Serious Sam 2

Serious Sam 2

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Secrets Guide for SS2
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Welcome to (possibly) the biggest, legit guide there is on Steam.
This is the complete guide of Serious Sam 2 secrets. This guide will help explain of what hidden objects there are through out all 42 Campaign levels. The new screenshots will help give an easier explaination of what the secrets look like and you can probably find the rendered location by yourself. Though each secret is not 100% legit, because others can find other routes and skilled tactics on how to get there faster. I only listed the secrets of what I found in order, so please, enjoy this drastically long compliation of every one of the 92(?) secrets! You can help by posting comments at the bottom of this page, suggest that on how you might've gotten the secret, or what you think I should fix/add on to this. Thank you, and enjoy!

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No cheats were used during gameplay and difficulty is Normal.

Credit to: Game FAQs[], Serious Sam Wiki[], and galleyuk for the information. Me for the Screenshots.

Remember to Like/Favorite if you found any of this guide helpful to you!

UPDATE: January 9, 2017
Added a whole sleugh of new guides to the (Other Secret Guides) section.
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1. Jungle (4 secrets)
1) In the starting village, there is a waterfall on the left side of the level. Jump into it, and you'll find a cave with a lot of Treasure Coins, Treasure Bags, and a Treasure Chest.

2) When you get past the valley with the Auto Shotgun, look right. You'll find a soccer/football field. Nearby is a tree with a soccer ball caught in it. Destroy the tree, grab the ball, and push it into a goal. After some fanfare, a Treasure Bag will teleport in.

3) While at the field where Dino is found, follow the left wall. Eventually, you will find a switch hidden behind a tree. Use the switch and a secret area will open. Go into it and use the teleporter there. It will warp you to where Dino was found, but instead a much stronger version of Dino will appear.

4) In the last area, look for a waterfall on the left. Walk towards the waterfall, and you'll find a plank with a XPML30 Rocket Launcher on it. Shoot the wooden plank holding it up, and the Rocket Launcher will fall. Pick it up.
2. Riverdance (5 secrets)
1) While on the left side of the river, look for a hut near the middle of the left side. A hint for it's location is that a few Primitives spawn near it. Go inside the house, and you'll find bean soup. Press use on it, and you will activate the Farting Secret.

2) Reach the part of the left side of the river that has a bridge to the middle island. Once there, go to the left wall and walk along it until you see a bush with what appears to be two Simbas having “a good time”. Walk up to the bush and press Use.

3) On the right side of the middle island, there is a switch. Use it.

4) Look to the left side of the middle island and you will see a raft with a Serious Bomb on it near some rocks. Shoot the string keeping the raft tied to the rocks, then shoot the raft. The raft will float to the island, where you can pick up the Serious Bomb.

5) Once on the right side of the river past the bridge, look right. You will find some rocks near a wall. Look behind the rocks and you will find a banana. Grab the banana by holding F, then walk up to the Gorilla mouth statue to the left of the bridge exit and toss the banana in it. A few Primitives will spawn.
3. M'keke Village (0 secrets)
There are no secrets in this level.
4. Road to Ursul (3 secrets)
1) At the base in the start of the level, find some crates and stack them to the left of the base's door. On the top is a Treasure Chest. Note that it's best to do this after clearing out the enemies that spawn because the physics for the boxes are pretty dodgy, making them hard to stack up, especially while under fire.

2) As soon as you get inside the HAM-Z-rr314 Rollerball in the middle of the level, walk to the left of where you got inside the Rollerball. There will what appears to be a Large Health floating on a wall to the left. Get close to it, and it will transform into a Primitive.

3) Go right of where you get inside the Rollerball. Follow the right-most wall until you find a refrigerator. Open it, and you'll find a frozen penguin.
5. Ursul Suburbs (6 secrets)
1) As soon as you spawn into the level, starting walking along the right-most buildings. Soon, you will run into a building that has a Serious Bomb on it's roof. On the left side of the building are some crates stacked so that you can jump on them and reach the Serious Bomb. If they start falling when you jump on them thanks to the crappy physics, try to stack the crates so that they recreate the original configuration as best as possible.

