For Honor

For Honor

112 ratings
How to be a Skilled Orochi Main
By Potato God
So you want to play Orochi? Well, how do you do that? This guide should explain the gear, tactics, and feats you'll need to put yourself on the right track!
Things to note to be in the right Orochi-mindset
To properly play Orochi, you must remember a few things before you get started:

  • You are better than everyone else in the lobby
  • Anything and everything you do is a testament to your skill
  • If anyone complains about you in any way, they need to get good
  • Orochi is underpowered, therefore you have the moral highground against anyone you are speaking to or arguing with

Gear & Fashion

Every character has the same available stats for each piece of gear, but every character needs different stats more than others. Orochi's gear needs are simple. To be the vert best Orochi, have your highest gear scores be:
  • Helm - Exhaustion recovery; having a high exhaustion recovery means if you run out of stamina from attacking too much, you'll be back in the action in a few moments
  • Arms - Stamina cost reduction; high stamina cost reduction means you can throw out more light attacks before needing to rest
  • Chest - Revenge mode duration; with a high revenge mode duration, you can stay in revenge for the entire fight, truly showing off your skill
  • Weapon piece 1 through 3 - Attack; if you have your attack stat maxed out, you'll be able to deal significantly more damage off of a light attack. Nothing says skill like killing your opponent in 5 hits


Orochi's fashion is simple as well. Just choose whatever has the most spikes. The edgier you look, the better. The Rokka no Shi execution and the Over 9000 effect are must-haves.

^ This guy has the right idea
Because Orochi is so underpowered, there's only one combination of feats to use.

Feat 1 - Kiai; Stun nearby opponents with a scream

Kiai is a very weak feat, because even Orochi's top-tier feats are bad, due to Ubi not giving Orochi enough love. Kiai instantly drains all stamina and blinds all enemies in front of you. Teammates are unaffected, and opponent stamina doesn't begin to regenerate until after the stun wears off. The feat is really bad because the stun only lasts about 10 seconds, when it should clearly be closer to 30 to 40 seconds. The cool down is also has a ridiculous 45 second cool-down. How are us poor Orochi mains supposed to demonstrate our skill when we can only use this feat every 45 seconds? It needs to be lowered to 10 seconds.

Feat 2 - Revenge Attack; Passive | Attacks fill the revenge meter

Revenge Attack is a decent feat. For every attack that lands, you get a small amount of revenge gain. The feat is too weak, however. You barely get any revenge from attacks. You get about 5%, while if it were balanced would give you 25%.

Feat 3 - Sharpen Blade; Attacks inflict low Damage over time

Sharpen blade is extremely weak. Off of a top light, Orochi gets a single guarenteed top light (too few, but this isn't the time or the place to discuss adding more), and the combined damage of those lights is about 32 damage. Sharpen blade only applies 20 bleed damage, giving Orochi a measly 52 damage from landing his extremely slow 400 milisecond top light.

Feat 4 - Nail Bomb; A trap dealing Bleed Damage in an area of effect

Nail Bomb is uncharicteristically bad for what you would expect of a nail bomb. It only does 120 bleed damage to all enemies in the area once activated. While this is enough to cause Peacekeeper, Berserker, Valkrie, Orochi, Nobushi, Centurion, Shinobi, Gladiator, Aramusha, and Shaman to lose all of their health to bleed damage, they can survive if they find a healing source, as well as the fact that it doesn't do enough damage to cause the death of 8 of the 18 characters in the game. As a nail bomb, it should instantly kill anyone within the radius when it goes off.
Playstyle & Tactics

To demonstrate your skills as Orochi, you need to play him the right way, which is extremely complex and difficult. To do this, you need 2 buttons:

Left click and spacebar. While on the offense, press left click as often as possible, and always go for top lights when available. Your light attacks are 400 miliseconds long, but don't listen to the people saying they're "unreactable" while throwing around their fancy numbers. You have the weak character, and they just need to git gud. If someone parries one of your lights, they're either hacking or on insane amounts of adderall, as you're too skilled for them to parry otherwise.

When on the defensive, try and interrupt the opponents attacks with your light attacks. If they do a bash, press space while moving either to the right or left and then left click to perform a dodge attack.


There's more to Orochi than just his insanely difficult playstyle. You also need to use intimidation tactics on the enemies and inspirational tactics on your teammates.

To intimidate your opponents, start off the game by saying something along the lines of, "Good luck, you'll need it." This will tell your enemies what they're dealing with, causing them to shake in their chairs. Once the match begins, procede to only walk everywhere, done by holding the X key while moving. If the enemies see you walking towards them, they'll know that you are relaxed and ready to fight them. Occasionally during the match, throw out things such as, "Hmmpf," "Too easy," or "I could fight you in my sleep." After each kill, say something along the lines of, "Nothing personal kid," "Pathetic," or "Weak." End the game with, "gg ez, you guys are terrible," to show off your copious amounts of skill.

To encourage your teammates, say something along the times of, "You guys are terrible," or "You have to be retarded to not parry that," whenever they make a mistake to show them where they need to improve. When such a great player gives them advice, they're bound to listen to you. If anyone objects, walk back to spawn so you can tell them of your experience in the game and why they should listen to you.
Ending notes
With the help of this guide, you should now be a god-tier Orochi. Get out there and show those overpowered Shugoki and Lawbringer mains how it's done!
True Spino Oct 20, 2022 @ 4:59pm 
i think the guide is wrong, my playstyle is the only correct and skillful way to play orochi. its extremely complicated but what i do is dodge forward and press right click over and over until the enemy is dead. most people praise me by spamming wow in the chat (because they are shocked at my skill)
BULLETPROOFWEASLE! May 30, 2020 @ 7:51am 
i love when orochis are like oh hes so weak all he can do is light spam well my orochi would disagree sir
Voidurai Apr 14, 2020 @ 8:25pm 
ahaha really funy
Manipulace Feb 21, 2020 @ 3:59pm 
thanks now I can destroy all the heavy mains
Cultured Degenerate Dec 3, 2019 @ 3:46pm 
The people saying that clearly don't remember the old days like I do, where GB on parry, instant revenge after 2 blocks, and normal attacks doing half hp in dmg because of gear stats were a thing. Quite the selective memory people have, filtering out all the cancer.
Feaster of Toes Nov 30, 2019 @ 1:56am 
im seeing comments about how "the old days were so much better", and i miss the old days of For Honor. We all picked the heroes that we felt looked cool and played them. Nobody really cared about ledging, we all just found it funny from what i remember. so much better back then...
Wolffe Nov 25, 2019 @ 5:53pm 
Also, i did not even realize this was from a year ago, Why the fuck was this even on my front page?
Wolffe Nov 25, 2019 @ 5:51pm 
@Potato God I understand its satire, some people just annoy me with how badly they think orochi is overpowered even though he is one of the worst
Wolffe Nov 25, 2019 @ 5:20pm 
15 Reps in him, i can tell this is not how you play him, hes also not broken or overpowered, just learn to play against him
Captain Crunch Nov 25, 2019 @ 3:01pm 
not a good way to play him in my oppion