The Infinite Black

The Infinite Black

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Chucklemub's Group PVP and PVE Guide
By Mythra
A guide to PVP, Gearing, Garrison Busting, Rescues, PVE Invasions, and Terminology in The Infinite Black
Fleet vs Fleet (FVF)
FvF is one of the top priorities, along with defence. A call for FvF should always be attended by everyone that is online. That means even if you are mid-invy/rifty, farming, busting or hunting. Stop what you are doing and get in fleet to support the alliance.

A typical FvF call looks like this:

Notice that the speed was not included, assume that FvF is always 2.5 speed unless specifically
told otherwise by the driver. Usually if the FvF is not at 2.5 speed, the initial call will have the speed included to avoid any confusion. Being 2.5 speed means that you can turn up to the stack at whatever speed you want, if your ship is moving at 15 sec speed it won’t matter, because following a carrier turns your movement speed to 2.5 sec. however, if it’s a 2.0 FvF then you will need to make sure that your ship is capable of 2 sec movement speeds.

Stealth is highly recommended for FvF but is not absolutely necessary, what we want for FvF is numbers, however that doesn’t mean ungeared ships. Will get into gear later.
Check your gear’s durability, if its ≤ 35% then sit out until your gear repairs more. Ultis get stolen all the time in FvF, make sure yours don’t.

Keep the chats clear, alliance chat needs to be clear for the driver to post any alerts or target changes. Spamming alliance chat hinders the driver’s ability to speak to the fleet as a whole and also can cause the fleet to miss the driver’s posts, such as missing the post where the driver may have stated a new target. No one in fleet should be shooting NPC’s unless directed to by driver.
You should expect to die any time you step into any sector that will raise your PvP flag, especially in FvF. There are ways to reduce the risk of death though. Such as: -
  • not coming to FvF with a 4k hull or less, ideally you want to be at 6k minimum.
    Coming to FvF or any PvP with at least 10 to 15 BD’s to make sure you have enough for EJ/RJ/CJ/BD heal.
  • If stunned, or grappled away, then immediately try to EJ or CJ. Do not try to re-join fleet as the odds are that the enemy fleet’s guns are still locked on you and will pop you as you enter their sector.
  • Feed techs, especially rescue techs. Rescue techs fly around de-grappling and healing people, denying the enemy fleet kills and saving your dura. If they run out of metals, then your chances of dying increases tenfold. Do not try to follow rescue techs either, they are not taxis back to fleet, more often than not they are heading right into the enemy fleet.

Do not turn up to the fleet without a special, if you are struggling to find a special to use, ask your leads for a Battle Ram. Do not turn up with an Alien Hunter, Prospector, Construct or any other non-PvP special. The specials needed are: Rams, Hooks, Beams and Adv muni/elec.

A BFG means a Big F**king Gun. Usually a gun that fires between 17sec and 20sec is considered a BFG, however a lot of people would only consider 20sec guns as BFG’s as anything under that will usually have a hard time meeting the minimum stat requirements. The BFG special of choice for FvF situations is a Battle Ram. These specials stuns ships as you enter their sector, extremely helpful to the fleet and are highly recommended.

BFG’s have one job in fleet, listen to the driver’s target and kill it. That means you should be holding your shot until the target given by driver presents itself.

BFG targets will look like this:

Bottom on drag means that BFG’s should hold their shots until the driver drags ships away from the enemy fleet. When ships get dragged away, BFGS should fire on the bottom enemy ship asap.

3rd asap is a type of asap call. This means that as soon as the enemy fleet enters your sector, or your fleet enters the enemy sector, all BFGS should fire on the 3rd ship in their stack.

  • 6k+ hull
  • 500min dmg
  • 60+ crit chance

If you don’t meet the BFG stats above, consider them as min stat GOALS that you can work towards to achieve. The main thing is that you turn up for fvf.

One last thing, if the target is 3rd asap, and there is only 2 enemy ships, then keep holding until the target shows itself, don’t shoot at what you think the next best target is and waste the shot. Keep holding until target presents itself or driver changes target.

Grappling Hook

Hooks are just as important as BFG’s in a fleet, without them the fleet would perform badly and would find it difficult to make kills happen. A hook presents the targets to the BFG’s, BFG’s finish the job.

