Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Every Character Explained
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Every Character in Don't Starve Together Explained

After 19,000+ words, 265 images, and 4 years, hopefully it will have been worth the wait.

Wickerbottom's section is currently outdated, pls be patient
Wilson Percival Higgsbury (Outdated)

Wilson is the beginner character. He's not good or bad, having default stats, one perk, and no downsides. Let's get a quick recap of his perks.

150 Health
150 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Bacon and Eggs"

Birthday: April 23

Perks & Quirks
  • Grows a magnificent beard.

It's about exactly what it sounds like. He grows a beard. It looks different depending on your beard skins, but you should be able to tell by its size, universally.

The beard provides an insulation boost dependent on it's growth. (Stays warmer in Winter, hotter in Summer) It works like this-

Beard Growth
Beard Insulation
Beard Hair Yield
4 days
15 seconds
1 Beard Hair
7 days
45 seconds
3 Beard Hair
15 days
2m 15 secs
9 Beard Hair

He can shave his beard with a Razor, a craftable tool in the tools section. Doing so gives 10 sanity, and an amount of beard hair depending on its size. The beard hair is used in crafting the Meat Effigy.

The meat effigy takes 4 boards, 4 beard hair and 40 health to craft and is available for prototyping at a Prestihatitator or Shadow Manipulator. It will automatically be attuned to whoever crafted it. If the player who has it attuned dies, they will get a "Activate" button with a Meat Effigy icon under their hud clock. When used, the player will break out of the meat effigy- with no max health penalty.

To be fair, this is actually one of the best resurrections methods, imo. When you die, you can just teleport to an effigy right next to a chest with everything you need to survive long enough to get your stuff back.

See, the problem here though, is that a single Bunnyman farm can produce much more beard hair than Wilson, due to the simple fact that upon reaching 40% Sanity or below, Bunnymen become Beardlords, who drop 1-2 Beard Hair. And that's why Wilson having a beard is only slightly helpful.

Oh, and about what he can do, Meat Effigies. Yeah, that's it. Of course, he isn't meant to have perks so he gets a pass for it.


yeah that's about it

Willow is the alternate beginner character, having a slightly more difficult play style to help players get more in touch with the scary stuff.

Health: 150
Hunger: 150
Sanity: 120

Favorite Food:
"Spicy Chili"

Birthday: May 7


  • Immune to fire, but hates the cold
  • Protected by her cuddly bear, Bernie
  • Can craft a reliable lighter

As a pyromaniac, Willow takes zero damage from fire. Yep, zero. Still overheats, though. Or does she!? Yes. But she does overheat 17% slower, so that's neat.

She also freezes twice as fast as normal characters, and has an inherent -10 insulation. Well, not too bad I guess, just make sure to pack two thermal stones for Winter if you're Willow.

Next up is Willow's cuddly bear, Bernie. He won't have your healthcare financed through taxes, but he is packing a different solution to shadow monsters...

So he has three states:

Inactive is when he's tiny, and can be used in your inventory. Only Willow players can equip him, which gives them +60 insulation and +5 sanity/minute.

When someone goes insane near him though, he turns "active". He comes to life with 1,000 Health, and will start dancing to lure all Shadow Creatures on his screen radius towards him, and attack him.

Kind of useless because you cannot tank shadow creatures even with Bernie, so kiting without him is basically the same as kiting with. Or... can you?

Finally, his big state...

If a Willow is near an "active" Bernie, this happens.

Now he has 2,000 Health, and he will not only taunt Shadow Creatures, but actually fight them. In fact, he actually fights all creatures. He does 50 damage, and 2 second attack speed.

I mean, he's decent, I suppose. Wouldn't exactly say it's a better companion than Abigail, but... it's something. At least Bernie can even attack shadows.

Finally, uh, the lighter. Start with it, and you can craft it with a rope, gold nugget, and 3 petals. It lasts 600 seconds, but it only has a light radius of a cooking crock pot. It is enough to not lose sanity from darkness, though. Willow can also cook food on it for 1% durability, but only Willow.

She's also got a few more tiny random perks so, let's blast through 'em.
+0.6 Sanity/Minute when holding Lighter
Gains and loses sanity 10% quicker
Adding fuel to fires burns 50% longer
Cooks food twice as fast
Gains up to 11 Sanity near fire

Well, that's about it.
Lore time...
Now, welcome to my TED Talk.

We can tell Willow was a girl scout from her straight up confirmation with her tent quote- "I got all the badges in girl scouts.", as well as a bonus "Spinning the stick in the hole could start a fire. Thanks Girl Scouts!" for the Ball and Cup trinket.

About her whole 'low max sanity' schtick, it seems that she burned down a large number of houses in her DS Portrait. Meanwhile, she carries only a lit match and Bernie.

So, why would she even think of burning anything? Well, there is a direct answer for that, but first here is a story by Hans Christian Andersen. It's titled "The Little Match Girl".

To sum it all up; it's a story about a little girl who was abused at home by her parents, and forced to sell matchsticks for money... in the middle of Winter. New Year's Eve, actually. One night, she hadn't sold a single matchstick. She knew that her dad would beat the manure out of her if she came back home, but the cold was too harsh.

She collapsed in an alleyway, and lit one of the matches. But, when she lit the match, she saw a vision of a warm stove. After that match burned out, she lit another and saw a vision of a great big feast. After the match burned out, she lit another one, and saw a vision of a massive Christmas tree. She looks up in the air, and saw a shooting star.

Her grandmother told her that every shooting star is a soul going to Heaven. She lights one more match, and sees a vision of her grandmother. The only person who has ever showed her kindness. To keep the vision up as long as possible, she lights every match she has. She gets the most fantastical vision of her grandmother, before the matches run out, and she freezes to death.

And that's about it. So, what does this have to do with Willow? Well. This story matches up perfectly with Victorian Willow, and even default Willow kinda.

Just read the quote, too. "Sometimes in the cold and bitter night, one might imagine fantastical visions in the blaze of a lit match." Okay, okay. Wait, when was the Victorian Era, again? 1837 - 1901? And when was The Little Match Girl written? Oh yeah, 1845. To further support this, we even have her quote on the old bell in singleplayer RoG- "Is it New Year's Eve? Are there FIREWORKS?!". Lil' match girl took place in New Year's Eve, too. Alright alright, so The Gorge being canon and all, what's it have to do with the normal Willow? Just think about it.

If you were secluded and abused as a child, who would your only friend be? Right, a Teddy Bear. Now, what could you possibly do to escape your abusive parents? Oh, I don't know, maybe join the Girl Scouts? Now, let's get back to the whole direct answer thing. I guess after girl scouts didn't work out or whatever, Willow was sent to an orphanage. Alright, watch the video.

In case you didn't catch it: all of the abuse done to Willow eventually made her go insane. And when you go insane, shadows spawn. A Terrorbeak came after her, and in attempt to kill it Willow blew up the closet she was thrown in, presumably with hydrogen due to how quickly the fire spread. The fire spread and killed the wardens, and most likely all of the other children. And Willow very clearly acknowledged this.

After taking all this life, how did Willow feel? Like manure, it seems. After being pulled into the constant for unknown causes, Willow accepted her new life. It allowed her to leave everything behind, after all.

Wolfgang is the french strongman who lives among the soviet passion. What the... uh, that's the state of the DS lore, I suppose.

Anyway, you may have recently heard of his rework. So, is he now better, or worse? Well... It's a bit of a mixed issue. But let's get into the details.

200 Health
200 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Roasted Potato"

Birthday: October 2

Perks & Quirks
  • Works hard to become mighty
  • Becomes wimpy overtime
  • Burns a lot of calories
  • Is afraid of monsters and the dark

First of all, Wolfgang now comes with a "Might Meter". Due to budget cuts, I cannot provide an image, but you'll see it just left to your Hunger Meter. It goes up to 100, and you start the game off at 50. The Might Meter passively drains depending on your hunger:

Hunger Percentage
Might Drain Multiplier (& Per Day)
x0.9 (29.7)
x1 (33)
x3 (99)
x6 (198)

Pretty much, you generally want to avoid being hungry. Unlike the old Wolfgang, you don't have to stuff your face each two seconds anymore, but it helps to at least stay at 50% Hunger or above... Or else, you'll go wimpy. How does that work? Wolfgang shifts between 3 different stages depending on his mightiness.

0-25 Mighty

To put it simply as possible, Wimpy Wolfgang suffers from being absolute dog sh*t. He deals 0.75x damage, takes 1.25x damage, and freezes + overheats 25% faster. Yikes! Stay away from Wimpy form as often as you can.

26-75 Mighty

Normal Wolfgang is, well, normal. About as normal as Wilson, to be exact. Just he still has more Health and Hunger and stuff.

76-100 Mighty

Now here's where it gets good: x2 Damage, Chops/Hammers/Mines 25% Faster, has 30 Cold Insulation but -30 Heat Insulation, does not have a movement speed penalty to carrying objects on his back, and even gains more speed when rowing a boat! He even does not have a speed penalty when wearing a Marble Suit or Piggyback! Obviously, if you can afford to do it, you should be Mighty as often as you can.

The question now is... How do you raise the Mighty Meter, if hunger doesn't? Well, look no further than the Mighty Gym and... Less mighty dumbbells!

Mighty Gym
Recipe: 3 Boards, 2 Cut Stone, 3 Rope

Please do ignore that rather botched transparency... Anyway, the gym can be used by Wolfgang and only Wolfgang to raise the Mighty Meter, in a small minigame where a bell will slide back and fourth into a success zone in the area—all you have to do is click M1 when the bell is within the success zone. However miss the success zone, and you'll drop the weights,stunning yourself a second. So basically, if you're any good at survivor in Dead by Daylight, you should be good here too.

The Gym starts off with potato sacks, which only give +3 Mighty for a successful skill check. Not bad, but by unloading the Potato Sacks and instead placing on it Statues or Cave-in Boulders, it goes up to +7 Mighty, and the success zone of the gym expands with two extra yellow zones, that grants only 66% of the typical Mighty value from a success zone. So yeah, the gym? Not a bad idea to keep one outside of a boss arena, or your base.

An alternative option to the gym is... Dumbbells. They may be used to restore a certain amount of Mighty Meter per second. When Mighty, you can also throw them, however they deal so little damage it's not worth it. However, there is one cool trick: you can throw dumbbells at Koalefants to grab their attention, so that's going to make getting your necessary food quite a bit easier.

Recipe: 4 Rocks, 1 Twigs

The basic dumbbell. It adds 3 Mighty when Wimpy and Normal, but 1.5 when Mighty. It has 125 uses. Yep. That's, uh... *Not too good*, but it can keep your mightiness until you get an upgrade. Wolfgang starts the game off with 1 already in his inventory.

Golden Dumbbell
Recipe: 4 Gold Nugget, 1 Twigs

It adds 5 Mighty when Wimpy, 3 when Normal, but only 1.5 when Mighty, and has 200 uses. Much better than the basic one, and probably what you should stick to making until you can get your hands on the other two.

Recipe: 4 Marble, 1 Twigs

It adds 5 Mighty when Wimpy and Normal, and 3 when Mighty. It has 334 uses.

Recipe: 1 Purple Gem, 2 Thulecite, 1 Twigs

It always adds 5 Mighty, and lasts 500 uses. Basically, it's just the Golden Dumbbell but for your Mighty form. Overall, easily the best one, but because it requires a purple gem and thulecite it requires you or someone else on your team to raid the ruins, so good luck...

Also, Wolf gains 1-2 Mightiness every time he works (chopping a tree or mining a rock) and when landing hits. However, he now loses 1-4 Mightiness every time he takes damage. In that sense, while Wigfrid is very strong at tanking in combat, Wolfgang is more focused on kiting.

So yeah, all of that concluded, now we get to Wolfgang's disadvantages - of which there are few. He starves twice as fast, and loses Sanity 25% faster - however when another player is nearby, that drain is reduced to 10%. Not too bad, but keep in mind that this means he no longer gains sanity when using a Tam o' Shanter during Dusk/Night/inside Caves.

All in all, is new Wolfgang a yay, or a nay? Well... Yes and no. First of all, he was most certainly nerfed, however it was in such a way that he's still the #1 fighting character, and now requires more skill—which is the point of the game, to be uncompromising.

Because he works faster when mighty, he is better at gathering materials when preparing to fight bosses, and when rushing the ruins he is able to clear out all of the statues and clockwork piles faster. This comes at the price of speed and inventory: since he moves slower, kiting is now more difficult albeit still possible, and since he now has to carry dumbbells one must be more efficient when managing their inventory during boss fights and ruins raids.

In conclusion? Well, in my personal opinion, allow me to paraphrase a Putin quote on the USSR real quick: "Whoever does not miss the old Wolfgang has no heart. Whoever wants him back has no brain."

I tried him out in a quick run just a few hours before writing this, and sure enough, he's still roughly just as capable as before. Despite being rusty as I haven't played in a couple months, I still managed to solo the ruins 3/3 & the shadow pieces. Don't mind the hollow knight there, he uh... Showed up just afterwards. Yes, modded worlds amirite.

So really, if you're a Wolfgang main torn on whether to pick up Wanda instead: he's still good, you now just need to get gooder.

Wolfgang (Part 2)
This is just a lore section, so skip it if you only want game mechanic information.

Союз нерушимый республик свободных... Whatever that means.