2) In the second area, there is a right angle-shaped area in the middle of it. On the right side of this angle is a awing made out of grass. Under it is a switch. Press the switch and a large Zombie Stockbroker will spawn. A few seconds later, a large boxing glove will appear out of a nearby building and kill him in one hit.

3) Walk along the left side of the second area until you see a chicken on top of a building to your right. Shoot it, and a Large Health will be spawned.

4) When you enter the third area, look to the left of the large building/ammo depot. There will be an alley. Go to the end of the alley and look up. You'll see two Rocket ammo pickups being suspended by a wooden plank. Shoot the plank, and the rocket ammo will fall. Pick them up.

5) As soon as you enter the ammo depot in the third section, turn left and you'll see a grate. Blow up the grate with a Rocket, then go to the right of the red curtain just past the grate. You will find a rope toilet flusher. Use it, and the water under the grate will recede long enough for you to jump in and grab the Treasure Chest inside it.

6) After grabbing the RAPTOR Sniper Rifle, several targets will appear in the area that contains the ammo depot you were just in. All of them must be shot to activate the secret. The first one is located on a building to the left, the second is located on a building very far to the right, the third is located on a building to the right of the entrance to the third area, the fourth one is located by turning right from where you exited the depot, and the final one is found on the right side of the actual depot building. When all of the targets are shot, an Extra Large Armor will spawn.
6. Kukulele Prison (6 secrets)
1) In the first room, there is a large gorilla head statue on the right side of the building. Walk near the statue, and you will find a switch. Press it, and a Medium Armor will come out of it.

Easter Egg (credit to PikaCommando who found this for me!) After you finish the first room, proceed to the 2nd room but do NOT go into the hallway just yet! Look to your left and you'll see 3 pillars with shotgun ammo behind them. The mid pillar contains a rack of keys which you can collect using your use key. After collecting the keys, proceed to the hallway, fight off the offending enemies and go to the far area with prison doors. You'll see a room with the Croteam murial (the room is locked without the keys,) walk up to it to open the door and activate the Easter Egg.

2) After going through the room with a ton of boxes in it, you will be in a very large room with crates on the left side of the building. Jump up these crates, and you will find a Large Armor and two Klawdovics.

3) After clearing out all of the enemies in the room with the sparkly thing in it, approach the door that's directly across from where you entered the sparkly thing room. The door will open, and you'll be lead to a room that has a Treasure Coin, a Treasure Bag, and a Treasure Chest.

4) As soon as you enter the lake area, swim across the lake. Look for an area with a roof that has some items on it. Walk to the top of the nearby red pillar, then jump to the roof. When you get there you can pick up the Treasure Chest and two Hand Grenade ammo pickups.

5) From the previous secret, look across the lake until find a a Extra Large Armor on a platform. Shoot a rocket at the platform and it will blow up, sending the Extra Large Armor to the ground. Pick up the Extra Large Armor.

6) Walk past the first Machine Gun Turret in the lake area. While in the passage that connects the first turret area with the second, keep looking left until you see a hole in the wall. Jump in it and you'll land on a platform. Look to the right and you'll see a Super Health being held by a monkey statue hand. Jump on the hand and pick up the Super Health.
7. Ursul Gardens (11 secrets)
1) In the first area, walk along the left wall until you reach an arc made out of rock and a few rock piles just past it. Behind the rock piles is Sniper Rifle Bullets. Pick them up.

2) On the right-most obelisk in the center of the arena, there is a switch. Use it, and the player will be electrocuted for 20 damage and a secret will be registered.

3) In the large grassy field that connects the starting area with the large building, there is a Serious Score in the back of the part that leads straight forward to the end of the grassy field. Pick it up.

4) After the large grassy field, you will be in another field that has a very large building on it's opposite end, and a rock arc in the middle of it. When you enter this area, look for an obelisk on the right. Walk to it, then go to it's right. Soon, you'll end up in a secret area that has four Small Armors and a Treasure Chest. Note that the secret will be registered when you get close to the items. After picking them up, two Rollerballs and Rocket Turrets will spawn in the large are you were just in.

5) To the left of the large building is a basketball net and a basketball. Toss the ball into the net (press F to hold it, stand straight in the center of the net, then release F) and a SBC Cannon with 3 sets of Cannonballs will appear.

