Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

MAN A24 SMRT LHD Articulated Bus
Assets: Vehicle
5.557 MB
2018 年 4 月 4 日 下午 10:02
1 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

MAN A24 SMRT LHD Articulated Bus

在 EndlessFtw 的 2 个合集中
Endlessftw's Singapore Public Transport Collection
25 件物品
All Singaporean Assets
135 件物品
This is the Left-hand drive version. The right hand version can be found here:

About the Bus
The MAN A24 Articulated bus is the 4th generation articulated bus in Singapore. Forty MAN A24 was introduced into Singapore by SMRT Buses. The MAN A24 is now operated by the two major bus operators, SMRT Buses and SBS Transit.

About the Model
Once again, I had decided to change direction and model this differently. Firstly, the wheels are no longer flat, and the rear mirrors are slightly improved now. But, the most noticeable point is me going back to reflective windows again. The window and the black coloured part around the window are both highly reflective. This was partly done because I want to make it simpler to texture, but also to make it more consistent with the other Singapore bus assets

Model Information
Tris: 3026 (1785 + 1241)
Texture resolutions: 1024 x 1024
Capacity: 50

I have NO idea how to get rid of the white stripe in the trailer by the way. It is NOT intended!
5 条留言
qaanaaqii 2019 年 10 月 4 日 上午 1:16 
This bus is for systems where cars drive on the right, e.g. US, China, Europe. Not UK.

Just thought I'd make that super clear for the dumb people like me.
EndlessFtw  [作者] 2018 年 4 月 8 日 上午 5:35 
I think a simple way to visualise this is to imagine yourself in the driver seat. Face your windscreen, and if you are on the left, you are in a LHD vehicle. If you are on the right, RHD.

The driver is on the side near to the middle of the road, thus, if you drive on the left side of your vehicle, you will be driving on the right side of the road. As you can see from the screenshot above, the driver seat is clearly implied to be on the left side of the vehicle, thus LHD.

I know I was lazy with the screenshot and loaded my left-hand traffic (RHD) map, and thus it appears rather weird.
EndlessFtw  [作者] 2018 年 4 月 8 日 上午 5:23 
Quote from Wikipedia:
"In RHT jurisdictions, vehicles are configured with LHD, with the driver sitting on the left side. In LHT jurisdictions, the reverse is true."

I think you are confused. In RHD vehicles, the driver sit on the right, and they drive on the left side of the road. In LHD vehicles, the driver sit on the left and drive on the right.

Singapore is LHT (left hand traffic), and therefore per Wikipedia, the vehicles here are RHD. This is the mirror of the real bus in Singapore, thus, it must be LHD.

I know it's a bit confusing.
EndlessFtw  [作者] 2018 年 4 月 7 日 上午 8:40 
I am serious about the feedback and I am geniunely concerned about uploading the wrong model by mistake. However, I had removed my development asset files from my game and subscribed to this, and I still fail to see how it is not a left-hand drive vehicle (driver is on the left, drives on the right side of the road).

I am not saying this to downplay or hide any incorrect placement of doors, but I genuinely do not see how the doors was that not on the correct side of the vehicle?

As far as I am concerned, the doors appear on the wrong side for me when I compare to it to the bus I see in real life, and Singapore is a RHD (left hand traffic) country like the UK.
EndlessFtw  [作者] 2018 年 4 月 7 日 上午 12:30 
The point of making a comment about the asset is to actually download and use it? I checked it before I upload, after I upload, and now because you pointed it out.

The doors appear to be on the correct side (as you can see above), so what is the issue? It is mirrored, I did not just put the same thing as the RHD version and pull it off as LHD.