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Ultimate Farming Guide ~ ♥ Community ♥
Por Bip901
The ultimate guide that will show you how to easily get any item in the game! This is a community project. Feel free to contribute!
This is a community project. It's written by the community, for the community.
Help us expand this guide! Comment anything you wish to add!

*ApM = Amount per minute. How much of the resource you get for every minute of farming. ApM should be measured without any boosters active. When the ApM depends on luck, use a range of possible values instead. (x - y)

**The contents are in alphabetical order.

***When the name of the Steam user that recommended the method is not specified, it's recommended by me, Bip901.
Affinity (XP)
~Fastest ways to farm AFFINITY~
  • Helene | Saturn ~ 2 levels per wave on average. Recommended and measured by Steam user C0Bruhh
  • Akkad | Eris ~ Recommended by Steam user raspy ♫
  • Hydron | Sedna ~ Recommended by multiple Steam users
  • Sanctuary Onslaught ~ Recommended by multiple Steam users
  • Salacia | Neptune ~ 3-8 levels per mission (depending on level) for the Archwing ~ Recommended by Steam user Venrez and measured by AnonymousUserTheOnly
  • Elite Sanctuary Onslaught ~ for weapons only ~ Recommended by Steam user WhiteTiger
Alloy Plate
~Fastest ways to farm ALLOY PLATES~
  • Dark sector | Ceres ~ Recommended by Steam user AnonymousUserTheOnly
Animo Nav Beacons
~Fastest ways to farm AMINO NAV BEACONS~
  • Pluto | Outer Terminus ~ Recommended by Steam user DreadwayTF
  • Any open-air Corpus defence mission ~ Recommended by Steam user Nightstalker
Argon Crystals
~Fastest ways to farm ARGON CRYSTALS~
  • Ani | Void ~ Recommended by Steam user Kat
  • Mot | Void ~ ApM: 0.1 - 0.2 ~ Recommended and measured by Steam user Sptz

  • Use Argon Crystals quickly! They will be tagged as "decaying" every day at 12:00 AM. If they are already tagged by 12:00, the amount of decaying Argon Crystals you own will halve, rounded down. ~ Steam user Bip901
  • Equip a Smeeta Kavat while playing a Void mission - you will have a good chance to get Argon Crystals. My ApM was 0.4 when I was playing at Ani | Void with my Smeeta Kavat. ~ Steam user Kat
Cetus Wisps
~Fastest ways to farm CETUS WISPS~
  • Cetus Wisps spawn only around lakes and ponds of water, and spawn much more frequently at night. Map out a route between some of the major lakes and run it over and over again. Note that Cetus Wisps spawn when you enter Plains of Eidolon. They will not respawn while you are there, so to make them respawn, leave and re-enter Plains of Eidolon. ~ Recommended by Steam user Kat

  • You can also get Cetus Wisps from bounties, so don't forget to do those! ~ Recommended by Steam user Aetheriel

  • If you get max rank with The Quills, you can buy Cetus Wisps. ~ Recommended by Steam user Nightstalker
Note by Steam user neofit:
The first mission you do every day yields double credits.

~Fastest ways to farm CREDITS~ (sorted by ApM)
  • Medium Index | Neptune ~ Recommended by multiple Steam users. ApM: 13477.5 ~ Measured by Bip901
  • Sangeru | Sedna ~ Extract after 5 waves. ApM: 7403.8 ~ Measured by Bip901
  • Hieracon | Pluto ~ Extract after first excavator is done. ApM: 6376.8
  • Gabii | Ceres ~ ApM: 4600 ~ Recommended and measured by Steam user EmekC
  • Akkad | Eris ~ Recommended by Steam user AnonymousUserTheOnly
  • Semini | Ceres ~ Do one round and extract. Recommended by Steam user Kat for people who aren't strong enough for Hieracon.
~Fastest ways to farm CRYOTIC~
  • Hieracon | Pluto ~ Recommended by Steam user WhiteTiger
~Fastest ways to farm ENDO~
  • Weekly Ayatan Treasure Hunt | Maroo's Bazaar ~ fill in all the star slots of the Ayatan treasure, then sell it to Maroo. ApM: 566 - 900.
  • Hieracon | Pluto ~ Complete 2 excavators, then extract. ApM: 56.7 - 170.1
  • Arena ~ recommended by Steam user Jared Wolfe.
  • Nakki/Yam/Vodyanoi | Eris ~ recommended by Steam user Enhok.
~Fastest ways to farm FERRITE~
  • Apollodorus | Mercury ~ Recommended by Steam user Zipperok
This section was written by Steam user Astrotastic and formatted by Bip901.