Anyway, when examining a Pitchfork, Wolfgang says "Reminds me of childhood." Just from this statement alone, we can tell he probably grew up on a ranch or something... I don't know. Not many answers we have here... Anyway, another juicy quote would have to be "Is delicacy in my country!" for the Frog Legs. 'Juicy' quote, for 'Juicy' legs, you know. Anyway, Frog Legs were a delicacy in France. And with that we conclude that France is *probably* his home country.

Now here's some certainly juicy quotes: Hammer- "Needs sickle!", Red Pouch- "Is good color." The Hammer and Sickle is the symbol of proletarian solidarity (ahem: Totalitarian Communism), made during the Russian Revolution. Red Pouches consist of a, well Red pouch, and a yellow band + cosmetic related to its event. Red and Yellow are the colors of the Soviet Union, as we all know.

And lastly we have his Snowfallen and Thermal Measurer quotes- "Cold does not bother Wolfgang!", "Cold go up! Red go down!". Eurasia and Russia are both generally very cold places, so that's where we can see Wolf is a true comrade.

Now, all we need to do is connect the dots that he was in the military at one point in his life. Oh wait, his vignette already did. "Whether in troupes or troops" Troupe meaning entertainer (Circus Strongman) and Troop meaning soldier. We've also got his Curio Cabinet bio- "Wolfgang is an affable giant plagued by a myriad of phobias". See, if you have a bucket load of phobias, war would indeed be quite terrifying. So, at some point he eventually left the military. Keep in mind, it's also entirely possible that he saw some things during war that caused him to be plagued by fears.

Looking for a new path in life, this is when Wolfgang joined a circus. However, after a stage accident proved that the entire circus act was staged, without Wolfgang's prior knowledge even, the circus was left bankrupt and thus him unemployed.

Upon Wolfgang's departure back home, his circus wagon accidentally collided with a train that Maxwell was traveling on. Maxwell used the Codex Umbra to imbue Wolfgang with immense strength, before fleeing away from the scene.

Eventually, Wolfgang became trapped in the constant by unknown means. Thanks to his newfound strength, he survived the harsh wilderness until the events of the Cyclum Puzzle came about, where Wilson and Maxwell successfully constructed the Florid Postern and thus teleported Wolfgang to the current group of survivors.

And that's how he got here today.

In conclusion- Wolfgang had one hell of a life.

Wendy Carter: anachronistic vocabulary since 1923!

150 Health
150 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Banana Pop"

Birthday: November 11

  • Haunted by her twin sister
  • Feels comfortable in the dark
  • Doesn't hit very hard

Meet Abigail, Wendy's dead sister.

She initially has 150 Health and doesn't emit light, but after a day she will go to 300 Health and emit light. After another day, she gets 600 Health and emits even more light.

Time of Day
Night / Caves

Wendy can also craft a structure with 3 Boards, 3 Cut Stone and 1 Ash to reduce the time it takes for Abigail to enter a new stage by 400%. When Wendy stands near this, it also gives her +25
Sanity/per minute.

You got to put 4 petals in it first before any buff happens, though. And those petals rot as fast as if they were on the ground.

Anyway, when Abigail is attacking something, she releases ectoplasm-petals in a radius about half her attack radius. Everything within the radius of the petals takes 10% more damage, while Wendy actually does 40% more damage to these targets! The effect lasts 2 seconds, but Abigail's attack speed is 1.5 seconds so it's alright.

Abigail also has a force field. Whenever something attacks her, it summons this shield that absorbs 100% of damage for 0.5 seconds, for whatever attacks her during this time. Yeah, pretty useless, unless you're taking on a horde of mobs by yourself for some reason.

By the use of Abigail's Flower, you can Soothe or Rile up Abigail; soothe by default. In her Soothe state, she won't attack anything unless it attacks her or you. In Riled up state, she attacks anything whether it's passive, neutral or aggressive. This includes Spider Dens, but not Bee Hives. The animation to change Abigail's state is 1 second long, although the actual effect is 0.5 seconds.
Abigail can also be attacked by Wendy to get rid of her (hold CTRL to get the option). Doing so makes Wendy lose 15 Sanity. If Abigail dies naturally, Wendy loses 30 sanity.

Onto the good stuff, aside from being a weird creepy companion, here are Abigail's best uses!

Farming Bees!

The obvious advantage to this is the honey... but, Honey is best used for Honey Ham, a food that provides 30 hp and 75 hunger. It's made with 1.5 meat value and 2 honey. So let's compare that to Meaty Stew.

Bunnyman Farm with 16 hutches = on average
16 Carrots, 6 Meat per day
Meaty Stew = 3 Meat, 1 Carrot (150 Hunger each)
Honey Ham = 2 Meat, 2 Honey (75 Hunger each)
6 Meat can make 2 Meaty Stews
6 Meat can make 3 Honey Hams
2 * 150 = 300
3 * 75 = 225
300 / 225 = 1.3

Honey Ham is only 70% the power of Meaty Stew, in terms of hunger. Honey Ham does last longer and give more HP, however once Bee Queen is dead, all food spoilage can be stopped using Bundling Wrap, anyway. Therefore, honey ham is directly inferior to meaty stew in regards to hunger management.

However, Honey Ham does give 30 Health, compared to the 12 of Meaty Stew. So, I guess just use Meaty Stew to deal with Hunger, and Honey Ham to heal yourself if need be. Sure, Wortox healing is 10x better, but not every server has a Wortox... Every server has bees, though!

Anyway, we were talking about what mobs Abigail can farm.

Farming Spiders!

Farming Hounds! but uh, kinda not really... she gets killed after a minute.

Spiders and Hounds drop Monster Meat, which is definitely pretty useful if you have a lot of players to feed. Monster Meat, if only 1 is applied, is exactly the same as a Normal Meat. This means using Monster Meat saves 25% of ingredients for pretty much every crock pot dish involving meat.

Yeah, that's about it. Thought it'd end there? Ectoherbology Tab! It's always available to craft. Only one of these spells can be applied to Abigail at once.

What's that White Flower looking thing in every recipe? It's Mourning Glory, acquired through Ghost Hunts!

These Pipspooks are found sometimes hovering over graves. Wendy can right click to Assist them. It's pretty simple, you just find lost toys for them. There's a minimum of 3 Toys, and a Maximum of 5. Every time you find a Toy, the Pipspook will take it and drop 1 Mourning Glory. When the final Toy is found, it drops multiple Mourning Glory. The most Mourning Glory you can get from a hunt is 7.

When you stand still, the Pipspook will go in a certain direction. Go in that direction. A ring will eventually appear above the Pipspook's head, which means you're close. The ring gets bigger the
closer the toy is, so keep searching until you find the lost toy.

And that's about it for Abigail! Wendy's other things are that she loses 25% less sanity from
Darkness, and does 25% less damage. Kind of sucks, I guess. But yeah, that's it.

Alright Lore Time
Yes Maxwell = Wendy's uncle finally confirmed thanks Klei
Also Wendy Carter is a bad name sorry (doesn't roll off the tongue too well)
And Abigail's name is really Abigail Lillian Carter
Yeah that's about it

Pipspooks are a bit interesting, though. If you SOMEHOW did not realize Pipspook = Pipsqueak + Spook, basically Pipsqueak means an insignificant person who is young. So what if the Pipspooks were the children burned in Willow's orphanage!!

If you don't remember or haven't seen the Willow short — yeah, lots of kids get burned. And nightmare creatures were present. And the kids were orphans, so they could be considered

Maxwell's quote for Pipspooks is "I'm so sorry." He has the same quote for the Codex Umbra, so it's not something he just says without emotion. Was Maxwell behind the shadow attack on the orphanage? Did he intend for the fire? Who knows...


Health: 125
Hunger: 125
Sanity: 150

Favorite Food:
"Butter Muffin"

Buildday: November 28

  • Can upgrade with circuits
  • Not a picky eater
  • Is charged by lightning, but damaged by water

Okay, so first of all, WX spawns into the world carrying a Circuit Extractor and the Bio Scanalyzer, more simply known as "Jimmy".

They (yes, those are WX's pronouns) also come with a Charge Meter that you can view just underneath your Stats HUD. The meter contains six pin thingies, which considering WX is a robot, I can only assume are anodes... Although for the sake of convenience, I'll just call them slots.

Anyway, WX-78 has 6 Slots on the Charge Meter, and no this number cannot be increased nor decreased. Slots are what you will be using to upgrade WX-78. You spawn in the world with 3 Slots already charged, and you passively generate 1 Charge every minute and a half.

Also, WX-78 has priority over anything except Lightning Rods to be struck by Lightning. Being struck by Lightning grants an immediate +1 Charge, -10 Sanity, and +100 Health. Crazy right? You can also use a Lightning Rod that has recently been struck by lightning, or drink an Electric Milk to get the same effect, however these two methods sadly only yield +1 Health.

In a nutshell, certain circuits will require a certain number of maximum charges to function. You can tell if a circuit is currently active (due to sufficient charges) by it being lit up on the Charge Meter.

If you want to remove a charge, you can do so with the item that WX spawns with - the Circuit Extractor. Do note though that while Circuits do NOT lose durability while plugged into you, they instantly lose 25% durability when you remove them. Also, in case you ever lose the Circuit Extractor, you can just craft another with 2 Twigs and 2 Rocks.

And, a warning: As WX-78 is damaged by water, accumulating 20+ Wetness will begin draining 1 Charge each 4 seconds, as well as dealing 3 Damage and stunning you for 0.2 seconds each time you lose a charge. So, you should absolutely keep an Umbrella handy... Or preferably an Eyebrella.

Now, let's get to the circuits, shall we? Before you can actually make them, you will first need to scan certain organisms. You'll do this using Jimmy, the Bio Scanalyzer, who you spawn in with. (But in case you ever lose him, you can always craft another for 1 Doodad and 1 Silk.)

When you are next to a creature that can be scanned, Jimmy will give you a notification. Then, you can deploy Jimmy, and he will automatically begin scanning the creature, indicated by a yellow light shining upon them. A complete scan takes approximately 15 seconds, after which Jimmy will drop a blueprint for a circuit depending on the creature you scanned, as well as a certain amount of Bio Data depending on the creature you scanned.

Bio Data is an item used exclusively to craft WX-78's circuits. The amount dropped by organisms is as follows:
Butterfly: 1 Biodata
Rabbit: 2 Biodata
Spider: 2 Biodata
Hound: 2 Biodata
Rook: 3 Biodata
Slurper: 3 Biodata
Nurse Spider: 4 Biodata
Moleworm: 4 Biodata
Shadow: 4 Biodata
Volt Goat: 5 Biodata
Depth Worm: 6 Biodata
Ancient Guardian: 6 Biodata
Crab King: 8 Biodata
Deerclops: 10 Biodata
Bee Queen: 10 Biodata
Dragonfly: 10 Biodata

But wait, does this mean Bio Data is finite? Nope! After ten days, you can scan a scannable organism once again! However, do keep in mind that these "repeated scans" only yield 1-2 Bio Data, rather than their original amount. So, make good use of the first 85 Bio Data you get, yeah?

And now, here's three different guide images showing what the circuits do, who/what to scan to unlock their blueprints, and how to make them. (P.S. sorry that the circuits themselves are fairly low res. Couldn't find any good looking files online..)

-By Illumination Circuit's light radius being average, I mean that it is essentially the same as a held torch.
-I have become aware that the night vision circuit is actually named "Optoelectronic", not "Optoelectric", apologies for the typo but I'm not going through the effort to fix it.
-You can tell how many slots a Circuit will take up by simply counting how many conductors (the gray things on the tips) there are on it.
-If you plug in both a Thermal Circuit and a Refrigerant Circuit, they will cancel each other out. Only the one you plugged in first will work, even though technically both are "on".

Now that we have that covered, here's a list of some epic circuit combinations you can do:
3 Super Hardy Circuits: 575 Maximum Health! Tankier than Wigfrid!
3 Super Gastrogain Circuits: 425 Maximum Hunger! Well, the title of the game is basically ignored...
3 Super Processing Circuits: 450 Maximum Sanity! Just don't let Edgy Rick hear about that!
2 Beanbooster Circuits: 10 Health each 30 seconds! Not as good as 575 Health imo, but... It's still good.
Illumination Circuit + Super Acceleration Circuit: Travel very quickly inside darkness! [/b]And you can hold a walking cane, too! Exploration has never been so easy...[/b]

Now that all that's out of the way, time to get to the "Not a picky eater" part of WX-78's kit: Yeah, they don't suffer any penalties to stale or spoiled food. So, that stale pierogi in your fridge? Normally it'd give 20 Health to whoever eats it. Nope, still 40 for this automatonic son of a b*tch.

And finally, WX-78 can consume gears to restore 60 Sanity, 75 Hunger and 50 Health. You know, paying homage to how they previously worked before the rework, and all that.

That's about it, cya.
WX-78 (Part 2)
This is just a lore section, so skip it if you only want information.

It sounds crazy, but it makes sense I promise guys: WX-78 is a cyborg. Kind of. So let me start with the part you're more interested in: The human side of WX-78.

First of all, WX's official alias is "The Soulless Automaton". According to Don't Starve's laws of physics, souls and ghosts are different entities. This is proven as WX-78 drops no soul on death when near Wortox, however he does have a ghost form upon death. Also, like all other characters, WX spawns a human skeleton upon death.

