Mega Man Legacy Collection 2

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2

53 ratings
Mega Man 8 Undub, 'Brand New Way' in credits and more!
By Kaed✩Wolf
With this mod you can play Mega Man 8 with japanese voices (in game), have "Brand New Way" as credits music (and Music Player) and make the game continue to using English text for the interface when changing the language of the Collection to Japanese (for playing the Rockman versions). :D
What this mod will change?
  • Mega Man 8 will have japanese voices in game
    (for the opening and anime videos see the Guide below)
  • Mega Man 8 and Rockman 8 will play Brand New Way as credits music followed by the instrumental theme
  • Credits music from Mega Man 8 in Music Player will play the full version of Brand New Way
  • Selecting Japanese language in the collection Options (for playing Rockman versions of the games) will still keep the HUD in English
  • The disc file are now password free! You can freely extract and mod its contents!
Installing the mod
First, go to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MegaMan2 (or whatever directory your installation folder is), and rename your original disc file into something else, just for backup purposes. You can rename it to disc_original. Then, download the mod disc file and place the file in the same folder. And you are ready to go. :D
Opening the "disc" file
Thanks to the discovery of the encrypted password from the disc file, now it's possible to access the game files! With this you can easily extract and mod the game. New possibilities have been opened. If you want to access the game files, first download a program that can open compressed files, like WinRAR (for free) for example. After that, go to the game instalation folder and rename the disc file to, and extract it with WinRAR. Now you will have access to all of the game folders and files. Just remember that the files must be compressed again with the ZIP extension, in order for the game to read the file. And also change back the file name to disc.

Special thanks ~
A special thanks to Nico, for kindly sharing the link to the forum (now closed) where the tool to remove the password from the disc file have been released. So I could finally be able to create the mod the way I intended years ago.
Wanna play Mega Man 8 with japanese opening and cutscenes? Check this guide out!
Kaed✩Wolf  [author] May 26 @ 5:42pm 
I think it could be possible, now that the protection of the disc file has been removed. But the opening will still be in english or japanese for both games, since the worldwide version plays the same video file. I don't intend to do this modification, but anyone is free to do so.
Player May 25 @ 10:29pm 
Is it impossible to just localize the Japanese version of the game so you have full access to the English and Japanese versions of the game? Just an idea since that's how ZX/ZXA's undub is handled
八神アンドレ伊織 Dec 5, 2023 @ 7:18pm 
Tava esperando por isso ansiosamente,espero update tb pros 2 MMXLC(principalmente o MMX 4 nas intros dos Irregulars/Mavericks) :ah3heart:
Kaed✩Wolf  [author] Dec 5, 2023 @ 12:50pm 
The mod has been updated! After five years since the original release of this Guide, with the help of the disc file password I was able to make the final version of the mod. Now it just require that you download a modified version of the disc file. That way you can get the japanese voices in game and the japanese music in credits followed by the instrumental music! And as a plus, you get the full version of Brand New Way in the Music Player. :megaman::Speech_Love:
Kaed✩Wolf  [author] Dec 4, 2023 @ 9:39pm 
In that case you probably made a mistake in some step. But don't worry, very soon I will update the mod with a modified version of the disc file. It will be not necessary to manually edit the file anymore.
Zer0Knaitomea Dec 4, 2023 @ 1:14pm 
i followed all of your steps and i opened the game and it just show the capcom logo and then only shows a black screen, help
SonicMaster519 Dec 11, 2022 @ 8:50pm 
The fact that we need all these fancy modifications to even do stuff like this is kinda ridiculous. Awesome collection but at least include some handy options.
Dgo Sep 24, 2022 @ 8:23pm 
What's the pass? Didn't get it even downloaded the zip.
八神アンドレ伊織 Sep 24, 2022 @ 7:58pm 
Thats a biggest find,very thx :angeljoy:
NoName141203 Sep 24, 2022 @ 7:54pm 
I found the password of the disc file in this forum