A hook’s job is to drag ships from the enemy fleet so when our driver moves, we take ships along for BFG’s to kill. Hooks need to think strategically here, the enemy fleet will have stack techs and rescues that will be constantly watching their stack, looking for people to degrap. Hooks can counter this. If the fleet moves at 2.5 speed, then simply count to 2 in your head and then fire, hopefully the driver will move and will leave the enemy tech only .5 of a second to degrap people. This is simply not enough time for their techs and will result in them losing ships to our hooks.

Hooks should shoot mid to bottom of the enemy stack as this is where their techs are least focused. Also, if an enemy tech/rescue happens to get dragged off a ship they are trying to save, don’t drag it back. Avoid dragging carriers all together if possible.

There are 2 flavours when it comes to hook sets, they are:-

Old school = Burst cannon and havok cpu to maximise hit chance. This means that the hook is really only capable of hooking one person out of the enemy fleet at a time, but the high hit chance means that they rarely miss.

Splash Hook = Viper and drone cpu to maximise the splash chance ability. This means that a splash hook is capable of hooking 4+ people in one shot. Hit chance is less than an old school set most of the time but usually that is not an issue

A few things to mention about splash hooks that you may not have already known.
  • Splash chance on a set is not an indicator of how many people you can splash, that is just the chance of setting off the splash event. This stat should be as high as possible.
  • Each splash is like another shot, with its own grap chance. If your set has 60 grap chance, then your initial attack will have 60% chance to hook something. If you splash, then your splash hit also has 60% grap chance to hook something. Every splash has its own grap chance that is the same as the chance on your set.
  • The amount of people you can actually splash depends on how hard you hit. Look at the picture above. I hit for 124 dmg. Every splash reduces my attack by half. So the next splash hit is 62, and the next one is 31, and the next one is 16. Notice it didn’t splash again? That’s because the next splash would be for 8 dmg. That is not possible. The splash ends at 12 dmg. So lets say I hit for 600 dmg, that means I can splash for 300 dmg, 150 dmg, 75 dmg, 37 dmg, 18dmg. That means I could have grappled up to 6 people.

Another misconception id like to clear up is gun choice. A lot of people like to go for an atomizer or gravity smasher because of the grap chance it gives. This is wrong. A burst cannon or viper actually gives a higher overall grap chance, while the atomizer will reduce it. For example, a ship with 60 grap chance using an atomizer has 5 chances at hooking someone in 20 seconds. This gives the atomizer set an overall grap chance of 300 grap chance/20 seconds.

Whereas with a hook set using a viper with 60 grap chance has 6 chances at hooking every 20 seconds, this gives an overall grap chance of 360 grap chance/20 seconds.

If you are going for a hook set, I would highly recommend a splash hook set using a 3sec gun. I would also recommend building your hook set to move at 2.0 speed. Its not worth risking the slowness of 2.5 speed if you are a hook. Below ill show what a splash set looks like.

Tractor Beam

We see less beams in fleet nowadays, but they are still as crucial as any other special. Similarly, to hooks, beams shoot random ships in the hope that they can stun a few, leaving them unable to move and making it easy pickings for hooks, driver and BFG’s. Beams do not need to worry about timing their shots like hooks, however they should worry about hitting a deflector. Hitting a deflector or a carrier ship will deflect the stun back to the attacker, causing them to self-stun.

Like the Hook sets, splash beam sets are very helpful in fleet and will set up a lot of the kills. The picture above (splash hook ss) can be used for a beam too, just change out the hook, storage and drill for beam gear.

A few things to mention about Beams that you may have not already known:
  • Splash beams don’t need to worry about splashing a deflector, if a splash beam manages to splash stun a deflector, it won’t be deflected. Unlike a direct hit on a deflector that will be deflected back. A direct hit on a deflector will always self-stun
  • Stun duration takes the gun cooldown time into account too. For example, a 3sec dps beam set with +5sec stun duration will stun for 8 seconds as it takes into account the gun cooldown time. 5 + 3 = 8
  • The wyrd reaper come pre-equipped with +8 stun chance and +1 stun duration making it a great beam ship, however people do often go for a termi set because the gear is far more plentiful and it isn’t coloured bright red which makes you a massive target in a stack of terms.

