E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

288 평점
EYE Campaign Walkthrough
prpl_mage 님이 작성
With maps! I had a hard time finding a complete guide for the game. And honesly, at times it's needed thanks to the writing, design choices and overall progress bugs.
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I have kind of a love-hate relationship with this game. I really enjoy the work of these developers and their bravery to bring this to life. The setting is interesting and the style is nice.
However, several parts are poorly executed and lately more and more people have been having issues with save bugs and mission progress.
Also, seeing how the setting interested me, it made me kinda sad that the lore isn't implemented in a good way into the game. Most conversations you have is with looters who talk about pillaging and rmurder instead of exploring this universe they set up.

But regardless I felt like a guide is a good way to showcase all the work put into the game. There are parts of the game that are easily missed thanks to the overall openess of progress and hopefully this can help you on your way.

I also decided to give it a go at making crappy maps of the areas rather than attach millions of screenshots. This might've been a good idea or not. But they are simply based on observation and not 100% accurate. But I marked important places, NPCs, mission objectives and such.
If you for some reason want the maps without all the campaign markings then just let me know. I should have them saved.

Other things that are good to know:
  • When you reload a gun your current ammo clip is discarded, even if there are bullets left.
  • Most guns have a secondary fire mode, the key bind for this is originally F
  • If your legs aren't OK press V to do a maintenance. Also works for paranoia, hallucinations etc.
  • Sprinting(Cyber Run) consumes energy, so does all actions.
  • There are 3 armor types, they each have different levels of damage reduction and weight.
  • Your running speed is affected by your "malis" basically, how heavy you are (armor + inventory)
  • Crouching restores energy slightly faster
  • You can parry bullets with the swords
  • When you get the Brouzouf - buy Cloak. It's a cheap tech that is way too good to pass up.
  • Make sure to research Med Kit and add it to your inventory. It's a rechargable healing item that heals based on how charged it is. The max charge depends on your Medicine stat. Just don't use it below 20 as it will deal damage instead.
  • You start with an action called "Transmute" it will take a weapon or ammo laying around and turn it into healing. Worth doing in a pinch
  • When you do die you have Ressurectors at your disposal. These will revive you at the point of your death if possible until you run out. When you do run out you'll have to restart the entire mission.
  • Friendly fire, this game has it. Be careful of your own clones, turrets, sentries, NPC allies and whatever. This is also a problem for missions where you are supposed to protect others.

Quick tips on hacking:
  • Don't prioritize Scan, the only way to increase Attack is to sacrifice Defense. So use Mask to trick the AI into increasing their damage by reducing their own defense. Two birds, one stone.
  • Overpower adds a lot since your damage is increased. But you lose defense so either compensate or make sure your enemy's attack isn't too high.
  • Don't spam click, it will only reset your action. Also remember to skip your action if you notice that it will do nothing. I.e. you attack when the enemy's defense is higher than your attack, you try to lower a stat that is already at 0.

Map explanation:
Part 1
You create your character.
Then you'll start the game in a dream with a cryptic message. You will probably recognize this place since this is the starting area each time you continue the game or run out of Ressurectors
Simply step into the portal to continue.

Enemies: Watch out for the hovering small machines called Scrabs, they have heavy plating so guns will do pretty much nothing.

Part 2:
You should start at a cave illuminated by red flares.
Sometimes you start at the NPC called Dutch. You can choose "Restart Mission" if you want.
Get the gun and ammo clip and learn how to crouch and jump.
You'll find an elevator at the end, enter it and action key the elevator to go up
You'll find Dutch at the top, speak with him.
Use the action key to open the armory and manage your inventory.
Follow the path, kill the enemies or run past them.
That's really all there is to it.
There is an alternative path around all the enemies. But this includes climbing and crouching and really takes a lot more time than just gunning your way forward.
You'll find a locked door at the end that you need to hack.
To use Hack, open the actions menu or assign it to the "C wheel" from the Actions tab.
The Doors stats are (A 40, D 60, H 60) so it's fairly easy once you get the hang of it.
Speak with Shu inside to end the mission
Temple HQ

The temple HQ remains pretty much the same but NPCs move around and are swapped around depending on when you are there. I'll just write where you can find the NPCs instead of making several maps for this.
You can also access this location from the main menu when you want.

Pre Mission 1
Mentor(brain), Orionos(junction), Huan(training), Falteh(Medical), Deurmos (brain), Narlopec (brain)

Pre Mission 3
Mentor (ruins), Orionos(brain), Huan(armory), Kaiser(training)

Pre Mission 4
Mentor(library), Orionos(ruins), Huan(brain), Abneos(brain), Aahmiah(cmdrs office), Sergei(ruins)

Pre mission 5
Mentor (brain), Orionos (ruins), Huan (Medical), random soldier (training)

Pre Mission 7
Orionos (ruins)

At all times:
Cilufer (Library) Most worthless npc, but you need to talk to him at the start of the game
Azazelis (Armory) You can unlock weapons if you have reached the stats required and sometimes the research needed
Asmodai (Medical) You can unlock action for brouzouf, stats are required.
Hecathe (Library) You can unlock psi powers for brouzouf, stats are required.
Eligos (Training) Tied for most worthless npc
Aym (Door room) Explains the sidemission maps
Roht (Door room) Let's you initiate "Special Missions" and custom maps.
M.1 Wurster Corps

Enemies: Lots of looters, some have dangerous weapons. Also sentries, give them a melee wack

You should start at a Helipad, there should be an NPC called Cassius to greet you. But he tends to be absent.
If he is there the mission makes more sense to be honest. You have some different options on how to procceed to the next map but you only need to do one of them.

