the wheel"
These will make progressing through this area easier

"Hidden stuff"
find 1000 hidden objects outside
For this one I highly suggest buying the "auto-collect" and extra slots, it'll make this achievment go by
wayy faster.

have 500 of everything outside
This one basically you need 500 of each item. It takes time but you can do it

"Spooky sounds"
make 5000 spooky sounds outside
make sure your sound is on for this one or it wont count.
Just click something random outside that makes noises and do that 5000 times

"Halloween spirtits I"
Earn 1 billion halloween spirits outside
This one you get as you just progress with the game, just keep resetting and you'll get to it soon.

Knock on the door 100 times
this one is super simple, just click on the door 100 times lol

Build all floors of the house
You get this one as you continue to build the house with upgrades in the yellow arrow tab

this concludes area 1 !!
Area 2: Front hall
Area 2: Front hall

This area is basically the same as the front hall just different items you're buying
Heres the achievements for this area

"in the dark"
snuff out 1000 candles
Every quota you reach for candlesticks gives you a candle, just click on it to make it go out
every 10 clicks gives you a gem too

"sticky situation"
clean up 1000 spiders and webs
Meet black widow quotas to unlock red spiders and webs appearing around the place.
There is a maximum of 5 of each around the room. A broom will start appearing when you can start this achievement

"burn the rainbow"
You basically need to burn one of each wisp
You need 600 ghouls, click and drag it into the fireplace

Red= Scratch ticket
Orange= Click bonus
Yellow= Speed bonus
Green= Income bonus
Blue= Chills/income, 100x your current click income
Purple= Gem

"bashing skulls"
Smash 250 skulls
Buy the swords and shield upgrade from the upgrades tab (yellow arrow) and you need 25 skulls at least
If you have 50 skulls you can also use both swords so its faster.
If you miss 5 times when trying to hit a skull, your sword will disappear early

catch 50 rats
You need at least 25 rats and 500 ghouls; a zombie hand will appear from under the floorboards
and leave a mouse trap, if you don't move the trap, the hand will take it back. Best to move it onto the carpet
Wait for cheese to appear on the butlers tray and put it in the trap, don't feed it to the mice directly

"what time is it?"
set the clock 100 times
You need at least 100 clocks, once you have this; 4 bits of paper will appear on the floor,
click on all of them to get the time, click the clock and set the hands to that time

"behind closed doors"
open 250 doors
You need at least 25 doors, wait for a gold key to appear and use it on any of the doors
keep upgrading to get a total of 5 doors, the prizes are better as you get more doors. One of the doors
is the monster though, if you pick that door, you lose all prizes but your count for opening doors stays.
If you don't want to lose your prizes; you can click claim right away and take them.
It's easier to get this achievement when you have more doors.

"I fall to pieces"
Put the hanging skeleton back together 50 times
You need the sword and the shield and just like you do with the skulls and the sword, you do that to the hanging skeleton
You need to hit it 3 times for it to fall apart, it is annoying to put back together but you can buy the
"easier skeleton assembly" which makes it way easier to assemble.

"very good sir"
"Use 100 butler treats"
You need at least 400 ghouls and use the treats that appear on the butlers tray
Steak= Bear rug
Eyeball= skeletons or skulls
cupcake= ghosts going back and forth on first floor 900 ghouls for the one on the stairs
Fly= spiders
garlic= vampire
cheese= mouse, trapping them is better though

"stop touching me!"
Buy at least 25 ghouls and click all four tentacles on the stairs, they all have to be
off at once so be quick!

You need 400 ghouls, wait for garlic to appear on the butler tray; proceed to drag it to the vampires face
this does NOT work in bat form

Buy the bear rug from the yellow arrow tab and at least 400 ghouls, wait for steak to appear on the butler tray and then proceed to feed it to the bear rug

cast 150 spells
You need the following items- 25 books, 25 Candles,
25 Paintings, 100 Clocks, 400 Pianos, 25 Rats, and 400 Ghouls; this is from the green cash sign tab from the yellow arrow tab, Fireplace, fireplace fire and bear rug. It costs quite a bit so it might be a bit before you can do this one 10 minutes between spawns, one book will start to glow, click on it to start. Heres the list of items it might want you to find.

@entry hall
Dark Soot - Fireplace.
Dripping Wax - Any Candlestick.
Dry Paint - Any Paintings on the walls.
Fur of the Bear - The Bear Rug.
Hands of Time - The Clock on the wall in front of the stairs, on the 2nd floor.
Old Paper - Any Books on the shelves.
Optic Lens - The Butler's Monocle.
Rusty Shavings - Suit of Armor on the 2nd floor.
Silver of Ivory - Gold pipes of the organ.
Whiskers of the Rat - Any of the many Mice wandering the floors.

