Dude, Stop

Dude, Stop

117 ratings
All Good or Bad solutions + Cups
By lonelyPorter
A guide for all good/bad solutions in the game.
I've finisht the game, now I will post all the solutions, so consider this guide, if you are stuck. All the achievements I found will also be in that guide
The Tutorial-Pack
The Tutorial is quite easy, you can only make it wrong ;P

First Puzzle:
Throw down the vase

The book
Pull the red stripe out

Art Museum
Tilt the picture with the ship a little bit

Put it upside down

Repeat this 3 times for a special trophy
Pack 2 (Jigsaw)
There are 2 Cups, one for the correct puzzle and one, if you switch the heads of the bears (also gets you an Achievement.

The Pieces are hidden in the levels, you will find them

Pack 3

Good: Put in in the upper right corner
Bad: Just put it anywhere else
Good: Just sandals, no socks
Bad: Wear sandals AND socks

Good: tip it to the right side, if you smash it into the others, you will get the domino-reward
Bad: tip it to the left

Good: Anything else than comic sans
Bad: Comic sams

Good: Just film it, like it is
Bad: Turn the phone upside down

Pack 4
This pack consists of a "intelligence test", so do you believe in all these conspiracy theorys?

Bad solutions
Good solutions
The good solutions are the other ones, obviously
And for the star-achievement:You have to get the test in under 20 seconds (does not matter if true or false) 3 times (Thanks to user Omniss for finding it)
Pack 5

Bad:Put the green candy into the bowl with the red candy
Good:put it in the one with the green candys

Bad:sprinkle the pieces on the floor
Good:put every piece in the bowl

Bad:Three Cups here (+1 Achievement), one: just cut the crust of, two, make 11 pieces, three: avoid the salami, dont cut it.
Good: Make regular 8 pieces, by cutting through the middle every time

Bad:Put them in upside down AND in the wrong order, for the achievement. Its easyer, if you grab it at the top of the pencil
Good: blue gets to blue, red to red and so on

Bad: put it anywhere, but not in the hole
Good: make a tetris, like in the real game, not so hard

Bad: Pick knife and fork
Good:Pick the sticks

Bad:Grab the car with your mouse and try, moving it as fast as you can through the puddle
Good: try to drive very slow through the puddle, so nobody gets wet
Pack 6

Bad:Click on the handle next to the sink to turn the water off, then throw the glass to the floor, click the cat, so it jumps down and leave
Good:just jump down, without breaking the glass

Try to turn the water off, put the cat under it and turn it on, its mean, but there is an achievement for that^^

Bad:Let your cat rest on the clothing
Good:Let it rest anywhere else

Bad:First, open the box, then place the new home on top of the other half, now you can stear the cat, drag her to the box
Good:drag her to the new toy

Bad:Bump the doggy inside the refrigorator, until the shoe falls down, let doggy grab it
Good:Dogs are not allowed in the kittchen, guide the doggy to the right, where the door is

Bad:Spam the doggy with clicks the whole night, so she makes a lot of noice
Good:Just stay calm and dont click the doggy

Bad:Guide the kitten to the door, meow some times, and then, instead of drag it onto the door, drag it to the window, what a stupid cat...
Good:meow next to the door and leave the room, using the door
Pack 7

Bad:open the bomb with the tool, then click on the red gif button
Good:open it and just turn off the bomb using the switch

Bad:Keep trying to remove the drive, without ejecting it correctly
Good:click on the blue highlighted text to remove it safely and just pull it out

Bad:Load it to 99,9% and remove the cable before it reaches 100%
Good:load it to 100%

Bad:OMG, ITS A CAT, GO, START SPAMMING PICTURES, when you keep making pics until you have 120/100, you will get the achievement
Good:Take 1 picture and put the phone back, just one picture, not more

Bad:phhh, I dont want to wait, just push everyone away and go to the front
Good:be a nice guy and wait at the end of the line

Bad:Open the door, and, as soon as the 2 guys are in, close the door, so the third guy has to wait for the next bus
Good:wait for the third guy, before you close the door

Bad:Step on a crack
Good:Dont step on a crack, the tiles at the bottom are easy for that
Pack 8

Bad:Draw onto mona lisa
Good:Dont draw

Bad:Stay silent

Bad:Pull the string out completely for the achievement
Good:correct it, so its the same lenght left and right

Bad:stack them
Good:unstack them

Bad:Make a photo of the nice foodporn for instagram ;P
Good:Just dont do it...

Bad:Dont catch the stick, bad doggy (you can drag him with the mouse)
Good:Catch it and bring it back

Bad:Just wait until the power runs out
Good:save the work using the save button in the upper left corner

Bad:Put the sign away
Good:put it onto the puddle, so nobody steps on it and hurts himself

Bad:Dont catch the ball
Good:catch the ball with the bowl

Bad:Press ALL of the buttons for the achievement
Good:just press one, for example the one, that was highlighted before

Bad:Stay silent
Good:Answer with one of the guys

Bad:Turn the gully cover, so it does not fit with the street
Good:just let the cover be a cover and dont touch it
Pack 9
There is an achievement for seeing every challenge,
so you have to start it multiple times

Bad:Drive to the left and block the other cars by driving
Good:Drive the car to the upper left corner

Bad:stack them wrong
Good:just play the game and stack them corretly in the left
, when you never have a bigger one on top of a smaller one,
you will get an achievement.
For the second achievement you will have to make this in 31 moves,
so try it by yourself or google for Tower of Hanoi 5 Discs solution
PS: Thanks to Sagaciter for finding the solution for the
second achievement

And if you grab the first one very quick, right after the screen
transition, the game won't be able to count it correctly, you will
have 30 turns in the end and get the secret achievement
called cheater
(Found thanks to a YT-vid by Temmie Plays!