But that's not all. When WX-78 is struck by lightning, he has no animation for being charged. Although when he is electrocuted by a charged Volt Goat, he does have an electrocution animation, in which we get a glimpse of an actual human skeleton inside WX.

Also, in the game files can be found "WX-78's Skull". Every other character has a skull too, but just look at this one. Just a cap and some... ears. On a human skull. Klei could've put a terminator head, or even an endoskeleton face, but nope. A human skull was their specific design choice.

You know what else is interesting? Let's just take a look at one of WX's skins; "The Unfinished". In this shot, we get a nice look at his insides.

There is clearly no skeleton inside, but it seems like all the sprockets and wiring is intact. Well, just read the name again. The Unfinished. He's not done, because he's missing one last thing- a human.

So, knowing that there is a human body inside WX, who is it? And who built WX-78? This is a very easy answer: Robert Wagstaff. 1, the animated short very clearly portrays Wagstaff in the experiments that involved WX's creation. 2, in the singleplayer version of Don't Starve, Wagstaff is a playable character, in which he identifies the Divining Rod as his "PR-76" and Maxwell's gramaphone as the "ML-77". WX-78 follows the formula of how Wagstaff names his devices, two letters-two numbers.

The man whose body is used to create WX-78 seemed to be a co-worker for Wagstaff, who focused on creating automatons, as the short portrays him documenting an automaton rat he created, which "displayed erratic behavior".

At first, the man projected his mind into WX in a successful test by use of an electrode cap, and all was well.

As time went on, he began to experience severe body dysmorphia, including hallucinations of himself in WX-78's body.

Eventually, the man began to invest himself into becoming WX-78. In secret, he continued the WX-78 experiment despite Wagstaff's warnings, which is potentially when he inserted his own body into WX-78. When confronted by Wagstaff, just like the automaton rat he invented, he acted out erratically, prompting Wagstaff to destroy his work.

Immediately afterwards, Wagstaff sent WX-78 through a portal to the Constant, likely in an attempt to prevent him from causing damage in the real world.

And that's pretty much the history of WX-78. Only one question yet remains: did the human behind WX-78 have an identity? The answer isn't clear, but it very well may be, yes. In singleplayer Don't Starve, the sound files for WX-78, for no reason in particular, have "Woodrow" in their name.

Woodrow, like all who get sent to the Constant, is a name that starts with W. Also, if we wanna headcanon this deep, the silhouette of "Woodrow" does look sort of similar to Wagstaff, so it's possible that they could be relatives? Who knows.

The only other answer is that WX-78 is not, actually, Woodrow...

But he is, in fact...

Zeke Jaeger.

(It's not just me who sees it, right?)

On a more serious note, everything concluded, perhaps the most creepy part of WX-78's lore is that it's actually... real. Kind of.

There is a real-world phenomenon simply referred to as "VR Disassociation", or something similar. The summary is basically a lot of people experience a strange sense of disassociation and or depersonalization after experiencing virtual reality, such as feeling that their surroundings aren't real, or that their body isn't their real one.

This could very well be what "Woodrow" experienced that made him want to transition into WX-78. Either that, or WX-78 itself corrupted him. Here's some articles, if you're interested.

Wickerbottom is basically easy mode for everyone except her, and she's also got just a few decent farming strategies... And yes, I mean both mob farming, and like actual farming.

150 Health
150 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Surf n' Turf"

Birthday: December 6

Perks & Quirks
  • Knows many things
  • Self-publishes books
  • Suffers from insomnia
  • Has a delicate stomach

Wickerbottom's been in the knowledge game for several decades, just using her mind she knows every prototype a Science Machine can make. This means she also can use a Science Machine to access Alchemy Engine Prototypes.

She also suffers from insomnia, which means she can't sleep at all in a Tent or Siesta Hut. If she's knocked out by a Mandrake, she gains nothing from sleeping and actually loses some Sanity from it.

Her delicate stomach also makes her basically unable to eat expired food. Not actually, but she really shouldn't. Okay.

Stale Food
Spoiled Food
1/3rd of Hunger, 1/4th of Health Gained
1/6th of Hunger, No Health Gained

Alright, Book Time...

Let me start by saying every book costs 2 Papyrus to craft, in addition to their normal ingredients, so yeah...

So Birds of The World spawns a crap ton of Birds (around 20-30), depending on the surrounding Turf. In Winter, this book spawns Snowbirds, next to a Scarecrow it spawns Canaries, etc... 3 Uses, and 50 Sanity to read.

Its main use is to, yeah, read it in tandem with Sleepytime Stories so you can kill all those damn birds. If you're the one doing the killing, this makes you gain lots of naughty points, which makes Krampus spawn.

But yeah, farming Birds for food is a pretty big waste of time, and there's very few situations where you might need tons of feathers, I'd say... So we'll say the selling point of Birds of The World and Sleepytime Stories, is farming Krampus.

The Krampus Sack is a 1% drop chance from Krampus, although it can carry a massive 14 inventory slots, AND it's both Fireproof and Waterproof. Sounds good? Well, there's two reasons why Krampus farming is dumb, at least in my opinion.

Klaus exists

There's a pretty easy & cheesey way to both kill Klaus and get a Krampus Sack, and uh, not only is it much faster than "Krampus Farming", it gets you a lot more loot alongside the sack.

Bundling Wrap Exists

A Bundling Wrap holds 4 Slots, is flammable but not in your inventory so its alright, is Waterproof, and even better...
Stops spoilage.

So let's combine that with a Backpack, which has 8 slots, and we get Bundling Wrap * Backpack = 32 Slots, except the slots literally stop spoilage, but also take 1 Rope to use.

You'll need a pretty strong memory to actually remember whats in each Bundling Wrap, so just to be safe, you can always imagine your own sorta "Organized Slots" like this!

It'll be pretty easy to memorize from there! Or, um, for most people anyway. If you have memory problems, it's a sign you don't get enough sleep, just so you know...

Next up are the two books that replaced Applied Horticulture. They both have a range of 7.5 tiles and consume 33 Sanity when read, but here are the bigger details.

Horticulture, Abridged immediately grows up to 10 plants that yield edible items (Berries, light bulbs, stone fruit, farm plots) to their harvesting stage. Stone Fruit Bushes however only advance through one of their stages. As you can see there, it's a bit shabby with a crafting recipe of 5 Manure and 5 Seeds... I think it was supposed to be like Wickerbottom sticks the seeds in the manure, and it looks like corn on the... Nevermind.

Applied Silviculture immediately grows all non-edible plants (Grass, saplings, reeds) in the area - not just 10 - and advances trees to their next stage. With a crafting recipe of 1 Living Log, it's definitely pretty expensive, though.

While these books are pretty good, it should be noted that there is easier and even faster ways to farm plant resources which make this book obsolete.

Grass, except you don't even need to use a 1 Second picking animation, it grows in Winter, and its automatic.

Twigs, except you don't even need to use a 1 Second picking animation, it grows in Winter, and its automatic.
Just plant a bunch next to eachother. That's it.

Food, except you don't even need to use a 1 Second picking animation, it grows in Winter, and its not automatic but still really easy to use.

So while Wickerbottom can help you a bunch with gathering resources of the Earth, a skilled enough player can replace her almost entirely, in the regard of plants anyway.

Then again, grass gekkos do take at least 20 days to spawn since planting the grass, so... That's a good time for Wickerbottom to be used.

All in all: once you have a stable grass gekko farm, lots of twiggy trees, and a good source of food - Wickerbottom's farming books have fallen short in their utility. The only time I could ever see you using them is if you're trying to feed twelve Wolfgangs at once...

Sleepytime Stories is literally just a Pan Flute but only has 5 uses and takes longer to use. As mentioned earlier, it helps with farming Krampus.

On Tentacles has 5 Uses, and takes -50 Sanity. You can use it to destroy basically every boss in the game, with only a couple needing specific instructions.


Just make your walls, read your books, then get Dragonfly's attention. You will probably get hit once, but it doesn't matter. Lead her into the Tentacles and watch as she is brutally obliterated.

When she goes to spawn Lavae, just run them around the place. Dragonfly will go back to attack the Tentacles, but if she for whatever reason goes to attack you instead, just lead her into the Tentacles again. Stone Walls are fireproof, so Lavae won't destroy them.


Bee Queen

Just make your walls, read your books, then hammer the hive. Do one hammer at a time, to avoid being killed by the Tentacles. Once the Bee Queen spawns, wait for her to start being attacked by the Tentacles, then throw on a Bush Hat and hide in it.


Mob Farming

You can also shred mobs with this book too. Basically, just put down something you mob you wanna kill would like to eat in the center of the walls, so for Pigs = Anything, and Bunnymen = Vegetable.

As for Vargs, Hounds move a bit quicker than normal mobs, so you'll need to protect whatever's in the center with any kind of statue. And yeh, that's about it.

Wickerbottom (Part 2)

Next is "The End is Nigh!", which has 5 Uses, and -30 Sanity. It spawns 16 Lightning Strikes, one after another, near the reader. This means using it, you can:

Overcharge WX-78
Because he's OP as manure when overcharged

Charge Volt Goats
Which makes them drop Electric Milk on death, something you can use to make Ice Cream (food that restores 50 Sanity)

Charge Lightning Rods
Uh... It's pretty, I guess?

Besides, I'm sure we've all at least seen that ONE guy who seems to die of darkness, even when there's plenty of grass and twigs around. Maybe that tiny little emission could save them?

Now moving on to Wickerbottom's new books added in her character refresh.
There's quite a few and I don't feel like doing picture guide for all of them so be warned...

First book of the new ones is The Angler's Survival Guide. It summons a large number of fish in the closest body of water to the reader. The fish spawned is relative to ocean biome the book was read in. For example, if read during Winter, it may spawn an Ice Bream.

Our next book is Pyrokinetics Explained, which is basically the antithesis to The End is Nigh!. Put simply, it extinguishes all nearby ignited structures, mobs, items, and players. It also has a bonus ability: when used, it adds a Fiery Pen to your inventory; for each fire it puts out +10% durability is added to this pen. So, what does this pen do? It's simply a retextured fire staff, except it doesn't use sanity to cast. Why does it even exist? Good question, but hey, free stuff is free stuff.

Thought all that was cool? Well get a look at this: Overcoming Arachnophobia. When used, it creates a 3 tile radius of web around yourself, that significantly slows down all non-flying mobs in the game that walk over it, including shadow creatures. Exactly how much it slows down, I cannot say. The wiki says it's 25%, but from my eyes anyway, it seems a lot more like at least 50%. But yeah, this book makes kiting literally anything brain-dead easy. Use it when fighting large hordes of mobs at once, or when you just don't feel like using more than 5% of your brain power.

Still not cool enough for you, pun-absolutely-intended? Well, take a look at Tempering Temperatures: when read, instantly sets yours, and anyone nearby's body temperature to 35. This means that without any insulating gear during either Winter or Summer, you will take an extra 35 seconds to begin freezing / overheating again. And of course, that time is only lengthened from wearing anything that protects you from the seasonal elements. Overall, a very useful book to keep in your pocket.

As tempering as that last book was, get ready for... Lux Aeterna! This book literally summons the power of the holy celestial beings into your world, to, get this: put a beacon of light above you, that doesn't even cover the entire screen, for half a day. A little underwhelming? I know. But it also has the function of summoning earthquakes when used in the caves. I guess it's a good way to farm gems if you really just don't want to make a varg farm?
Oh yeah, and there's an upgrade to it called Lux Aeterna Redux with 2 more uses and lasts 2 entire days. I guess this one is at least decent for lighting up your base... and whatever else you need lighted up.

But you know what gets Wickerbottom wetter than those last two books? Well look no further with Practical Rain Rituals. It has the ability to both summon and end rain. Aside from being a great tool to slowly kill off all the WX-78s in your server, it's also great when synergized with electric weapons; Morning Star and Eletric Darts, which deal x2.5 Damage if the target is wet. If Warly's dish Volt Goat Chaud-Froid is consumed, all weapons can be turned eletric as well, so keep that in wind when using this book.

Manipulating the weather still isn't enough for you? How about... manipulating the moon cycle? Well, that's exactly what Lunar Grimoire does. When read, the current lunar phase immediately skips to Full Moon. This is amazing for farming werepigs, Moon Caller's Staves, and even moon glass (using bath bombs and hot springs).
The bad news is that this book requires an iridescent gem to craft, which can only be obtained by using a deconstruction staff on a Moon Caller's Staff. A free one can also be found in the archive switch of the Ancient Archives. Do keep in mind that the book itself can be deconstructed to get the iridescent gem back, if you ever need it again for the archives.

So at this point, Wickerbottom is able to bend the entire physical realm to her will. But you still need more? No worries, Klei got you covered with this update: Apicultural Notes will summon 2 friendly Grumble Bees to follow you, up to a maximum of 16 per user.
Sadly, it's not the most useful thing ever has Grumble Bees have 180 Health and deal 15 Damage. Similar to Maxwell's shadow duelists, I would say think of grumble bees like your personal bodyguards: they will NOT help you in a boss fight, or any fight bigger than a couple spiders, however they WILL throw their lives away to distract anything trying to kill you.

So, Ms. Wickerbottom is able to summon light, animals and tentacles, grow plants, make things sleep, set everything on fire and extinguish it, control the weather and moon, put spider jizz all over the place, and establish thermal equilibrium, but it's STILL not enough. Look no further with The Everything Encyclopedia!