Part 1:

Go to the indicated area and find a Scrabo destroy or hack it to progress.

There are two ways to do this. The first option is to enter the building to the west wih sentries and looters and click the green console.

The other one is unmarked. There is a red screen console in the same building as Klaus, hack it to deactivate the security system so you can take the elevator (A 60 D 70 H 70). To get into the building you can either hack the Security Door on the north side(A 50 D 60 H 70), climb the ladder on the south side or use the elevator in the tunnel,

This one is unmarked. If you go forward in the tunnel there is a door, and a console on the side. Get close and a bomb will attach to it. Move back, then it explodes!

Optional. In the building to the east there is a NPC called Klaus, Cassius wants him dead. Talk to him and you may spare him for 5000b and an achievement. If you kill him... You get nothing, karma perhaps? (Actually, it says 5000 in conversation but I seem to get 10000)

Part 2:
Climb the ladder to the top in the NW corner. Press the action key or move to the right spot to end the mission.
You will be directly transported to Mission 2.

NPCs and Sidemission:

Looter, building to the right from helipad. Can be talked to and let yourself be bribed for 5000b to spare his life. Achievement worthy

Federation, in a building in the north east corner of the map. You can interact with him and make him tell you where the Security System (Deactivate) is and get it marked on the map. If you choose the correct conversation option (I forgot) you get this directly, otherwise you will be given a quest to take the package next to him and drop into the fire (2 3 3 3 3 3).

Looter, same building as the elevator. If the right choices are made he will talk about his captain (3 3 3).

Cultis, helipad. Gives you mission briefing then fades away.
M.2 New Eden

Enemies: Federation enemies and occasional looters. Watch out for cloaked special forces with weird long range lasers. There is also a sentry that fires rockets and some Scrabos hovering around

You should start in a wet room with your Mentor ahead. Speak with him.
If you choose the first choice you will receive 6000 exp and around 8500B.
Regardless you move on to a second choice. This one mattes more.
1. Bribe a General
2. Hack the intercom
3. Assassinate a General

Afterwards, move around the corner to the soldier npc. He is killed and a cloaked special forces enters to kill you. Get close to the door to make it open.

Shoot the pipe:
There is an objective to shoot the pipe directly to the right from the door. Do it and a spawn point for EYE reinforcemence appear.

Part 1
1. Bribe
If you decide to bribe the general simply exit and go west. Or you know, follow the quest indicator.
There is a Federation NPC inside a weird altar room that you can speak to. Offer him a pensionplan of 2 million Brouzouf and you are done. Return to Mentor

2. Hack
If you decide to hack, head north to find the antenna, keep in mind that Hack got a pretty good range so you don't need to stand next to it. But be wary of enemy spawns in the area. After hacking, return to Mentor.

3. Eliminate
If you decide to Assassinate. Head north west. One of the Federation enemies are marked for you to kill. Simply take him out and then return to the Mentor.

Part 2
The Mentor will now complain that you aren't stelthy, regardless of how stealthy you were.
And then send you off to find the famed Cyberbrain. Simply accept or suggest another plan.

The plan involes letting a band of Looters kill the people at the exchange for you. That's it, you don't have to fight.
An NPC called Chiung will be marked for you on the map. If you go there you can convince him to help you if you in return help him with his sex slave business. (You don't really help him with anything)

Regardless, head west, watch out for the sentries. Enter the warehouse, kill the enemies and grab the Objective in one of the containers. There is a staricase in the previous room you can climb to get a good advantage point, but there's a sentry.
Special Forces will arrive to attack you, they are most likely cloaked making them hard to spot.
Return to Mentor, place objective at computer and speak with Mentor.

Part 3
The Mentor will now tell you to go to a bar. It's nearby so go there.
Speak with the Barman and either pay him 500B to give you info or kill everyone in the bar. If you do kill everyone you get an achievement.
If you got the information you will be directed to a chap called Bubicom who knows the exact location of the case. Bubicom is at the same place as Chiung. Simply give him the answer 2 - the barman sent me, over and over again.

Either way, follow the marker to the Appartments. There are two entries, one is through the front door. Most likely heavily guarded. The second is through a hole in the wall in the adjacent building.

The building consists of 2 pretty much identical flats. There are 2 pair of stairs and 2 pair of appartmens on each floor with a duct between them.
The case's location is randomized. But places where I've gotten it:
Downstairs bathtub, downstairs under table, upstairs under table, upstairs kitchen, upstairs sofa

Once you've gotten the case, get out of the building and the mission will end shortly after a conversation.

NPCs and Sidemissions:

Federation, Diner. Will give two missions. First one is to hack "the burner", that large pillar with a display (A 80 D 80 H 240) for 5000b. After finishing the first one return to get another one. Now you need to hack 3 different console at the North east ends of the map. After that, no thank you or anything. You are done.

Looter, Diner. For the second part of the mission.

Looter, Diner. For the third part of the mission.

Federation, Altar room. For the first part of the mission.

Metastreum, Altar room. Pull the lever to open the door. Only conversation.

Looter, bar. The barman. For the third part of the mission. Provoke him for an achievement.

Looter, Warehouse. Talks about a monster and treasue behind a hidden door in the underground. If I got this right then this is a refernce to Manduco but there is no treasure.

