60 Parsecs!

60 Parsecs!

89 ratings
60 Parsecs! Superior Guide
By nickvk.
In this 60 Parsecs! guide you will learn everything you need for a good start!

This guide probably wont be updated anymore due to me losing interest in this game. But I do hope that everything here will be enough for you to understand the basics of this game.
Also I would love to credit wonderful lads in the comment section. Seriously guys, you are the best.
So, if you have any questions about the missing endings and stuff, GO TO COMMENT SECTION. There wll be some more ending guides.
1. The Start
1.1 Characters
In 60 Parsecs we have 6 characters, each with unique abilities.
I'm too lazy to write biography, sorry
New patch: All abilities are now affect the whole crew, making the game easier.

1. Emmet Ellis
Agility - 1
Intellegence - 3
Strength - 0
Makes 2 resources of each kind everyday
Captain's Goal:
Make 5 succesful Intelligence attribute decisions

Emmet, in my opinion, is the best character in the game. He's smart, runs fast, not so clumsy, and makes 2 resources of each kind EVERYDAY. You can win the game by taking him only, if you want so.
Perfect for new players.

2. Deedee Dawkins
Agility - 3
Intelligence - 1
Strength - 1
Hunger decays slower
Captain's Goal:
Make 7 succesful attribute decisions of any type

Nice character, not as easy to play as Emmet, but not so hard as Tom. Perfect for whose, who want to play a nice, not-so-hard-not-so-easy game.

3. Baby Bronco
Agility - 1
Intelligence - minus 1
Strength - Perfect
Can make friends faster
Captain's Goal:
Become friends with at least 3 of your crewmates

Pretty good character, totally not the easiest, but still not the hardest. And his perk is great too.

4. Maegan Mann
Agility - 2
Intelligence - 2
Strength - 1
Less likely to suffer from poor health
Captain's Goal:
Keep a full crew alive for 30 days
(Full crew is the only ones, you taken from the station, not the 4 astrocitizens in the ship)

Pretty hard character, pre-hardest one, because of no perfect or 3 pointed abilities.

5. Tom Thomson
Agility - 1
Intelligence - 2
Strength - 2
Less likely to go insane (Whole team)
Captain's Goal:
Send 3 successful expeditions on a strange, new world

The hardest character in the game. Get ready for the pain.
With the patch he:
-Runs slower than others
(Just like Bronco)
-Has no 3 pointed or perfect abilities
-His perk is a junk.
(Seriously, if you play well, you won't go insane at all)
(Patched. Now his perk affects the whole crew, but this is still the worst perk)
-Can sometimes find items in the shuttle
(THIS perk is interesting and it gives Tom the new power but.... HE STILL NOT THAT GOOD)
(Thanks, miguel.angel.sabido)

6. April Angelle
Agility - 2
Intelligence - 1
Strength - 2
The crew starts with a crafting bonus and expedition and crafting systems are on the lvl 2 from the start.
Captain's Goal:
Repair or upgrade 10 items

So... There's feminists out there so now we have a new character...
Let's start from what she's NOT Tom Thompson. She's a nice character to play. She has 4 stots for items at the start, she is pretty much perfect for scavenges.
And this is great.

That's all the characters we have.
Moving on to the new page.
1.2 Items
Here's the list of all items in the game and what do they do.

1. Can of Soup
The main thing, what helps you survive. You will need many of these.
(Also, good for crafting things, because you can carry infinite amounts of it)

2. Medkit
Cures the deseases.

3. Sock doll
Cures the insanity.

4. Communicator
A telephone, but for space.
You will need this, then you land on the planet.

5. Pistol
For the fights, of course!
Very useful in the late game.

6. Duct tape
Need to fix the ship.
Also, you will need this in most of events.

7. Mask
To filter the air.
You will need this in the early game.

8. Armor
Protects your body.
Useful in the middle and late game.
Space expeditions are walk in the park with it.

9. The Astrocitizen Manual
A handbook for all your needs.
Very useful at the any stage of the game.

10. An Artifact
The golden statue of the cow.
Very useful in some of the events.

11. Lighter
Useful in some of the events.
Helps in the dark places.

12. Shovel
"The best weapon for every survivalist"
Not really useful.

13. Battery
Super-duper Duracell battery.
Very useful in some of the events.

14. Resource Pack
Large box with some resources in it.
(Chemicals, Minerals, Energy or Random)
Can be found only on the start.
2. The Game
2.1 Survival basics
So, you made it! You are in the space! But what to do next? This page of our guide will help you!