When read, this book gives its reader and any nearby players an instant tier-up to their crafting knowledge, meaning that it allows you to prototype Alchemy Engine tier items with only a Science Machine, or Science Machine tier items with just your bare hands. Did I mention, it stacks, too?
So yeah, if you ever find yourself in the predicament of your team needing an Alchemy Engine, but base being two miles away, just read this book next to them twice and assert your superior intellect. Also, for some reason no matter how many times you read this book, you will forever be unable to prototype Shadow Manipulator tier items without a station, however even standing next to a Science Machine will unlock these recipes.

And yeah, that's about it for Ms. Wickerbottom. Cya.


(It's okay, living in the Constant is probably better than living in NYC)

Oh yeah, also, Wickerbottom was inspired by a character from the simpsons. That, or it was a coincidence, and yet another prediction the show has made.

Woodie is a stereotypical canadian lumberjack with a haunted axe. He as a character was not made to be a compelling choice when choosing characters like everyone else, but instead as a joke, which is also why he's legit just a worse... everyone. You could say he's a jack of all trades, master of none.

150 Health
150 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Honey Nuggets"

Birthday: September 12

  • Has a lovely axe
  • And a terrible secret
  • Celebrates Thanksgiving too early

His lovely axe, Lucy, is the most annoying thing in the entire game. Just holding her out makes her yack all day about chopping trees, and when you do decide to chop trees, after about 8 seconds she starts complaining about you chopping too much. And if you try to drop her or put her in a chest, oh there she goes complaining everytime you get near or even if you unequip her for a few seconds she's so dramatic and just- Okay, okay, I'm done now. Sorry.

On the bright side, Lucy has infinite durability and comes back into Woodie's hands if he chops with a default axe. She also can't get stolen by other characters. So, on to Woodie's abilities.

Woodie's followers will follow him for 25% longer. This is because he uh, celebrates thanksgiving too early? And thanksgiving has food, and followers need food? I don't know, I guess that's what that means...

Woodie has a natural 45 insulation bonus during Winter.

Woodie's main perks are his three transformations.

Universal transformed perks
100 Weremeter
Night Vision
70% Water Proof
240 Insulation against Heat and Cold (That's like a Beefalo Hat or Ice Cube!)
Loses up to -400 Sanity per minute
Transforms at full moon - during so your Weremeter drains 50% slower

The Weremeter replaces Woodie's hunger while transformed. It will naturally deplete after 17 seconds, however performing the action relative to its form will slow down the drain. (Werebeaver = Gnawing, Weremoose = Fighting, Weregoose = Moving)

If you were performing the action relative to your form since entering it, you will be able to remain in it for at most 244 seconds.


Does not spawn Treeguards or Poison Birchnut Trees
25% damage resistance
25% speed boost
80% Rain protection

It's a pretty good form, but uh... Maxwell and Bearger are still quicker than him. Useful for early game, anyways.


59.5 Damage
90% Damage Resistance
10% slower movement speed
Can charge to deal 59.5 damage to everything he hits, and moves twice the normal speed when doing so, but if he crashes into a Tree/Structure he becomes groggy for 10 seconds

Pretty good for spider farming I guess, but uhh, bad for bossfights, and still slower than Wolfgang. Yeah.


40% movement speed boost
Can travel on the ocean

It's pretty good honestly. Until you get a Magiluminescence and Walking Cane. Then it's pretty useless. Still got nice dance moves, though.

The Weregoose can fortunately be used to find the Lunar Islands quickly. Because it's way faster than boats, you know. And uh, it's portable...


Well, Woodie's only disadvantage is that while in human form, he has a 50% higher chance to spawn Treeguards / Poison Birchnut Trees. Which is really more of a good thing, but... his other "disadvantage" is that his transformed states can only perform their relative actions.

canadian/10 lol

Lore Time?

nothing sadly

he do imply he's catholic when examining a clockwork bishop tho

Wes is the challenge character of Don't Starve. As you could probably imagine off that statement alone, he's also the worst character in Don't Starve. Both of them.

Health: 75
Hunger: 75
Sanity: 75

Favorite Food:
"Fresh Fruit Crepes"

Birthday: April 16

Perks & Qirks
  • Can't talk
  • Practices balloonomancy
  • Is not a skilled fighter
  • Has a high metabolism
  • Has trouble staying alive

He has a 0.75x damage modifier and starves 1.25x quicker. His special ability is blowing balloons... uh, yeah. Balloon animals. At the cost of 5 sanity, these things are almost entirely useless and mostly just serve as decoration, although they do have one ability: distracting certain mobs, who will attack balloons on sight:


Because they distract hounds, you could use them to distract a hound wave, buying you time get away safely. They have 1 health and deal a 5 damage AoE, which can cause a balloon chain reaction if they're all together.

Also, thanks to that 5 AoE damage, balloons can be used to PvP afk players. Speaking of PvE Griefing, Wes has another trap up his sleeve.

All you need to do is blow some balloons around the spawn portal, and that's it. To my knowledge, you can fit a maximum of 16 balloons, a total of 80 damage.

The second someone spawns in, just punch a balloon and run away as they immediately lose half of their entire health!

Just don't do this in public servers because it's technically griefing which could get you banned, and instead use it to prank your friends. Also, this obviously won't work on a server with Spawn Protection enabled in its world settings.


Yeah, that's about it.


In Don't Starve (singleplayer), Wes' portrait has what appears to be the Eiffel Tower in the background. Also, because the title of his story video is "C'est la Vie" ("That's life" in French), we can very safely assume Wes is French... And that's about it for his story. He's just... a short, unlucky, French mime.

The only other thing to mention is that, in the singleplayer version of Don't Starve, Wes is unlocked as a playable character by infiltrating a Fortress in which two Maxwell Statues defended by clockworks must be destroyed to free him. If you infiltrate the fortress as Maxwell, when examining Wes, he simply claims "He displeased me".

This means that Maxwell was directly involved in Wes' capture, and rather than being sent directly to the Constant to survive, Wes was used as some kind of servant to Maxwell—although Wes didn't satisfy him, and was later imprisoned in the Constant. What he did, or at least attempted to do for Maxwell, is currently unknown.

William Carter, better known by his stage name Maxwell, is considered by many DST veterans to be among the best—if not the best survivor. He takes the role of "The Puppet Master", being able to split his mind into shadow minions to serve him.

75 Health (ouch)
150 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Wobster Dinner"

Birthday: October 2

Perks & Quirks
  • Is dapper, but frail
  • Can split his mind into pieces
  • Was once the king of the world

Maxwell is dapper because his default skin is wearing a tuxedo, so... he passively gains 6.67 Sanity/Min, but he also has 75 HEALTH, so he's at a little disadvantage... Nonetheless, kiting exists, and so does armor & healing, so as long as you're very good at this game then Maxwell's health disadvantage means little.

He can also split his mind into pieces, using the book he starts with—"Codex Umbra". Or just "Shadow Journal", because that's what it literally means in Latin. He also starts with 6 Nightmare Fuel to help out. Right click the Codex Umbra in your inventory to open the summon menu. Summoning uses 5% of its durability; use Nightmare Fuel to restore 25%.

Codex Umbra Magic

All shadows have 75 Health and the default walking speed. They take the appearance of Maxwell's silhouette with their respective item in hand. You can kill them yourself by holding CTRL over them. Each summoned shadow reduces your maximum sanity by 30. (Having 6 makes you permanently insane, by the way.)

Shadow Servant

The shadow servant consumes 30 Maximum Sanity to cast, meaning you can only have a maximum of 6 at a time. will pick all Berries, Carrots, Mushrooms, and Farm Plants, and all items on the ground, and hand them to you. They also dig graves. They do not harvest Mushroom Planters, Bee Boxes, or Crock Pots.

Also, if it can be mined, the shadow servant will mine it.

Even you...

And if it can be chopped, the shadow servant will chop it, too.


Just so you know.

Shadow Duelist

Shadow Duelists, unlike Shadow Servants, do not pick or harvest anything. Instead, they will attack anything except for other players or pets in their radius. Please be very cautious when using them as anything they attack will also aggro on to you. They deal 20 Damage and have 75 Health, however the maximum damage that can be inflicted on them at once is 15, but this effect fades if they are not attacked for a while. Also, like servants, they cost 30 Maximum Sanity and so you can only have 6 at a time. (Having 6 makes you permanently insane, by the way.)

Sadly, they are kind of trash at fighting... Anything, by themselves. Still, extra damage doesn't ever hurt, so don't be discouraged against using them.

The only exception is that they are quite decent against Dragonfly. When fighting her, she always prefers to aggro player characters over the shadows, so she basically never attacks them.

When she goes to spawn lavae, do a dance emote so your Shadows don't fight the lavae.

Also, when she goes enraged, make absolute CERTAINTY that the duelists are a distance from her before playing the Pan Flute. Otherwise, they'll just stop her from falling asleep and kill you.


As you may know, Treeguards are quite the hindrance.

Unless you have the shadow thurible, but shut up ok thx.

Well, to solve this issue, all you have to do is build some Pigs and/ or Bunnies around a secured powdercake / whatever else that doesn't rot, and plant your trees around those.

When the Treeguards spawn, they'll immediately be attacked, while you can work peacefully.

Shadow Sneak
The Sneak Trap, unlike servants and duelists, does not consume maximum sanity, instead taking an instant -15 Sanity (you can still summon it with 0 sanity, though). As shown in the blow images, it instantly springs up when a rabbit, pigman, bunnyman, or aggressive mob steps in its radius. This causes them to frantically run around for 12 seconds instead of attacking, during which they are 33% slower. Also, Rabbits and Bunnymen who are effected by the trap turn into their shadow counterparts.

Be warned when using this trap to stop hounds; they will immediately track you down after the effect ends. Use the prison trap to stop hounds instead.

Shadow Prison
The Shadow Prison is Maxwell's last codex ability, which like the sneak trap consumes 15 Sanity to cast. Within a roughly 1 Turf tile radius, it will put up a barrier to contain any mob inside it. Normal mobs are contained for 24 seconds, but Bosses, including Treeguards, are contained for only 12. Attacking contained mobs/bosses reduces the timer by 4 seconds.

Be warned as you can still be attacked through the prison if you get within the contained entity(s) "f*ck-sh*t-up" distance.

Magician's Kit
Finally, Maxwell can craft a Magician's Top Hat (using a Top Hat and 2 Nightmare Fuel) and a Magician's Chest (using a Silk, x4 Boards, and x9 Nightmare Fuel). Both the hat and chest can be accessed to store x12 Inventory Slots, and additionally, their inventory is shared. This special inventory is also shared with Shadow Chester (in case you SERIOUSLY didn't know, you can make Shadow Chester by putting a Nightmare Fuel in all his slots on full moon). Also, every Maxwell in the sever has a unique magician inventory.

That's it for Maxwell. Enjoy your dapper-frailness!

maXevril Lore time

Oh, there's like a lot. A real lot... too much for me to even fit in the steam character limit. If Don't Starve lore was a tier list, Maxwell is SSSS+++, and that's being a bit generous itself. If you're interested, I'd suggest getting started here:

Also known as... Wathgrithr.

200 Health
120 Hunger
120 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Turkey Dinner"

Birthday: July 23

Perks & Quirks

  • Excels in battle
  • Absorbs the power of fallen foes
  • Performs well under pressure
  • Only eats meat

She excels in battle, pretty much:

Wigfrid deals 25% more damage.


Wigfrid takes 25% less damage.

that's great.

Gains power from attacking: Wigfrid has an ability named 'Blood Lust'. It makes her to gain 1
Health and 1 Sanity every 2 seconds while attacking.


Fight Tab Exclusives

Battle Helm
The unicorn is what protects you.
2 Rocks, 2 Gold Nuggets
80% damage resistance, 525 Health

Battle Spear
The gold makes it sharper.
2 Twigs, 2 Gold, 2 Flint
Deals 42.5 damage and has 150 durability

Battle Helmets are actually superior to Football Helmets because they last twice as long, don't need Pig Skin, and minerals are everywhere basically. You can get lots of gold from Pig King by trading him Bunny Puffs and meats, such as eggs from feeding a birdcage cooked monster meat. Rocks are a bit rare in the early to mid-game, but once your world has a petrified forest, you can just use Maxwell's shadow miners or the Bearger to break the petrified trees down for tons of rocks.

Yeah, don't make Battle Spears though. Ham Bat and Tentacle Spikes are much better in terms of damage...

Wigfrid can only eat meat.

Well, except Jellybeans. She can eat those, but I guess Royal Jelly is technically Bee Saliva, so... She can eat Taffy as well since that's technically a candy (like from Hallowed Nights), but still.... Not really that big of a problem since Meaty Stew (the most filling food) is a meat item, but do keep in mind that the inability to eat Blue Caps and Lichen makes Wigfrid the worst character for ruins rushing, as these items are essential to your health and hunger.

Since she also gains sanity from hitting things, which includes Nightmare Creatures, Wigfrid literally gains 40 sanity back from killing a Terrorbeak. This also makes her the worst character for farming nightmare fuel via insanity. It can also be convenient, though. Such as gaining sanity from fighting bosses, where you really don't want to be insane.

But overall, Wigfrid doesn't have any farming strategies. She's just a normalish character really, except much better at combat. Or is she?

