The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

277 oy
How to become a Heroic Monster!
Roxxas tarafından
Yo All! The purpose of this guide is to show you how to become the monster, a build that makes heroic mode..easy mode, FYI my first guide take it easy on me
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6th June 2013
Well not much to say, cause not many read this part (well i dont), but THIS BUILD will make you a god in the game!!.( unless they Patch it) and Oh yeah Its a Willpower Melee Build But you can mix up spells if you want.
Please let me know if i miss anything or if this guide is trash :P, and like is said FYI my first Guide

(about the shot, My toon stats, the highest damage was done when i used Flaming Sphere)
Pro's & Con's
  • Non gear dependant
  • Strong AOE
  • Strong Single Target
  • Very High Def
  • High Magical Item Drop rate
  • low Rage usage
  • Low Potion usage

  • Melee ?
  • Trying to understanding this guide
  • Makes the game too easy

(about the shot, the 9k's are Embracing Flame, the 13k's is the Lightning Strike)
How does this work
Well in summary its all about spellpower the more you have the higher your def and damage will be

In this build your basic damage calculation is spellpower, +Crit chance, and +%Crit damage (See the Perks and Skill Section for more detail) and yeh its simple enough..

Live to win!!

as You can see above
Mystic Shield at max level 40% of your spellpower is added to your Def and 35% of damage is done to you mana (you will have alot of mana with all willpower)
Shielding Flames Whats when your Embracing Flames is on with 2 power up thats 20% Absorb (I only use in early levels, see skills area)
Spirite Guardian (Katarina's pasive) 27% of all damage goes to Katarina (so give her potions)
So thats 35%+20%+27%=82% in damage mitigation(WTF)...You will only ever take 18% of the damage done and thats when you get hit!!(see shot, below)

Skill usage
(default Cooldowns Listed)
hmm.. what can i say use them when you can
Mystic Shield Duration 90sec Cooldown 90sec
Last Stand Duration 40sec Cooldown 60sec
Embracing Flames (powered up when you can, see Skill section) Duration 8sec Cooldown 10sec

(about the shot, x2 mystic shield active)
Stats & Gear Priority
Very simple 100% of all Stats will go to Willpower (and yes all)

Gear Priority
This will be in order from best to worse

  • WillPower
  • Luck
  • Body
  • Dex

Enchantment and Esseces
  • Crit Chance Untill 30%
  • Spellpower
  • Crit damage
  • % Life Steal (3-4% will do)
  • % Mana Steal (same as above)
  • +% to Lightning Damage (optional but good)
  • +% to Fire Damage (same as above)
(about the Shot, its my stats without any active skills or combat pasives)
Skills & Tricks
Main Skills & Tricks
Once again in order from most important to the least however please read the comments
TIP: If your feeling lazy go into options and turn on auto power up, works well for this build.
(auto power up: when you use you skill it will power up you moves acording to you set combo)

Mystic Shield Can be obtained early in Scenario Mode
Need this ASAP This is your main Def, use when available. Max this First After Whats needed in Lightning Strike and Embracing Flames
(just a note, this skill can stack O_O! yeh..., if you lower your cooldown's)

Last Stand Can be obtained early in Scenario Mode
Meh.. what can i say the trick is OP, Use when available. Max after Mystic Shield and whats needed in Lightning Strike and Embracing Flames.

Lightning Strike
Get this ASAP is this you main Attack move, You dont need any power up skills, But learn the 2 pasives Winder Arc and Thunder Strike when you can. Max after Whats needed in Embracing Flames, Mystic Shield and Last Stand
( just a note to you guys when hitting a single target the electric shock from this move will hit that same target, so thats a double strike..)

Embracing Flames
Another skill that will let you live and deal great aoe damage, as soon as your Level 4 learn this skill and get power up Shielding Flames and Violet Flames. Max this after the above, also learn Blazing Aura additional spell pasive. When you get to about Level 20 and this is optional also depending on you gear, Respec Shielding Fames to White Flames(with 2 power up thats +60% damage).
Combo set will be: Shielding Flamesx2(or White Flames) and Violetx1

Thrilling Heroics Can be obtained early in Scenario Mode
can't say much Learn when you can, Max after above skills(+15% wep damage at max level)

With rampage only start leveling this skill when you have a atleast +10% Crit chance, hmmm great early if u get the crit, UBER end game (+100% crit damage)

Elemental Damage
No comment.... (+28% elemental damage its huge), must learn 1 point in Rage, Max this,don't learn the additional Pasive

No comment again.. (+22% damage increase after 3 kills for 3 sec) must learn 1 point in Parry, Max this,don't learn the additional Pasive

Ok When you get to level 30 and have all the above you will have 8-9 skill points left, depending on what you did in the quest, it really doesnt matter were they go, however here is some skills i would recomend
Yeh its parry.. and the aditional skills isnt bad

More HP..FTW?? your call

Full Resistace
More Def.. really its your call

TIP: you can remove the 2 default power up's from the default moves, just go to the respec guy(2 free skill points)

(about the shot, my stats in combat,)
With the perks most of them you will need to respec stats/skill in order to learn them

Berserker Obtain by default
+10% damage at max rage, You will be max rage most of the time

Salamandra Obtain by Maxing Embracing Flames and Flaming Sphere
+15% fire damage, enough said i think

Stromblood Obtain by Maxing Lightning Strike and Lightning
+15% lightning damage, yeh...