Basic tips:
1. Your crew needs food. Feed them once in 5 days, that should be enough. Also you can feed them first time on day 10.
2. Try to land on the planet as soon as possible.
3. There's a crafting device on the ship. Use it as much as you can.
4. Think before you choose, what to do next.
5. Craft medkit as fast as you can. It needs very much time to craft, so if you catched a desease, and there is no medkit, you very likely will be dead.
6. Send as much expeditions on the planets, as you can.
2.2 Your spaceship
List of all the devices, what currently available in your ship.

1. Crafting machine
You can craft and recycle things and upgrade your spaceship here.
Crafting machine needs resources, so you need to find them somewhere.
Can be upgraded to make more items.

2. Main computer
You can see, what troubles meet your crew this day, and solve them here.
Think before you make a choice!

3. Journal
You can see results of the past day choices here.

4. Spacesuit
Send people on to scavenge in it.
Can carry 2 things.
Can be upgraded to carry more (up to 4 things).

5. Lever
Pull it, and you will finish the day.

6. Navigation sistem
Helps navigate your scavenges on the planet.
Can be upgraded to go further on the scavenge.
3. The End
3.1 Planets
To recieve a good ending, you need to land on the planet. Here are them:

Planet 1: Mootopia
Mootopia is the sandy planet with the staues and shrines of Cow everywhere.
Medium difficulty planet.

Planet 2: Phobonos
Phobonos is the rocky planet with the smokey athmosphere. (because of war)
For me, hard difficulty planet.

Planet 3: Robotofu
Robotofu is the rocky planet, filled with robots.
Easy-to-play planet.
3.2 Endings
Now we come to the endings. What you need to know, is what each planet has 4 endings. Each planet has 2 singlecrewmate, and 2 multicrewmate endings. Here are some of them, what i know:

Good endings:

1. Mootopia

Ending 1: Spaceship ending.
Solo ending
As you land on Mootopia, repair the communication device on your ship (it will be broken everytime you land on the planet) and wait for the signal. One day you will hear, what some group of prisoners, landed on this planet, are repairing their prison ship. If you deside to help them, they will ask you about the astrositizen manual and something llike duct tape or battery. If you give them all they need, they will come to you in about few days and invite to their ship.
You can do this ending first try. Its easy. Just dont forget about the manual.

The end picture:

Ending 2: Pyramid ending.
Ok, so to get the ending all what you need is to land of Mootopia, go to all 3 available pyramids, succed at all the quests there and win.
Pretty easy right?
I tried so many times and still can't get this ending
Bless you, everyone who managed to do this and tell about this. (Around 10 people)

Endings 3-4: ???
I don't know what ending are these. If you know, write in the comments!


Ending 1: Bunker ending
Solo ending
As you land on Phobonos, some day you will come to event, whan you hear a strange sound in the dark corridor, somewhere on the planet. Grab the lighter with you, and go explore the mines! You will meet Phobonos people from some bunker, what saying, what they want to get the vacuum trains from the Central Station, and they need your help. They will ask for the 40 energy from you, and for some supplies (duct tape, med kit, and gasmask). Then you give these to them, they will take you to their bunker. (Or their new train station, I don't really know)
Ending is hard because of 40 energy.
(No picture, sorry)

Ending 2: Lost ending
Solo ending
Same as previous one, but if you fail (i think so) the last bunker people quest, you will get stuck in the tunnel system and die in there.
Pretty dark, isnt it? But still a good ending.
Thanks, Joquel

Ending 3: Central Station ending
Not sure about how many crewmates do we need.
I, personnaly don't know much about this ending. All i know, what if you meet people from the Central Station of vacuum trains, they will ask you to help them make this planet peaceful. If you know more about this ending, writhe in the comments!