Stagecrafting Tab

Wigfrid has an inspiration meter, which lies just below the main three stats on the HUD. Attacking mobs adds 1 to this meter for each hit, however attacking bosses adds 3 to the meter for each hit. She will begin to rapidly lose inspiration after not attacking anything for 5 seconds.

Wigfrid is a "battlesinger", which means she can make "Battlesongs". They're craftable poetry that Wigfrid can read in one second, for a combat buff. They can be crafted in the Stagecrafting Tab.

They have no durability, and cannot slip out of your hands when waterlogged, so they basically last forever. Each time Wigfrid gets 33% of the inspiration meter filled up, she can apply one more battlesong buff. This is symbolized by a spike on the inspiration meter, and an initial pop sound. Of course, this means a maximum of 3 battlesong buffs can be used at once.

The buffs will work on Wigfrid (the singer), any nearby player, and any nearby befriended mob.

Yeah, even Catcoons.

Weaponized Warble

1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, 1 Sewing Kit
Reduces durability consumption on your weapons by 25%.

Heartrending Ballad

1 Cut Reeds, 1 Feather Pencil, 1 Life Giving Amulet
Every landed attack gives an additional +1 Health, half that for Wigfrid (cus then she'd be op)

Clear Minded Cadenza

1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, 1 Moon Moth Wings
Every landed attack gives an additional +1 Sanity

Bel Canto of Courage

1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, 1 Thulecite Medallion
Halves sanity drain from mobs

Fireproof Falsetto

1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, 1 Spittlefish
You take 33% less fire damage when fighting Lavae, Enraged Dragonfly, and ignited mobs. Be warned, this doesn't do crap to save you from actual fire, including the flames left behind after Red Hounds and Lavae die.

Rude Interlude

1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, 1 Tomato
All nearby unbefriended mobs will aggro on the singer. Does not work on boss monsters, including Treeguards. Yes, all mobs.

Startling Soliloquy

1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, 1 Purple Gem
All nearby Pigmen, Bunnymen, Merms, and Catcoons will begin panicking for four seconds

All in all, Wigfrid is pretty good for combat. Not quite as much as Wolfgang, in my humble opinion, but definitely up there nonetheless. Plus, her helmets are seriously a godsend.

While she has no particularly unique combat strategies, I did find out that because Rude Interlude works on Grumble Bees, but not the Bee Queen herself, Wigfrid can use it to draw away all the grumble bees while everyone else fights the Queen. So that's pretty useful.

Alright Lore time

Wigfrid was once a super epic famous soprano, playing a Valkyrie, but she was only good at that apparently. She tried a few other roles, including this... victorian noble?? I dunno, you tell me.

But yeah, she would always fall flat when not a Valkyrie, and get lost in this role all the time. Until Maxwell came along, that is.... Nothing else is really known about Wigfrid since she's always playing the act of Die Walküre, but if one had to assume, she was a proletarian (before stardom) in San Francisco - as the newspaper seems to suggest. Deadly earthquake, you say? Like the 1906 one?

That's about it. Wigfrid was almost vera keyes for a second, but thankfully Maxwell found her before crippling depression did. I guess sometimes the bad guy is accidentally good, I dunno.

"Like spiderman but less cool"

Health: 175
Hunger: 175
Sanity: 100

Favorite Food:
"Ice Cream"

Birthday: April 23

Perks & Quirks:

  • Is a monster
  • Can befriend spiders
  • Grows a silky smooth beard

First off, we have that he's a monster. You know, because, he is. Pigmen, Bunnymen, and Catcoons will attack him on sight. This downside is actually fairly negligible however, due to his best way to be played revolving around staying near spiders, which will attack all those creatures on sight anyway.

So, Webber starts with Spider Eggs (which are used to spawn Spider Dens where they are placed), and can craft more using 12 Silk, 4 Spider Glands and 3 Papyrus. He also starts with 2 Monster Meat and can eat Monster Foods with no penalty to Health or Sanity.

He can also upgrade Spider Dens using Silk, 5 Silk for each tier. He can't however upgrade a Tier 3 Den into a Spider Queen. And he also doesn't have a speed penalty for walking on spider webs, nor does he make spiders come out when walking on the web.

But beyond that trivial stuff, Webber of course has the ability to befriend spiders. He can befriend up to 5 nearby spiders of any kind (except Queens) by feeding one of them any meat item. Befriended spiders are indicated by a smile on their terrifying little faces, and will follow Webber forever, defend him from attackers, and do not attack other players.

Webber can dismiss his spider friends by usage of the Shoo Box, an item that he can craft anytime with 2 Boards, 2 Gold and a Rope. Dismissed spiders will then return to the den they spawned from. And please, don't dismiss spiders near other players, as unfriendly spiders are of course hostile...

If you want to befriend spiders, but it's daytime, look no further than the Webby Whistle: this item, crafted with only 3 Silk and 2 Twigs will draw out all spiders currently inside their den, where you can then befriend them. It will also wake up spiders who have fallen asleep by any means.

Also, Webber can craft a Den Decorating Set using a Silk, Papyrus, and 2 Boards. Using it, he can decorate any tier of Spider Den, which will prevent it from growing or becoming a Spider Queen. Plus, it makes any spiders that spawn from it passive to other players.

And finally, Webber can use a Razor to remove a tier from Spider Dens. Sound useless? It mostly is. But slightly less useless, Webber can sleep inside Spider Dens, gaining more Health and Sanity per second the higher the tier is, with +2 per second at Tier 3.

Everything concluded, Webber is a true friend of the spiders, sure. But what makes this ability useful? Well, my friend, he can start spider wars.

It's the best way to get Monster Meat, Silk, and Spider Glands. While Silk is an important crafting material and spider glands are a niche healing source, Webber can actually make infinite food using his spider wars, with this simple formula:

Monster Meat > Fire = Cooked Monster Meat
Cooked Monster Meat > Birdcage > Egg
Monster Meat + 3 Eggs > Crock Pot = Meatballs

Another thing Webber can do is farm gold, with another simple formula:

Cooked Monster Meat > Birdcage = Egg
Egg > Pig King = 1 Gold Nugget

All of this being said, in case it doesn't go without saying... If you're on a multiplayer server, please do keep your Spider Dens AWAY from the other survivors' main base... Pacified spiders will still eat food off the ground, and mobs such as Pigmen and Bunnymen will attack spiders, and large amounts of spiders in one area will lag anyone on screen. All in all, spiders no matter how cute you think they are, are a public nuisance.

Last but not least, Webber's final ability is the ability to craft Switcherdoodles. After befriending a unique spider species, Webber can make a Switcherdoodle of that spider. If any spider consumes a Switcherdoodle, they will transform into the Switcherdoodle's respective spider.

The best use of the Switcherdoodles is, as you probably could have guessed, creating Nurse Spiders. In case you didn't know, Nurse Spiders have the ability to heal multiple spiders at once during combat, including Webber himself.

Another good use is creating Spider Spitters, who are ranged spiders found in the Caves inside Spilagmites. Spitters are the strongest spiders in the game as they have 350 Health and can attack from a range, making them useful in some boss fights, and also as bodyguards.

Speaking of which - Are spiders good at fighting bosses? Well, the rather unfortunate answer is no. For a more detailed explanation, you can simply watch a rather informative video by clicking this text, but the short answer is that most bosses have either an AoE attack that shreds spiders, or a Screech attack that stunlocks them. Sometimes both. So overall, the best use of your spider friends will always be spider wars and defending against hounds.

But, if you're the type of person who just likes to watch NPCs battle to the death, then... I'm not trying to take that away from you.

And that's about it. Enjoy your... wait. One more thing. Webber has one more advantage - his beard! Just like Wilson, Webber grows a beard with time that provides cold insulation, and can be shaved for silk.

Beard Growth
Beard Insulation
Silk Yield
3 days
11.25 seconds
1 Silk
6 days
33.75 seconds
3 Silk
9 days
67.5 seconds
6 Silk

Also, there's skins for them. Can't go wrong with that.
Webber (Part 2)
This is just a lore section, so skip it if you only want mechanical information.

Lore, Vore time?

So basically, Webber was a rural child who was neglected by parents more concerned with work than their child's love. Webber's mother is irrelevant as far as the story of DST goes, but his father in particular might be a big deal. This is because he appears to work for a man who is clearly Wagstaff, who is kind of a big deal in Don't Starve's storyline... Mostly known for having portals to the Constant where he performs experiments, and his obsession with Nightmare Fuel.

An interesting tidbit is that we can see a very mysterious device in Webber's father's room.

Well, surprise: that device is a Telipad. In the singleplayer version of the game, in which Wagstaff is a playable character, the Telipad is a machine he can build to teleport himself anywhere he wants throughout the Constant.

This implies that Webber's father has the ability to teleport to the Constant. However, a close inspection of his room shows an Alchemy Engine, the classic Don't Starve butterfly, and the unique blue tropical butterfly only found in Don't Starve Shipwrecked. With this evidence, it is safe to say that Webber's father just like Wagstaff has been to the Constant at least once, and can travel to it at will.

Some extra tidbits on Webber's father are these examination quotes:

Ewelet- "Father taught me how to take care of goats!"
Volt Goat- "My father kept goats."
Steel Wool- "Scratchy, like father's beard!"
Cartographer's Desk- "Heh heh. I was never allowed in father's study."
Burnt Cartographer's Desk- "That's probably why I wasn't allowed in father's study."
Alchemy Engine- "Father used to work on something like that."

Also, Webber has a grandfather who he mentions several times. His portrait is seen on the house wall in the animation.

Tam o' Shanter- "Reminds me of grandpa."
Floral Shirt- "Grandpa's style, definitely."
Fishing Rod- "I miss grandpa's fishing trips."
Catcoon - "A bit more feral than grandpa's cat."
Cat Tail - "I always liked pulling Whiskers' tail."

Webber also did sports at some point. Football Helmet- "We could be good at football, much better than I was!" (Hamlet) Cork bat- "Coach said we're not allowed to cork a bat."

And lastly, let's talk about the Spider that Webber is inside. It can be seen blinking in game, so that proves it is actually alive. Plus the whole 175 health and hunger thing. Anyways, Webber may be referencing being swallowed by it on the flint quote, "Oh, to feel a sharp edge against my skin."

To the main point about the spider, sometimes Webber goes a little bit too deep in his vocabulary. Since it's clear that Webber's stomach merged with the Spider, perhaps its brain did, too. What I'm trying to suggest is that Webber is pretty much just a symbiote, but, with a spider. Like, just read these quotes and tell me if it sounds like a child or a carnivorous arachnid that could and would eat you.

Baby Beefalo- "Get busy, child."
Birdcage (Bird Starved To Death)- "We have failed him."
Blue Whale Carcass (Shipwrecked) - "Its suffering is over now."
Dead Spider Monkey- "It wasn't a fellow spider anyway. Not really."
Marble Pillar- "Nothing lasts forever on its own."
Rabbit (held)- "He's ours now."

I think that Marble Pillar one is very specific, since a child in the wild realistically wouldn't make it that far.

And lastly, we have the salt lick quote- "Blech. We really regret licking it." It's most likely a reference to the Walking Dead Game, when Lee asks Clementine about the salt lick, or maybe it's just a coincidence.

So what do YOU think? Is Webber really two brains in one? I would say yes.

Winona: Because no one makes munitions better than first-wave feminism?

"Anything can be fixed with hard work and elbow grease."

150 Health
150 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Vegetable Stinger"

Birthday: September 13

Starting Inventory:
Trusty Tape x3

Perks & Quirks
  • Is a skilled builder
  • Gets one free hit from the dark
  • Invents her own gadgets


But the long version, Winona crafts & places things twice as quickly, but if she hasn't crafted anything in the last minute, then it will drain 5 Hunger.

She also takes no damage from Charlie's first attack. This means she can make a single torch last several days, at the cost of... it depends. You just have to multiply the time you spend in the dark by the current day's night length.

For example: nights on the first few days last only 1 minute, and Darkness has an aura of -50 Sanity/min, so she should be losing 50 Sanity every night if only using torch spam.

Winona also has... tape? It's 1 silk and 1 cut grass to craft. It's basically sewing kit, but cheaper.

Invents her own gadgets

Oh yeah, here's where the magic happens.

Winona's Catapult

Recipe: 1 Trusty Tape, 3 Twigs, 15 Rocks
400 Health
42.5 Damage (AOE)
2.5 Attack Period

A catapult that creates rock matter out of nothing. Take that, Lavoisier! We'll get more into it later.

Winona's Spotlight

Recipe: 1 Trusty Tape, 2 Gold Nugget, 1 Fireflies
Shines light at a player up to one screen away

But for some reason, the light shines only on you, and not everything between you and the light itself. Pretty useless honestly, but it just might save that one idiot who keeps running to the base after forgetting to grab light.

Winona's Generator

Recipe: 1 Trusty Tape, 2 Logs, 2 Nitre
480 Seconds of power - Nitre fuel

It's cheap, just like its performance :)

Winona's G.E.M.erator

Recipe: 1 Trusty Tape, 2 Boards, 2 Electrical Doodads
2880 Seconds of power - Gem fuel

Purple Gem? Blue Gem? Red Gem? Who cares, they all have the same conductivity. Except for Iridescent Gems, I guess. (you can't socket them)

Catapults are decent at defeating Dragonfly, although this is imo the most difficult 'good strategy' against her. The practicality of using this early game is debatable, considering the time it takes to gather this many rocks... But even if it's a bad strategy, I have to show it ok.