6) Walk along the right wall of the large building until you see a small corner at the very back with a chicken and a Backpack behind it. Walk near the chicken in order to register the secret.

7) Continue walking along the edge of the wall until a Treasure Chest spawns. Pick it up.

8) In the courtyard with a water fountain in it, there is a pile of rocks. The biggest one has a switch on it. Press it, and the player will be electrocuted again for 20 damage, along with a secret being registered.

9) Past the rocks is a small housing area. Walk to the left until you reach a corner with a Treasure Bag and a Treasure Coin in it. Pick up the items, and a Beheaded Kamikaze and a XZ-808 Flying Saucer will appear. The secret will register when you pick up the Treasure Bag.

10) In the area where you need to collect the four bananas, go to the left of the building opposite from where you entered it. There will be a large pile of rocks. Jump on a rock, then jump on the building near the rock piles. There's an opening that's big enough for you to fit in. When you're there, jump towards the large rock in the rock pile. This may take a few tries. When you're on the rock, go to the wall, then look right. You'll see a Treasure Chest. Pick it up to register the secret.

11) Go back to the building that's opposite of where you started, but this time, go to the right of the building. When you get close to the wall, a Treasure Bag, Large Armor and Large Health will teleport in and a secret will be registered. After grabbing the items, some enemies will spawn in.
8. Kwongo -Boss
There are no secrets in this level.
9. Deadwood (4 secrets)
1) As soon as you spawn into the level, turn backwards and start walking. Soon, you'll find a fishing pole, umbrella and chair. Walk up to the fishing pole, and it will drag out a Double Shotgun. Pick it up. Beware; a T-Mech will appear as soon as you grab the Shotgun.

2) Soon after you grab the Auto Shotgun, you'll be on a curved path with a few Orc Grunts and a Zombie Soldier attacking and what appears to be a very large rib behind them. Kill them, then walk into the rib. You'll see a horn. Grab it, and several Lizards will be spawned.

3) After grabbing the XL 808 Plasma Rifle, go back to the main path until you reach a fork. Go left and clear out the enemies in the location. When that's done, go to the very back of the area, then turn left. You'll find a large shipping crate. Stack some crates so that you can climb up it. Get to the top, and you'll find a Serious Bomb. Grab it.

4) At the end of the level, you'll be in front of a gate. Go to the metal walkway that leads to the gate area while coming form the dirt path, then go right. You'll find a crocodile wearing a Croatian soccer/football outfit while bouncing a soccer ball on it's head. Walk up to it and a secret will be registered.
10. Forsaken Compound (8 secrets)
1) In the area that you enter right after killing the Tank Biomechanoid, turn right. You'll enter a shipping container-filled alley with a Serious Bomb at the end of it. Pick the Bomb up.

2) While still in the alley, stack two nearby crates next to a shipping container, then use them to climb to the top of it. Look around, and you'll see a building with a Extra Large Armor on the very top of it. Jump to the nearby roof on the building, then go to it's back from where you jumped up to and you'll find some platforms that let you jump to the very top. Do so and grab the Extra Large Armor.

3) Go to the island with the XPML30 Rocket Launcher on it. Look in the distance to the left, and you'll see a floating red horn. Walk over to and pick it up. Two Cerberuses will spawn in.

4) In the area just past the second gate, look behind some pipes near the walkway leading to the next dirt island. You'll see and hear a jump pad. Jump on it, and you'll be sent to an island with a Super Health on it. Pick up the Super Health.

5-7) Past the industrial area that comes after the third gate, you will on a dirt path. Look to the left and you will see a series of islands. Walk on these islands and you'll see a sword, a hat and a coat. Picking each of them up will register a secret. Note that some items, like the sword will fly around and land in nearby water if something like a rocket explodes near them. If you can't find an item, look around the water until you find the item.

8) At the end of the island chain is Duke Nukem's skeleton hanging on a tree with a Rocket shoved up his butt. Walking up to the skeleton will register the secret, but there is a Treasure Chest just past the tree that should be picked up.
11. Branchester (4 secrets)
1) As soon as the level starts, look behind you. You'll see a bridge leading to a tree trunk. Follow the bridge and go behind the trunk. You'll find an opening that leads to a jumping puzzle with an Extra Life at the end of it. Note that, in order for the secret to register, all you have to do is enter the tree trunk.

