Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

55 ratings
How to start playing original HL2DM under AG2
By 13rp and 1 collaborators
Short guide for compettitive HL2DM players who is fed up with HL2DM bugs and a little bit lazy to explore Adrenaline Gamer 2 on one's own :)
Hello HL2DM players. This guide is for players who like playing competitive HL2DM but are already fed up with Valve's HL2DM filled of bugs.
But we have a great alternative for Valve's HL2DM. It is original hl2mp under Adrenaline Gamer 2[www.hl2dmpro.com] and it is time to start playing it. I know some people are too lazy to learn manually what's the difference between hl2dm and AG2, so here i am and my guide, which will explain you everything you need to know to setup AG2, adapt your HL2DM config to AG2 and start playing it.
Let's go ->
Client installation
1. Go to www.hl2dmpro.com -> Downloads section -> Client files[www.hl2dmpro.com].
2. Download the latest AG2 autoinstaller.
3. Install it.
4. Go to Steam -> Library -> Tools and install Source SDK 2007
5. Restart Steam.

Once you run the game for the first time you will not see servers in the server list. That's because of som OrangeBox update. Just uncheck "Show map list" in server browser to fix this.

You can also copy HL2DM maps from
Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\hl2mp\maps
That's it. The game is ready to play. Go to the next section and learn how to adapt your hl2dm configs to AG2.
Client's configs and differences
For complete information http://www.hl2dmpro.com/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=10.

Ok, so you installed AG2 and now you are ready to make your config.

Server management

Every player in AG2 can easily manage server settings via the command menu (F12 by default).

And here is the 1st necessary bind:
bind "F12" "showpanel pg_commandmenu"

If you aren't the only person on the server, a vote for the setting changes will be started. A vte is successful when at least 51% of the players vote YES.
Here that makes 2 more binds you will need:
bind "F1" "pg_vote yes"
bind "F2" "pg_vote no"

If you are an admin and have RCON-password, the server management will be available with
bind "F11""showpanel pg_adminmenu"

A few words about the HUD

You can customize it easily with command menu:

Match management

DM/TDM modes can be switched via the command menu on-the-fly. That means no map change is required.
All server configs (CU 1on1/TDM, eFPS, CAL, etc.) can be switched easily with the "Server settings" button in the command menu.
Guess how the match cfg is executed? Same here. Command menu -> Start button :)
The server doesn't need to generate a new password every time you start the match.
When a match is underway, every player who joins the server will appear in spectators and won't be able to join the game.
So what will you do if you crash? Come back to the server, open command menu and press the "Allow" button. A vote will be started for players in-game, and you will be allowed to join back - if they vote YES ofcourse. :)
Chatting while the match is paused is no problem. When you unpause the game, there will be a few seconds countdown so everyone will be ready.
Everything is easier, isn't it? :)

Demos recording

You will need 2 binds for demo recording. Example:
bind "HOME" "pg_record start"
bind "END" "pg_record stop"

And the demos you record will have suitable names with date, time and map name.
For example: 20130508-013821-dm_biohazard_cal
Don't worry about overwriting an existing demo, every new recorded demo gets its own unique name.

Mouse settings

For those, who played with m_rawinput 1 only.
Some of you is addicted to m_rawinput 1.
But RAW Input does not exist in AG2, so you may have trouble with sensitivity.
First of all disable custom accel (m_customaccel "0")
If your mouse movement is not equal to Valve's HL2DM, install mousefix[donewmouseaccel.blogspot.ru] (if you have one, you don't) and check your mouse sensitivity in windows control panel (CP).
If the setting in CP is 6/11 this means your sensitivity must be the same for AG2 and HL2DM with RAW input.
For example i have 4/11 in Wondows. This means my sensitivity in AG2 must be 2 times greater than in HL2DM with enabled raw input. Why x2? This link[www.notalent.org] will help you :)

Rates and Necode

There is custom improved netcode which is enabled by default.
Anyway if you don't like it for some reason, you can switch back to Valve's netcode. The responsible CVAR is pg_cl_enhancedhitreg. Try both and realise the difference :)
There is also the CVAR responsble for rates autoconfiguration (pg_cl_netautoconf). If you set it to 1, your rates will be automatically adjusted every map change. Disable it, if you want to use your own net-settings.