Garrison Busting
Nano bust: -

A Nano bust simply means killing the random garris dotted around black. A typical nano gb team will comprise of 15 ships, 1 driver, 2 techs and 12 guns. The gun’s job is to attack the defence platforms, once they are destroyed, the intradictor needs to be attacked, then lastly the garrison itself needs to be killed.

  • 6.5k+ hull
  • XV+ DPS gun

Elite busters: -

Elite busters need to have carrier tank sets. The garris that they will be trying to take down will be XX size. This means the dps also needs to be high. 60+ DPS for every gun. The recommended level is 250+.

Elite busters come in two flavours, dmg sets and crit sets

Example Damage Set.

A few things to mention about busting and the set:
  • Use a 1 series storage, 2 series stores do not hold enough metals and one of the main issues elite busters face is running out of metals (oom)
  • Wear a UC stealth. The intra targets people with the highest gear score and stuns them, this means we lose a gun or two every 7 seconds. Its best if the techs and drive sponge all the stuns as the loss of their dps is not as devastating. Techs and drivers can sponge the intra stuns by wearing prec/ulti stealths.
  • Notice in the pictures above there are two hull sizes. The max hull is what you see in game, the effective hull is your actual hull value after all the buffs such as damage reduction. The W1B, carbide hull and tank each give a dmg reduction bonus that does stack up.
  • The defence platforms need to be killed before the intra or the garrison can attack
  • An EJ or CJ when busting will take you 60 seconds. Make sure you are watching the drivers calls, if you EJ late you’ll probably die.
  • defence platforms will target the lowest hull ship, this should be the driver.
  • don’t try to log off during the engagement, your ship will stay online.


Rescue techs make everything happen, it’s a thankless job and without them, PvP would not happen. A rescues job is to degrap people who are getting dragged away from fleet. Once degraped, a rescue should stay with them until they ej or until they think it’s safe to leave them and save another person. A rescue needs to be fully alert and needs to know what he/she is doing. A rescue shouldn’t sit on stack all the time waiting for someone to get dragged, they should be looking at the map, looking at both fleets and looking at possible routes that an enemy fleet can drag people down. If a rescue reads the map properly, they can ambush the enemy fleet as they try to drag away and hopefully save the ship.

Obviously how a rescue does their job will depend on many factors, such as numbers. If the enemy fleet is numbering at 100+, it may not be wise for a rescue to fly around solo trying to pre-empt enemy drags. when the numbers are high like that, rescues can team up and fly around in groups of 2 or 3, greatly increasing their survival and ability to save others. Sometimes when a rescue is operating in FvF where the numbers are reaching 150+ then a tank may be useful, to soak up the shots and to heal people. But of course a tank cannot degrapple ships, techs are still crucial.

If you are new to rescuing, or have no vision, then follow an experienced rescue with vision around in FvF, 2 rescues are better than 1 and it will also help you get to grips with rescuing.
The type of gear a rescue uses will vary from rescue to rescue. Some will prefer using an exo for the 6 sec ej, the quick ej reduces chanced of dying from ram lock. Some rescues favour massive hulls and huge metal capacity and others prefer working on their crit resist and grap resist to increase their survivability.

Stack Techs

Stack techs are techs that are imbedded into the stack itself, they follow the driver like a gun would. However, their job is to stack tech, they keep eyes on the stack at all times, degrapping people where ever they can to avoid ships getting dragged off.

Also they need to defend against asap calls. Look at the calls above in the FvF section. Calls like 3rd asap or 4th asap are very common and will be used by the enemy fleet too. Stack techs should be spamming our top six ships as they are all in range of ASAP calls.

Stack techs must also always keep an eye on the driver of the stack. If he gets grapped and dragged, it could potentially split the fleet in half. Stack techs need to make sure to degrap the driver at all time.

Garrison Defense
There are four teams that comprise defence, they are: BFG, RAM, NOVA teams and the support fleet.

Ships that do not meet the requirements of the BFG, RAM or NOVA team should join the support fleet if one Is called for, if one has not been called for, ej and get to blue. Don’t clutter cluster if you don’t need to be there.

When on cluster recall your repair drones. Use the command: recall to do this. Repair drones will heal our novas which are crucial in the defence of the cluster, healing them will kill our chances of defending.

