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🎀 Nyan Nyan Guide 🎀
Da 🎀Fellou🎀
🎀🎀🎀Guide to Proper Cat-Girl Care🎀🎀🎀🎀

Congratulations on your new cat-girl! You have chosen a companion that will bring you years of joy, friendship and love. That said, there are a few things you will need to know about the proper care and maintenance of your new cat-girl. So, first off we'll need to go over the basics.

Essential Requirements.
🎀1. Clothes:
Your cat girl will require basic clothing. Nothing too fancy at first is required. It is likely the shelter or breeder you received her from only had her wear basic t-shirts and pants/shorts. Almost any brand will do as long as they are cotton or natural fiber cat-girls have delicate skin. Undergarments' are at your discretion. Let your cat-girl smell and mark indicated rubbing her cheek against them the new clothing after you have handled the new clothing and rubbed them on your face before attempting to dress her in them. It is important she recognizes these clothes as gifts from her master your odor and are thus now hers her odor. Nicer, flashier clothing can be purchased later once your cat-girl settles into her new home, if you intend to Show or Breed her. Ferals and strays instinctively will wear whatever clothing they can scavenge. It is imperative that you get such a cat-girl her own clothing in accordance with the previously mentioned guidelines so that she will bond with you more quickly as her provider and caretaker. Be sure to undress a feral/stray with care when presenting her with new clothes. Her old clothes are a symbol of her old unbonded life and should be disposed of out her sight.
Shoes are optional and should not be forced. Shoes should still be required when the temperature reaches near freezing, if traveling outdoors..

🎀2. Litter Box Logic
A. Many cat-girls are initially raised to use litter pans for elimination. By the time they are sexually mature a good breeder will typically have them toilet trained and you will only have to show her the basic functions of flushing and the location of sanitary cleaning materials.

However, if your cat-girl is a stray/feral from a shelter it is possible she was never fully toilet trained. This matter is fairly easily rectified in a few ways. When your cat-girl evinces signs of elimination squatting-straining calmly and carefully pick her up under the arms and place her on the toilet. Gently hold her there until she eliminates. Demonstrate proper sanitary wiping upon completion. Your cat-girl is a sanitary and fastidious creature. She will very quickly grasp the mechanics of clean and safe elimination on the toilet and be much happier for it, as will you.
B. Unfortunately, some cat girls have never been toilet trained or even spent much time indoors. This is especially true of strays and ferals. Additional time and patience is required to achieve the desired result. If your cat-girl will not permit you to pick her up to move to the toilet, when she evinces elimination it will be necessary to gradually shape her behavior. Be aware this may take a few days to a week or more. When she evinces elimination quickly and calmly place a Cat-Girlz! Brand floor nappy underneath her.
She will quickly equate the nappy with the spot for elimination. Again, cat-girls are neat and clean creatures about elimination. Now move the floor nappy closer to the bathroom each time, till finally the nappy is in front of the toilet. Then finally place the nappy over the toilet bowl. She will quickly grasp the implications. Be sure to use soothing and calm words during this procedure and praise her effusively when she eliminates on the proper instrument. Cat-girls, even strays and ferals are quick to respond to positive reinforcement.

🎀3. Feeding Facts

Your new cat-girl has particular dietary concerns. A proper diet will ensure a fit, active and healthy companion of many years. A poor diet can result in an overweight, lethargic cat-girl with serious health issues.

Your cat-girl is bred to be specifically compatible with most human food. However particular care must be given avoid certain types of food except for occasional treats.

A proper diet consists of a large amount of daily protein intake to keep her happy and active.

We suggest:
50% low-fat meats, chicken, fish, and beef. She can eat them raw or cooked. It is suggested that the majority of her meat to be cooked to avoid possible intestinal parasites and to keep her breath smelling acceptable. Kitty-Klean mouthwash is highly recommended in any event.

40% fresh vegetables and fruits. You cat-girl should immediately express an interest in fresh greenery. Encourage this. A cat-girl eating plenty of greens is cute to watch and is a cat-girl with a healthy digestive tract. IF your cat-girl is reluctant to eat fruits and vegetables, encourage her with the application of Krazy-Kat protein spray on them. It's delicious!

8% Grains. Cat girls enjoy occasional grains such as rice, barley and the like. Be careful with these! They can make her feel unpleasantly bloated!

2% or less Sugary Snacks . Your cat-girl will love sugary snacks. They are NOT good for her! It will give her energy and taste delicious but provide no nutrition! Save sugary snacks for a special treat.
Alcohol: should never be given to your cat-girl. It is metabolized in them in a similar fashion to humans. But an amount that would get an average person "buzzed" will likely have them passed out. Fortunately the smell of liquor is generally reviled by most breeds and can used to on objects to discourage their interest.🎀🎀🎀🎀
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4 commenti
Akio 2 mag 2021, ore 8:52 
can anyone join ?
Dimensionprova 26 apr 2021, ore 6:04 
99 % nutella und 1 % heiße luft Kekw
🎀Fellou🎀  [autore] 9 mar 2018, ore 11:54 
Thanks :)
Ka4M1 9 mar 2018, ore 11:41 
Love it :3