2) After jumping on a trampoline, you'll be in an arena with a tree trunk to the right. Go to the right side of the trunk and you'll find a switch. Press it, and a platform will lower on the other side. Get on it and press the switch on the platform. You'll be taken to a platform high above the area that has a Treasure Chest on it. Grab the chest, and the secret will register.

3) Right after the area that had Secret 2, you'll find an area that has logs floating in water. Get through the area without touching the water and a Serious Bomb will spawn. Getting near the Bomb will register the secret.

4) Go through the Uzi area and the area with the mini-Beheaded Kamikaze rush after it. You'll be in a large area where the goal is to press two switches scattered throughout the area. Instead of doing that, look for a tree on the right side of where you enter the area. Walk over to it's right side and you'll find a door frame outline. Shoot the wood that's covered by the frame, and you'll enter a secret area that has a jumping puzzle that leads to a Treasure Bag and Large Armor. Note that all you need to do to register the secret is enter the area; you do not need to grab the items.
12. Woodstock (2 secrets)
1) After getting off the lift, find the tree that's straight ahead of you and walk to it's back. On the tree's back is a platform suspended by a wooden plank. Shoot the plank, and it will collapse, dropping a Serious Damage. Pick up the Serious Damage.

2) While at the village after the lift, start walking left from where you entered the village. Eventually, you will find a bridge. Follow the bridge to a tree trunk, then go behind the trunk. There will be an opening with a Bull Soldier in it. Kill the Bull Soldier, then go inside to register the secret. However, there is a Treasure Bag on the top of the stairs, and to the left of the top-most stair on the ground floor is a switch. Press it, and a platform with a Treasure Chest will lower.
13. Giant Junkyard (2 secrets)
1) Right past the giant match is a large pile of turds. This one is basically impossible to miss, as it will register when you get close to the match.

2) As soon as you leave the tunnel, walk left. There will be a large piano. As soon as you get get close to it, the secret will be registered. However, if you walk on the keys, the same will spawn Extra Small Health or Extra Small Armor, depending on the key that's walked on.
14. ZumZum -Boss
There are no secrets in this level.
15. Hong-Pong (2 secrets)
1) As soon as you get past the first gate, look to your right and start walking. Past the building with the Uzi in it is a barrel on an overlook. Position yourself so that you can bounce a RB-45 Hand Grenade from the roof above the barrel so that it lands next to the barrel (hint: get very close to the overlook, then toss a grenade). When the grenade blows up, it will destroy the barrel, which will release a Serious Bomb. Pick the Bomb up.

2) Go back to where you entered the second area from the first gate. Now, go forward until you see a path on the left. Go down that path to it's end, then look left. You'll see a dead rabbit. Walk up to the rabbit to register the secret.
16. Wheels of Fortune (2 secrets)
1) As soon as you enter the second area (past the ferris wheel area), look left. You'll see a crate with “TOP SECRET” on it. Destroy the box with something like the Double Shotgun, and a Super Health will pop out. Pick up the Super Health to register the secret.

2) In the area with a circular door on the right side (it's the last area), go forward from where you entered the level until you hit a wall. When you reach the wall, look left. You'll see a chicken in ninja gear. Walk up to it in order to register the secret. Killing it will make it drop a Treasure Bag, but this is not necessary if you just want the secret registered.
17. Chaolin Chambers (2 secrets)
1) In the first room, look for a trampoline to the left of the door that's directly across from where you start. Walk up to the trampoline while holding down the “forward” key. This will bounce Sam into a Super Health. Collecting the Super Health will register the secret.

2) In the game room, there are chandeliers hanging above the walkways where enemies like the Tank Biomechanoid come from. Destroy the chandeliers. The last one will spawn a Serious Damage and register a secret at the same time. The Serious Damage will appear on the first yin-yang platform that player sees when they enter the room.
18. Chaolin Temple (2 secrets)
1) As soon as you spawn in, run over to the first dragon on the right. Get close to it and a “Press F to use” message will appear. Do so, and the dragon statue will start spewing fire. This will register a secret.

