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Getting started with DYOLAB
By Josia
A simple step-by-step instruction on how to access and use DYO's level editor and Workshop features.
Downloading the Level Editor
To download DYO's level editor, all you need to do is opt into the DYOLAB Beta branch in your Steam client.

To do this, right click on the game in your library, click Properties:

In the BETAS tab, choose the dyolab branch:

Your game should now automatically update to a version including the level editor.
Using the Level Editor
Opening the Level Editor
Once you opted into the DYOLAB Beta branch, you will find a new button on the game's level select screen. This will bring you to the level editor.

Editor Structure
The Toolbar
Here, you can choose objects you want to place in the level, as well as change the tileset. Click on any item to select it.

The Actions panel
This panel shows you actions you can perform with the specific object selected, as well as how to control the camera.

The Shortcuts panel
This panel shows you global shortcuts like testing, saving, and opening levels.

Building a level
Camera movement
Move your mouse while holding down the middle mouse button to move the camera around the level. You can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel.

Placing and removing Walls
Selecting the Walls-tool allows you to easily create Walls by holding the left mouse button and selecting an area. Removing walls works just the same way, except using the right mouse button.

Placing and removing objects
To place an object in the level, just select it from the toolbar and then click somwhere in the level to place it. You can move placed objects by clicking and dragging them somehwere else. Delete an object by right-clicking on it.

Testing your level
Press TAB anytime, to test your level. Press TAB again while testing to get back to the editor view.

Saving your level
When you're done with your level, press Ctrl+S to save it. Enter a name for your level and press Enter to confirm.
Uploading your level to the Workshop
Uploading your level to the Workshop:
You can upload your level to the Steam Workshop from within the level editor. Here's how you do it:
  1. Make sure you saved and named your level.

  2. Beat the level in test mode.
    If you edited the level after completing it, you will have to complete it again before uploading.

  3. Take a snapshot of the level.
    This is the preview image that will represent your level in the Steam Workshop. You can take a snapshot by holding down C, choosing the area you want to take a picture of, and left clicking. You can also change the camera size using the mouse-wheel. I recommend showing your whole level in the snapshot, so users get a good impression of it while browsing.
    A preview of the snapshot will appear in the lower right corner of the editor.

  4. Upload your level by pressing Ctrl+U
    This can take a couple of seconds. You will get a notification once the upload is complete. Don't edit or save the level before that!
Downloading and Playing Levels from the Workshop
Joining the DYOLAB group
To gain access to the DYOLAB Workshop page, join the DYOLAB Steam group.

Downloading levels
Once you joined the group, a Workshop tab will appear in the game's Community Hub.

If you click on the Browse tab, you can see levels that have been uploaded.
To download a level, simply click on the green Plus that appears when you hover over the preview image.

Playing downloaded levels:
Since DYOLAB is still in Beta, you can currently only play Workshop levels by opening them from the level editor. To do this, open the level editor from the level select screen. In the editor, press Ctrl+D. This will open a list of all downloaded Workshop levels. Choose the one you want to open using the arrow keys and press enter to confirm. You can also search for a specific level by entering its name.
Once the level is opened, you can play it using Tab.