The Min reqs for the BFG Def team are much higher than any other req. this is because we need to bring our best to fight their best.

Bfg’s need to watch driver calls. The driver will call a target in alliance chat, only shoot that target when a friendly nova goes off. A nova going off will reduce their tank hull enough for BFG’s to finish them off. BFG’s need to be quick and alert. All teams apart from novas need to wear a skip drive, including BFG.

  • 600min dmg
  • 80+ crit chance
  • 180% crit dmg
  • Skip drive

These stats can be easily achieved in many ways, they are not impossible to get by any means. The set above and to the right do not have a skip drive equppied, but in the real thing, all teams must have a skip drive equipped, apart from novas.

Example Sets:

Ram Team

The ram team is made up of 10 ships wearing higher rarity rams, their job is to try and stun the enemy team so they lose out on dps. Another job of the ram team is to try and run the enemy team oom by causing a lot of damage using their rams. Ram team should also be hitting the enemy bust team, chipping away at their hulls will cause the to use mets and will help oom them faster.

Skip + Ram Recommendations
  • Leg+ Ram
  • Skip drive

Nova Team
A nova’s job is to blow themselves up on the enemy GB team. Since their team will be mostly carriers this will be easy, all the nova needs to do is hit their carriers and the deflected damage should kill them.

A nova needs to be 8hp or less before attempting this. Also, it is recommended that novas wear a 17 to 20sec gun so they can blow up in one shot, instead of making all the other teams wait while they try and blow themselves up. Speed is crucial. An engagement is only 220 seconds long, we can’t waste 20 seconds on a nova trying to kill themselves.

A nova can use any ship, just wear a nova and you are set. Flayers and corvettes are cheap. Corvettes move the fastest without any gear on, however novas are far easier to find for a flayer ship. The choice of ship is yours.

Tip: each player has 4 versions of themselves, a red server version, a green server version, a blue version and a unity version. Preparing a nova for each of your different server versions means you can send out 4 novas rapidly which is extremely helpful

To get down to 8hp, report to the nova cooker, that is a ship that fires at an extremely low dps that will chip away your hull until it is the right size. The location of the nova cooker will be called out in alliance chat. They are usually at the last garri, out of the way. You will need to leave your corp and become a privateer, so the nova cooker can shoot you. Once cooked get back into your corp.
Tip: when the nova cooker is preparing your ship, take your nova off to avoid accidental dura loss incase something goes wrong. Take the nova off before you become privateer.

Once your nova is prepared. Report to the prepped nova meet point and prepare to jump into the engagement and blow yourself up when called for. The location of where the prepped novas should meet will also be called out in alliance chat.

Novas need to keep an eye on alliance chat at all times for directions on what to do.
If you blow up with another friendly nova in sector with you, then you will heal that nova. Make sure this doesn’t happen. Go one at a time, avoid having multiple novas blow up in the same sector. It will fully heal all other novas.

Support Fleet

The support fleet is for those that do not meet the requirements of the defence teams, or those that do meet the requirements, but the teams are full.

The support fleet is essentially a 2.5 FVF fleet that we mentioned first, take the support fleet call as a call for FvF and gear accordingly.

The support fleet will usually leave from rift blue.

A few things to mention about defence:
  • Only 10 people are allowed per team, apart from the nova team, nova team is unlimited. If you are in the BFG team and its full, and there is another BFG that has a better set than yours trying to get in, then give up your spot for them. We need the best of the best for defence.
  • That being said, if the BFG team is struggling to fill then come along in whatever you have, just be ready to leave asap if told too
  • Same goes for the ram team, low rarity rams must swap out for higher rarity rams.
  • The BFG team should only have 9 BFGS in the team, 1 spot must be left open for a nova to blow themselves up.
NPC Invasions Gear Strategies
DPS Invasions/Rifts

Invasion teams are teams of up to 20 that kill invasions in black space, these invasions are far weaker than those found in rift space, therefore the min requirements for an inv team are much more lenient. All invies and rifties require you to have a stealth equipped.

  • 5k+ hull
  • DPS gun
  • Stealth

Rifty teams are again teams of up to 20 that kill invasions, but in rift space. Rifties are far harder than Invies so the min requirements have been ramped up a bit too.