2) In the first courtyard, go to the third flag from the left and go near it's back. You'll find a red switch. Press it, and a secret will be registered.
19. Prince Chan -Boss
There are no secrets in this level.
20. Unreal Wasteland (2 secrets)
1) As soon as you get to the second area, look to your left. You will see two steam vents. Jump on the one further away and it will lead you to a platform with a boulder on it. Walk up to the boulder and press “use”. The boulder will fall and plug up the vent closest to where the player entered the second area. Now, jump towards the vent you just used. If it's hit at the right angle, it will propel to the player to a platform that has a Extra Large Armor. Pick it up.

2) As soon as you jump off the platform at the end of the lava ride and reach solid ground, turn and walk left until you hit a wall. Look down, and you'll see a ring of fire. Jump into it, and you'll be warped to a secret location that has three RB-45 Hand Grenade pickups and a Treasure Chest.
21. Doomed Canyon (4 secrets)
1) In the first area, follow the right wall from where you start the level until you see a crevice with a rock pile in the middle. Go behind the rock pile and towards the wall across it, and you'll see a Super Health. Walk towards it, and a secret will register. However, if you pick up the Super Health, several Bull Soldiers will spawn nearby.

2) At the end of the first section, get close to the large skull, then look right. You'll see a hidden path on the wall. Follow it and you'll find a cache that has two Rocket pickups, an Extra Large Armor and a Treasure Chest.

3) Go back to the large skull and face it. When that's done, start walking to the left, and eventually you'll see a raised area with what appears to be a vent on it. There is a nearby rock that you can jump on that'll let you reach the area with the vent. Jump on the vent and then get on the platform it leads to. Follow the platform until you reach the very back of it. When you do so, you'll find a Serious Bomb. Pick it up to register the secret.

4) Right before you pick up the XM-214-A Minigun and Bullets for it, you'll be in a spot where there is a RB-45 Hand Grenade pickup. As soon as you grab the Hand Grenades, look right. You'll see a switch on the right part of the wall. Use the switch, and you'll open up the Secret Word Jumper. Jump across the platforms so that it spells out “SERIOUS”, and you can grab the Extra Life on the other side. If you don't, you will die after a scary sound is played. You do not need to spell out "SERIOUS" when leaving the secret area after picking up the Extra Life. Note that you all you need to do to register the secret is to use the switch.
22. Boneyard (2 secrets)
1) In the first area, follow the left wall until you see a door frame made out of rock with a boulder in the middle of it. Blow up the boulder with a rocket, and you will register a secret. Inside the area are two Rocket and Bullet pickups, a Treasure Chest and Super Armor. After picking up the Super Armor, a red ScorpSoldier will spawn behind you.

2) As soon as you enter the area with the lava river on the right side, look to your right, and you'll find a rock wall. Follow it until you see an “S” made out of rocks. Destroy each of the rocks with the XPML30 Rocket Launcher, and many Small Healths will spawn from where the rocks were and register a secret.
23. Count Kleerofski -Boss
There are no secrets in this level.
24. Greendale (4 secrets)
1) After going down an elevator and exiting the castle, go left. When you get start getting close to the buildings on the left side that are facing the water, several enemies, such as Rhino Cybertoys and Cannon Turrets, will spawn. Kill them, then continue advancing until you are facing the rock wall at the end of the left path. When you're there, turn right and keep going until you see a Treasure Chest. Pick it up to register the secret. After picking up the Treasure Chest, two T-Mechs and Cannon Turrets will spawn in.

2) As soon as you reach the village on the other side, go right and walk along the edge of the river (you won't fall off thanks to an invisible wall). Continue following it until you see a Backpack. Pick it up to register a secret.

3) From Secret 2, continue going right. You'll know when you're on the right path if a legion of Spiders spawn in front of you and Football Players appear behind you. Kill them, then keep going until you see a small tower in the distance. Get close to it, and a secret will register, along with a Treasure Chest and CH-181 Hover Bike teleporting in. If you pick up any of the items, three T-Mechs will spawn close to the drawbridge exit.

4) When approaching the village, look for a set of huts on the right side of the arena. When you've found them, turn so that you're facing them. Go to the right of the right-most hut (if you need a hint, there's a fence to the hut's right as well) and you'll find a Super Health. Pick it up to register the secret.
25. Coast 2 Cost (3 secrets)
1) As soon as you start the left, go left. Keep going until you reach the wall, then turn left. You'll see a crate. Destroy it to reveal a Serious Damage, which will also register a secret.

