Fantasy Battles

Fantasy Battles

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How to win every level and earn all achievements
By Netherwhisker
Simple few steps that helps the player win this game
This walkthrough will help you win the entire game with a simple stratergy and earn an easy 100%. This should take at Maxium an hour to complete.
How to Win
Normally i would list every level or achievement and have a short message on how to earn however since every level can be beaten the same way and each achievement is tied to beating of the games 36 levels i wont have to. Instead you can just follow this simple guide.

Place around half of the most expensive knights in front on your side of the bridge. When there is two bridges split this in number in half as well so you have two groups of knights. spend the rest of your income on the most expensive mages positioned behind the knights. With this combo you will will every level easy peasey. if you happen to lose you might have had some dodgy pathfinding or might need to add more knights instead of mages or vice versa.
So that ends my guide. i know it is a little teadious but you should get it done in no time. If you have in questions, thoughts, queries, bug reports or commets put them bellow and i will adress them as soon as i can. I have no idea the direction of this game but will update this guide if anything gets added. Happy hunting
Netherwhisker  [author] Jan 1, 2020 @ 9:40pm 
@missnezor you are very welcome
Missnezor Jan 1, 2020 @ 12:46pm 
Thank you! Really helped :BUDflower:
Halcyon Dec 21, 2019 @ 4:11am 
I found that heavy infantry works better than knights. Also, on the two-bridge levels, forget about splitting your forces to defend each bridge. Instead, position your entire army far to the left, near the three towers. The enemy will stretch itself out while approaching you and become easy targets.
mrkill2010 Feb 1, 2019 @ 12:57pm 
or even faster instead of knights put a bunch of light archers
mrkill2010 Feb 1, 2019 @ 12:54pm 
theres a way easier way, put a an archer on the highest spot on the map than a bunch of heavy knights in a place farther away from the archer and the skeleton's ai shits itself and they just freeze. The knights will kill them one by one and u win.
Joller Jan 1, 2019 @ 5:10am 
what knights are half most expensive?
Peiper Dec 6, 2018 @ 6:22pm 
FFS Iam SO Stuck to Battle 28... My guys goes and kill... But they do nothing for enemy archers... Argh!! :)
Actually that Crossbournes suggestion seem to work little better... But not Well enough... :)
Crossbourne Nov 20, 2018 @ 1:37pm 
Just FYI, at the two bridge stages, heavy infantry works a LOT better than knights. Just put them close to the three bridges directly in front of your base, with heavy infantry in one line, and mages behind. Pathfinding will do the rest.
uhryab Nov 18, 2018 @ 11:43pm 
Netherwhisker  [author] Nov 18, 2018 @ 3:00am 