Farming focus is basically farming Affinity, so look at the Affinity section after you:
  • Equip lenses on every bit of gear you're using.
  • Note that if you apply a lens when your gear hits 30, then forma it, you won't be getting focus until you level it back up to 30!
  • Note that a regular lens channels 1.25% of the Affinity you earn into focus points, a 'greater' lens channels 1.75%, and an Eidolon lens channels 2.25% (Eidolon lenses and the blueprints for them are tradeable).

Focus lenses
Bounties that give Focus lenses are a pretty good investment, especially when it's for a tree you're really looking for or a bounty that has a few different ones to offer. To upgrade a regular lens into a 'greater' lens, you'll need four lenses of the same type, a forma, an argon crystal and an Orokin cell. To upgrade a 'greater' lens into an Eidolon lens, you need to have a 'greater' lens, the blueprint, and some breath, the latter two you'll need to be able to manage quite a lot of high level stuff to get your hands on.

~Fastest ways to farm FORMA~
  • Open lith relics that have Forma as a common (copper) drop ~ Recommended by Steam user arachnid14
~Fastest ways to farm GALLIUM~
  • Titania | Uranus ~ 2-6 per run ~ Recommended by Steam user Waluigi is best girl
  • Any mission on Mars ~ Recommended by Steam user Bip901
~Fastest ways to farm HEXENON~
  • Jupiter | Ganymede (Disruption) ~ drops by Amalgams ~ Recommended by Steam user [UA] Onemix {AUS}
    NOTE by Nightstalker:
    Even the fastest farm for Hexenon isn't really fast. It's advised to get a drop amount booster if you need the material.
Lephantis Nav Coordinates
~Fastest ways to farm LEPHANTIS NAV COORDINATES~
  • Orokin Derelict Capture ~ Recommended by Steam user Zipperok
~Fastest ways to farm MORPHICS~
  • Mars ~ Recommended by Steam user {JSRL} Literally Discord
Mutagen Samples
~Fastest ways to farm MUTAGEN SAMPLES~
  • Orokin Derelict Defence with a full party. ~ Recommended by Steam user Kat
Nano Spores
~Fastest ways to farm NANO SPORES~
  • Akkad | Eris ~ Recommended by Steam user arachnid14
Neural Sensors
~Fastest ways to farm NEURAL SENSORS~
  • Survival | Kuva Fortress ~ ApM: 0.2 - 0.334 ~ Recommended by Steam user Groove Torped
  • Themiso | Jupiter ~ Recommended and measured by Steam user AvengingWarrior
~Fastest ways to farm NEURODES~
  • Any mission on Eris ~ Recommended by Steam user AnonymusUserTheOnly
Nitian Extract
~Fastest ways to farm NITIAN EXTRACT~
  • The only way to get Nitian Extract is from alerts. If you want to manage alerts more easily, you can download the Warframe app.

    Google Play[play.google.com]
    App Store

  • The new Nightwaves have made farming for nitain obsolete ~ Steam user ಠnಠ
Orokin Cells
~Fastest ways to farm OROKIN CELLS~
  • Gabii | Ceres ~ Recommended by Steam user Aetheriel.
  • Tethys | Saturn ~ Recommended by Steam user Aetheriel.
  • Exta | Ceres ~ Bosses Vor & Kril each drop an Orokin cell upon death about half of the time ~ Recommended by Steam user neofit
~Fastest ways to farm OXIUM~
  • Galatea | Neptune ~ Hunt Oxium Ospreys. ApM: 19.25
Plains of Eidolon
This section was written by Steam user Kat and formatted by Bip901.

  • General advice: Picking the hardest bounty will increase the drops in all world containers (excluding Cetus Wisps), regardless of your level or if you even complete the bounties before returning to a world hub!
    Note: Fruit-resources spawn more in the middle-to-southern parts of the map.

  • Cetus Standing: Bounty your way up to get some fishing gear, then farm Murkrays. You can find them in the 'bubbles' of the western shores. Use appropriate bait and always radiate/dye the water. Lanzo spear is preffered for Murkrays. Farm lesser fish if you have fishing gear but no standing, this'll help to get a better understanding of how fishing works and some practice before you get Murkray bait unlocked.

  • Cetus Wisps: (Look at the Cetus Wisps section of this guide)

  • Grokdrul: Hit and run Grineer bases for their yellow containers. Use radar mods to find them more easily.