2) When at the first “coast” area, head towards the head statue with a fence surrounding it that has posters on it. Walk around the fence to the right until you reach the end of the fence. Look, and you'll see a gap you can slip through between the fence and the head. Follow it, and you'll see a staircase that leads inside the head, which has two Treasure Bags and a Super Health. Approaching the items will register the secret.

3) After completing the first “coast” section, you will go up a hill. At the top of the hill on your right is a floating sign, several crates, and a two rock piles, one of them under the floating sign mentioned earlier. Look behind the rock pile that's further away (ie to the left of the one under the floating sign), and you'll find an Extra Life. Pick it up to register a secret.
26. Kingsburg (3 secrets)
1) Soon after starting the level, you will be presented with a fork in the road. Go left (the path with the blue Zagreb sign on it) and keep going until you get close to a sign that says “Zovi Samo Zovi”. When you're near it, look to your right, and you'll see several gold sparkles floating around. Walk into it, and you'll be teleported to a secret area that has a Football Player, a Treasure Chest and Large Armor. Note that all you need to do to register the secret is to walk into the teleporter.

2) Go back to the first area, but take the right path. As soon as you pass another blue Zagreb sign, look for a floating blue light thing above you. Blow it up with the XPML30 Rocket Launcher to make a Serious Damage fall to the ground. Pick up the Serious Damage to register the secret. If you need Rockets to blow the light up, look past the Zagreb sign and you'll find four rocket packs surrounding a tree. Note: if you can't find the blue Zagreb sign, look for the fourth floating blue light thing on the right path.

3) Continue following the right path, and you'll find an alley to your right. Go into it, then look across the wall. You'll see a Treasure Bag. Pick it up to register a secret.
27. Royal Sewers (1 secret)
1) In the room where you have to save the girl from the two Orc Grunts, kill everyone in the room, then go back to where you entered the area. Now, look to your right and follow the path you see. You'll reach a door with two Orc Grunts walking around behind it. Kill them, and the door will open. Follow the path until you reach a gay wedding between an Orc Commander and a Zombie Stockbroker, a Gnaar in a priest getup, and with some regular Orc Grunts and Zombie Stockbrokers. Behind the two life partners-to-be is a Treasure Chest. Getting close to the wedding will register the secret.
28. Castle of Rock (3 secrets)
1) From the starting point, go forward until you reach a large area with a bush in the center of it that has a coin in front of it. Pick up the coin, then go to the center of the bush maze (there's a fountain surrounded by Shell pickups where the center is) and look for Johnny Lee Gnarr, a Gnaar with a saxophone and a hat. Drop the coin into the hat, and he will start playing his saxophone. A few seconds later, a Treasure Bag will appear from his hat and a secret will be registered. Note that if you pick up, then drop the coin for a few seconds, it will disappear. However, it will reappear at it's original a few second to ensure that you can get the secret.

2) Go back to the starting point, but this time go right instead of forward. Follow the hedges until you're positioned so that a square-shaped hedge is to your left and you are facing the right part of the castle. Shoot the hedge, and it will be destroyed, revealing a Treasure Chest and a secret will be registered.

3) As soon as you enter the second part of the level, run to the well that's directly ahead of you. When you get close enough to it, a Treasure Bag will come from the well and a secret will be registered.
29. Floaterra (3 secrets)
1) When you're in the passage on the first island, look up as soon as you've passed the last Shell pickup. On the left, you'll see a platform with a Large Health on it. Blow the platform up with the XPML30 Rocket Launcher. This will make the Large Health fall to the ground and register a secret.

2) As soon as you enter the large arena in the second island, start following the left wall. Soon, you'll find a suspicious bird head statue (like the ones the Harpies on the first island spawned from) with a rock in it's mouth. Blow up the rock with a Rocket and a secret will register.