So build your catapults with their distance away from the wall like this, because the AOE effect from the Catapults can destroy walls instantly.

Then start railing the Dragonfly like you normally would!

When she goes to spawn Lavae, stick to one side of the wall proportional to the magma pool.

Fight the Dragonfly on the opposite side of where the Lavae are, because if even one Lavae escapes the wall, it can cost you several hundred damage.

When she becomes enraged, lure her AWAY from the Catapults like so, then play Panflute to make her calm again. She naturally moves you further away while fighting, so it shouldn't be that difficult.

Repeat until death...

Luring Dfly is super important because when she goes enraged, Catapults will stop her from falling asleep, so she'll just destroy them.

Well, if you only have a small amount of catapults like in the above images, at least. Once you get metric tons of them, you won't even need a Pan Flute in general since they'll just knock her out every time.

You can also kill every other boss as well as any living things by just spamming catapults, but... there's basically no strategy involved.

Ancient Fuelweaver
Catapults are an immense help in this fight because the AOE of the rocks will kill Woven Shadows, making Fuelweaver unable to heal itself.

But do remember, uh... Bone Cages can instantly destroy your machines.


Determined woman works at genius guy's place to find answers about her family. Hey, sounds like a plot to a Five Nights at Freddy's ga-

Warly, uh... I guess you could say he's like the ocean here. It's the largest portion of the map, but overall? The only reason you travel it is to get to the couple good islands.

150 Health
250 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Soviet Cuisine None, enjoys variety

Birthday: July 23

Perks & Quirks:
  • Has his own line of custom portable cookware
  • Can spice things up
  • Has an insatiable appetite
  • Only eats gourmet food

So Warly is carrying the emotional burden of college and cannot stand repetitive meals anymore. His hunger drains 20% quicker, and he can only eat meals prepared by a Crock Pot.
Even worse, he remembers the food he has last eaten for the past 2 days. If he eats something from the past 2 days again, he gets an increasing penalty for all of its positive stats, starting at 10%, 20%, then increasing by 15% each time. The penalty stops at 70%.

Aside from that, Warly has a Chef Pouch that can only carry 6 items in it, and every perishable food or item inside it spoils 33% slower. Unfortunately, it won't stop ice from melting and doesn't cool thermal stones. It can carry more than just foods in it, though.
And um, custom kitchenware... this is "ware" things get real good.

At the small price of 2 gold nuggets, 2 electrical doodads, and 4 twigs, Warly can build and place this. Or carry it with him: it's portable, you know. It's the Portable Grinding Mill™. When standing near this, Warly and Warly only gains access to the Seasonsings Tab, where he can turn ingredients into spices.

Seasoning Salt
3 Salt Crystals
As I explained in the WX-78 section, salt is important for your body.
Increases health buffs of food by 25%.

Garlic Powder
3 Garlic
Makes your breath smell so terrible that it weakens your enemies kinda.
Gives 33% damage reduction for 4 minutes.

Honey Crystals
3 Honey
Mmm... glucose. It's like, cell fuel.
Doubles your effectiveness in Chopping, Mining and Hammering.

Chili Flakes
3 Peppers
Yeah, spicy food increases your salivary testosterone. Thankfully you don't have to get it straight from Warly...
Increases damage by 20% for 4 minutes. Increases temperature by 40.

Every time you make a spice, you get 2. The effects of the same spices do not stack, but eating another spiced dish resets its timer. When you die, you lose the effect of the spice.

To actually apply the spices, you'll need one of these ^^. It's a Portable Seasoning Station™. 2
Gold Nuggets, 3 Cut Stone, 6 twigs.

And finally, Warly starts the game with and can craft a Portable Crock Pot. It takes up a single inventory slot, and you can put it down wherever you want (except on the ocean) to act as a Crock Pot. It cooks 25% quicker, and has access to unique foods that only it can cook.

Yeah I'm not even going to bother explaining EVERY single dish it can make because there's tons of guides already, and there is a character limit on Steam, so here's a pdf if you want it. I'll only focus on the ones that have a special effect when eaten.

Volt Goat Chaud-Froid
1 Volt Goat Horn and 2 Sweeteners. Cannot include meat or fish.
Adds a bit of an electric aura to your body. Can't power a light bulb, though.
40 seconds cooking time, 10 days to rot.
3 Health, 37.5 Hunger, 10 Sanity.
50% damage boost, 150% when wet for 5 minutes.

Hypothetically, in 5 minutes you could land a total of 750 attacks. Maybe reduce half of that due to kiting, and you get 33,468 damage dealt with a fresh Ham Bat having eaten the Volt Goat Chaud-Froid. It takes about 12 seconds to kill a Volt Goat with a fresh Ham Bat, and the horn's drop chance is 25%, so it should on average take 3 Volt Goat kills for one horn.
It would take maybe 10 or so seconds to harvest 2 honey from a Bee Box or hammering Bee Queen hive if it's close, and the meal itself is at least 42 seconds to actually cook, and 0.5 seconds to actually eat it.

On average, it should take you about 78.5 seconds to to make Volt Goat Chaud-Froid, which translates to 2,335 damage that could have been dealt in this time otherwise. Using the same formula, you could deal 22,312 damage without Volt Goat Chaud-Froid, so add 2,335 and you get 24,647 — which is less than 33,468.

So, all in all, Volt Goat Chaud-Froid IS worth it, but only IF you already have a Volt Goat farm and several Bee Boxes near your base. And sheesh, even setting those up takes a while. Even saying all of that, by late-game you can use things like Ice-Flingos + Stars, Bunnymen, Catapults, and many other things to farm bosses, which means that Volt Goat Chaud-Froid is worthless once you have survived at least 150+ days. Otherwise, hey, it's not that bad, especially when its raining (where it becomes kinda OP).

It should also be noted that since Chaud-Froid makes you kill enemies faster, that means the less damage you will have taken, and therefore the dish saves you additional time otherwise spent on making armor and healing. Thanks to Jakethebeest for pointing that out...

Glow Berry Mousse
1 Glow Berry or 2 Lesser Glow Berries, 2 Fruits. Fillers can't be Meat or Twigs.
We all know chocolate mousse is incredible, so what if...
40 seconds cooking time, 8 days to rot.
3 Health, 37.5 Hunger, 10 Sanity.
Gives the player an aura of light similar to that of WX-78 with SYSTEM OVERLOAD for 2 days.

Pretty garbage normally, but it is useful during ruins rushes. You can make it with 2 Lesser Glow Berries and 2 Bananas, so yeah. Light is a big deal during ruins rushes, so having free light for 2 days does wonders.

Grim Galette
2 Nightmare Fuel, 1 Onion, 1 Potato
It's actually a pie and not a galette but yeah sure thanks Klei.
40 seconds cooking time, 10 days to rot.
25 hunger, swaps character's Health and Sanity.

Yeah, that's right. Swaps health and sanity. It's uh... decent for Wormwood, but otherwise? Yeah, you'd better just use any other healing foods...

Fish Cordon Bleu
2 Frog Legs, 1 Fish. Fillers can't be things that can't be eaten. (Twigs, Nightmare Fuel, etc)
They really fish cordon bleu their potential with this food!!
40 seconds cooking time, 8 days to rot.
Makes the player immune to Wetness for 5 minutes.
Removes all current wetness

I mean, it's not that bad? Football Helmets + Umbrellas are already 100% water protection, though. It's useful if you're already drenched and need to get warm ASAP.

Every other food is either boring or has no special ability, so on with the lore.
omg so sad
even worse how when you examine boomerang warly says he has separation anxiety
it must be very hard for him to live in the constant
Walter & Woby

Walter is yet another character who's just a thousand perks & quirks in one because why not. Seems like he's more personality-based than an appeal to gameplay.

"A Pinetree Pioneer is always prepared!"

130 Health
110 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Trail Mix"

Birthday: March 31

Starting Inventory:
Trusty Slingshot
Pinetree Pioneer Hat
Pebbles x10

Perks & Quirks
  • Not afraid of anything, except getting hurt
  • Good with a slingshot
  • Has a four-legged friend
  • Allergic to bees
  • Has no interest in fashion

Walter has no fear response, but getting physically hurt is a reminder that no one loves him, so Walter Loses in Sanity twice the amount of Health lost from taking damage. Pretty much, if he has no armor and gets bit by a Crawling Horror which does 20 damage, he loses 40 Sanity. He also loses sanity depending on his health, up to -12/min at 10 Health. This sanity loss can be reduced by wearing the Pinetree Pioneer hat. This hat also functions exactly like a Straw Hat.

The silver lining is that Walter loses absolutely zero sanity from anything, except for eating foods with a sanity drain, using a Lazy Deserter, and wielding a Dark Sword / Night Armor.

Walter's Slingshot is one of few ranged weapons, and sure enough, it's still pretty bad as an actual weapon, and more of a convenience tool. Here's how it works:

Shoots projectiles crafted in the "Slingshot Ammo" Tab
All projectiles stack to 60, and produce 10 when crafted
All projectiles have a speed of 25, which is 4.1 times faster than an angry Bearger
...and if they miss a target, they won't hit anything else.

Crafting: x1 Rocks - always available
17 Damage

Gold Rounds
Crafting: x1 Gold Nugget - Science Machine
34 Damage

Crafting: x1 Marble - Alchemy Engine
51 Damage

Poop Pellets
Crafting: x1 Manure - Science Machine
0 Damage, removes Aggro from target (does not work on Giants)

Freeze Rounds
Crafting: x1 Moon Rock, x1 Blue Gem - Prestihatitator
0 Damage, 1 shots will freeze Mobs, 2 shots will freeze Giants

no image because f**k you error 8
Slow-Down Rounds
Crafting: x1 Moon Rock, x1 Purple Gem - Shadow Manipulator
17 Damage, reduces targets speed by 33%

Cursed Rounds
Crafting: x1 Thulecite Fragments, x1 Nightmare Fuel - Pseudoscience Station
51 Damage, 50/50 Chance to spawn a Shadow Tentacle

Melty Marbles
Yes, they're that one trinket. You can't craft them, but if you do find them in say the Ruins where they're everywhere, you can load them in the Slingshot for 59.5 Damage each.


Woby is an infinite pet that joins Walter as soon as he spawns in. She can hold nine items like Chester, except actually nine items because she isn't tied to you by a bone that takes one inventory slot. When fed 3 Monster Meat, she becomes...

Big Woby.

You can mount her (No, not like that!) for a speed boost. She has 50 hunger, and loses 20 per day. She moves up to 33% slower the lower her hunger is, and at 0 hunger she turns back into a normal-size pupper.

Big Woby can also attack enemies for 10 damage, but will buck you off and cower away if she's hit back. This is only if she takes damage though, so say you get struck by Lightning, she won't throw you off.

Random Advantage

Walter is able to tell stories at a Fire Pit, Campfire, or their endothermic counterparts for 10 Sanity/min.

Random Disadvantages

Allergic to bees
Walter takes 10 more damage from all bees. This damage is not hindered by armor.
This means he also loses an extra 20 Sanity every time he is stung by one.

No interest in fashion
Walter gains no sanity from clothing items. (e.g Tam o' Shanter)


I couldn't find anything cool in his quotes, but one thing I found interesting was his "fearless" behavior, because he is very obviously scared in the animated short.

Fear is associated with the amygdalae, two almond-shaped pieces of gray matter in the brain that control emotions. If it's true that Walter could experience fear before entering the Constant, then maybe the shadows physically changed his brain's structure, as if they were giving him certain powers on purpose... like it's a game?

Or he just got brain damage by falling from the sky on to hard ground. Yeah, maybe.
DLC Characters

200 Health, 175 Hunger, 150 Sanity. Quite relevant stats to humanity, but not quite as much vanity. 3 Skins, all costing $4.99 USD in the shop, but don't blow your top - first the essential character must be purchased, and then the player can enchase.

Should one lack the money, then worry not! He's weavable with 2,700 Spools- hope you're ready to unravel like a knot.

Favorite Food:
Pomegranate, Raw/Cooked

Birthday: March 28

Perks & Quirks
  • Is an imp
  • Can hop through space and time
  • Less nourished by physical food

So, what more is there to Wortox? Perhaps we should include some war talks? Well, that's for later, so for now we cater to perks. Unless that information is already known by you... which of course, this section should be blown off by you!

Wortox comes equipped with 6 souls at the start of every game. They are eaten for +18 Hunger and -5 Sanity, so that's pretty lame. More souls can be collected by creatures that are killed next to Wortox, and players will also drop souls on death. Clockwork robots though are quite robust, but they would never wield a soul. And this includes WX-78 too.

Webber has time for two however, since he wields 2 souls on death.

But, these souls do hold more power. If, say Wigfrid was in need of a heal, you can simply release a soul near her because, I dunno, she's ideal? Uh... that sounds sour? That's another hour of complaining on the forum, I conspire. Anyway, a dropped "released" soul will heal 20 Health. This is an AoE of 1 whole tile.

There is no cap, so there won't really be an extra mile. Though be immersed, for 1 less health is awarded for every person being healed, there is no way for this to be reversed!

However, despite the latter, this only affects up to 8 Players - a Soul cannot provide less than 13 Health for all players in the healing vicinity - so grab your butter, your dinner, and get ready to be a winner!

