Neon Space 2

Neon Space 2

Hardest Levels Neon Space 2 walkthrough
由 Tostiman Ultimate 發表
In this guide I show how I found my way through (imho) the hardest levels. I make this guide after I finished all levels with a gold medal, so the number of tries you can see above each level is the number of tries it took me after I already know how to win the level.

WASD voor moving (toward or away from cursor) about 80% of the time I use W.
cursor for direction
E for slowing time (ST)
Spacebar for Blink, (teleport yourself in front of you)

Ofcourse level 3 isn't a really hard level, but here I explain how you can move in straight lines. (MSL) It's really simple, but I didn't know about it until level 30-something. Knowing this earlier would've saved me a lot of time.

It goes as follows:

place your cursor to the spot you want to go to.
wait till the front of the spaceship is facing the cursor
press w until you get there (Don't move your cursor while moving your spaceship)

If u want a gold medal here, don't use MSL, just swing your way through and hope you're lucky ;)

Level 9
Attempts: 4

When you've made it, it isn't that hard, but this was the first level I got stuck on.

The vid explains it well enough I think. Use Blink at the end, if you doubt you're fast enough you can wait till the red line goes above you and then move in and use Blink.

Level 28
Attempts: 14

there are 2 important things to realize for this level.
- theres no shooting in the middle part
- the guns fire twice before taking a longer break

Level 34
Attempts: 12

This is the level were I figured out how MSL works, and this is also the level were it is the most important. You can also try getting to the end with really small 'normal' steps or with keeping W pressed all the time and moving your mouse slowly, but theres little chance you get the gold medal that way.

Be aware of the fact that the middle of the spaceship goes to your mouse, so always keep distance to the walls when you place your cursor.

In the last part you can use Blink, but make sure you're far enough from the upper walls when you try it.

Level 36
Attempts: lost count, +/-35

In my opinion this was by far the hardest level, and as you can see in the Menu, originally it was even harder (with an extra wheel at the start). One good thing about this level is, if you just keep moving you don't have to worry about time, as you can see above I made it in half the gold time.

In the wheels you can use MSL, but you can also do as I did in the vid, with steering against the wall, I made it both ways, but like the second option better.

WARNING: This level is kinda laggy, so be really carefull with MSL, because sometimes it goes wrong without a reason.

Level 37
Attempts: 1 (was requested)

Although the one who asked said there was a problem with how far you could blink. I did not envounter any problems whatsoever.
The only thing I know to say about it is that the purple balls fall random, so if they fall earlier or just were you don't want them to fall just restart or look carefully for when there is a free spot. I had over 5 seconds left for the gold medal.

Level 38
Attempts: 13

This is difficult in another way, but it took me a lot of tries to finish so I put it in here as well.
It's important that you watch the row you're going to and remeber when you should teleport or not, i.e. when you're in the upper row, you have to be all on the left side, or you will be too soon in de next row and instandly die.
For the last row you have really little time, so you gotta try to go to the left side, as soon as you teleport, and then go really soon after the red line to the last point.

Level 43
Attempts: 2 (requested)

This level is pretty straight forward, use MSL were possible and be carefull in the mills. Touching the yellow is insta-death

- I had over 20 seconds left, so there is no need to hurry.
- You can also use ST more than I did.

Level 44
Attempts: 12

Another level that cost me a lot of time. But that is also because at the start I just couldn't find when I should go and not and what was possible and what just not. When you've figured out the rithm it's actually quite easy.

-if you are going for the first orb immediatly, wait for the left small ball to go down for the second time (in total) before moving on.
-use ST when you got the second orb and the big ball is going up.
-if you don't manage to get the next 3 in one move, just wait for some seconds for the third above the big ball (that doesn't hit the ceiling) and use another ST to get past the fastest ball.
- Another ST is required to get the second last ball
- go between the 2 small balls down, it's the only place were you can go all the way down without being hit.

Level 48
Attempts: 6

The main reason why this level took me so long was because I realized a bit late, that when you got an orb, you can blink back.

-Use MSL between the code-lights
-When you're done with the code, the purple circles aren't lethal anymore
-For first orb, don't blink towards it (cause you'll have to wait to blink back), just MSL right through the bouncy triangle (see vid)
-for second orb: Do blink towards it, don't have to return anyway.

some text at the end and stuff
This was my guide, I hope you enjoyed it. If you think I missed a level that was really hard, let me know, if it's possible to update my guide I will, and at least I can give you some tips.

If you have tips for me about how to do things differently in my guide please et me know, this is the first one I made and I think I can improve quite a lot, but not really sure what exactly.
12 則留言
Mixxiphoid 2023 年 12 月 1 日 上午 1:15 
Took me about 25 tries but finally made it. I had to bounch of the yellow fan, go through and jump unto the target. Insanely hard level.
Tostiman Ultimate  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 1 日 上午 1:13 
@Mixxiphoid I had uninstalled the game and lost all progress, so I'm not gonna update the guide anymore.
Good luck with it!:CPUInvaders:
Mixxiphoid 2023 年 11 月 30 日 上午 11:57 
Where is level 42... can't believe any one would find that easy
javaKrypt 2020 年 7 月 18 日 下午 2:56 
@Algaron, LMAO I can't believe that actually works. Makes the game SO easy. Was playing at 144Hz, had to change my display down to 60Hz
Aglaron 2020 年 7 月 16 日 上午 11:33 
I found level 37 trick. you need to play the game 60fps
Tostiman Ultimate  [作者] 2020 年 7 月 16 日 上午 10:46 
There isn't any trick, I just hti the spacebar.
I've done it multiple times, so if you exactly follow the steos you should get tee same result
javaKrypt 2020 年 7 月 16 日 上午 10:10 
On lvl 37, how are you blinking that far? I can't even blink the distance between the 2 purple lines. You jumped from the earth to the middle!
Tostiman Ultimate  [作者] 2019 年 9 月 5 日 下午 2:20 
level 37 addeded
Aglaron 2019 年 9 月 4 日 下午 6:33 
Aglaron 2019 年 9 月 4 日 下午 6:30