Looter, Warehouse. Just conversation.
M.3 Forgotten Center

Enemies: Mostly Metastreum enemies, lots of them, bring a good melee weapon. Also occasional Synicles who can carry dangerous ranged weapons.

Keep in mind that there are Armories in the map but they look like large crates with a rifle symbol on them instead of the classic look.

Part 1:
Talk to Nadakochi, choose option 1 for 2000 exp
Talk to Lugger and wait
Keep in mind that the looters are your friends. But if you shoot them or jump on them they will start attacking you
Go down to bottom floor and keep to the left side, you should find a ladder to climb at the far wall.
Reach end of corridor, defeat the enemy
After you do this, there will be more spawns and more variety among the enemy spawns.

Part 2:
Go down and straight across to the other side, "Downtown" and speak with Gunther
Defend for 3 minutes
If you succeed: The next part triggers slightly faster. Not really worth it though. Just kill Gunther to trigger next part.
If you fail: You still need to wait those 3 minutes plus some penalty time with more Metastreumic enemies.
Go to the north, grab a cannister with action button and drop in the pool of water nearby. You get an achievement
Turn on 3 generators, one downstairs, two upstairs
Talk to Sadnik (the entrance is in the bathroom)
Find computer upstairs and click it
Investigate Reservoir downstairs

Part 3:
Go back up to top floor
Hack security system in boss room if you want, easier to handle when all those sentries are on your side A 80 D 70 H 240
Kill the Boss
Exit through a door at the north side of the bottom floor

NPCs and Sidemissions:

Looter, one floor down from start. First quest is to Find a case of dope. It's hidden in an airduct near Downtown. You get 5000b for grabbing it. Return for another mission.
This time you need to Kill a metastreum enemy, the small jumpy ones. Called Perigum Forma or something. When you get to the bottom floor, stick to the right to get to it (Actually the spawn seem to change). Not really difficult and 5000b

Looter, in downtown before part 3. You are asked to find a treasure in Aaaargh. But I've never found it.

Looter, downtown, for part 2.

Looter, top floor, for part 3.

Looter, top of ladder. Part of an achievement to make a Suicidal person kill himself.

Jian, hidden at start of mission. For part 1

Looter, top floor. For part 1

Jian, hidden in bathroom . For part 2
M.4 Electric Sheep

Enemies: Mix of federals, looters and Metastreum enemies. Also some Interceptors (ships) that you need to watch out for.

Part 1:
Talk to the console
You will be given the mission, as in Wurster Corps you get several different objectives but doing one is enough.

Basement door:
Basically just tells you how to enter the building where the objectives are.

At the top floor of the flat, you need to take the side staircase to reach it. Hack it to progres (A 80 D 80 H 240)

Convince Captain:
On the third floor of the flat you'll find Captain Ramirez in one of the rooms. Give the correct entries (2 1 1 1) to make him launch an attack against the looters.

Kill Looter Leader:
On the third floor you'll find a window overlooking three looters talking. Use this spot to take out their leader. There is no way to reach him anyway.

After completing any of the three you will be informed that there are special forces heading your way. Sneak or shoot your way out snd return to the console.

Part 2:
After interacting with the console you get lots of objectives. The mission ends when you have finished them all.

Get Data:
Instead of entering the sewer entrance there is a ladder down. There is also an entrance below the flat. Go there and click the console in the room.

Plant 3 bombs
Sewage Entrance, to the left before path down.
Sewer, top side of the map
In between the two above, there is a slope up
Keep in mind that the Sewers might have Interceptors flying around, these are very deadly and need to be shot down since you have very little cover.

Kill 2 lieutenants:
The first one just happen to be the barman found near the beginning of the level. I think you can get the achievement for provoking a fight with a barman from Andras as well.

One is in the so called Maintenance Tunnel. Take the left path down the sewers, there is an armory next to it. It should be marked on your map. Follow it and find lots of looters, kill the marked lieutenant in the big warehouse like building.

NPCs and sidemissions

Federation, flat 3rd floor. For part 1.

Looter, in the bar. He is also apparently a looter Lieutenant for part 2.

Looter, Sewer Entrance.
Place bio scanners at the designated spots below. You get 5000b when you place the last one

Looter, near one of the plant locations in the sewers.
Find case, it is near the entrance to the maintenance tunnel. There is a ladder right next to the objective marker that appears when you get close. You get 5000b when you pick it up.

Federation, flat 1st floor. Conversation

Federation, starting area. Conversation
M.5 Monolith

Enemies: Metastreum, Combat turrets, Hammer guys and "Transcended Guardians"

You should start at a helipad with three cultis you can speak with. Otherwise you will probably start at part 3 as a bug.

Part 1:
Speak with Dutch, approach door and action key it open.
Apprach next door and hack it (A 80 D 80 H 260)
Take out the turret in the ceiling before entering the next room
Approach the consoles, click it.
Dutch tells you to "Neutralize the most embarrassing turrets"
My advice here is to move slightly near the doorway on the right side and hacking Defense System (A 100 D 100 H 290). That way you don't need to mind your steps since all the turrets in the map will be on your side. Except the last one.
Otherwise shoot the marked turrets.
Return to Dutch

Part 2:
Follow Dutch
Talk to Dutch
To find the Parabola. Backtrack to console room and keep on ahead for the upper path or familiarize yourself with the tunnels
Click the console
Use the ladder behind to enter tunnel
Click the generator
Return back up and click the console
Return to Dutch