Next up is the ability to Soul Hop. This perk is great for travel, and using hops, Wortox can dodge a few boss wallops.


Shadow Rook...

And Bishops.

Alternatively, this ability can be used to run away like a bloody Catcoon! Actually, no, even Catcoons are more brave than that, considering they charge straight at goons.

Ooh! One last thing regarding the ruins... ever heard of the Ancient Fuelweaver; the final boss? Well, other than the bearger bruin, but technically Klei intended that this guy be the last. Oh, how vast...

Woven shadows drop souls when killed, making this fight require basically no healing.

Well, now later's been through, so we've now got the disadvantages coming up, so try not to be a... hater?

The main problem would be the Pig and Bunnymen fights. Pigs and Bunnies will attack Wortox on sight - Seems like someone else will have to work on the Bunnyman farm tonight.

Wortox is hungry for souls, not food! Being an imp and all; it's just not in his mood. All food items only give 1/2 of their normal nutritional value. Sounds scary at first, but don't worry, get a butterfly farm set up!

Every butterfly drops a tasty soul, but you'd best do it during day so that the darkness doesn't interrupt!

Also, Wortox can overload. Should Wortox acquire 21 Souls, he'll forcefully drop 11 of them, and losing 15 sanity, so keep an eye on your load.

Lastly, Backpacks, Chests, and Bundling Wrap can't hold souls. To counter this hole, carry live insects in your pockets, and murder them for their souls!



Just watch the video.

Ah, Wormwood. Just another reason I won't be starving anytime soon, and in my opinion, just an easy character rework to substitute something new.

150 Health
150 Hunger
200 Sanity

Favorite Food:
"Cooked Banana"

Perks & Quirks:
  • Plants relate to him
  • Has a green thumb
  • Food fills his stomach, but not his heart

Plants relate to him, basically he just doesn't get attacked by eyeplants and he loses sanity when harming plants.

Sanity Lost
For Destroying
Flowers, seeds, saplings, grass tufs, trees burning or being uprooted
Picking flowers and digging stumps, saplings and grass tufts
Chopping a tree

Sounds pretty terrible, but insanity isn't much of a problem in itself, so yeah. To make up for this, he also gains 10 Sanity when planting seeds.

He has a green thumb, basically he can craft the following:

Living Log
He chops a living log off himself for 20 Health.

Bramble Trap
It's a tooth trap. That deals 40 AOE damage. Takes 1 Living Log and 1 Stinger. Ehh, better than the normal tooth traps in my opinion. Like, a lot better.

Bramble Husk
Only offers 65% protection, but it deals 40 damage to everything around you. Also makes you immune to damage from picking Brambles and Cacti, and damage your own Bramble Traps - at the cost of 2 Living Logs and 4 Bone Shards.

Compost Wrap
It regenerates 40 health, but has a long but neat looking healing animation. 5 Manure, 2 Rot and 1 Nitre to make it.

Finally, food fills his stomach but not his heart, yep. He recieves hunger from all foods, but his health isn't affected. Every healing food is now useless. Pierogi? Now it's Pierogay. Dragonpie? More like Dragondie. Fresh Fruit Crepes? No, Fresh Goop Crepes. Uh, hey. At least he can use manure to heal 2 HP?

As far as strategy goes, Wormwood has none of them. Oh, at least he does have this cool blooming ability during Spring. He enters a new stage for every 33% of Spring survived. Otherwise, he can start blooming immediately by consuming enough Growth Formula.

Movement Speed Boost
Hunger Drain

In addition to those effects, during full bloom, Wormwood automatically attends to all farm plants within 1 tile radius around himself.

Ah, I may have lied earlier. He does have one *strategy*? And that is to farm Living Logs. Wortox Souls heal Wormwood, so Wortox and Wormwood can keep punching butterflies to heal Wormwood as he mass produces living logs. Living logs are very good to have as they are the primary ingredient in Dark Swords; very powerful weapons that can kill most enemies in 2-4 hits.

Living Logs can also be used in Ruins Rushes for crafting the powerful Star Caller's Staff and Deconstruction Staff, but Wormwood is god awful in solo Ruins Rushes since there is no poop down there to heal himself with, so this is more of a team thing. So yeah, if you're going to head into the ruins, it could be a great idea to bring your local Wormwood with you. Or it could be a terrible one... Things can go wrong very quickly, down there.


"Though the circumstances of his creation were unusual at best, Wormwood came into this world full of optimism and curiosity, ready to make new friends and see all that life had to offer. But as time wore on and he experienced the cold sting of rejection, he came to learn what the moon above had always known: Wormwood the Lonesome does not belong here."
-YouTube Description

Hey, at least even Klei acknowledges that Wormwood doesn't belong here. As in, this game! (


(I'm kidding don't kill me pls)
So Wurt got buffed in the most recent update. Some details here may be inaccurate as of now.

Not the best, not the wurst—just a weird character. You will have to buy her as a DLC, or weave her with 2,700 spools.

175 Health
175 Hunger
100 Sanity

Favorite Food:

  • At home in the swamp
  • Has big plans for Merm-kind
  • Is a vegetarian

It isn't mentioned in-game, but Wurt is classified as a Merm by all standards. Pigmen WILL attack her on sight, but Bunnymen WON'T attack her, unless she has meat. Catcoons will not attack her either. She also cannot trade with the Pig King.

Since Wurt lives in the swamp/marsh, she moves 30% quicker when walking on Marsh Turf. She can also craft Marsh Turf with 1 Cut Reeds and 2 Rot (Alchemy Engine to prototype).

Wurt is vegetarian, so she can't eat anything that's considered meat. At least because her digestive system evolved to break down only eat fruits and veggies, she gets a 33% hunger bonus to eating them. Say Wilson eats Cooked Juicy Berries, he gets 18.5 hunger. If Wurt eats
Cooked Juicy Berries, she gets 25 hunger.

As for the big plans for Merm-kind... oh boy. This is going to be the greatest imperialism since

In the structures tab, Wurt can craft a few different things. Let's start with the most important one:

It's pretty expensive (and tedious) to make, but it's maybe worth it? After this has been built and fully constructed, the closest Merm within 8.5 tiles will run to the tapestry and sit on it.

When you feed him 50 hunger points worth of a non-meat item, he turns into King of the Merms.

King of the Merms has 200 hunger and 1,000 Health. At full hunger, he will begin starving after 2.6 days. He will starve to death after 1.6 days. Despite having a massive trident, he's too overweight to defend himself.

But as long as he is alive, he will give a boost to every Merm in the world... Well, current world. When you go into a cave, the effect disappears, unless you have a King of the Merms in the caves,

Before Buff
After Buff
150 Health & Sanity, 200 Hunger
250 Health & Hunger, 200 Sanity
500 Health, 30 Damage
560 Health, 40 Damage
Merm Guard
200 Health, 20 Damage
660 Health, 50 Damage

You can also give King of the Merms any type of fish, from Freshwater to Corn Cod, in turn for a few different items.

Kelp Fronds
At least 2, At most 4
At least 4, at Most 6
At least 2, At most 4
Tentacle Spots
At most 1
At most 1
Special Seeds
At least 1, At most 2

The next craftable thing is a merm house, but it only stores one merm instead of 4, even despite being bigger? I guess maybe he's happier...

The Merms from these houses never go back into their house. They respawn back at their house 2 days after dying, and they won't respawn in Winter.
The only real point of these houses is to spawn the Merm for the royal tapestry so you can get a Merm King. If you're really looking to conquer the entire swamp, then I guess you can always build a bunch of these around the place since they're fairly cheap.

The final craftable is a merm house, for Warriors.

This house spawns a new type of merm - Loyal Merm Guards, as pictured standing near their flort-ifications!

They have 660 Health and do 50 Damage. Like normal merms, they will kite their targets in combat. They're also immune to the "screeching" attack used by Bee Queen, Klaus and Fuelweaver that makes all other bipedal mobs run around in terror.

Merm guards unfazed by Bee Queen's screech, while Bunnymen flee

They respawn after half of a day, but take 6 days to respawn in Winter. If there is no King of the Merms in the world, their Flort-ifications will have no Tentacle Spots present, and they won't spawn.
If King of the Merms dies while the Loyal Merm Guards are already spawned, they will lose their morale, indicated by a sickly appearance. Their health decreases to 200 and their damage drops to 20.

So yeah, keep the King away from danger, and Don't let him Starve. As long as you've made sure no tentacles are nearby him, you should be good. However, make sure you do not put the King of the Merms near ponds.

At dusk and night, mosquitoes will spawn from the ponds, who will slowly whittle down the king's health over time. Can't let that happen.

Wurt also has a few other handy perks up her... scales. So let's blast through them all real quick!

All fish in Wurt's inventory will spoil 20% slower!

Wurt has an "affinity" with fish.
When holding any living fish, including the Star-Sky, she gains 26 sanity per day.
When holding any fish meat, she loses 26 sanity per day.

Wurt is an aspiring bookworm, so she can read Wickerbottom's books! It takes one use of the book, but doesn't actually do anything. All it does is affect her sanity.

On Tentacles: +50 Sanity
"This a good one!"
Birds of the World: +50 Sanity
"This one have pictures of birdies!"
Sleepytime Stories: +33 Sanity
"Wuh... wunce? Once! U-up... on... uh..."
Applied Horticulture: -33 Sanity
"So many hard words..."
The End is Nigh!: -33 Sanity
"Flurrgh, wanna know how it ends!"

Upon drowning in the ocean, Wurt only gains 50 Wetness, and only loses the item in her hand slot.

The vegetarian bonus applies to Kelp Fronds, and they won't hurt her health or sanity.
She also gains a 60% bonus from Durian, and it won't hurt her health or sanity either.

Wurt can understand Merms in English, unlike all other characters.

Wurt can craft a "Clever Disguise"; it costs 1 Cut Reeds, 1 Freshwater Fish and 2 Twigs to craft. When a player wears this, Merms will become friendly to them, and can even be befriended if given a fruit or vegetable. Wurt already has this ability without the disguise.

Befriended Merms can chop trees and mine boulders.

They can also fight, although they do poorly against any enemy with AoE damage, such as Deerclops and Dragonfly.

And finally, slippery items do not slip from Wurt's hands when used.

Well, that's about it. Yeah. Wurt. One *interesting* character, to be sure...

Wanda is a skilled horologist who possesses a Stand known as "Za Wārudo"

Um, oops, I think that's from a different timeline actually.

Sorry, I mean: Wanda is a maker of clocks, specifically stopwatches. And she's also a time traveler! Like all the DLC characters, she costs 2,700 Spools to unlock. Alternatively, you may buy her in the "Wanda Chest" through the in-game shop. Or, if you like cosmetics, you can go ahead and click right down below here...

Maximum Age: 80
Hunger: 175
Sanity: 200

Favorite Food:

Birthday: August 8th

Perks & Quirks:

  • Has excellent time management skills
  • Only as old as she feels
  • In a Constant race against the clock

Before we get to the time management skills, let's get to "Only as old as she feels" first. As Wanda, instead of Health, you get


You start the game off at 38 years old. Wanda gradually ages 1 Year each 40 seconds. Depending on her age, she takes a different physical form indicated by her appearance.

Age 20-35
Young, healthy, and cancer + pneumonia free! Young Wanda has no modifiers.

Age 35-64
Like her young form, but afraid of contracting COVID-19 I mean, uh, middle-aged Wanda only experiences 50% of the Sanity Drain from using Magic Staves, such as Ice Staff and Star-Caller's Staff. She also only suffers 33% of the normal Sanity Loss from having Dark Sword and Night Armor equipped. Also deals 20% more damage with Dark Sword and Alarming Clock.

Age 65-79
Like her middle-aged form, but no one finds her attractive anymore. Except for maybe Wagstaff. Actually, come to think of it, Wagstaff and Wanda are pretty similar, and... Wait where was I?

Oh yeah, Old Wanda only experiences 25% of Sanity Drain from using Magic Staves, and does not lose any Sanity from having Dark Sword or Night Armor equipped. And deals 75% more damage with Dark Sword and Alarming Clock. Not too bad, eh? Well, Old Wanda also deals only 50% Damage with any weapons besides Dark Sword and Alarming Clock; she takes 25% longer to Hammer structures, and Crafts Items 20% slower, and cannot carry heavy objects on her back. Yikes...

So, is that it? Years are just health but change her appearance? Well, not exactly, son. Wanda's maximum age is 80, meaning that once you get that old, you die. To make matters worse, Wanda also does not leave behind a skeleton upon death, so no free bone shards for you.

To make up for it, though, Wanda absorbs only 0.4x of damage taken, meaning 1 Year is equivalent to exactly 1.875 Health. So, if Wanda for example get licked by a frog, she ages 4 Years, while any other character will lose 10 Health. This means that Wanda technically has 150 Health, which is the DST default.

So everything is all good, right? No, no it isn't, because this is Don't Starve where we can't have nice things. Wanda cannot reduce her age, as a normal character would regenerate Health, by using Healing Items or eating Healing Foods (such as Pierogi and Dragonpie), or even sleeping.

How the heck do you heal as Wanda, then? Well, that's where we get to her profession: making clocks.

Clocksmithy Tab

At the very bottom of your crafting tabs, you'll have access to the Clocksmithy. It's here where you will make everything that Wanda can.