Despite that a lot of things can be customized with the command menu you may need a few more CVARS in your cfg:
cl_name "^1[Sc] ^aGAVVVR" //Yes, colors are supported for chat and nick-names, refer to offical AG2 guide for details[www.hl2dmpro.com]
pg_cl_netautoconf "0" //The rates can be adjusted automatically by the game for every server you join. A nice feature to always have the best rates on every server.
pg_cl_fov "90" //FOV can be changed
pg_cl_autoscreen "1" // Automatically takes score screenshot (jpeg, not TGA) at the end of each map.

Chat communictaion

Colored chat binds are supported and you can report to your team about your HP, suit and more:

Example: bind "x" "say_team At %L - Status: %H/%A - LJ: %J"
Will result: "At Bridge area - Status : 95/43 - LJ : Yes"
Server configuration [for server owners]
AG2 server installation is also much easier than HL2DM
You can find http://www.hl2dmpro.com/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=12.

In short the necessary steps are:
1. Download hl2mp and orangebox content in the same folder using SteamCMD (the new tool replacing HLDSUpdateTool)
2. Download and extract latest archive with AG2 server files and extract it to orangebox folder.
3. Upload our favorite competitive hl2dm maps on the server.
4. Delete RCBots from orangebox/orangebox/ag2/addons and set pg_sv_bot to 0 in server.cfg.
5. Set the
  • hostname
  • rcon_password
  • sv_password
located in server.cfg
6. As most of us are ex-CU-players, fix CU configs to display some custom non-hl2mp textures properly. Set sv_pure from 2 to 1 in next files:
  • Clans-United - Regular - 1o1.cfg
  • Clans-United - Regular - TDM.cfg
which are located in cfg/server_settings
In this case the rules from pure_server_whitelist.txt will be applyed.
7. Since some engime updates, Adrenaline Gamer 2 servers aren't displayed in steam master-server list. If you want your server was displayed in server browser add the following strings to your server.cfg:
sv_master_legacy_mode 0heartbeat[forums.alliedmods.net]

As you can see in general you don't need metamod, sourcemod, a lot of match plugins, generating passwords... etc. :)
I hope this guide will help hl2dm community to move on AG2 with ease now.
We tested AG2 already and can say it is good old HL2DM with a lot of fixes.
Just imagine, playing lockdown is interesting again because you can use speedscating to get RPG.
Old bhop without delay after crouch.
Match managment is very easy, forget about #.#, sm_admin, etc. And evrything changes on-the-fly.
A lot of fixes. Even little bugs are fixed. For example the explosive barrel will not explode after yo-yo tirck if it get's in touch with something.
There is also enough servers to play AG2 in EU and some servers are up in USA, so you don't have to worry about it.

Me and aKew have already played enough friendly 1v1 and 2v2 in AG2 and can confirm this mod is awesome.

Don't you still believe me? :)
Check the videos of our friendly 2v2 games below:
uNsLide Jan 8, 2022 @ 5:59am 
AG2 v1.03 works, but no servers around the web + no files to run linux/win servers yet found
Mr. Grimm √Peperoncini√ Feb 9, 2020 @ 7:20am 
What bugs lol, hl2dm didnt really have bugs on release. this is just someone trying to get dl's lol
Nepu (Soggy Mango) Nov 30, 2019 @ 8:23am 
what are the bugs in competive hl2dm?
Rémi Aug 21, 2017 @ 9:52am 
Dead link
13rp  [author] Dec 13, 2016 @ 1:22pm 
No bugs and advanced gameplay mode if you wish. But as i know AG2 does not work now
arachnid14 Dec 10, 2016 @ 6:33am 
whats the difference tho
Бесимся Aug 4, 2013 @ 10:21am 
Need ppl 2 play AG2 :<
Boxa в кедах Oo™ Jul 31, 2013 @ 9:59pm 
complects Jun 26, 2013 @ 2:47pm 
well the last bastion of dm. Soon this will died and good bye dm.
Vozz Jun 9, 2013 @ 2:55am 
that guy is pro as hell