The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Skyrim SE Console List for beginners....
Készítő: michael_smith25
When I started looking for item codes, there were a lot of submissions - but not a lot of them actually had anything to do with playing the game - it was more about slapping codes on a creen and going back to game. Can't say that my submission is that differenct - but the codes that I provide are what beginning players could possibley want when starting to paly. Feedback is appreciated!!
Screen Shots
Basic Commands...
Basically, I have read over all the commands on dozen of sites and came to one really basic conclusion - either people are complete idiots or the creator had a low opinion of gamers being able to use common sense. I mean seriously, if it will crash the game....."why? you posted it!!! give me a flippin' break!!!" - so in deference to not facepalming myself to death while creating this I editted out quite a few commands and the ones that are list work and don't crash the game.


help [term] [filter] : help with +explaination
bat [file]: run a batch file with commands (use notepad, one command per line with a ; at end of command line.
player.setav health 900;
player.setav stamina 850;
player.setav magicka 1100;
player.modav carryweight 150000;
player.modav dragonsouls 70;

Listed below are a whole lot of items and codes, if there is a XX at the beginning of the code then it is from a DLC, and the XX is replace with the 'load order' in which your game boots up. For me my load order for example is:
Skyrim [which is 00]
Update [which is 01]
Dawnguard [which is 02]
Hearthfire [which is 03]
Dragonborn [which is 04]
So in place of the XX, I would place the number of the load based on DLC.
Anyway - here comes the list:

------Potions--------- [player.additem # (quantity)]
00039BE5 Ultimate Healing`
00039BE7 Ultimate Magicka
00039CF3 Ultimate Stamina
0003994B Philter: True Shot
000663E1 Philter: Phantom
0003EB36 Potion: Alteration
XX018EF3 Potion of Blood
0003EB3E Brief Invisibility
000AE723 Cure Disease
00065A64 Cure Poison
00039BE4 Extreme Healing
00039BE6 Extreme Magicka
0003EAE6 Extreme Stamina
0003EADE Healing
0003EAF2 Health
0003EB3F Invisibility
0003EAE1 Magicka
0003EADD Minor Healing
0003EAE0 Minor Magicka
0003EAE5 Minor Stamina
XX01AADD Minor Well-being
0003EB41 Prolonged Invisibility
00039BE8 Stamina
000F84B3 Elixir of Escape
00039D02 Enchanter's Draught
00039D12 Enchanter's Elixir
00039D0A Enchanter's Philter
00039CFB Enchanter's Potion
000E6DF5 Esbern's Potion

-----House Building Supplies -----
XX003043 Clay
XX005A69 Glass
XX00303F Goat Horns
XX003011 Hinge
XX003035 Iron Fittings
XX003012 Lock
XX00300F Nails
XX00306C Quarried Stone
XX00300E Sawn Log
XX005A68 Straw

----- Some of more useful Ammo for Bows and Crossbows -----
139BD Elven Arrow
139BE Glass Arrow
139BF Ebony Arrow
EAFDF Hero Nord Arrow
XX00F19E Enhanced Crossbow
XX00F19F Enhanced Dwarf Crossbow
XX00D099 Dwarven Bolt
XX00F1B1 Dwarven Bolt of Fire
XX00F1B7 Dwarven Bolt of Ice
XX00F1B9 Dwarven Bolt of Shock
XX00F1A0 Steel Bolt of Fire
XX00F1BB Steel Bolt of Ice
XX00F1BC Steel Bolt of Shock
XX000BB3 Steel Bolt

-----Chests with Items----- [player.placeatme #]
c2cd6 Container of Armor
c2cd7 Cont. Enchant Armor
c2cd8 Cont. Cloths & Jewelry
c2cd9 Cont. Most Spelltomes
c2cda Cont. of Ingredients
c2cdb Cont. of Keys
c2cdf Cont. of Ench. Weapons
10d9ff Cont. of Skill Books

----- Crafting Stations -----
1a2ad place Anvil
bad0c place Alchemy Lab
bad0d place Arcane Ench.
bf9e1 place Forge
6e9c2 place Grindstone
9c6ce place Smelter
d932f place Workbench

----- Soul Gems (filled) -----
2e4e3 Petty Soul Gem
2e4e5 Lesser Soul Gem
2e4f3 Common Soul Gem
2e4fb Greater Soul Gem
2e4ff Grand Soul Gem
2e504 Black Soul Gem

-------Basic Starting Items------
db5d2 Leather
800e4 Leather Strips
6f993 Firewood
3ad68 Horker Tusk
3ad6c Mammoth Tusk
e3c16 Pickaxe
2f2f4 Woodcutter's Axe