Bad:beeing alone is boring, sit next to the guy
Good:sit anywhere else

Bad:open it, put every piece in it, including the red one,
or just put a single white piece in for the washed cup
Good:leave the red one outside, or, just put in the red one

Bad:After looking at the pics, dont give it back,
but instead wait, until you can look at his other album
Good:just give it back after looking at the 3 pics

Bad:throw the shirts to the floor, then pick one and put it into the basket
Good:just take one and put it in the basket, without throwing everything on the floor

Bad:Go to the settings, turn the volume up
Good:go to the settings, turn volume down,
turn of wlan and put it back
Pack 10
This pack is a little more interactive, you have to go back sometimes to correctly (or uncorrectly) solve the puzzle

Bad: Oh no, its mum, dont answer it
Good: Answer the phone, its your mom!!

Take phone and pencil with you

Take the bin with you in the next screen

Bad: fill in your name, then click on the calendar, until the time runs out and on the circled day, finally fill out your homework by draging the pencil all over the sheets
Good: Fill out your homework without clicking on the calendar

In the next screen place the bin, if you hang the pics up, like in my screenshot, you will get the achievement and the good choice.
If you throw them into the bin, you will get the bad choice. You have to put the bin on the floor, otherwise you cant leave the puzzle. Also take the keys with you.

Go back to the door and unlock it with the keys and use the spray once for the good choice and twice for the bad choice. And take the keys with you, you will need them

Go to the test, start filling it out, take the pen from your friend and give it back after filling everything out (There have to be 4 red checkmarks, the the narrator wants the pencil back, give it to him) for the good choice or take it, go to the first screen and put it into the phonecase for the bad choice.

Finally, go to the last screen, put the keys and the phone in the same pocket for the bad choice or put them in seperate pockets for the good choice... uuuh, dat a** ;P
Pack 11

Bad:Oh, that christmastree can wait, until June for example... click on the calendar until its june and then put the tree in the box, I hope, its out of plastic
Good: put it in the box in january

Bad:Click on the lightswitch until its 6 in the morning and start to drill, what an *** you are, making noice at 6 in the morning ;P
Good:Don't click on the switch, just drill your hole

Bad:Put the money on the table
Good:put it in the hand, you can even give him a tip

Bad:Use the shoe to throw the trash over the wall onto the floor
Good:throw it into the trash

Bad:remove the other cables and plug in your adapter like in the screen
Good:Put your adapter in the plug at the right side, so everyone can charge their phones

Bad:Throw the glass away without removing the leftovers.
Achievement: (Thanks to MarioMario369) To do it, just empty the jar but don't put the choco on the toast. Put the jar in the bin and then the knife. Done!
Good:take the knife, put it in the jar, spread the bread this way 3 times and then throw the empty jar away

Bad:open the box, put the objects in, close it
Good:Just put the round into the round as intendet, and the triangle in the triangle
Pack 12

Bad:Same procedere as last time, wait till october, take it out, if you place it upside down, you will get the achievement
Good: wait till december

Bad:put it together like on the list, but with pickles
Good:put it together as seen on the list, but without pickles

Bad:Let the baloon fly away
Good: Give the baloon to the teddy

Bad:Park like an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Good:park like a normal guy

Bad:take some blue, and some red, looks fabolous ;P
Good:Just take red/blue, no mixing

Bad:1234 wont work, so take 6789
Good:take any code, 80085 for example (B**BS), get's the big numbers Cup
The End
If you got EVERY cup in the game, you will get a secret achievement and a very special cup

Here are all your cups, beautiful, aren't they?^^

TheCoolerMalcolm Aug 6, 2024 @ 6:47pm 
hey zari, its easy. just put the tree upside down to get the upside down and for big numbers just type in 80085 in the keypad section :steamhappy:
Tony Nov 23, 2023 @ 8:10pm 
ive done everything in pack 10 but it woont proceed, do you know why this is happening?
elliotgreenhalgh21 Nov 7, 2023 @ 10:14am 
And for the star-achievement:You have to get the test in under 20 seconds (does not matter if true or false) 3 times. I did exactly this but nothing happened
Zari May 6, 2023 @ 7:02pm 
Pack 12 - “The Upside Down” and “Big Numbers”

༊༉ Arva Feb 23, 2023 @ 7:21am 
PACK 11 - " Achievement: (Thanks to MarioMario369) To do it, just empty the jar but don't put the choco on the toast. Put the jar in the bin and then the knife. Done!"

For further clarification: It's kinda between the good and bad options. Spread nutella twice, scrape jar the third time, toss clean jar, then the knife (which should be covered in the spread).

(PACK 6 - I am dumb and the cat needs to be directly under the window 🙃)

Extra note: Puzzle pieces appear to be randomized within the pack stages
Aard Nov 6, 2022 @ 12:56pm 
according to the end pictures i should have all the cups but the stats say im missing one so i cant get the final achievement
Richard Watterson May 13, 2022 @ 10:43pm 
where are all the jigsaw puzzles
TITUS REDWIND Mar 4, 2022 @ 2:18pm 
Im trying to get nightmare on sweet street but i cant clean out the jar without spreading it on the toast and i cant throw the knife out either
NEPGYAAAA Oct 1, 2021 @ 1:42pm 
For the quiz ya just gotta be fast, worked for me.
Prius Mar 15, 2021 @ 8:03am 
for the star, it must be correct or else it doesn't start the sequence for it.