  • 7k+ hull
  • DPS gun
  • Stealth


The main focus of a BFG invy or rifty team is to kill invasions fast. A good BFG rifty team can drop a rifty in under 10 min. this is great for show fund as it means we can keep FvF/Hunt funded. A small FvF may use up 20 shows, well that’s 200 bds. We need to get those back somehow to keep us going.

Both teams are made up of 1 driver, 2 techs, 1 hook, 16 BFGS.

Both BFG INV teams and RIFTY teams share very similar requirements.

  • 5k+ hull
  • 500 min dmg
  • 60+ crit chance
  • Stealth


  • 7k+ hull
  • 500 min dmg
  • 60+ crit chance
  • stealth


Last mentions
  • Alts.. only bring what you can handle to fleets, especially FvF. If your alt start to get dragged and you don’t have full control over them then you are tying up rescues and alli mates are dying. Don’t get upset if you are told to drop a few alts. Id recommend using 2 alts max in any PvP situation.
  • Guns in FvF should be holding for a target, a low hull ship may look tempting to shoot but don’t, its more than likely a nova and that will hard the fleet. Also you should be holding for target, shooting a low hull ship like that shows a complete lack of focus. You may be asked to leave PvP.
  • If you are leaving the stack, notify the driver. Don’t just walk away.
  • Don’t pop asteroids unless you mean it, otherwise they just give you and the fleets positions away
  • A stealth is a must have, should be first on the shopping list.
  • Don’t farm yard, that’s usually the first place an enemy stack will look for people to kill. The yard is any sector within a 7 sector radius of cluster.
  • Driver of any fleet has the last word, do not argue with him/her
  • ac - autocannon
  • adv cons - advanced construct special
  • ah - auction house / alien hunter special
  • alli / ally - alliance
  • alt - secondary player account
  • anni / ani - annihilator
  • ascena - a moderator
  • asterisk symbol * - correction of earlier statement / in-character role playing statement
  • auto correct / spellcheck - earlier statement was distorted by automated spelling
  • atom - atomizer
  • b - boss
  • bbl - be back later
  • bbs - be back soon
  • bbiab - be back in a bit
  • bc - burst cannon / because
  • bd - BlackDollar
  • bds - BlackDollars
  • beam - tractor beam special
  • bfg - (translation contains expletive) a weapon with 17 seconds or longer cooldown
  • blue - blue coloured tile sector / blue server
  • brb - be right back
  • brute / brut - brutalizer
  • bs - battleship
  • btw - by the way
  • cap - capacity
  • capped - at capacity
  • carb - carbide armour
  • cata - cataclysm
  • cluster - group of allied garrisons
  • comp - computer / composite armour
  • coords / cords / chords - coordinates
  • corp - corporation
  • cp - combat point / to claim something using combat points
  • cps - combat points
  • cred - credit
  • creds - credits
  • crit - critical hit
  • cya - see you
  • cyric - the former name of the game master ozymandias
  • dc - disconnect
  • dcd - disconnected
  • def - deflector
  • demo - demolisher
  • deso - desolator
  • despo / desp - despoiler
  • dest - destroyer
  • dev- devastator / developer
  • dps - damage per second
  • dread - dread npc / dreadnought
  • drill - harvester
  • drop - loot
  • dump - jettison
  • dura - durability / duration
  • e - elite
  • ep -equipment points
  • elec - advanced electronics special
  • enf - pirate enforcer
  • erad - eradicator
  • eva - evasion
  • exec / exe - executioner
  • exterm / ext - exterminator
  • farm - gather resources
  • fb - fusion beam
  • feed - transfer metal
  • fill - buy as many metal resources as possible
  • flag - flagship
  • flay or flyer - flayer
  • (to) fleet - to gather a fleet of ships
  • fred - dread wyrd reaper
  • frig - frigate
  • fom - full of metal
  • ftw - for the win
  • g-drive / grav - gravity drive
  • garri / garry / gari / gary - garrison
  • gf - good fight
  • gimp -ed - hobbled due to incomplete or disfunctional equipment
