Life is Hard

Life is Hard

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Guide for newbies [ March 22nd 2018 ]
By Sel Und Irae
Guide Tutorial
Maximum Efficiency early game
Quick Start Guide
As soon as you start the game you'll be presented with 5 choices - Religion
Choose whichever suits your gameplay style
After your religion is chosen 4 villagers will spawn in
go to your flag and click once. This will open up the "Villager" manager
after clicking this assign three villagers to wood cutting and leave one unassigned
quickly scroll around the map to find your mine and order the unassigned worker to construct it
[Sometimes it will spawn to the left but often spawns to your right]
After he completes his work assign him to the mines. One worker will be sufficent for stone production until late game.
Next build 2 houses and a well unassign one woodcutter to do this task
after he finishes open your village manager and pick one woodcutter {or the builder} and equip him with the club that the game gives you for free. Now assign that worker to hunting and open up your build menu again. Create a workshop & Build it
by this point you should be nearing the end of "Day one" depending on how fast you completed the actions. On day two {or one if you are fast} click the completed workshop and build as many bows as the game will allow you. Once the bows are complete assign (2) workers to hunting and equip both with bows (+1 worker cause you already have club user) Now you should have 1 woodcutter 1 miner 2 Hunters. After your hunters bring back their first completed hunt with bows click on your houses and pick 1 male 1 female to reproduce to maximum capacity. After completing this upgrade your townhall and unlock Agricultre [Auto unlock on T2] <-- You can skip this step if agriculture is already unlocked. Now build 1 farm wherever and hire a worker to maintain it. first day he/she will only gather seeds because you start at 0 and need 5 to plant the good stuff so while you wait for children to age to adulthood and seeds to be farmed you can construct yourself some armor for hunters [If you have enough]
Once children mature and seeds are ready set your farm to plant Pumpkins for most vegetable income and create an additional farm. Set the rest of your workers to woodcutting and enjoy
Quick Start Complete

[Avg completion time 3 - 4 days]

Also at start send your hero <--- of your settlement so he can stop necromancer from attacking you : ) generally you don't need to worry about him dying but that depends on the hero you summoned + The number of enemies
Anti Nord Guide
To follow this guide you'll need to have the economical setup provided by the "quick start" guide

Immediately upon starting this guide you'll want to rush out as many hunters as you can ignoring all other production in favor of "leather" and "Meat" production

have your workers all equipped with bows and within 2 days you should have around 50 - 100 Leather
use half of this leather on leather chestpieces
Save the other half for later [You'll need 15 Atleast]
Once this task is complete unassign all but 1 worker from hunting and assign 1 miner %rest into woodcutting
Get to 65+ of each resource and then begin construction of "Barracks" if this is not unlocked upgrade townhall.
Once townhall is upgraded build barracks
Once barracks are created build a Forge so you can smelt ores [You should have enough at this point to smelt 8 bars of copper] Smelt as many as you can []
Next click on your workshop and build as many spears as you can
once task is complete build as many bows as you can
Once task is complete Unassign all workers and send all of them to the barracks
1 Male
1 Female
once workers are finished you should have 2/4 2/6 or 2/8 depending if you upgraded houses
Equip your Newly recruitted soldiers with Spears until you run out
Next switch to Bows [Prioritize armor on spearmen]
Now choose the 1 male 1 female from earlier and make them reproduce until you hit max capacity
you'll need to repeat this until you have ATLEAST 8 Soldiers [But you can go higher if you'd like]
Once that is completed you can re-assign workers how you'd like [I'd recommend on food production]

Now once you re-assign soldiers look around map and find the "Mercenary Camp"
This is where your "15 Leather" comes in
Recruit the Mercenaries *COUGH* CANNON FODDER *COUGH* and put them at the front of your army
these mercenaries respawn on death so don't worry Expendable
Set everyone in your army on "Aggressive" Stance and send them towards the nord village

You should be able to take the enemy kingdom with 4 spearmen 4 bowmen
2 spearmen 6 bowmen

if you were lucky enough to get "Iron" from mining you could have a sword aswell in which case it makes this even easier

Continue attack on enemy kingdom until you reach the keep and defeat the enemy

Now you can choose [Spare] Or [Genocide]

GL HF :)

Just a side note
If you're having issues selecting enemy models for attack de-select your soldiers and they'll autofind targets if on "Aggressive Stance"
Sel Und Irae  [author] Mar 11, 2020 @ 2:53pm 
*laughs in support teedsmo*
Possibly a Cleric Mar 9, 2020 @ 11:26pm 
Good guide, but as you're probably a Teemo main, I still hope you suffer. Guide is useful though, so I hope it's lessened.
Lord Strong Aug 28, 2019 @ 7:02pm 
i think some these guides help newbs. appreciate it.
TheGam1ngBrit Apr 21, 2018 @ 3:01pm 
I dont think they have
Sel Und Irae  [author] Apr 20, 2018 @ 7:14pm 
Should be unless they nerfed meat & bows
MediocreAOEPlayer Apr 18, 2018 @ 9:14pm 
is this still viable?
TheGam1ngBrit Mar 28, 2018 @ 12:48pm 