Part 3:
Protect Dutch from being killed for approximately 3 minutes.
Enemies will spawn just outside all three entrances to the room. Place some sneaky Sentries around the corners if you've unlocked them.
Dutch will say something about bullets and prayers, then another 3 minutes follow. The end will be a Hammer dude.
If Dutch is killed go to part 4.
Keep in mind that Mestastreum enemies will spawn throughout the area now. If you hacked the turrets - also mind where they are since there is still friendly fire.
Return to helipad, talk to Dutch

Plant the 4 beacons and activate a console.
2 are in the tunnel. One is near the area where you defended Dutch and the last one is in the elevator room. My advice is to take the left in the console room to go a full circle: Ladder to tunnel, plant the 2 beacons and then ladder upp, flip the switch, elevator room and the last one on the way back.
Return to Dutch

Part 4:
Return to the helipad and take the bomb
There are two ways to the goal:
1. Take the right turn until you reach the elevator room. Press the green button on the right side of the elevator untll it makes a sound and moves down.
2. Instead of taking the elevator, take the right path in the defend room and run into the cave, at the end of the cave you'll find a hole. Jump down the hole. I wouldn't really recommend this if Dutch survived since you will have to use the elevator to get back up again afterwards. But if he died then this is your best bet.

At the bottom simply move towards the objective marker and kill everything. There are "guardians" - enemy cultis, 2 hammer dudes and a combat turret (which you don't control)
Place the bomb and mission ends
Note: If Dutch didn't die you also need to take the elevator back up again and return to the helipad to speak with him.
You will be directly transported to Mission 6.

NPCs and Side missions

Cultis, helipad. Your main man

Cultis, helipad. Just conversation

Cultis, helipad. Just conversation

Scrab, left of console room. Just conversation

Serenity, Harmony, Felicity
Synicles, tunnel. Tell of a legend. (You need to speak with all 3 to get the Gate Skill from the Commander Path)

Cultis, to the right of the elevator. Just conversation
M.6 Noctis Labyrinth

Enemies: Federation Special Force, cloaks, rockets, lasers. Also Interceptors and a new one: Deus Ex Machina - large enemies with rocket launchers and gattling guns. But if you kill them you get like 3500b (which is less than the interceptors) and an achievement..

Part 1:
Probably the biggest map and most annoying. You should start near a ship with Dutch in front of you.
Talk to him and follow him to the base inside the ruins. I'm pretty sure he's always gunned down by an interceptor regardless of whay you do.
If Dutch died in the previous mission you will instead start inside the base in front of the Scrab (?).

Speak with the Scrab, it'll tell you about the situation but there is no real plan here. Instead you are given several points to "Investigate" throughout the map.

To be honest though, you can skip that if you want and just go with the quick version of this map which you can read about in Part 3. Point 2.

There is also another Scrab you can speak to, who'll tell you that there are several Portals in the map that will get you back to this base when you walk into them.

Portals in order from left to right:
Looter's Camp (NE)
Federation Base (SW)
Closed tomb entrance (W)
Tomb Entrance (Middle-ish)
Ruins (N)
Throne Room (In the tomb)

Part 2:
Investigating the investigation points.
1. Looters and their antenna
There are two ways to get there. The simplest one is to go along the valley, reaching the Ruins (first portal) where there is a Deus Ex. and then going round to find a huge staircase.
The faster path is to climb the slope right outside to a small federation Outpost instead of taking the valley track. You'll arrive across a rocky bridge that way. Actually the second one might be easier. But you still need to get down there sooner or later.

At the top you will find 4 NPCs to talk to and the portal Looter's Camp. Speak with the Cultis Manakel and he'll tell you to convince the Looters to use their Antenna.
Doing this will let you hear the Special Force's radio commands. This doesn't really do much except let you know that a Colonel has arrived and you can go kill him.

Anyway, speak with Gyo and choose options: 1, 2, 2, 2 to successfully use the Antenna. Or fail and kill them all at which point you'll have to Hack it. And it's kind of a high level hack. (A 82, D 74, H 360). Successfully convincing him will get you an achievement.

2. Federation Scrab hacking
After reaching the Ruins which is basically an intersection, kill the Deus Ex and continue on. Or use cloak and run really really fast.
You'll see some low stairs with a broken tank and another Deus Ex. At the end of this valley you'll find a Federation Base with lots of weird roach-like camels running around. There is a warehouse on the side in which you can find the portal to Federation Base.
There is also a Scrab lying on the floor that you can hack to get information (A 88 D 89 H 244). If you do it... you are directed to another building. (Which you can hack from the beginning)
To enter the bunker with the console you'll have to hack the Security Door though (A 88 D 80 H 241).
Once inside you'll notice a NPC that can steer you into a different ending path. Actually, chosing to take that path(3,2,2,2,2) will end the mission there and now and send you to a new map. And that gives you the third way to end this mission fast. Doing this also earn you an achievement.
Hack the console inside to open the elevator at the Tome Entrance portal (A 85 D 91 H 268)

3. Federation Mess Hall
Not sure what this is for honestly. You can enter and click the two consoles for some federation gibberish.

4. Scrab
One of the investigation markers is on a Scrab called Scrabator, however, I've never managed to get anything but beeps and boops out of it.

Part 3:
With all of that taken care of it's time to get to the Tomb underneath Mars. There are two ways to do this.
1. Go back to where you found the second Deus Ex and go down the stairs, at the bottom there is a portal Temple Entrance, a hole in the ground and an elevator. This is only open if you completed Part 2 with the Access Console.
2. From the portal Ruins you can continue ahead to the portal Closed Tomb Entrance, there you can hack something called Ventilation Shaft Acces. This is a hard hack (A 112, D 122, H 430) but you can then jump down the hatch to a very misty path downwards with some jutting rocks.

Part 4:
Once inside the Tomb you will find some Carnophages (werewolves) and some NPCs.
If you took path 1, you'll arrive at an armory and an intersection. There is a path ahead and a path on each side. Taking the path left will take you to the room you'd arrive in if you took path 2.
If you take the right path you'll reach the last portal Throne Room and the NPC Immortal King.

Speak with the Immortal King and he'll give you a quest to kill a certain amount of humans and then return to him. You don't get a counter or nothing but an objective marker will appear when you reach the right amount. I've heard different numbers here but only gotten 27 myself, not sure what that depends on.
To do this easily, use the teleporters between the Looter Cave, the Federation Base and Closed Tomb Entrance. Enemies respawn quite fast after all. Not sure if the Synicle's count, or the Deus Ex, or the Interceptors. But kill everyting you see, as usual
Return when you are done and the path to the Artifact is open.
So go there.

Part 5:
After entering you find an NPC to speak to, also Rimanah will contact you and give you a mission.
Now you need to make a choice. Fight or don't fight.
Your choice will decide what the comming mission will be before the final mission. (More on that in the Section: Choosing Paths)
But if you do fight, keep in mind that there are a lot of Jians hiding in the room. And they all need to die for the mission complete to show up.
If you ended the mission here you will earn an achievement.

NPCs and sidemissions:

After getting access to the Looter Antenna one of the broadcasts might be that a Colonel has landed, Rimanah will tell you to kill him. He appears near the Closed Tomb Entrance portal, so go there and shoot him. And that's it. You get approximately 20000b and 5000 exp.

Space Pirate treasure
In the tomb there is a chest on a high pillar in the middle of one of the rooms, if you shoot at the bottom of the pillar on the right side it will open up and there is a Research Briefcase in there. Pick it up to earn 1000b and an achievement.

Cultis, starting point. Conversation, will then charge to attack enemies.

Scrab, base. For part 1

Scrab. base. Explains portals

Cultis, Looter Cave. For part 2

Looter, Looter Cave. For part 2

Looter, Looter Cave. Just conversation

Looter, Looter Cave. Just conversation

Scrab, Looter Cave. Just conversation

Scrab, Federation base. Just conversation

Federation, Federation base. For Part 2, also to reach the alternative path.

Looter, tomb entrance. Just conversation

Carnophage, tomb hidden room. Just conversation, ends with it attacking?

Immortal King:
Skeleton, Tomb. For part 4.
Choosing Paths
This is not my area of expertice but what I do know is that the path to a certain ending was made easier in a patch.

The game has 3 overall endings. These are usually labeled different things but I'm just gonna call them Commander, Mentor and Federation. Each of these endings will reward you with a so-called "Gate Skill". After collecting all 3 you can acces a "hidden ending".

There are some varieties to these endings so I'll try to be as quick as possible.

Commander Path
"Stop thinking, just execute orders!" is the best way to put this.
When you end Noctis labyrinth, choose to fight your Mentor.
In Secreta Temple, speak with Ascalon and expose Cyrus?
Hellcelot님이 먼저 게시:

Gotta correct ya here! Going and talking to ascalon and telling them Cyrus is a traitor puts you on the Mentor path, not the commander path. iirc, you have to go through the Labyrinth for King.

You will arrive at Temple HQ a last time afterwards, then be sent to the mission Purge

Mentor Path
When you end Noctis labyrinth, choose to side with your Mentor.
In the federation ship, go hostile and destroy the ship. You will then be transported to final mission.
In Secreta Temple, speak with Mentor and expose Cyrus?
Hellcelot님이 먼저 게시:

Gotta correct ya here! Going and talking to ascalon and telling them Cyrus is a traitor puts you on the Mentor path, not the commander path. iirc, you have to go through the Labyrinth for King.

You will arrive at a map I just called Ancient

Federation path
When you reach Noctis Labyrinth, talk to Jaghurda in the Federation base and choose to join the federation (
You will be sent to a federation ship and then the Secreta Temple. While there, just go along with the plan and don't expose Cyrus.

Super Secret Path
There is a rumour about a 5th ending to the game that you can only get if you have completed the four paths and score "10 out of 10" on Klaadum's Ladder. However, I doubt this exists as there are nothing about how to achieve 10/10 and only one person claiming to have succeeded with no evidence.
M.7 Purge
Commander Path

Enemies: Jians, loves to clone and wield heavy weapons

Gonna be honest here, this map always bugs for me making me start in the middle of it. If you have the same problem, try to disconnect and resume game or restart chapter.

Part 1
You arrive at a temple
There is a squadron of cultis soldiers to your right, move ahead and they'll blast the doors to the temple for you.
Either follow along with your buddies or go left and enter over a bridge. You'll arrive in the enemy's midst!
Just keep going, it's hard to get lost and there really isn't much to look at.
When you see the second armory after going up the stairs load up since your old pal Huan is inside the big room and you need to take him out (he is the one with he little dragons on the hat). Lots of clones here.

Part 2
After winning you are told to get to the Extraction point (the start of the map)
As you pass through the big room in the temple with the first armory an Interceptor will show up.
Maybe I'm a lousy shot or there are two interceptors out there gunning for you.
Reach the Helipad and some NPCs will show up
Speak with Echion to end the mission.


Cultis, helipad part 2. Speak with him to end the mission.
M.7 Ancient
Mentor Path

Enemies: Looters
This map bugs for me quite often. You should start with Mentor in front of you, if you don't; you probably skipped part 1.

Part 1

You arrive at an area with Mentor in front of you, speak with him to get information about the mission here. You are left with little to none direction: Find Akmal, the place is filled with Looters, but they are not hostile.

So far I've found 3 ways to progress. Will list them here.

1. Huggy's dealz
Huggy is a NPC found on the top floor of the house. Talk to him and play it cool (1 3 2 2 2 1), he'll agree to let you into Zone 2, where Akmal is in exchange of you giving a message to Abdallah.
You will now have a tunnel marked on your map that you can enter.
On the other side in Zone 2 you'll find Abdallah, give him the code to earn 30000b.

2. Vincent's Door
Vincent is a NPC found beyond the blue laser tram. Take the stairs past it to the north to find his ensamble. He wants you to find his rifle in exchange for him opening the gates to Zone 2 where Akmal is.
There are 3 NPCs scattered throughout the map that you can speak to in order to find more information of who stole the rifle.
Solve it yourself if you want. Just keep in mind that choosing the wrong dialogue options usually closes down any chance with that npc.
therwise the answer is Notch. Choosing that nets you 9666exp (actually seem to be 6000exp) and an achievement.
Vincent opens the door for you and you can enter zone 2.
This door can also be hacked, Vincent really doesn't mind.

3. Hacking
In the SE corner of the map, past the tram track you will fid a security door guarded by a Combat Turret. Hack the Door(A 110, D 120 H 410) or the Door server (A 100 D 100 H 370). If you hack the Door Server, both the Door and the Turret come under your control.
The door opens, you can enter the next zone.
You will arrive where you start if the game bugs and skipped part 1.

Zone 2:

Note: since it took a while for me to reach zone 1 I never realized they were connected. Therefore the maps don't really match but I tried to make it as clear as possible.

Part 2
Arrive at map Zone 2
Keep in mind, the looters here are not you enemies. Or rather, they should be your firiends.
There are two ways to complete this map. I'll list both but they both involve getting to the top floor.
Go to the top and enter the building across the walkway.

1. Tank entrance
There is a tank on the far side of this room, don't jump down there yet. The idea is to clear the water of the tank to open the door.
Speak with Lavalette (choose options 3 2 2 2 1 to actually get the information and objective markers on what to do)
Turn the valve
Go down, turn left (where it says Joe's plumer) shoot the switch (thing on the pipe)
Go up to and beyond Lavalette and enter the tank

2. Air duct
The alternative is to move to the left of the room (opposite of the valve) and click action key to open up the security doors and find a duct to enter. However, there is some sort of electric current there blocking it.
So open the door to the left and find a generator, action key it to turn off the power.
You can now enter it to get access to the hidden home.

You found Akmal
Ask for entry into the HQ at the end you are given a choice to convince him using hack or psi. Not sure what that does but the third option (pleading) also works.
Go to the extraction point.
You will earn an achievement for taking this path.

NPCs and sidemissions:

Zone 1:

Huggy:House 2nd floor, offers you passage in exchange for passing a message.

Gate NW corner. Offers you passage in exchange for finding who stole his rifle.

Notch:House 2nd floor. Questioned to find Vincen'ts rifle.

Toxic pit SE part of map. Questioned to find Vincen'ts rifle.

Factory NE part of map. Questioned to find Vincen'ts rifle.

Zone 2:

Looter, bottom floor near armory. Give him the code for brouzouf. Also sells hammer for 100 000 000 brouzouf?

Looter, Top floor building. Can give you information on the water tank if you give him the right choices

Cultis, super secret hiding spot. The goal of the map.
M.7 Secreta Temple
Federation Path

Part 1:
You start in a dark room surrounded by Federation Special Force npcs. Speak with Takashi in front of you.
If you are interested in the "Federation Path" then play nice in the conversations.
After speaking to Takashi, speak with his two leutenants and then Cyrus.
He'll tell you to come back when you are ready. Which is kinda pointless since there's nothing to do there.

If you are here simply because you got tired of Noctis Labyrinth - then stay your hand for now if you want.
If you just want this to end, insult them enough and then kill all of them.
A door now opens to the rest of the ship and you need to clear the enemies, climb down a ladder and then click a console. Map is over and you are transported to Final Mission on the mentor path with the most hillarious monologue to start a final mission.

NPCs and Sidemissions

To progress the mission.

To progress the mission.

To progress the mission.

Jian. Will be your main squeeze.

Part 2:
MAP- Nope, not gonna happen

You are now in the Secreta Temple and Cyrus is in front of you.
Speak with him to get more information about this mission. If you weren't paying attention. The information is that the Triangle Gate in Oasis will be attacked.
Towards the end you get a choice:
1. Go through with the plan in which you distract the members of the council.
2. Go hacking instead by first placing Hacking Probes
3. Go kill everything instead.

Cyrus tells you to watch out for the patrols, which is kinda pointless since you are treated as an ally by all the npcs in this area. Just don't jump on them.

If you feel like the federation path isn't what you wanted then jump to part 4.

1. DIstraction
There is actually only one person you need to speak with if I remember this correctly to progress: Angurva. However, several of these have interesting dialogue.
I will list them in a smooth walking order.
Just note that giving some people the wrong answer will make them attack you directly shifting you over to point 3.

Vajra is the closest one, you don't need to do anything really.
Balmug is the next one after going up the stairs and then down in the second doorway. He'll tell you that Dhul is trying to betray Rimanah. He gives you the mission to kill him.
Dru'l Fakdr is the next one. If you decide to aid the federation/commander then click the turbine switch on the wall. Otherwise he'll ask you to betray Rimanah.
Kusanagi can be found if you go up the stairs and then down the next. He'll inform you about the 3 fundamentals after your report.
Continue to Masamune who you'll just have to agree with, then go through the tunnel to Acsalon who you can go into a conversation with if you want to end the Federation path.
The last one is Angurva who'll be pretty picky with you. So far I've never been able to get past without telling him that the attack is just a diversion. However, it doesn't seem to matter.
Return to Cyrus when you are done.

2. Hacking
Cyrus will give you the location where you need to plant the probes. This place is a mess so I didn't even try to make a map for it. Follow the objective markers. If you do this, you will just automatically continue on the Federation path.(?)

3. Elimination
Talking and hacking bores you so you decide to just kill everyone instead. Just keep in mind that these guys are heavily armed and love to make clones.
After they are all defeated, return to Cyrus.

Part 3:
You are told that you are done. It's time to extract from the area so follow along towards the marker.
If you are still on the federation path at this point there should be a NPC called Balthazar standing near the exit. Speak with him to get the Substitutional Gate action and the corresponding achievement.
Then exit

Part 4:
If you want out of the federation path you need to do the following.:

Leaving this empty for now.

Hellcelot님이 먼저 게시:

Gotta correct ya here! Going and talking to ascalon and telling them Cyrus is a traitor puts you on the Mentor path, not the commander path. iirc, you have to go through the Labyrinth for King.

NPCs and Side missions:

Jian, at the start of the level. For all parts really.

Cultis, top floor. You can speak with Mentor if you want. But it will lead to him fighting you. Luckily this doesn't mess it up if you decide to go with strategy 1.

Council: (did you know these are all names of mythological weapons?)
Vajra, Balmung, Dhu'l Fakdr, Kusanagi, Masamune, Ascalon, Angurva
Cultis and Jian, flanked by guards. for Part 2 if you go with distract or eliminate

Looter, near exit in part 3 if you are on the Federation path.
M.8 Final Mission
Regardless of the path you choose

Enemies: Lots of Cultis enemies, they all love heavy weapons and using the Clone Skill. Also, there is an Interceptor outside the Training Hall.

Part 1:
You arrive and will meet a NPC depending on your path. If you instead start with Rimanah saying that you defeated the 4 pillars then the game bugged.

There will be a Carnophage called Amarok to speak with. Regardless of your choices you'll learn a new action and he'll join you in the battle. You also get an achievement.

You will find your Mentor up ahead, speak with him and a defeat the enemy. After the battle, speak with the Scrab to the side to learn a new action. You also get an achievement.

You already got your action in the previous map and there is no one to talk to. Instead there are 6 Shock Troopers hanging around. Simply approach the doors to continue.

Part 2:
Up ahead is a map you should know by now: the Temple HQ.
There are four enemies you need to kill to progress, the so-called Four Pillars.
The first one is in the Library, the second in the Control Room (Brain), then the Training hall and the last one on the far side of the Ruin.

Part 3:
After defeating all of them, go to the Ruin area and approach the large engraved slab. There is a hole at the bottom so use Cyber Sprint and jump or use Cyber Jump to jump.
You are now in a cave with an armory and the path ahead is to the left.
Dive down and enter the next room, get to the surface and get ready to fight. (hint: activate cloak)

There are three enemies in the room, and as you can guess - They will do the clone army move. I would suggest grenades if you have a hard time handling them.
Defeat all of them and approach the altar to find out who is behind all of this.
Once that is done, head back to the entrance of the cave.


Commander path:

Mentor Path:


Part 1:
You start at the helipad at the Temple HQ, you have three NPCs to speak with.
One outside the Commander's Office, one at the Library and the last one in the Control Room.
After speaking with all of them, return to the cave as in the previous mission and get to the end. Enter the portal.

(regarding how I feel the devs didn't do what they could - all the library consoles are exactly the same as in any other version of this map)

Part 2:
You are back in the Dream.
There are three NPCs to speak with, their messages are cryptic.
Enter the portal to start New Game+ and you are back at the Cave from the Tutorial
If you have completed all three paths in the game (and gotten the 3 skills from it) a new path will be open for you in the Tutorial map to the right, this leads to Part 3, otherwise just repeat the whole process again to complete the other paths.


Part 3:

You are in a map called Minos (based on the sidemission version). In this maze you'll fight hammer guys(Kraak's apparently) and find Inferno's, who are... Well hovering eyes that can be hacked. But don't seem to do much?

Simply follow along the corridors until you get to the bridge room and walk across and take the door to the right.
There are hammer dudes and gaps in the floor so pay attention while fighting them.

At the end you'll find a NPC called Circe who reveals your true nature and then gives you a choice go back to the dream or find tranquility.
Choose whichever suits you the most. One is for action and the other for contemplation. But both will get you an achievement.
Going Fast
Making this guide had me playing throught the game several times to test things out. I deviced some different strategies that I can share:

You want cloak, and light armor
You nearly always want to be as light as possible so only bring your favorite weapon
You should have gotten at least 2 levels of CyberLegs from the CyberTech tab.
The Adrenaline CyberTech makes you recover energy faster, worth placing some points on.
The Cyber Eye CyberTech reduces the cloak energy drain.
Agility makes you faster.
Know your map

Not much to say really. Go light armor and run like the wind.