3) From secret 2, go inside the teleporter that's been revealed, and you'll be on a floating island with two amusement park attractions on it. Go to the one directly across from where you teleported in, pick up the ball, and hit the moving target to the left of the Gnaar. If you hit it, the Gnaar will be dunked. The Ellian nearby will give toss an Extra Life at you, which will cause a secret to be registered. Note that if you miss, the ball will disappear, then reappear at where it originally was a few seconds later.
30. Cecil -Boss
There are no secrets in this level.
31. Area 5100 (3 secrets)
1) As soon as you exit the hangar, go left until you hit a wall. When you've reached the wall, turn left again, and you'll se a part of the hangar that you can climb up. Go up it, and you'll find a SBC Cannon and three Cannonball pickups. Grab the Cannon to register the secret.

2) Go back to the hangar exit and continue walking until you see an acid pool with with shark fins in it on your left. Now, go to the left side of the acid pit and you'll see two pipes with wheels on them. Use each wheel. This will drain the acid pool. When it's drained, jump into the pool and pick up the Super Health in it. This will register the secret.

3) On the left-most wall just past the acid pool is a gate with a tower next to it. If you get close to the gate, it will close and you'll see a Gnaar in the tower. Kill it in order to open the gates. Go into the area the gates/Gnaar were protecting, and you'll find a CH-181 Hover Bike. Hop in it, and you'll register a secret. However, two T-Mechs will spawn in the large area before the gate and three more T-Mechs will appear at the top of the slope past the MK 4 Grenade Launcher as soon as you hop into it, so be ready for a fight.
32. Command Center (1 secret)
1) In the first section, there is a large collection of shipping containers on the right side of the area. Face these crates, then look at the crate stacks that are closest to you. From there, find the crate stack that's second when looking from left to right. Go close to it, and one of it's sides will break, releasing a Lizard. Kill the Lizard, then bring some crates over and stack them so that you can jump inside the container with the destroyed side. Inside, you will find a RAPTOR Sniper Rifle and four Sniper Rifle Bullet ammo pickups. As soon as you pick up the Sniper Rifle, a secret will be registered.
33. Freezepad (3 secrets)
1) On the left side of the second area (area past the first gate) is a hangar (Hangar 10) behind a fence with a box in front of it. Toss a RB-45 Hand Grenade or MK 4 Grenade Launcher Grenade at the crate (hint: toss the grenade so that it bounces off of the hangar's doors), and the crate will explode. The crate will release a Treasure Chest and a secret will be registered. However, the treasure is impossible to collect.

2) Right next to the second heating room is a snowman. Shoot the snowman and collect the Small Health that was inside of him. This will register a secret and cause a killer snowman to spawn in near the fence across from where the snowman was and start attacking with a XPML30 Rocket Launcher. When he's dead, he will drop a Serious Bomb.

3) Go to the upper left-most corner inside Hangar 12 (the one you need to go into to press a switch to continue the level). You'll see a a strange device. When you're close enough to it, a secret will register. If you want, you can go to the control panel across the device and use it to release a chicken, then crush it.
34. Frostpost (5 secrets)
1) Right before you enter the first room with heating in it (not a hangar), look right. You'll see a shipping container with “TOP SECRET” on it. Blow it up with the XPML30 Rocket Launcher to reveal a RAPTOR Sniper Rifle, Large Health, Serious Bomb and a Backpack. Blowing the container up will register the secret.

2) As soon as you exit the first heating room, look up on the pipes above you. You'll see Santa. Kill him to make him drop an Extra Large Armor and a Super Health.

3) Go past the pipes that Santa was on, turn right and walk until you see a hangar on your right. Go inside it, then look again to your right. You'll find another shipping container with “TOP SECRET” on it Blow it up with a Rocket to reveal several ninja rabbits, which will register a secret. Killing each rabbit will reveal either a Extra Small Health or a Extra Small Armor.

4) Past the second heating room (across the pipes where Santa was) is a shipping container that will burst open with Orc Grunts when you get close to it. Go behind the container to find a Serious Bomb. Pick it up to register the secret.

5) Before entering the third heating room (the one past the large walkway) you'll see three shipping containers on your right. Shoot a rocket at the right-most one to blow it open and register a secret. Inside it is a Serious Damage.
35. Hugo -Boss
There are no secrets in this level.
36. Siriusopolis Uptown (3 secrets)
1) From the starting point, go up to the first potted bush you see, then walk right along the concrete walkway until you see a garage door on your right. Walk up to it, and it will open, revealing a room with a TV a soccer/football ball and net, a pinball machine, a poker table, a vending machine and a banner. Go into it to register the secret and spawn a few Primitives outside. Kicking the soccer ball into the goal net will reveal a Super Health.

