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Puzzle Solving Method, Shape Rotation and Acheivements Guide
By DreadPiratePook
This is a simple guide to help you progress in the game, earn achievements and finish all the puzzles up to level 100.

Please rate if you find it helpful (or not!). Thank you! ^_^
Primary Tip and Helpful Rotation Mechanic
My primary tip, which becomes even more important in later levels with more complex shapes, is to search/scan the sand bricks visually for recognizable shapes and patterns.

ALSO, PRO TIP: I only realized this feature when solving the final puzzle. After you've selected two shapes but before you match them, you can click and drag each shape to rotate them and examine them from different angles to make sure they match. I was able to beat all the levels without knowing this, but it might help you with a tricky one! :-)

Rotation example, after selecting two shapes for a possible match, just click and drag:

Look for groups of the square bricks that make up the larger shapes(half-blocks) that are all on the same level and flat together. For example, if you've played Tetris, you can search for shapes you'd see in Tetris in the blocks on the bottom of the screen and then just watch as the upper half shapes rotate until you see one that has the matching shape inverse on the other half-block.

Some shapes that I saw often were: L shapes, squares, rectangles, a larger square with a missing block in the center, or even a plain column of 4 or more mini blocks. After you find one of these easy to identify shapes within the larger half-block, that makes it easier for you to scan the other set of half-blocks on the opposite side of the line that divides the matching puzzle.

Following the logic of the types of shapes I identified above, after you match the shapes with the easier to identify pieces, take those easier shape choices (like L, square, rectangle, column, hollow square) and build on them. Look for irregular shapes based on the basic shapes, with a few extra mini-blocks right next to it and match away.

Here is an example of the late-game puzzle shape-matching complexity:
Level 99
Level 100

If you look closely, level 100 had more recognizable shapes when I played it and I found it easier to solve than level 99.

I do think if you make a mistake and have to restart a level, sometimes you'll get lucky and the randomized new shapes will be easier to solve.
Achievements List
Most of the achievements (5 of 7) are just based on passing a certain number of levels. The other two achievements are based on solving a certain number of puzzles in a row successfully without an error. If you take your time, you should be able to earn those "solve x in a row without error" achievements by the time you've solved the first 30-40 levels.

Feeling great already!
This is the first achievement you'll get after solving the first 7 puzzles.

Playing with blocks like a pro!
I got this achievement next for completing 10 puzzle levels in a row without error.

Baby steps
This one comes next after solving the first 25 puzzles.

Sandcastles in the sand. 20 of them.
I got this one next after solving 20 puzzle levels in a row without error.
Tip/Note: I make a mistake or two after earning "Playing with blocks like a pro!" earlier. I checked the achievements and saw this one, and then slowed down and took my time more with the next sets of puzzles I solved until I got this achievement. After you get this one, you're free to rush and make mistakes without worrying.

Halfway there
You'll get this one after completing the first 50 puzzle levels

Are we there yet?
This one pops after solving the first 75 puzzle levels.

Master of the Sands
This SAYS you need to complete all the puzzles, but it popped for me after solving level 99, before completing level 100.
This game is cheap, short and enjoyable. I think I'll come back to replay it from time to time. After you beat all the levels, you can come back and skip around and play any that you want, like starting at level 50 or 85. This choice will be based on the challenge you want during a 30 minute puzzler game session.

Thanks for reading and enjoy SANDMADE!!!
DreadPiratePook  [author] Oct 18, 2020 @ 12:30am 
Glad you've found the guide helpful!
Maria Oct 15, 2020 @ 2:50pm 
Thanks :D
Neko May 28, 2020 @ 9:36am 
Thank you! Very helpful :foragerdroid: