Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete

Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete

127 Bewertungen
Keyboard Shortcuts
Von Critical Failure
A complete list of keyboard shortcuts for Civilization III. Great to have open and refer to when needed.
Preis verleihen
These are the keys as described in the “Multiplayer Gold” version. I’m not sure if they added any tricks before the complete version came out or not. Hope this helps!
Keyboard Reference
F1 - Domestic Advisor
F2 - Trade Advisor
F3 - Military Advisor
F4 - Foeign Advisor

F5 - Cultural Advisor
F6 - Science Advisor
F7 - Wonders of the World
F8 - Histograph/Score

F9 - Palace
F10 - Spaceship
F11 - Demographics

Q - Load Production Queue While in City Window
W - Wait
E - Explore/Espionage
R - Build Road/Recon Mission
T - Airlift
U - Upgrade
P - Pillage
A - Airdrop/Automate Worker
S - Air Superiority Mission
D - Disband Unit
F - Fortify/Garrison
G - Go to Contact City Govenors Screen
H - Center on Capitol/Hurry Production
L - Load/Unload
Z - Zoom In and Out
C - Center on Active Unit
B - Bombard/Bombing Mission/Build Army/Build City/Join City to Increase Population.
N - Plant Forest
M - Build Mine
Space Bar - Unit Hold/Skip Turn

Shift+A - Automate without altering pre-existing improvements
Shift+I - Automate, This City Only
Shift+P - Automate, Clean up Polution Only
Shift+F - Automate, Clear Forests Only
Shift+C - Clean Up Polution, Clear Forest, Clear Jungle
Shift+U - Upgrade All
Shift+Click - Add to Production Queue While in City Window
Shift+Q - Save Production Queue While in City Window
Shift+G - Change Government (Start Revolution)
Shift+M - Change Mobilization Shift+R - Build Railroad, Re-base Mission
Shift+D - Contact Rival Leaders (With a worker selected, Automate: Clean up Pollution Only)
Shift+L - Locate City
Shift+E - Use Embassy or Spy
Ctrl+Shift+Q - Retire
Shift+Enter - End Turn Immediately
Ctrl+F - Build Fortress
Ctrl+R - Build Road to...
Ctrl+B - Build Road to... Then Colony
Ctrl+H - Hurry Improvement
Ctrl+Shift+E - Goes to Espionage Screen
Ctrl+G - Toggle Map Grid
Ctrl+P - Change Preferences
Ctrl+M - Main Menu
Ctrl+S - Save Game
Ctrl+L - Load Game
Ctrl+Q - Resign and Quit
Ctrl+Shift+M - Main Menu
Ctrl+Shift+G - GoTo City
Ctrl+Shift+E - Plant a Spy
Ctrl+Shift+Q - New Game
Ctrl+Shift+R - Build Railroad To...

Enjoy Civ III!
Quick Troop Movement
Hold down shift during troop movements. It puts everything into fast forward, making some turns 1-2 minutes instead of 20. (while you are watching your troops move and/or the enemy movements)

Thanks to jpdoulos for this tip!
Edit Log
Edit 7/21/13 - Added Quick Troop Movement Tip.
Edit 9/3/20 - Added the Shift+D tip provided by TheQCollective. Thanks!
24 Kommentare
SourceG 23. Aug. um 21:14 
How do you upgrade units?
Teflon Tom 5. Aug. um 8:05 
Delete - Removes the info overlay so you can see entire map
SEALbasher 6. Apr. um 17:20 
BeastlyAdequate 8. Sep. 2023 um 13:23 
what is the keyboardf shortcut for moving the worker buttons to the side of the map?
michael_yankoviak 29. Mai 2023 um 5:02 
Could someone please remind me of how to turn on the show advanced options for unit actions? I have turn it off somehow and cannot remember the toggle. It is driving me mad. I also cannot access the manyal. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
fizix 7. Mai 2023 um 19:10 
Might have just missed it, but if you hit "J" it will select every unfortified unit in a stack, and you can move the entire stack at once instead of moving them all individually
xropi 5. März 2022 um 14:58 
just discovered by accident: CTRL+SHIFT+N = Clean Map Preferences
Und3r6r0und Productions 3. Juli 2021 um 1:44 

Critical Failure  [Autor] 3. Sep. 2020 um 18:02 
@TheQCollective - Added. Thanks man!
TheQCollective 3. Sep. 2020 um 14:03 
Test result is, when worker is selected, Shift+D = Automate, Clean up Pollution Only and Ctrl+Shift+D = Contact Rival Leaders
If worker is not selected Shift+D= Contact Rival Leaders
I was wrong Ctrl+C is civilopedia not Clean Up Pollution, Clear Forest, Clear Jungle which is Shift+C