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Bank Heist: Loot Walkthrough
By cruinne
A simple loot guide for the Bank Heist DLC.
0.0 The Bank Heist
Garrett starts just outside the bank and a little down the street. There are 67 loot items in this job and 2 collectibles. Challenges are:
  • Remain undetected
  • Take no damage
  • Lift all loot items
  • 2 Aerial takedowns
It's good to have the wire cutters and the wrench, and handful of water arrows may come in handy.
1.0 Bank Exterior
There are four loots available outside the bank. Before climbing over the wall into the bank grounds, grab the coin purse [loot 1] off the ground by the crates.

In the courtyard are two patrolling guards and a stationary guard at one of the rails. Deal with them as it pleases Garrett, but note that the two patrolling guards each have coin purses that are worth obtaining.

Before leaving the courtyard be sure to get the flask [loot 2] (and the food) off the rail beside the stationary guard, the ashtray [loot 3] off the ground in the dark corner at the east side of the porch, and, over the rail in the far back corner, the ashtray [loot 4] off the bench there.
2.0 Bank - Ground Level
Garrett could easily enter through the bank's front door, but that hardly seems sporting -- instead, enter on the east side, through the open window there.

2.1 The Storeroom

The storeroom entered through the window has a document on the shelf, and a grate set into the wall. After grabbing the document, head through the duct.

2.2 The Lower Offices

Be cautious going through the other end of the duct, as a teller is there and she wanders a bit. However Garrett chooses to deal with her, note her nice earrings. A second bank employee occasionally wanders into here, so stay stealthy (and grab his three purses, too).

The desk against the wall where the grate is contains a magnifying glass [loot 5] in its top left drawer, a document in its left-centre drawer, and a pen [loot 6] and inkwell [loot 7] on its surface. There is another document on the shelf that forms the outermost corner of this little area. Then, on the tellers' desks across the south side of this room are: a baron's bust [loot 8], a pile of gold coins [loot 9] on a scale, and a desk bell [loot 10]. Next to the sleeping guard at the back of the room is a gold flask [loot 11].

On the western side of the room, the centre shelf holds a magnifying glass [loot 12] on its eastern side and a document on its western side.

2.3 The Lobby

Stepping out into the lobby from the western side of the offices, and turning right, there is a sleeping guard with a flask [loot 13] next to him. In the rest of the lobby can be found: a desk bell [loot 14] on the westernmost teller's counter and another [loot 15] on a teller's counter at the lobby's northeastern corner.

Of the five central tables, only the one at the northeast has treasure: a pen [loot 16] and an ink bottle [loot 17]. While on the eastern side of the room, look beneath the stairs for a pocket watch [loot 18].
3.0 Bank - Second Floor
Now pop up the stairs. Up there is one stationary guard (with two coin purses) against the southern wall, a patrolling guard with a lantern who walks around the central open area overlooking the lobby (and who carries a pair of coin purses), and two librarians in the stacks in the west (one with a document and the other with two purses) who will soon walk over to the northeast section after talking a bit. Deal with them as Garrett sees fit.

Starting at the eastern stairs, south side, and going clockwise, Garrett can find: a necklace [loot 19] in the locked drawer of the desk just south of the stairs; a flask [loot 20] on the table east of the stationary guard; a letter opener [loot 21] on the table west of the guard; a magnifying glass [loot 22] on the desk near the open window; a gold letter opener [loot 23] in the western desk's locked drawer; a document on the bookshelf by the desk; another letter opener [loot 24] on the desk in the northwestern section and a document on the bookshelf to its north; a flask [loot 25] on the northwest corner of the railing around the open area; a document in the shelf along the north wall in the eastern section; and an ink bottle [loot 26] on the desk just north of the eastern stairs.

Entering the room to the north, get the baron's bust [loot 27] and the document off the shelves there.

Before leaving, go to the western section and hop out the window onto the pipe there to locate a ring [loot 28].
4.0 The Outer Vault
It's time to enter the outer vault, so head back downstairs and through one of the locked doors behind the tellers' windows.

Note that, as expected, the area has mechanical eyes and traps. First, disable the traps and then starting with the gear box for the traps, turn west and look down to find a pen [loot 29].

Garret can then also find a desk bell [loot 30] in the locked, top-left drawer of the southwestern desk. The northwestern desk... is a ghost desk (Q/A FTW!). There is a watch seal [loot 31] in the top-right drawer of the northeastern desk, and a pen [loot 32] and ink bottle [loot 33] on the southeastern desk.

