IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz

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ATAG Flight Manual - Bf 110 C-4/C-7
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These guides are all available in there original forms at

I have posted them here because i found a lot of people were unaware of there existence - All credit goes to the creator of these guides
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BF-110C-4 & Bf-110C-7
DB 601 A-1

on ground

Rating RPM[U/min] pressure[ata]

5' 2400rpm / 1,3ata

30' 2300 1,2

d 2200 1,15
The Bf-110 was designed as a multi-purpose heavy fighter with long range capabilities that could also serve in the role of bomber escort. The Bf-110 saw success in the Polish and French campaigns, but the Battle of Britain would be the turning point for the Bf-110 as a heavy daytime fighter.

With its long range capabilities, its ability to carry 1000 kilograms of ordinance, and its fearsome forward-firing guns; the Bf-110 was one of the most versatile aircraft of the war. It wasn’t until the Battle of Britain that the Bf-110’s fatal flaw was discovered: its lack of agility.

Against a formation of bombers, the Bf-110 was deadly: its four 7.92mm machine guns and its two 20mm cannons could shred a bomber with just a quick squeeze of the trigger. It is also ideal for low altitude bombing raids against strategic targets such as ships and ground positions.

Piloting a Bf-110 in the Battle of Britain was a dangerous job: do you have what it takes?
Two flyable Bf-110 variants are in the game, the C-4 model and the C-7 model. Both models are virtually identical. The major difference is that the C-7 has provisions to carry up to 1000 kilograms of bombs under its fuselage with the use of a bomb rack. This bomb rack even when empty will create drag and cause the C-7 to fly just a bit slower than the C-4.
The Bf-110 has two Daimler-Benz DB601 engines that power a variable pitch prop controlled by an electric motor. Prop pitch is controlled by two levers on the left side of the instrument panel. With both engines in working condition the levers are operated simultaneously to maintain even RPMs. Engines should both be operated identically until such time as one becomes damaged, then it will be necessary to control the engines separately.

Pushing the levers up will increase the RPMs of the engines, and pushing the levers down will decrease the RPMs. It is the responsibility of the pilot to maintain the engine RPMs within their operational limits throughout the flight; failure to maintain the limits will eventually result in engine damage for high RPMs, and reduced performance with consequent low RPMs.

Landing flaps are hydraulic in the Bf-110 so it is necessary to have the engines running in order to operate the flaps. Flap control is activated with a two-button-three-position switch on the left side of the instrument panel below the gear indicator lights. There are two green/red push button switches in this area of the cockpit, the upper two-button switch controls the landing gear and the lower switch controls the flaps. With the green button marked “Aus” pushed in and the engines running, the flaps will continue to deploy until they reach the fully deployed position. If the button is pulled out, the flaps will stop in their current position. If the red button marked “Ein” is pushed, the flaps will retract until they reach their fully retracted position. With both buttons in the “pulled out” or “neutral” position the flaps will not move. When the flaps reach either the fully retracted or fully deployed position the switch should be set back to neutral to avoid strain on the hydraulic motors. (This isn’t modelled in the game but it’s a good habit to get into. I recommend using separate commands for “Undercarriage Up” and “Undercarriage Down” as well as “Flaps Up” and “Flaps Down” - not the default “toggle” commands.)

Note: *Operation of “Gear and Flaps Switches” is illustrated in a section below.

The landing gear switch operates in the exact same way as the flaps.
The Bf-110 is equipped with aileron, rudder, and elevator trim.
Trim elevator 3/4 of the way towards nose up.

Trim rudder 1/3 of the way towards full right.

Prop pitch to 12:00.

Oil and Water radiators full open.

Fuel ♥♥♥♥♥ to “P1 u P2.”

Select engine “1” and start.

Select engine “2” and start.

Once both engines are running, select all engines.

Pitot heat “on” if below 0 degrees Celsius.

Landing flaps to 10 degrees. (Indicator to the left of throttles).

Set fuel tank indicator to “Position 1” front left.

Gun sight illumination “on”, set for sunlight conditions.

Allow engines to reach 40 degrees oil and 60 degrees water.

Synchronize Course Autopilot Directional Gyro

Taxi to runway.
Once lined up on the runway, re-synchronize Course Autopilot Directional Gyro.

Advance throttle to 100%.

Use rudder to keep nose pointed towards the end of the runway.

Gently pull back on the stick to keep the nose up.

Once wheels are off the ground retract landing gear.

When gear is up and locked, set switch to “neutral”.

Raise flaps to “fully retracted”, once retracted set switch to “Neutral”.

Reduce throttle to the red “C” position on RPM indicator.

Use prop pitch to maintain red “C” position on ATA.
Max Continuous: 2300 RPM / 1.23 ATA.

Oil temperature: 85 Degrees.

Water temperature: 90 Degrees.
Max Continuous: 2300 RPM / 1.23 ATA.

Ideal: 2200 RPM / 1.15 ATA.
Never exceed 3000 RPM.

Trim slightly nose heavy.

Cut throttle to 0.
Approach at 220 km/h.

Prop at 12:00.

Flaps down to 40 degrees.

Gear down – Two green lights.

Final at 180 km/h.
The Bf-110 is equipped with a course autopilot that will control your rudder and hold you on a specified course. The course autopilot will not control your altitude: it is up to the pilot to trim the elevator for level flight if this is what is desired.

The Directional Gyro should be calibrated to the same bearing as the Repeater Compass on the ground and then fine-tuned once lined up on the runway. Ground turning will cause the gyro to fall out of sync. It will also be necessary to occasionally sync up the gyro during flight. It’s also normal for the Course Pre-set to differ slightly (3-7 degrees) from the actual bearing.

In the image the Repeater Compass is pointing to 266 Degrees and the Directional Gyro has been set to the same bearing. The Course Pre-set is set to 060 Degrees, the direction of intended travel. Before engaging the Course Autopilot, point the aircraft as close as possible to the Course Pre-set before engaging the Course Autopilot; this will avoid a violent roll as the plane turns to the Pre-set bearing. The inset image shows the location of the Course Autopilot ON – OFF switch located behind the gun sight.

The pictures below show the operational positions of the gear and flap switches.

For information on fuel transfers. Please go to