-----Some Ores and All Ingots-----
5acde Gold Ore
71cf3 Iron Ore
5acdf Silver Ore
xx02b06b Stalhrim Ore
5ad93 Corundum Ingot
db8a2 Dwarf Metal Ingot
5ad9d Ebony Ingot
5ad9e Gold Ingot
5ace4 Iron Ingot
5ada1 Malachite Ingot
5ad9f Moonstone Ingot
5ad99 Orichalcum Ingot
5ada0 Quicksilver Ingot
5ada1 Refined Malachite
5ad9f Refined Moonstone
5ace3 Silver Ingot
5ace5 Steel Ingot

-----Dwemer Items ---------
C8861 Dwemer Gear
c8870 Small lever
c8866 Small Plate
c8842 Plate Metal
c8878 Large Strut
c886e Large Lever
aebfi Dwemer cog
XX006BA0 new auto load crossbow?
XX0142c4 Schematic Frost Bolt
XX00f1c5 Schematic Shock Bolt
XX00f1c4 schematic Fire Bolt

----- Alchemy / Crafting Ingredients-----
00106E1B Abecean Longfin
XX0059BA Ancestor Moth
XX01CD74 Ash Creep Cluster DR
XX01CD71 Ash Hopper Jelly DR
XX016E26 Ashen Grass Pod DR
0006BC02 Bear Claws
000A9195 Bee
000A9191 Beehive Husk
000705B7 Berit's Ashes
0004DA20 Bleeding Crown
0004DA25 Blisterwort
000727DE Blue Butterfly Wing
000E4F0C Blue Dartwing
00077E1C Blue Mountain Flower
XX01CD6F Boar Tusk DR
00034CDD Bone Meal
0003AD61 Briar Heart
XX01CD6E Burnt Spriggan
000727E0 Butterfly Wing
0006ABCB Canis Root
00052695 Charred Skeever Hide
0003AD56 Chaurus Eggs
XX0183B7 Chaurus Antennae DG
00023D77 Chicken's Egg
000B2183 Creep Cluster
000B701A Crimson Nirnroot
00106E19 Cyrodilic Spadetail
0003AD5B Daedra Heart
000516C8 Deathbell
000889A2 Dragons Tongue
000F11C0 Dwarven Oil
0003AD63 Ectoplasm
00034D31 Elves Ear
XX01FF75 Parasol Moss DR
0006BC07 Eye of Sabre Cat
0003AD5D Falmer Ear
XX03CD8E Felsaad Tern Feathers
0003AD5E Fire Salts
0004DA00 Fly Amanita
00034D32 Frost Mirriam
0003AD5F Frost Salts
00034D22 Garlic
0007E8C1 Giant Lichen
0003AD64 Giant's Toe
XX00B097 Gleamblossom DG
0003AD73 Glow Dust
0007EE01 Glowing Mushroom
00083E64 Grass Pod
0006B689 Hagraven Claw
0003AD66 Hagraven Feathers
00057F91 Hanging Moss
000E7EBC Hawk Beak
000E7ED0 Hawk Feathers
XX00F1CC Hawk's Egg HF
00106E18 Histcarp
000B08C5 Honeycomb
001016B3 Human Flesh
000B18CD Human Heart
0003AD6A Ice Wraith Teeth
0004DA23 Imp Stool
0001BCBC Jarrin Root
0006AC4A Jazbay Grapes
0005076E Juniper Berries
0006BC0A Large Antlers
00045C28 Lavender
000727DF Luna Moth Wing
000D8E3F Moon Sugar
000EC870 Mora Tapinella
0006BC00 Mudcrab Chitin
0004DA24 Namira's Rot
XX01CD72 Netch Jelly DR
0002F44C Nightshade
00059B86 Nirnroot
0007EDF5 Nordic Barnacle
000BB956 Orange Dartwing
000854FE Pearl
00023D6F Pine Thrush Egg
XX0185FB Poison Bloom DG
0006BC10 Powdered Mammoth
00077E1E Purple Flower
00077E1D Red Mountain Flower
00106E1A River Betty
0007E8C8 Rock Warbler Egg
0006BC04 Sabre Cat Tooth
XX003545 Salmon Roe HF
00034CDF Salt Pile
0006F950 Scaly Pholiota
XX017E97 Scathecraw DR
00106E1C Silverside Perch
0003AD6F Skeever Tail
0007E8C5 Slaughterfish Egg
0003AD70 Slaughterfish Scales
0006BC0B Small Antlers
00085500 Small Pearl
0001B3BD Snowberries
XX01CD6D Spawn Ash DR
0009151B Spider Egg
00063B5F Spriggan Sap
0007E8B7 Swamp Fungal Pod
0003AD71 Taproot
000134AA Thistle Branch
0004DA73 Torchbug Thorax
XX017008 Trama Root DR
0003AD72 Troll Fat
0003F7F8 Tundra Cotton
0003AD76 Vampire Dust
0003AD60 Void Salts
0004B0BA Wheat
0004DA22 White Cap
0006BC0E Wisp Wrappings
XX002A78 Yellow Flower
Shouts, Mates, and More...oh my!
This section will deal with some of the more popular shouts, the ID#'s for some NPC's that are preselected by the game as potenial spouces ***Note: Everyone in Skyrim are Bisexual so have fun!!*** and then other codes....