Now Garrett can turn his attention to the lockers, which are nicely numbered for us:
  • Locker 1 contains a coin purse [loot 34] and watch seal [loot 35];
  • locker 7 contains a document and a pocket watch [loot 36];
  • locker 9 contains a ring [loot 37] and a flask [loot 38];
  • locker 11 has a coin purse [loot 39] and a brooch [loot 40];
  • locker 21 contains two piles of coins [loot 41] and [loot 42] as well as a pen [loot 43]; and
  • locker 23 contains a necklace [loot 44]*.
Before cracking the lock on the main vault, look on the ground to its left for another document.

* Note that at least one person has reported that locker 23 would not open for them but that the necklace [loot 44] was in locker 25 instead.
5.0 The Vault
Again, take care to note the mechanical eyes and traps in the vault. It's best to begin by disarming the traps.

5.1 Upper Level

We'll first go up the stairs to second level. Head up to the east and, before turning north on the stairs, look down and pick up a desk bell [loot 45]. On up and Garrett can find a pen [loot 46] on the eastern counter and a letter opener [loot 47] on the western one. Through the levered doors into the cage on the north side of the second level, and there is a bond [loot 48] and a desk bell [loot 49] on the western desk. A bookshelf southeast of it holds a bond [loot 50] and, in a small coffer, some gold coins [loot 51]. Left of the bookshelf is a poppy.

The middle desk conceals a document and a brooch [loot 52], and the bookshelf to its east holds a baron's bust [loot 53]. The desk on the eastern side of the room has a lot of empty drawers, and a ring [loot 54] on its surface.

5.2 Lower Level

Now back downstairs and north, to the small office along that side of the vault. The western-most desk has a gold ashtray [loot 55] in its locked drawer. The bookshelf just southeast of it has a vase which, when smashed, reveals Southrye's Watch [collectible 1]. On the desk in the middle is a magnifying glass [loot 56]. A small coffer on the shelf just east of that desk holds some coins [loot 57]. The desk at the eastern side of the room has a bond [loot 58] in its top-left drawer, and another [loot 59] in its bottom right.

Stepping out, there is a narrow passage between this work area and the vault cage with two chests in it. The eastern chest holds a watch seal [loot 60] and three bonds [loot 61], [loot 62], and [loot 63]. The western one contains a pcoket watch [loot 64] and a coin purse [loot 65].

5.3 The Inner Vault

The last three items are in the inner vault - before touching, be wary and check for traps. Once things are safe, Garrett can grab the two urns [loost 66] and [loot 67], and the final collectible, the Star of Auldale [collectible 2].

cruinne  [author] Dec 29, 2020 @ 5:30pm 
Awesome - I'm glad you found it (eventually) :Hand_Garrett:
altexbamesa Dec 29, 2020 @ 4:08pm 
Thank you! I was on my third or fourth playthrough of the the Bank Heist, and I had yet to collect all the loot items. I had found 66 out of 67, but could not find the last item, which turned out to [loot 3]. :steamthumbsup:
cruinne  [author] Jun 18, 2019 @ 5:21pm 
I (think) I didn't do the others because guides already existed for them. I'm going to have to get back into Thief and check it out again :D:
Xeph Jun 18, 2019 @ 2:32pm 
@cruinne You are welcome. I don't know, this is my very first playthrough on Thief, so I've only tried Master. I thought I was going nuts at first! But the contents of 23 was pretty easy to find, with only one unopened locker left. Other than that part, your guide is really solid, wish there was more of them!
cruinne  [author] Jun 18, 2019 @ 4:25am 
Thanks Xeph - I wonder if it varies from time to time, or just with the difficulty level.
Xeph Jun 18, 2019 @ 2:57am 
Just a note, Locker 23 for me on Master difficulty is not openable, the necklace was in 25.
Xeph Jun 18, 2019 @ 2:40am 
I gotta say, for a strictly written instruction guide with no visuals, this is really very well done. Very easy to follow. Thanks! :cozybethesda:
Thumper Mar 12, 2018 @ 6:58am 
more like well schooled, I'd say. you can add it to the group page.
cruinne  [author] Mar 12, 2018 @ 6:13am 
Hahah, thanks, Thumper. Maybe I'm a natural-born bank robber. :rbiggrin:
Thumper Mar 11, 2018 @ 6:33pm 
Now thats a well thought out walk-thru. made it sound like it's way to easy.