Endings 4-5: Idk-how-to-name-this-lol

After helping the little guy that you get from investigating the wailing he'll tell you about a safe fortress That turns out to be a prison and the person you send has to fight their way out
One of the prisoners will tell you about the REAL safe haven once you go to the real haven they'll say they have to "work out terms" first
A few days later you'll have to give them 40 chems
A few MORE days later you'll have to help them defeat a barbarian cavalcade helmed by the very little guy that you helped through a intel/agility/strength skillcheck
This is where the endings split

If you fail the skillcheck you get this ending

Have Baby Bronco in your party to pass a Max Strength check to defeat the raiders. Doing this allows your party to travel on to Haven and live with the Phonobians, convince them that the planet is habitable again and you all make a great life together restoring the planet.
(Thanks, Col of Chtulhu)

Alternatively the little guy that you help will just leave and the prisoner will show up in a vehicle asking for 10 minerals leading to the event where you need to pass a skillcheck to defeat the barbarian cavalcade helmed by the very little guy that you helped
(Sorry everyone for just Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V the information)
(Crowbaria, thank u 2)


2 solo endings here are starting the same way, so listen:

As you land on Robotofu, repair the communication device on your ship and wait for the signal. One day you will hear what somebody is looking for the sock puppet. If you decide to help them, you will meet the robot named Sheila. She tells you what she's in love with the Danko the robot, but her program already found her another husband. She will need your help to delete this program from her and ask you for some supplies like duct tape or battery, and then, come to your shuttle for to make the hack attack.

Now, listen closely:

Ending 1: Home ending
If you destroyed the program inside her, she will thank you, marry Danko the robot, and invite you into her home town.
Pretty easy ending, but depends on luck at the end.

The end picture:

Ending 2: Prison ending
(Not so good ending, but game counts it as the good one)
If you failed helping her, she will die and A.S.T.R.O. will take care of the corpse. Some day, Danko the robot will be interested, where Sheila is. He will think what we killed her. He will tell about all this another robots, and they will come to you, to send to the prison or kill. If you surrender to them, they will send you to their prison (box, flying in the space) and you will get your ending.
Pretty easy ending, but depends on luck at the end.

That flying box:

Ending 3: Dog ending
As you loand on the planet, explore the village and visitor center. When, someday, you may hear the strange SOS signal. Go to the location and after the exploration you will bring back a robot dog, repair it and eplore some more locations, and there will be a good ending.

Ending 4: Marriage ending
Basically, just same as first 2 but you need to find the new love for Sheila, rather then fixing her.
You will be then invited to city and live happily ever after.

Ending 5: Bad dog ending
Same as 3rd one at good endings, but fail at the end.

Space endings:

Theese ending can happen to you in space or some planets:

1. Space pirates
If you survive long enough, space pirates will find you and try to kill. You can get this ending by surrender to them.
(Also this could be Communists, Aliens or Robots)

2. Black hole ending
You can get this ending by not landing on any planet and jump right into the black hole.
Also there's an achievement for that.
(Thanks around 10 people shouting about this ending)
4. Achievements (W.I.P.)
List of all achievements in the game, and how to get them!
(Someone, please send a full list of english achievement names)

1. Don't Panic!
Make it to the shuttle before nuclear impact
How to get:
Simply beat the tutorial

2.All seats taken
Rescue 3 crewmates from the station during 1 playthrough
How to get:
Rescue 3 people from the station

3. Tinkerer
Upgrade the item
How to get:
Simply use your crafting device to upgrade something

4. Space Engineer
Upgrade a system
How to get:
Use your crafting device to upgrade a ship sistem

5. Stay cool
Die in space
How to get:
Die (Not on the planet)

6. Dust to dust
Perish on the planet
How to get:
Die (On the planet)

7. Crafty
Craft 10 items
How to get:
Use your crafting device to craft something 10 times (not in the single playthrough).

8. Eco-Shuttle
Recycle 10 items
How to get:
Use your crafting device to recycle 10 items (not in the single playthrough).