-----Shouts - Not all of them, but the ones I use the most-----
Allegiance Animal
60291 : RAAN player.teachword
60292 : MIR player.teachword
60293 : TAH player.teachword
Whisper Aura
60294 : LAAS player.teachword
60295 : YA player.teachword
60296 : NIR player.teachword
Ethereal Become
32917 : FIN player.teachword
32918 : ZI player.teachword
32919 : GRON player.teachword
Dragon Call
46B89 : OD player.teachword
46B8A : AH player.teachword
46B8B : VIING player.teachword
Valor Call of
51960 : HUN player.teachword
51961 : KAAR player.teachword
51962 : ZOOL player.teachword
Skies Clear
3CD31 : LOK player.teachword
3CD32 : VAH player.teachword
CD33 : KOOR player.teachword 3
Opponent Disarm
5FB95 : ZUN player.teachword
5FB96 : HAAL player.teachword
5FB97 : VIIK player.teachword
Shout Dismaying
3291A : FAAS player.teachword
3291B : RU player.teachword
3291C : MAAR player.teachword
Rend Dragon
44251 : JOOR player.teachword
44252 : ZAH player.teachword
44253 : FRUL player.teachword
Fury Elemental
3291D : SU player.teachword
3291E : GRAH player.teachword
3291F : DUN player.teachword
Breath Fire
20E17 : YOL player.teachword
20E18 : TOOR player.teachword
20E19 : KREIN player.teachword
Breath Frost
5D16C : FO player.teachword
5D16D : KRAH player.teachword
5D16E : ZUN player.teachword
Form Ice
602A3 : IIZ player.teachword
602A4 : SLEN player.teachword
602A5 : NUS player.teachword
Peace Kyne’s
6029D : KAAN player.teachword
6029E : DREM player.teachword
6029F : OV player.teachword
for Death Marked
60297 : KRII player.teachword
60298 : LUN player.teachword
60299 : AUS player.teachword
Time Slow
48ACA : TIID player.teachword
48ACB : KLO player.teachword
48ACC : UL player.teachword
Call Storm
6029A : STRUN player.teachword
6029B : BAH player.teachword
6029C : QO player.teachword
Voice Throw
602A0 : ZUL player.teachword
602A1 : MEY player.teachword
602A2 : GUT player.teachword
Force Unrelenting
13E22 : FUS player.teachword
13E23 : RO player.teachword
13E24 : DAH player.teachword
Sprint Whirlwind
2F7BB : WULD player.teachword
2F7BC : NAH player.teachword
2F7BD : KEST player.teachword

-----The Woman who collect jewelry----- Location_Name
Whiterun Aela the Huntress
Anga’s Mill Aeri
Temple of Dibella Anwen
Sarethi Farm Avrusa Sarethi
Mor Khazgur Borgahk Steel Heart
College of Winterhold Brelyna Maryon
Riverwood Camilla Valerius
Dynesgove Dravynea Stoneweaver
Markarth Ghorza gra-Bagol
Mixwater Well Gilfre
Riften Grelka
Riften Iona
Whiterun @ Huntsman Jenassa
Proudspire Manor Jordis Sword-Maiden
Whiterun – housecarl Lydia
Riften Mjoll the Lioness
Markarth Muiri
Whiterun Njada Stonearm
Temple @ Markarth Orla
Whiterun Ria
Markarth Senna
Wndhelm Shahvee
Shor’s Stone Sylgja
Solitude Taarie
Ivarstead Temba Wide-Arm
Whhiterun Uthgerd
Winhdhelm Viola Giordano
Whiterun Merchant Ysolda

-----The Men who flaunt Jewelry-----
Kathwasten Hall Ainethach
Markarth Argis the Bulwark
Whiterun Athis
Riften Balimund
Solitude (Skever) Belrand
Morthal Benor
Windhelm Calder
Warrens Markarth Cosnach
Darkwater Pass Derkeethus
Rorikstead Erik the Slayer
Whiterun Farkas
Shor’s Stone Filnjar
Kolsgegger Mine Gat gro-Shargakh
Dushnikh Yal Ghorbash Iron Hand
Riften Marcurio
Understone Keep Moth gro-Bagol
Solitude Octieve San
Markarth Omluag
Winterhold college Onmund
Kolskegr Mine Pavo Attius
Soljund’s Sinkhole Perth
Windhelm Quintus Navale
Windhelm Revyn Sadri
Kynesgrove Roggi Knot-Beard
Riften Romlyn Dreth
Windhelm Scouts-Many-Marshes
Goldenrock Mine Sondas Drenim
Solitude Sorex Vinius
Windhelm Stenvar