@front yard
Brain Matter - The Brain creature floating in a specimen tube next to the left side of the house.
Bubbly Brew - Green liquid in the Witch Cauldron.
Catgut - Any Cat.
Cloud Mist - Clouds.
Dark Bark - Any Tree.
Drool of the Beast - Green goo oozing from the tentacle monster coming out of the basement window.
Electric Current - (1) Orb on a pole in the pile of skulls by the fence, (2) The object on the left side of the roof that looks like some kind of standing mirror, (3) Lightning Rod at the top of the house.
Eye of the House - Giant Eyeball at middle-left of the house.
Fresh Turned Dirt - Either of the two mounds of dirt where zombie hands with the water bucket come up from.
Seed of Pumpkin - Any Jack-O-Lantern.
Squeaky Hinge - Front Gate.
Stone of Remembrance - Any Gravestone.
Witch Wart - The face of any Witch standing around the cauldron.

these ones can be inside and outside so it doesn't matter where you find them
Bone marrow - any skeletons or skulls
ectoplasm - any ghost
moon beams- moonlight coming thru the hole in the roof or the moon outside
rotting flesh - any zombie or the zombie hand that comes out from the floorboards
spider venom - any spider
web of the spider - any spider web

other achievements

have 500 of everything in the entry hall
pretty basic achievement, just takes time

"halloween spirits II"
earn 1 billion spirits in the entry hall
pretty basic too, just takes a bit of time

"spooky sounds II"
Make 5000 spooky sounds in the entry hall
Make sure your sound is on, and click stuff that makes noises 5000 times

"click bonus II"
Activiate the click bonus 500 times in the entry hall

"chill bonus"
activate the chill bonus 500 times

"speed bonus II"
activate the speed bonus 500 times in the entry hall

"clicker II"
click on the rug 100k times

"hidden stuff"
find 1000 objects in the entry hall.
I highly suggest buying the auto-collect upgrades and extra slots, it'll go by way faster with them
you can buy them from the tab with the hammer

Scratch cards 250 times
This one is simple, just play the scratch card games; something that will make the scratch cards better is buying the "add a rare golden card to scratch game" its a low chance but its worth it since you'll get good rewards

That finishes off the entry hall
Area 3: Dungeon
The dungeon !!!

burn 250 critters
You need at least 25 torches and 25 creepy crawlies
proceed to click the torch then the bug, it does have a small hit box so be careful
Beetle (25) 1 blue gem
Slug (50) 5 blue gems
spider (100) 1 purple gem
roach (250) 1 purple gem
Slime (400) 5 purple gems
Snake does not give you anything, not able to burn it
Centipede (700) 1 green gem
Weird purple thing (1100) 2 green gems
Red lizard? (1250) cant burn it

"pour the rainbow"
brew a potion of each color
You need at least 50 lab equipment and 50 experiments
a bottle will start appearing around, click it to start brewing
Blue + blue = blue
Red + red = red
Blue + red = purple
Yellow + purple = gray
yellow + red = orange
red + purple = pink
blue + yellow = green
blue + purple = light purpleish blue?
yellow + yellow = yellow
The wheel shows you what color you just made on it, make 10 of the same potion, so 10 yellow potions your reward will be 10x that, so it could be 1 green gem per yellow potion and at the tenth one, you will get 10 green gems.

"tiny invaders"
beat the microbes 250 times
You need 300 lab equipment for this one, a petri-dish will start spawning around, continue to click the microscope to use it, defeat all the germs to win. If you get hit, you lose.

beat the chicken 100 times
you need 250 experiment, 100 lab equipment and at least 25 generators
play tic tac toe with the chicken and win 100 times.

"im not ticklish!"
tickle the hanging prisoner to death
You need 250 experiment, 100 lab equipment and at least 25 generators
Every time you win a game of tic tac toe, the chicken will drop a feather; use it on the hanging prisoner for this achievement

throw the green goo
You need 500 experiment for this and 200 lab equipment, click the green/yellow button on the machine for the goo to be made, then just throw it

"on target"
hit the target with green goo
the same as the last achievement but you need to hit the target for this one

capture 50 prisoners
You need at least 550 for this, once you have that many; a lever by the door will appear, it lets you lower the left most cage. People will start to walk in, time it right and drop the cage to capture them

"safe cracker"
open 50 treasure chests
You need the treasure chest upgrade, (yellow arrow tab)
Once you have it, pieces of paper will start spawning and give u the code to the chest.