M1: Wurstor:
Cloak and sprint to the left building, click console to deactivate security, take the ladder and exit map.

M2: New Eden:
Choose bribe, cloak and sprint all the way to the npc, charge some energy and sprint back. The enemies can't follow you into the building either way.
Cloak and sprint the same way as before, go to warehouse. Just go in and kill the enemies and grab the objective. Save your energy for the sprint home.
Offer 500b to the barman(or option 3?), run into the adjacent building and crawl through. Hope you find the case fast.

M3: Forgotten Center:
Finish dialogue and drop down, hold the left wall and climb up for part 1.
Run straight through the map to downtown, talk to Gunther to start the defense. Stab him in the back.
Go north, throw in the barrel and wait for instructions, activate the top floor generators and the last generator near the entrance and then talk to Sadnik and fetch the data.
After that go north to check on the reservoir.
Don't bother hacking, just kill the boss and cloak away to the exit.
You can skip almost the entirety of Forgotten Center by just killing the gate guard immediately, then hacking the console at the bottom of the stairs. That skips straight to killing the boss and leaving.

M4: Electric Sheep:
Cloak and run to the north entrance, get to the third floor and talk to Ramirez (2 1 1 1) and then drop down the hole beside him.
Get back to the console and then go shoot the barkeep. Sprint to the building again, drop down and cloak to the data console, click it and get into the sewers. Take the north path placing the 2 bombs and then sprint south, placing the last bomb before entering the tunnel.
Cloak and sprint though the place and take out the Lieutenant

M5: Monolith.
Talk to Dutch, do the mission up to the point that you hacked the defenses (or don't if your hacking is low),
When you are told to follow Dutch, grab the sentries and throw them over the edge then stab him in the back (and the other two cultis as well unless you want to cloak).
Grab the bomb and take the cave drop to the bottom floor.
At the bottom floor just cloak and run to the objective and the mission ends.

M6: Noctis Labyrinth:
There is no fast way to complete this (except for doing federation ending)
Grab some better weapons for this one. You will run out of energy eventually.
Skip the looters, skip most objectives really. Cloak and sprint to the federation base and hack the security door and then the console, also grab the teleport at Federal base.
Get down into the tomb and speak with immortal king and then just portal back and forth to kill enemies until you have enough.
Get back and enter the portal.

M7: Depends on what path you want to be on.
Federation: Just do what they say.

Mentor: In part 1 simply run to the "secret tunnel" Huggy directs you to. You can enter without speaking with him. Once inside, just go to the top and do the air duct path.

Commander: In part 1 go left and avoid the fighting in the main building, get past them and start wrecking havoc and really try to snipe Huan from afar before all those clones show up. For part 2, just sprint and remember to shoot the interceptor unless you save cloak for the conversation.

M8: Final Mission;
Skip light armor, don the heavy and your best weapons. I've never been able to do this stealthily and efficiently. But remember that Triangular Gate skill instantly kills enemies. Might be worth using here.
I very much enjoyed playing this game. However there are things that could be better.

So far I've encountered several bugs, mostly related to the maps and how characters are saved. Sometimes my level up points would dissappear, sometimes when I continued my game I had backtracked to Tutorial level in front of Dutch.

I also made a guide about this a couple of years later:

Anyway, this guide is based on experience so there might be things you know that I don't, let me know if there is so I can add it to the guide.
I'm mostly interested if there are conversation paths that leads to something other than mundane conversation or if there are any side missions hiding somewhere. Or if conversation options are affected by stats and such.

Anyway, I hope this was helpful..
Take care and escape the cycles of guilt!

Also make sure your legs are OK
댓글 30
JohnMcHobo 2024년 5월 16일 오전 7시 37분 
You gain Brouzouf.
jinchul6030 2023년 3월 7일 오후 7시 53분 
This is the best walkthrough I have ever seen. None specific but every essencials. I could make important decisions while enjoying the game as I please. Thank you very much.
Chezni 2022년 5월 28일 오후 5시 32분 
"Aaaargh" I believe is a reference to the "Castle Aaaaargh" from Monty Python & the Holy Grail. And yeah, aside from the hidden brouzouffs you can find on Mars, there's no real way to complete the "quest" that the bandit gives you back several missions earlier.
prpl_mage  [작성자] 2021년 11월 30일 오후 12시 40분 
As far as I know, no.
May be some reference to something, or it just wasn't added into the game.
There is some hidden tresure but you can't return to that NPC afterwards so...
Micolash the Slippery One 2021년 11월 30일 오전 8시 28분 
Has no one ever found the Aaargh and the treasure?
Malekei 2021년 8월 10일 오전 12시 49분 
Outstanding guide! Helped me immensely with my 1st playthrough
Hellcie 2021년 4월 5일 오후 5시 34분 
I may have to give this a few more playthroughs again just to confirm. :serban:
prpl_mage  [작성자] 2021년 4월 5일 오전 10시 11분 
I really hope people find it useful, been a couple of years since I played it last so I appreciate people correcting things I got wrong.
Hellcie 2021년 4월 1일 오전 8시 53분 
I love how you did this guide and the maps, I hope it helps people! Gonna like and favorite it.
Hellcie 2021년 4월 1일 오전 8시 53분 
Oh, cool, I'm quoted in the choosing paths section (this is hellcelot hi)