  • Intact Sentient Cores: (Look at the Sentient Cores section of this guide)

  • Iridite: Farm it at night. Iridite glows at night, making it much faster to locate and farm.
~Fastest ways to farm PLATINUM~
  • Gaia | Earth ~ Farm relics, sell them on warframe.market.

  • Buy Syndicate mods, re-sell them at a higher price ~ Recommended by Steam user Robert

  • Do Sorties and sell the rewards. Veiled Riven Mods tend to go for about 50 plat a piece. ~ Recommended by Steam user Samoclese

  • Naeglar | Eris ~ If you find the 3 caches, you can get shell shock or high voltage, both worth around 60 plat. It takes about 2 minutes once you get comfortable with it and know the spots, and I usually get at least one within 20 minutes ~ Recommended by Steam user cake

~Fastest ways to farm PLASTIDS~
  • Pluto | Narcissus (~223 plastids per run) ~ Recommended by Steam user EmekC
  • Derelict Defense ~ Recommended by Steam user ★Rohan★ ~ J
  • Endless missions on Eris ~ Recommended by Steam user pvtysux
Polymer Bundle
~Fastest ways to farm POLYMER BUNDLES~
  • Ophelia | Uranus ~ Recommended by Steam user MrStuff

  • Derelict Defense ~ Recommended by Steam user ★Rohan★ ~ J
  • Lith | Earth ~ Recommended by Steam user ★Rohan★ ~ J
  • Hieracon | Pluto ~ Recommended by Steam user WhiteTiger
  • Io | Jupiter ~ Recommended by Steam user ★Rohan★ ~ J
  • Xini | Eris ~ Recommended by Steam user ★Rohan★ ~ J
  • Hydron | Sedna ~ Recommended by Steam user AnonymousUserTheOnly
  • Xini | Eris ~ Recommended by Steam user ★Rohan★ ~ J
~Fastest ways to farm SALVAGE~
  • Any endless mission | Sedna ~ Recommended by Steam user pvtysux
Sentient Cores
~Fastest ways to farm SENTIENT CORES~
  • Intact sentient cores: Go to Plains of Eidolon. Vomvalysts usually spawn near large bodies of water. Shoot them until they enter their second state, then use void damage to finish them off. Alternatively, you can antagonize an Eidolon. The lower the Eidolon's shield, the more frequently the Vomvalysts will spawn. ~ Recommended by Steam user AvengingWarrior
~Fastest ways to farm TELLURIUM~
  • Ophelia | Uranus ~ but without a Nekros or Pilferoid it's still going to take a bit. ~ Recommended by Steam user Completely Apathetic
Vestan Moss
~Fastest ways to farm VESTAN MOSS~
  • Tolstoj | Mercury ~ Look on top of shaded rocks and you can find about 10 per run. ~ Recommended by Steam user Completely Apathetic
Still waiting for an answer:
  • Steam user Dash Granny asks: Where would be the best circuits farm?

Already answered:
  • Steam user PixieSoldier asks: where is the best place to farm Animo Nav Beacons?
  • Steam user Havoc§R asks: Is [Ophelia|Uranus] still better than Desdemona to farm Polymer Bundle?
  • Steam user GrandRiser asks: HOW do you farm cetus wisp? Do you kill them? Or how?
  • (+25 more)
189 comentarios
Bip901  [autor] 20 SEP 2020 a las 9:17 
I no longer update this since I quit Warframe. If you wish to become a contributer to this guide, please message me.
Single Digit IQ 19 SEP 2020 a las 11:01 
any updates on this guide?
Duwang Chang 20 JUN 2020 a las 0:35 
what about toroids on orb vallis?
Donut 1 JUN 2020 a las 4:33 
thanks for the guide man its helped a ton
Nightstalker 14 FEB 2020 a las 22:40 
@ShadowMasked sleep works on kavats, and they only alert if they see, iirc. So any Lua mission can spawn some. It helps if you go in a group, and they can kill the ones without a code. If a kavat doesn't give a code to one squad member, it won't give it to anyone else either.
ShadowMasked 11 FEB 2020 a las 2:57 
Well, if this guide is still being updated to this day, one: Nice dedication. Two: I'd love a good way to farm Kavat Genetic Codes. At this point I may just need to buy a hammer from Simaris.
Bip901  [autor] 15 OCT 2019 a las 9:44 
@Enhok Yeah, occasionally.
Enhok 14 OCT 2019 a las 16:28 
Is this post still being updated?
Enhok 14 OCT 2019 a las 16:27 
Endo: Planet Eris: - Missions - Nakki/Yam/Vodyanoi
Enhok 7 OCT 2019 a las 11:32 
Cryphographic Alu: Planet Neptune - Mission Salacia