"strange harvest"
harvest 100 vine fruit
Buy the upgrade that lets the vine have 5 fruit and just pick them. Feeding them to the prisoners give 1 green gem and the actual prisoners you trapped live for an extra 60 seconds

"overgrown plant"
grow the vine to full size
Once you have the vine upgrade, you'll have a bucket, just fill it up with water or green goo dripping from the roof and just keep growing it until its maxed and gives you green gems instead

"miracle grow"
enlarge 50 things
you need 850 experiments for this, another flask will start spawning click it to put it in the right spot
then just click the green button for it to mix, then click on anything moving in the room

smash 250 potions
as easy as it sounds, just go and break 250 potions

"super smasher"
smash all the potions in potion smash
Its easy but costs a lot so i don't recommend doing this one until you have enough potions or gems but after you smash a potion, at the bottom click smash again and keep doing that until you smash all the potions in the shelf.

"progress III"
buy 600 of everything in the dungeon
pretty simple, it just takes time.

"speed bonus"
activate the speed bonus 1000 in the dungeon

"dread bonus"
activate the dread bonus 1000 times in the dungeon

"click bonus"
activate the click bonus 1000 time in the dungeon

"clicker III"
click on the drain 250k times

"hidden stuff"
find 1000 hidden objects in the dungeon
I suggest buying the auto-collect here and upgrading the slots for this achievement

"halloween spirit III"
Earn 1 trillion spirits
it takes time, a lot of time but you can do it. I believe

"spooky sounds III"
make 10k spooky sounds
now this one takes a bit but make sure you have your sound on and are clicking on items that make noises

"its alive!"
bring the monster to life
basically max the monster out and generator then flip the switch and bravo !!

frozen solid
freeze and shatter critters 25 times
for this you need to max out experiments and lab equipment, you need to fill the bucket to the max
then put it into the freezing chamber, pour the ice cubes over the crawlies; once it looks like ice, click on it and it shatters

Area 4: Bunker
Bunker clicker
Click on the toilet paper 250k times

Bunker progress
Have 600 of everything in the bunker

Bunker Spirits
Get 1 trillion Halloween spirits for the bunker

Change the channel 250 times in the bunker
Click on the TV whenever it turns to static. Unlocked at 25 entertainment

Bunker scratcher
Scratch cards 250 times

Bunker Click, Prepared, Speed bonus
Activate these 1000 times in the bunker

Reveal 500 sections of dirt
Take the water bottles you get and click on any of the dirt patches
There's 8 seekers you can find in total, each give a different bonus

Bunker Hidden stuff
Find 1000 Hidden objects in the bunker
kazerniel Oct 23, 2022 @ 1:08pm 
for "it's alive" you also need the lab equipment maxed, not just the generator
kazerniel Oct 22, 2021 @ 5:14pm 
you don't need all those items for spellcasting, it never seems to ask for items you don't currently have
Jimmeh Dec 11, 2020 @ 6:20pm 
Apparently getting Doors in the entry hall to 50 makes a door appear which will also(?) give squeaky hinge, so all good on that front now. Thanks for the guide :)
Jimmeh Dec 11, 2020 @ 4:54pm 
Is there some pre-requisite for Squeaky Hinge? I've found the other four things on my list but clicking on the front gate doesn't cross that off my list.
adroosh  [author] May 21, 2020 @ 9:43pm 
The hidden objects are just random spawns of toilet paper, scratch cards, any of the boosts. They spawn randomly around the area or if you have the auto collector, they show up at the top where you can collect them
Poofcakes May 21, 2020 @ 4:00am 
For the bunker, what are the hidden objects? The things you reveal under the dirt?
Gaffi May 4, 2020 @ 2:32am 
Wow, that was dumb of me. I was muted, and that fixed it. Thanks!
adroosh  [author] May 4, 2020 @ 1:11am 
Make sure you have the volume up or it won't count for the achievement, even clicking on the TP makes noises. Anything that makes a noise should count towards it though
Gaffi May 3, 2020 @ 6:42am 
Any hints on how to make "spooky sounds" in the bunker? I haven't completed the bunker yet, but I am definitely more than half way. Despite that, I still have yet to make a single sound. All other achievements are either complete or are nearing completion.
DogsAndCats Jan 18, 2019 @ 2:43pm 
Thanks, now I can get the last two achievements!