Put Up Yer Dukes: A quick n' simple way to deal with S.O.B. Purifiers [100% Garanteed]
作者: PinhaT
Is U ain't no puss, Waster? Tired of runnin' away from them S.O.B.'s huntin' ya? Don't wanna waste all yur precious bullets to kill just one of'em? Worry no more partner, because I found the hole in their tough armored-up dairy'airs. And I aims to tell the whole waste!
This here guide is for Wasters that ain't no puss, not to mean them lady Wasters with their lady parts; this is for ya too ladies if'in ya ain't no puss. If ya got balls, not the ladies, I know ya ain't got'em but this is for ya too ladies, if'in ya got balls to take on them S.O.B.'s head on, then keep on readin'.
Them S.O.B.'s and hows to beat'em
In all my time as a waster, I'd go in ta them Coolers cus I herd that they had some booze leftover in'em. What I wasn't expectin' was some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in armor chasin' me every floor. He always knew where to find me too; it was like witchcraft. So when that S.O.B. finally done caught up ta me, I was outta bullets, didn't have no snacks, an' I didn't have no pants. But if'in I 'member one thing me ol' pa done said, bless his soul, he said ta me, "Billy, ya ain't no puss. An' I ain't raise no damn puss ether. U's a man, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Now turn ta ma nascar show fore me, I can't find the channel". That's rite Waster: I ain't no puss, an' nether is u. An' if'in there's one thing a man has no mader wut, it's his hands... an' a crowbar in them hands!

Desparrot, I ran in a room wit two doors an' no other Wasters which helped plenty seeing as ya can get stuck in a dead-end rooms, but it also high-lited sumthin' crucial: them S.O.B.'s don't have good seeing in them helmets of theirs. When ya turn a corner, they follow ya but they ain't sure what ta suspect 'round the corner; this gives ya the "elemint of saprize". Another thing I found out, with mah crowbar in hand, is that when I hit'em wit it, they go flyin' like them buzzards ol' pa use to shoot outback near the river. I even hit'em a second time while he was flyin' about! But that ain't the entersting part; turns out you can hit'em like that, an' they can't hit ya back! That means if you can keep hittin' em witout them touch' the floor then that fights more one-sided then a flashlight in a toolshed.

I planned ta take that S.O.B. down once an' for'all: mano-e-mano. When that armored up S.O.B. showed up, I made positive I was in a room with no dead ends or other wasters around, an' I waited behind the corner of a doorway. When he finally tracked me down an' started turnin' the corner all slow like, the minute I sees the full of his gun's barrel (This is importaint for maxi-mom snake-in-the-grassin'!), I jumped out at'em an' whacked'em wit my crowbar an' sent'em flyin' back. I kept whackin'em up in the air like a jugguler an' when I jugguled that S.O.B. ta a corner (Also importaint, because chargin' yur attacks is for puss's, and I don't mean them lady waster's an' their lady parts nether; just keep clicking that attack button an' don't stop fur nothing), he stayed up there, hurting slowly but surely and not firin' at me a single time; 'cept when I messed up and done dropped my combo.

That can happen sumtimes, and you'll know when ya hear that gun of his start ta rattlin', so make sure ya turn tail and run back behind that corner if'in that does happen. A good way ta be sure that don't happen is ta jump wit ya hit sumtimes, on account of the crowbar havin' knockback, makin' it likely for ya to miss a hit or two while juggulin' that S.O.B. in the corner. Yur crowbar also breaks that S.O.B.'s arms an' legs pretty good, so yur reckon to get in a few criticals. For even more beatin' power, I reckon ya take some of them swole pills forehand so ya really kill'em quick. Now if'in ya ain't got no crowbar, ya can still use yur hands, but ya ain't gonna be doing much knockback, and it'll take longer. But I tell ya what, it's more badass an' it still works, so keep that in mind. If ya followed this guide proper, then congradalations, you just beat a S.O.B. wit a crowbar in yur bare hands[/u], and not wasted not one no single precious bullets. And ya ain't no puss nether, unlessin yous a lady waster, and ya got yur lady parts, but ain't talkin' bout ya, cus if ya did it proper too, ya ain't no puss nether.

Hope this helps,
Bill the Adult

P.S. Footage ta come sumtime soon so ya can sees what i'm talkin' bout.
5 件のコメント
Syrett 2022年10月21日 20時02分 
billy boy
Sexist giver of szechuan sauce 2022年6月14日 7時43分 
I need to get drunk..
fundjin 2021年10月6日 11時36分 
i don't hears no good from them turpin' hazerds, thanks for speakin' slow like
Obstepu 2021年1月5日 15時04分 
Damn Bill, if'in I find ya out there I'mma give ya a bi'ol' mug of booze fer ya
Hot Male 2 2019年3月2日 20時55分 
thanks bill