  • gj - good job
  • grap - grapple
  • gratz / gz - congratulations
  • harv - harvester
  • hc - hardcore
  • hd - hyperdrive
  • het - heteroclite
  • hook - grappling hook special
  • hooker - wearer of grappling hook special
  • hq - corporation head quarters
  • hw - alliance home world
  • idc - I don't care
  • idk - I don't know
  • iirc - if I recall correctly
  • imho - in my humble opinion
  • imo - in my opinion
  • incin - incinerator
  • inv - inventory
  • inva / invy - invasion
  • irl - in real life
  • jeff - dread pirate enforcer
  • jk - just kidding
  • js - just saying
  • -k - thousandfold (500k=500000)
  • kfp - KungFuPanda
  • knk - kick and kill
  • kk - ok
  • lb - leaderboard
  • lead - leader
  • leg - legendary
  • levi - leviathan
  • lmao - laughing my ass off
  • lol - laughing out loud
  • lvl - level
  • md - mass driver
  • met - metal
  • meta - meta achievment
  • mi - matter inverter
  • milestone - milestone achievment
  • mind - mindslayer
  • mmo - massive multiplayer online
  • ms - mind surge
  • muni - advanced munitions special
  • muti / mutil - mutilator
  • mythra / myth - a moderator
  • n-drive / nd - neutron drive
  • nano - nanorobotics technology / to let an item repair with the use of nanorobotics technology / a players personal alt corporation's garrison
  • nf - nice find
  • noob / nub - newbie
  • np - no problem
  • npc - non-playable character
  • null - nullcannon
  • nurabsal / nurab - a moderator
  • nvm - never mind
  • o ep - zero ep consuming
  • obliv - oblivion
  • obo - or better offer
  • ofc - of course
  • oom - out of metal
  • omw - on my way
  • otw - on the way
  • ozy / ozzy / ozymandias - the game master
  • pc - price check
  • perk - corporate technology / alliance consumable bonuses bought via bd menu
  • planet - alliance planet
  • plasma - plasma lance
  • pm - private message
  • pop - to instantly kill a ship or npc
  • pred - heteroclite predator
  • prec - precursor
  • promo - promotion / promote
  • prop - advanced propulsion special
  • prosp - prospector special
  • proto / proton - proton launcher
  • pulv - pulverizer
  • pve - player vs environment
  • pvp - player vs player
  • QQ / QQing - cry / crying
  • r - rare / ready
  • ram - battle ram special
  • rap / rapt - rapture
  • rar - rarity
  • rav - ravager
  • rdy - ready
  • reap - wyrd reaper
  • req - requisite
  • res - resource / resistance
  • rifty / riftie - rift invasion
  • ripper - wyrd ripper
  • roid - asteroid
  • rp - reward point / to claim something using reward points
  • rps - reward points
  • s - second
  • s-drive / stealth - stealth drive
  • sb - spaceball / to play spaceball
  • sc - supercharge
  • scr / screamer - wyrd screamer
  • sec - sector / one moment please
  • skip - skip drive / to use a skip drive
  • soul - soultaker
  • sp - starportss - starshatter
  • ss - starshatter
  • stack - fleet of ships
  • stolen - item with 1% durability
  • stor / store - storage
  • super - superofficer
  • t1 - tech I
  • t2 - tech II upgrade
  • t3 - tech III upgrade
  • tbh - to be honest
  • tech - technician special / wearer of technician special / tech computer
  • term - wyrd terminus
  • tf - terraform
  • thx - thanks
  • TiB / tib - the infinite black
  • tit - titanium armour
  • trac - tractor beam special
  • troll - to fish for attention / a player who fishes for attention
  • ttyl - talk to you later
  • ty - thank you
  • tyvm - thank you very much
  • uc - uncommon
  • ult / ulti - ultimate
  • ur - ultra-rare / your, you're
  • vapo - vaporizer
  • vette - corvette
  • void - voidblaster
  • waa - weird alien artifact special
  • wb - welcome back
  • wc - wrong chat
  • wtb - want to buy
  • wts - want to sell
  • wtt - want to trade
  • xfer - transfer
  • xp / exp - experience
  • yw - you're welcome
  • zzz - I'm bored / sleeping / waiting
  • 2.0 / 2.5 - signifies a required jump cooldown
  • i / v / x - roman numerals signify the rank of something