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Quakespasm: How to activate CHUNKY MODE
Por Dwars
This guide will teach you how to make your Quakespasm look straight outta 1996.
This guide was inspired by the How I Play Quake in the Current Year guide. It will show you how to make your Quake game look similar to how it looked in the DOS days, complete with unfiltered textures, square particles, and even resolution scaling! Wonderful.
Arguably the most important part of getting your game looking chunky, even without the texture filtering this is (in my opinion) a vital part of getting your quake aesthetic right. Just look at the differences here. Normally in Quakespasm this is set to "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST", because GLQuake had it, which Quakespasm is trying to emulate to an extent. Cute! BUT WRONG. Go into your console (`) and type the following for instant unfiltered textures: gl_texturemode "gl_nearest_mipmap_linear"

Alternatively, gl_texturemode "gl_nearest" can be used for extra chunkiness in distant spots.

WITH "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" (filtered textures)
WITH "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR" (unfiltered textures)
In addition to unfiltered textures, particle effects are also a vital part of Quake's aesthetic. However, the particle settings turn them into weird circular particles, which to me look very ugly and contrast with the artstyle. So we're gonna make them square. It's hip to be square! All you have to do is set the following the console (`) command: r_particles 2

r_particles 1 (circle particles)
r_particles 2 (square particles)
The piece of aesthetic that might complete it all, r_scale makes the game appear downscaled as if you were playing on a lower resolution. Taste for this one is slightly more subjective, but for the purist lovers, 3-4 is your go to setting on this.

r_scale 0 (no scaling)
r_scale 2 (medium-rare)
r_scale 3 (for those that like it rough)
r_scale 4 (for the purist who thinks using the mouse is for chumps)
Extra Commands
Here are some extra commands to give your Quakespasm experience an even MORE vanilla look and feel.

r_viewmodel_quake 1 (alters the viewmodel to resemble the original Quake's positioning)
r_lerpmove 0 (disables animation interpolation for monsters and such)
r_lerpmodels 0 (disables animation interpolation for weapons and such)
With these settings, your game should look something like this. Enjoy your chunky software-like Quake mode!
65 comentarios
Eekiki 25 FEB a las 19:24 
There is one thing still missing though, and that's how to get the original messages at the quit confirmation prompt instead of the "quakespasm version dork point one by mister dork and friends" or whatever it says.
Sound Crafter 2 FEB a las 0:15 
how do I put these into an autoexec?
xoom 18 OCT 2023 a las 20:33 
Thanks Mr. John Pixels from the movie Pixels.
Lonewolfea 15 SEP 2023 a las 11:33 
The game does look a lot more retro with these settings.
milkdrinker21 2 SEP 2023 a las 12:21 
i like the old graphics more tbh
cam 1 SEP 2022 a las 2:37 
Raw and nasty, just how I like it
Bro Bike 9 MAY 2022 a las 16:57 
Filthy perfect
Aprocrisin 8 MAY 2022 a las 8:23 
Montoya 18 ABR 2022 a las 13:51 
@VHsigil: If you want the original demo running at start, you have to add the -fitz parameter.
elvis has left the building 10 DIC 2021 a las 14:52 
too chunky downvoting