-----Specialty Items-----(PreEnchanted)
000D3AC2 Thieves' Guild Boots
000d3ac3 Thieves' Guild Armour
000d3ac4 Thieves' Guild Gloves
000d3ac5 Thieves' Guild Hood
000e35d7 Guild Master's Armour
000e35d6 Guild Master's Boots
000e35d8 Guild Master's Gloves
000e35d9 Guild Master's Hood
000d2844 Shrouded Armour
000d2845 Shrouded Boots
000d2842 Shrouded Cowl
0005abc4 Shrouded Cowl (Maskless)
000d2843 Shrouded Gloves
000e1f15 Old Shrouded Armor
000e1f14 Old Shrouded Boots
000e1f17 Old Shrouded Cowl
000e1f16 Old Shrouded Gloves
000cee70 Jester's Boots
000cee6e Jester's Clothes
000cee74 Jester's Gloves
000cee72 Jester's Hat
0006492a Cicero's Boots
0006492c Cicero's Clothes
0006492d Cicero's Gloves
0006492e Cicero's Hat
108544 Linwe's Armour
108543 Linwe's Boots
108545 Linwe's Gloves
108546 Linwe's Hood
Weapons & Items
000f71d0 Dragonbane
000f6527 Nightingale Blade
000f652c Nightingale Bow
0000fcc0f Nightingale Armor
000fcc0d Nightingale Boots
000fcc11 Nightingale Gloves
000fcc12 Nightingale Hood
000f6911 Amulet of Articulation
0004E4EE Dawnbreaker
0003a070 Skeleton Key
000f71d0 Dragonbane
0010eb65 Shield of Solitude
000c5809 Bonds of Matrimony
000f494e Helmet the Unburned
000f9904 Diadem of the Savant
000e41d8 Shield of Ysgramor
000FC5BF Targe of the Blooded
0003AEB9 Blades Sword
000d2afe Aegisbane
0009ccdc Blade of Woe
000a4dce Bloodthorn
000c1989 Bolar's Oathblade
000ab705 Bow of the Hunt
0008ffdf Eduj
00017059 Firiniel's End
000c0186 Froki's Bow
Dragon Priest Masks
04D6E7 Dragon Mask (Hevnoraak)
0100767 Dragon Mask (Krosis)
061C8B Dragon Mask (Morokei)
061CA5 Dragon Mask (Nahkriin)
061CC2 Dragon Mask (Otar)
061CC0 Dragon Mask (Rahgot)
061CC9 Dragon Mask (Vokun)
061CAB Dragon Mask (Volsung)
061CD6 DragonMask (Konahrik)

-----Items Made of Glass -----
00013939 Glass Armour
00013938 Glass Boots
0001393a Glass Gauntlets
0001393b Glass Helmet
0001393c Glass Shield
000139A3 Glass War Axe
000139A4 Glass Battleaxe
000139A5 Glass Bow
000139A6 Glass Dagger
000139A7 Glass Greatsword
000139A8 Glass Mace
000139A9 Glass Sword
000139AA Glass Warhammer
000139BE Glass Arrow

-----Items Made of Dragonscale-----
0001393e Dragonscale Armour
0001393d Dragonscale Boots
0001393f Dragonscale Gauntlets
00013940 Dragonscale Helmet
00013941 Dragonscale Shield

-----Nordic Steel Plate------ when more metal is better
0001395c Steel Plate Armour
0001395b Steel Plate Boots
0001395d Steel Plate Gauntlets
0001395e Steel Plate Helmet

-----Skyforged Items-----No, they don't get you high....
0009f25c Skyforge Sword
0009f25d Skyforge Dagger
0009f25e Skyforge Greatsword
0009f25f Skyforge Battleaxe
0009F260 Skyforge War Axe

-----Dwemer Items ----- Only a couple hundred years out of fashion!
0001394d Dwarven Armour
0001394c Dwarven Boots
0001394e Dwarven Gauntlets
0001394f Dwarven Helmet
00013999 Dwarven Sword
00013994 Dwarven Battleaxe
00013995 Dwarven Bow
00013996 Dwarven Dagger

A Guide that I printed for quick reference
Try as I might I can't seem to make this section work the way I want so I just took screenj shots of the guide. Sorry!!

Cover Sheet - Big thank you to the artist that drew the Icon - whomever that is!
This is the First Couple of pages - I hope you can zoom in and see the codes!!
Massive Bundle of Codes, More Codes, and More.......
And there it is - Enjoy!
I welcome feedback so long as it is constructive and non-troll like.
2 megjegyzés
жир 2020. aug. 31., 10:31 
sesame something sweet 2020. aug. 30., 9:20 