9. Fix-It Felix
Repair 10 items
How to get:
Use your crafting device to repair or upgrade 10 items (not in the single playthrough).

10. Space Explorer
Go on 10 succesfull expeditions
How to get:
Send 10 expeditions on the planets and make sure they return back (not in the single playthrough).

11.Hello World
Fix the communicator console after landing
How to get:
As you land on one of 3 planets, fix the communicator console with the communicator

12. Extreme Makeover
Upgrade all shutte systems
How to get:
Use your crafting device to upgrade all your systems (crafting device, spacesuit and navigation system) once (not in the single playthrough).

13. Upgrader
Upgrade all items
How to get:
Use your crafting device to upgrade every item in the game (not in the single playthrough).

14. No Man Left Behind
Reach any ending with the full crew
How to get:
Reach any ending with the crew, you took from the station (not with 4 people).

15. 2018: A Soup Odyssey
Collect 111 soup cans from the station
How to get:
Take 111 soup cans from the station to the shuttle (not in the single playthrough).

16. Hands Full
Collect each item from the station at least once
How to get:
Collect every single item in the game and take them to your shuttle. (not in single playthrough).

17. For Science!
Reach an ending as Emmet
How to get:
Reach one of the good endings as the Emmet Ellis.

18. Gold Medalist
Reach an ending as Deedee
How to get:
Reach one of the good endings as the Deedee.

19. New Life
Reach an ending as Baby Bronco
How to get:
Reach one of the good endings with Baby Bronco.

20. Perfect Maeganegment
Reach an ending as Maegan
How to get:
Reach one of the good endings with Maegan Mann.

21. Not The Joke
Reach an ending as Tom Thompson
How to get:
Reach one of the good endings with Tom Thompson.

22. Space Colonizator
Crash land on the planet
How to get:
Simply land on the planet.

23. Friendzone
Make a friend
How to get:
Help some of the crewmates, untill he/she will be friendly to you.

24. Space Selfie
Just share your ending with the whole world after dying or winning.

25. Meet the Petersons
Spare the cockroaches and they will live in your space shuttle.
(Thanks, Crowbaria)

26. Et tu, Astrocitizen?
One day you will see what one of your crewmates is android and you will need to kill him
(Thanks, awilddoggo [Pann.Co])
Final Words
Thanks for reading this guide.
If you found any mistakes, write in the comments below.
(English is not my native)
This guide will update as soon as it possible to me.

Remember to like and comment!
aart Jan 19 @ 1:31am 
what but emett isnt making me resures
Capt.Darling Nov 5, 2023 @ 6:39am 
Space colonization... when the British didn't have enough already.
グリフィス Dec 11, 2022 @ 8:54am 
Got pyramid ending with emmit and tom first try lol. Also got space ending where I become a musician with space robots
_.-+*"ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵒ"*+-._ May 31, 2022 @ 7:43pm 
>So... There's feminists out there so now we have a new character...

bruh thats so edgy and cool
Kenshin Mar 28, 2022 @ 3:56am 
There is one more ending on robotofu. You need to fail Sheila s repair and then don t lie about this incedent when Danko come and ask about her. In a couple of days danko will return to the spaceship with Sheila. In the ending you will fly to a planet with advanced technologies to cure Sheila
Remnants Of Fire Mar 8, 2021 @ 2:13pm 
Heh I got moontopia pyramid on my first play through. Excited to see the other planets now
Parity Feb 7, 2021 @ 6:38pm 
I got the Mootopia Pyramid ending first try lol
cocaineaddict69420 Jan 24, 2021 @ 8:07am 
ive been playing this game wrong I play emmet and tom mainly tom ill use emmet now :60pEE::60pTT:
Robert Dec 10, 2020 @ 9:59am 
How do u get the NO ticket achment its the only one i dont have:0face:
Garp Jr. Oct 1, 2020 @ 4:39pm 
Another Mootopia ending is when you decide to not help the prisoners. This decision puts you at war with them, and the ending is that you successfully capture their ship. (which I succeeded with a loyal crewmember, armor and upgraded blaster -- but I'm not sure which factors really went into that success)
The end picture is that same ship, but empty apart from your own crew.