Clockmaker's Tools
1 Gold Nugget, 1 Flint, 3 Twigs
Can be used to take apart your Watches by hovering it over your desired Watch in the inventory, and using right-click, which gives you back all the ingredients used to craft them. You cannot take apart Watches currently on cooldown, however. Clockmaker's Tools are also required in the crafting of Time Pieces, however crafting them doesn't actually consume the Clockmaker's Tools.

Early game, it's generally a good idea to always carry some Clockmaker's Tools on you, since due to your limited time pieces you can just take apart one of your watches to make an appropriate one. Say for example, the guy in your sever who just got the game died to bees for the twelfth time? Well, just simply take apart your Ageless Watch, use its Time Pieces to craft a Second Chance Watch to revive them, and voila!

However, later on once you have all the watches you need on-hand, it's better to just leave your tools behind to save the inventory slot it takes up.

Time Pieces
Clockmaker's Tools, 8 Thulecite Fragment, 2 Nightmare Fuel
Time Pieces are required in the crafting of all Watches. As you can see there, they take Thulecite Fragments to craft, which means until you reach The Ruins, you will not be making any more Time Pieces than what you started off with. So yeah, that sucks.

Tip: You can hammer Thulecite Walls in the ruins for quick and easy Thulecite Fragments.

Ageless Watch
1 Time Pieces, 2 Marble, 1 Red Gem
Ageless Watches are the only way that Wanda can reduce her Years. When used, they reduce Wanda's age by 8 Years. They have a cooldown of 2 Minutes until they can be used again. Before boss fights, you should absolutely carry several Ageless Watches to prevent aging to death during the fight. Trust me, anything stronger than a Treeguard will hurt you much more than 8 Years each 2 Minutes.
Ageless Watches do not drop from your inventory upon Death.

Second Chance Watch
1 Time Pieces, 2 Living Log, 4 Bone Shard
Whether you play public or private, we can all admit that ghosts draining your sanity is annoying. Thankfully, with the Second Chance Watch, you can revive any Ghost you desire, which teleports them back to their dead skeleton and returns them to life right where they died, with no maximum health penalty. Fun! It has a cooldown of 4 Minutes.
Wanda (Part 2)

Backstep Watch
1 Time Pieces, 2 Gold Nuggets
You know what they say, right? Every masterpiece has its cheap copy? Well, it looks like the Backstep Watch clearly took inspiration from Wortox's highly useful soulhop ability. This watch teleports you back to where you have last walked depending on your age, represented by a clock gear where you will teleport: 4 Pitchfork Squares when Young, 2 Pitchfork Squares when Middle-Aged, and 1/2 a Pitchfork Square when Old. While backstepping, you are also entirely invincible. Backstepping has a 2 second cooldown.

So, what's it good for? With 3 Backstep Watches, you can bypass the 2 second cooldown, meaning you can indefinitely keep backstepping. The game constantly tracks your steps as Wanda, so yes, you can even go back to when you first spawned. This means the Backstep Watch, so long as you have 3 on you anyway, makes you able to trace your previous steps very quickly. Here it is in-action:♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

The problem is... Honestly, why would you ever even need this? If you're one of those people who leave base then forget they left something behind and need to go back to get it, then yes, this is the perfect watch for you. Otherwise, I would suggest ditching this thing altogether. It's just totally inferior to the Backtrek Watch, honestly.

Backtrek Watch
2 Time Pieces, 2 Gold Nugget, 1 Walrus Tusk
Requires a Prestihatitator to Prototype
Remember when I said Wanda and Wagstaff are similar? Well, if you remember what the Telipad is, guess what - it's back! Kinda.

While you cannot obtain this watch until you hunt the MacTusks enough to get their tusk, trust me, much like Team Fortress 2 it's well worth the weight. This handy device allows you to "anchor" a set location anywhere on the map, to which you can then activate the watch to teleport to the anchor instantly, even across the Surface and Caves. It has a cooldown of 8 Minutes.

Here it is in action - After killing the Ancient Guardian, I teleported from the ruins right back up to the base in seconds!

This is without a doubt one of the best items in the game. Perfect for both saving time and skipping the boring parts of the game. And the best part? You can indeed have multiple of them, each leading to different anchored spots.

tl;dr - Get the Backtrek Watch as soon as you can. Not only is it amazing as is, but what if I told you... It could get even better?

Rift Watch
To create the Rift Watch, hover a Purple Gem over a Backtrek Watch in your inventory and right-click it to Insert.

Instead of teleporting you immediately to the anchor, when the Rift Watch is activated, it creates a wormhole that leads to the anchor that lasts for 10 seconds, which other survivors can jump inside. Everyone who jumps in will lose 20 Sanity, if they aren't Wanda that is, but still.

The only real disadvantage is that the purple gem is consumed on use, but that's honestly not much of an issue really. If you're struggling with your supply of gems, consider getting a varg farm. < Click Here

*clap clap* Well done, Klei. I really wish this item was already in the game for years now. But better late than never, anyway.

Also, if you're feeling mean, here's a funny trap you can set up for your friends using the Rift Watch. (Click to enlarge)

Alarming Clock
Requires a Shadow Manipulator to Prototype
3 Time Pieces, 4 Marble, 8 Nightmare Fuel
A clock as a weapon? Trust me, it's better than it sounds. Here's a short and simple summary:

Damage when Young (Base Damage): 81.6
Damage when Middle-Aged: 97.92
Damage when Old: 142.8
Durability: 100%
Durability Per Hit: 1%
Fueled By: Nightmare Fuel - 25%
Only equipable by Wanda
Weapon Type: Whip - Doubled range, but 10% slower attack speed

After running out of fuel, the alarming clock can still be used - though dealing much less damage. You can tell if you've run out of fuel by the shadow effect on the weapon.

As you can see there, thanks to Middle-Aged & Old Wanda's damage multipliers, it does absolutely ridiculous damage. Wanna know exactly how much damage 142.8 is? Wolfgang, with a Dark Sword, when fully Mighty, does 136 Damage. In other words, Wanda is literally just slightly stronger than Wolfgang.

While that does initially sound insane, no pun intended, it's absolutely debatable if Wolfgang is the better fighter or not. The main issue is that Wigfrid and Wolfgang have 200 Health, while Old Wanda only has about 26.25 Health if you do the math (1 Year = 1.875 Health). Plus, Wolfgang only needs some blue mushrooms to heal, while Wanda needs a bunch of ageless watches.

So yeah, to sum it all up: Wanda is both a highly skill-based glass cannon, and an excellent time saver, although she isn't much help at all early game as she requires rare materials to craft her really good watches. Toodles!
Wanda (Part 3)
This is just a lore section, so skip it if you'd like.

Wanda Lore

As we see in the video, it is shown that Wanda's already been a time traveler for a while by now. Additionally, the shadow monsters appear to be on the hunt for her, compared to most of the other survivors who were just taken by misfortune. Seems to suggest she did something to piss off Maxwell or "Them", although exactly what remains unknown. In my personal opinion: I think it's exactly her ability to time travel that caused the shadows to pull her into the constant.

First of all, Time Pieces require actual Nightmare Fuel and Thulecite Fragments to craft. These items only exist in DST's world, which is direct evidence Wanda's been there before. Somehow, Wanda knew about the constant and even obtained access to it. Additionally, some of her quotes on meeting fellow survivors seem to indicate an important role.

Meeting Wilson: I think I was supposed to tell you something, now what was it...
Meeting Willow: There you are! Whatever you do, don't... oh botheration, I forgot.
Meeting Maxwell: Goodness, have you aged since the last time I saw you?

As we know, in singleplayer before DST started, Wilson had to complete adventure mode to progress the story. So of course, it would make complete sense that she initially intended to give Wilson some sort of advice, perhaps to avoid being taken by the nightmare throne and giving power to Charlie. Of course, she got trapped in the current DST timeline by accident before she could.

As for Willow, we also know she kind of burned down an orphanage and stuff after being attacked by a Terrorbeak. Wanda was supposed to tell her something as well, but once again was trapped before this could happen. Also, the Maxwell quote kind of proves she met him at some point.

So far, we have some pretty solid evidence that Wanda was trying to help out the survivors of the constant, either by preventing them from getting trapped to begin with or helping them escape. How or why she is doing this is of course subject to debate. However, in my own personal crackpot theory...

Wanda herself is a shadow monster.

I know. It sounds crazy, but there's quite a bit of evidence here. Think about it: As she ages, she deals more damage with Shadow Weapons, Dark Sword and Alarming Clock, and loses less sanity from using staves and night armor. However, she also gets weaker at using non-shadow weapons, and doing physical tasks like crafting and hammering.

But more importantly, there is one thing unique about Wanda that only one other entity in the game shares: leaving no dead body behind on death. When you kill ANY being in Don't Starve, from bees to Klaus, they leave behind a corpse that soon after fades away.

However, when any shadow monster dies, from Crawling Horrors to Ancient Fuelweaver, they leave no body behind, instead exploding into nightmare fuel. When Wanda dies, she simply succumbs to the influence of shadows and is dragged back into her main timeline.

She leaves no skeleton on death because she does not have one... Her entire body is made of nightmare fuel. Need any more proof? Look no further than her quote for Nightmare Fuel - "A necessary evil."

That's right. She needs to use nightmare fuel to build her watches, which she used to peer into the future and see the fate of the survivors in the constant. Looking to prevent this, she was planning to travel back in time to help them... But alas, she was ambushed and trapped in the constant by Them, as shown in her animated short, causing her to fail her goals of saving the survivors in time.

Only one question yet remains... How did she become a shadow monster? Simple, no further than her quote on the Monkey Paw trinket - "There's no need to be afraid of curses if you're clever enough to outsmart them." She was cursed by Them at some point in time, most certainly to counter her plans to save the survivors. And the worst part is... it worked.

That's why she is always concerned with time. She just needs a little bit more time, to wind her age back before she became cursed. But, it's hopeless, and she doesn't even realize it. As Maxwell states in Singleplayer Don't Starve's ending, "You can't change the rules of the game. - Time moves differently here."

Still need more proof? The descriptions for "The Triumphant" and "Shadow Overcoat" skins are the final, and absolute strongest evidence to this whole theory.

Nothing but dark times ahead? Inevitable future? "Accept your dark fate"? Yeah, I could've sworn those sentences describe Wanda being inflicted with a curse that merges her with shadows themselves, making her unable to truly change her past and save the survivors. The Triumphant skin is simply just a representation of Wanda entering the fifth stage of grief - acceptance.

To sum it all up, Nightmare Fuel is a resource that "Them" has total control over. It's the same reason the ruins became the ruins - ancient bug people used nightmare fuel to power their society, but all that did was allow Them to control them, eventually causing their deaths.

So here we have Wanda... The innocent lady who somehow discovered travel between timelines, and attempted to use it to save people from becoming trapped in the constant... However, as the lesson from Webber's short states, naughtiness always comes back to bite you in the end.

And so it did. THEY turned Wanda into a shadow monster, which in turn provided them full control of her body, and thus stole her ability to time travel. Now, she finds herself trapped among those she tried to save, just like another pawn on the board...

Wanda's shadow becomes a shadow hand in the animated short

But that's just a theory.

Thanks for reading!
If I got something wrong/missed something, please tell me in the comments.

Also, big thanks to everyone who voted thumbs up, because that helps more people to see this guide when they search for info on the characters. And even bigger thanks to those who actually gave awards! That's very kind of you (◠﹏◠✿)

Unfortunately, I can't thank you in-person or anything, so scroll back up to Webber's section and click the text that says "Ice Cream". That's my little hat-tip, from me to you.

Also just thought I might as well mention: I don't have as much time as I used to for updating this stuff, so some of the information may be outdated following character refreshes. If that's the case, it may take a good bit for me to update it.

Hey you're one of a few thousand viewers, how's for taking 1.7 seconds to rate up this guide?

0.85 seconds for Winona mains...
186 megjegyzés
legisurper 1 órája 
Thanks for this lovely summary! Hope you consider making in-depth character guides of your fave characters in the future (would love to see one of Wurt / Wormwood / Wanda) :DSTghost:
Lobster Man 2023. aug. 12., 2:02 
As a Wormwood main you can expect a visit shortly.
peredhelstorm3130 2022. nov. 10., 19:03 
personal opinion that might not be explained well: i think webber and the spider fused some diologue bits ive seen while playing is why i think that. examining froggle bunwich: sandwich for me frog legs for him, empty elixer: i wanna drink whats left but he wont let me
ChristianTough 2022. aug. 13., 8:15 
I like webber. You forgot 1 thing about webber... He Can make A Gold Farm Just using Spiders and the pig king and Golden pig Belts. His spiders will fight The pigs while you just get the gold.
Thatoneguy135 2022. aug. 6., 9:22 
wickerbottom rework is out now update guide
󠀡󠀡Pluschi  [készítő] 2022. ápr. 30., 5:07 
Done and done
Jinjetica 2022. ápr. 28., 12:11 
you should update the lore parts of your page, to include the rework for wes and wx...if not others as well?
󠀡󠀡Pluschi  [készítő] 2021. nov. 23., 4:03 
Cus he has basically 0 disadvantages and his transformations can help substitute items that take more skill to get (like weregoose is basically a worse magiluminescence but I wouldn't expect a new player to be able to obtain one of those)
Voidurai 2021. nov. 22., 21:09 
one of the best for newbies*
Voidurai 2021. nov. 22., 21:09 
how is the wood guy the best he's fucking useless