Slayer Obtain by +50 base stats on body and Dex
+10% damage...Ummmm...Yeh...really dont think i need to comment on the Perks

Magic Hunter Obtain by +50 base stats on Will and Body
+10% on melee damage
+10% on Spellpower

Bull's eye Obtain by +50 base stats on Will and Dex
+10% on range damage
+10% on Spellpower

Perfect Aim Obtain by +150 in Luck (thanks Ashatar)
+5% crit chance

Destructive Obtain by +50 base stats on Luck
+50% crit damage

Veteran Hunter I forgot how i got it
+3 Ability Points
+2 Skill Points
use equipment 1 level higher than you.
Only skill i will comment on because its posible to craft level 31 items (with 10 enchants on them ... But thats another guide, if I feel like it) just look at my wep screen shot, (Items can't be crafted anymore, 09 june 2013)

Elementalist I also forgot how i got it
+5% Lightning Damage
+5% Fire Damage
+5% Ice Damage
+10% Elemental Resistance

(about the shot, all my rare gear have 10 enchantments just like my sword)
Lady Katarina
Ok, her main use is pasives, she will be in Ghost Mode most of the time (100%in my game)
Be nice give her a few potions she will prob need it at the start
Her Potions Usage Thresh hold should be at 30-40%

Just 100% Luck (more loot FTW!!), unless you want her to dps..."ahahaha!!" (just stay with luck...)

In order again best to worse, but this time its mainly preference

Arcane Awakening
MAX ASAP its a +12.5% spellpower

Otherworldly Senses
Max this skill too, however get a level on Spirit Guardian, (more loot FTW!!)

Spirit Guardian
Very good skill, get a level ASAP, 5/8 skill level will do, (but its your call)

Incorporeal Defence and Gift of Resistance
with the skills above your call, you can even go more Spirit Guardian if you want

Giver her anything that adds +% Magic item find(see stats shot I have almost got 300% to magic find in full damage gear) (and again MORE LOOT FTW!!!)
Last Notes
I wrote this on 6th june 2013
Why did i write the guide.. cause everyone online i run into ask me too many questions about my DPS
All screen shots are done in Heroic Scenario Mode,
I hope this helps, give me some feedback good or bad
Any Questions? Drop it in the Comments (and I will try to answer if i cbf)
My Toon name is Mr. Van Helsing (yeh.. Mr...**sigh**really didnt plan to make a guide..), your welcome to join me if multi works!! and see if u cant Top my Highest damage done (in the intro part)
Cya around

(about the shot, Sorry u cant really see me toomany numbers)

My Gear endgame

(shot june 09 2013)
67 Yorum
Jormungard 22 May 2020 @ 19:53 
Too old
Two Clicks 19 Eki 2018 @ 10:46 
Unfortunately its a very squishy at the start and you have to scrounge for enough healing potions at the start. It was probably a superb build in 2013 but if I cant get past the first forest on heroic its pointless for me. Still Ihad fun keep VH alive that long! :)
Stc125161 25 Haz 2016 @ 8:58 
Just a little note, Perfekt Aim perk can be obtained at 110 base luck, not 150.
Dr Trager 9 Şub 2016 @ 20:44 
Mystic shield's duration has decreased to 40 Seconds since then with a cooldown of 60 seconds. Duration and cooldown don't improve per level, so the best you can do is try to lower your cooldowns by alternate means. Still, it is likely there is that gap of vulnerability,
Scar 28 Tem 2015 @ 6:51 
the salamndra and stromblood perks do you need both skills maxed in each or just one of each? In other words for the slamandra must you max embracing flames and flaming sphere or will the perk come up after maxing just one or the other?
Deleted User 18 Haz 2015 @ 7:26 
Hi, I´m Level 25 and find your Guide... I feel stronger, but is it right that I die every 3rd or 4th Mobgroup? And at evere I need a Potion. Bevor your Guide I skilled everythink on Budy :-)
Neo NiGHTS ® 10 Oca 2015 @ 16:12 
I've just tried this build and while it's good, it's NOWHERE NEAR as is here. Of course, I don't have the same equipment, not even close to the same stats, but if I make it proportonialy, no way in thell I'd get a Lightning Strike with 11k+ of DPS.

Rounding up the numbers, the OP has 1900 of Spellpower while I have 550. But my DPS on lightning strike is 700. So, it's easy to see that if I COULD get all that same 1900 spellpower I'd never get close to 11k DPS (probably it'd be close to 2000).

Probably the devs have toned down a LOT those overly powerful builds.
FatherOfMunkers 16 Kas 2014 @ 8:19 
Thanks for sharing man. Is this build still viable November 2014? Just started this game and having a hard time adjusting from Diablo.
Mario Ad Noman 12 Eyl 2014 @ 17:59 
Hey How did u get all these items? They have just way too much blue stats!
DoG 8 Eyl 2014 @ 8:45 
thank for the guide