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The Ten Commandments Of A Destiny Main.
By T. Imberson and 1 collaborators
All Destiny Mains Must Follow These Ten Commandments.
Commandment Number 1.
Thou shalt praise the Megasphere, as thou almighty Megasphere carries thou energy and salt of all Destiny players.
Commandment Number 2.
Thou shalt always fully charge your M2 before releasing, as this creates maximum power and force to blast a hole in thou enemies.
Commandment Number 3.
Thou shalt knock your enemies into oblivion, which many know as the Death Vortex.
Commandment Number 4.
Thou shalt perform complex geometry, trigonometry and other mathematical equations to workout the perfect ultimate.
This technique is also known as the Geometrical Zero to Death.
Commandment Number 5.
Once thou has acquired enough jade tokens, thou shall equip thouself with the garments on the sky captain. Though shall then equip thouself with the accompanied weaponry, which best suits the garments.
Commandment Number 6.
Thou shall create an immovable wall, stopping all projectiles in thou tracks. However thou shall always smacked by jades M2.
Commandment Number 7.
Thou shall counter thy enemies attack patterns, causing thou to fly upward approximately 95° for approximatly 2.7 seconds. Through this combo of extreme mathematics, thou has created a ball of
K N O W L E D G E which will cause thou enemies heads to implode.
Commandment Number 8.
Thou has come equipped with the power to travel long distances in short amounts of time through the power of G E O M E T R Y, using the "space" technique thou may roll around similar to the way a marble rolls along wood.
Commandment Number 9.
Thou shall fire M2's the exact same way as any other ranged character with a charge M2 by executing a full 360 and then firing, its a known fact that a ful 360 increases range by about 3.5 inches, any extra perks to an attack is worth.
Commandment Number 10.
Thou shall alt-tab pre match until the timer reaches 1 second before match start cos thou be doing that math homework.
Yung Spinnedge
Thanks to the one and only, based god spinach for teaching me the amazing information behind the Samus Ripoff Destiny.

Yung Spinnedge : " ♥♥♥♥ "
Hephaestus Oct 16, 2018 @ 9:16am 
real great way to explain things.