2) In the jumping pad portion of the level, get on the first pad and look behind you. You'll see several Treasure Bags in a tight space. Position yourself so that you land in that space, and a secret will be registered. The best way to get to it is to try to reach it while you're going up, not down. There are nine treasure bags in total.

3) On the pad where you find a XM-214-A Minigun, CH-181 Hover Bike and two red ScorpSoldiers, go to the left. You'll see a tree with carrots on it. Walk next to it to register the secret. If you shoot the carrots, each one will spawn in an Extra Small Health.
37. Shield Generator (2 secrets)
1) In the first grassy field past the sloped walkway, there is a strange machine and a dead bunny near the back wall. You'll need to stack some crates so that you can you can toss the bunny in the rectangular opening and reach the Serious Bomb on the device. These crates can be found on the upper right corner. Once the bunny has been put in the machine, a secret will register and a ragdoll bunny sausage will come out of the machine, which you can mess around with.

2) Past the crates, you will be in a huge arena with garages on your right. Look left until you see another machine sticking up with a red switch on it. Walk over to it and use it. Another crane will move and drop off both an Extra Large Armor and a Super Health. Pressing the switch will register the secret.
38. Be Quick or Be Dead (0 secrets)
There are no secrets in this level.
39. Welcome to the Jungle (0 secrets)
There are no secrets in this level.
40. Jump in the Fire (0 secrets)
There are no secrets in this level.
41. Siriusopolis Downtown (1 secret)
1) After going through a grassy area with two arcs and a medium-sized waterfall in it, you will be in a right-angle shaped room with a water fountain and grass in the center of it. Go to the right of the water fountain until you hit the wall. Look to your left, and you'll see a phone booth. Walk into it and use it to register the secret.
42. Mental Institution (1 secret) -Final Boss
1) In the third area (the right-angle/elbow-shaped arena that has Kleer Skeletons, Rhino Cybertoys and ScorpSoldiers coming through three garages), wait until you see a large The General coming towards you. Now, move to the opposite end of the area (where the Super Health, Super Armor and Backpack were earlier and kill The General. When he's down, the wall on the right will go down. As soon as you enter the next area, turn and walk left. After walking for a second, you'll see an opening on your left. Go inside it and three Serious Bombs and a CH-181 Hover Bike will appear. Get into the Hover Bike to register the secret.
50 opmerkingen
TheBestGames974 11 feb 2023 om 12:33 
Absolute legend. I can only imagine how long it took to make this:steamthumbsup:
nameis320 >>M<< 22 jun 2022 om 8:26 
after the last update, new secrets were added to the game
AShriveledPeen 4 jul 2021 om 11:44 
This is a fantastic guide! Keep up the great work!!
Just wanted to let you know, I was able to pick up the treasure chest (secret #33). I noticed the treasure would bounce and hit the top of the fence but would never pop over and always at the same place no matter the grenade placement. Tried like 20 times w/save and reload. So I stacked up some metal crates in the area and got on top of the fence (cant go over due to invisible barrier). Then blew up crate while standing in its path and was able to collect.
arthur morgan 27 mrt 2021 om 0:47 
add the beamgun secrets
one is in shield generator in a big box you have to blow up near the rabbit secret
one is in siriusopolis downtown behind a tree near the uzi's
Milansta 2 feb 2021 om 7:20 
Great guide! I would add that after finding the secret in mental institutiona dn getting on hoover bike: 3 biomechs major will spawn :)
TerraLmao 13 dec 2019 om 12:43 
who knew FrameRater fans would dominate the Serious Sam comunity
Atlas  [auteur] 19 jul 2019 om 10:45 
That doesn't count as a secret, so no
austinthehotty 26 jun 2019 om 11:00 
The poo one won't register
Atlas  [auteur] 22 feb 2018 om 14:24 
You're welcome
The Legend Has Risen 22 feb 2018 om 12:27 
good guide very cool for me ^^