Rapid Tap

Rapid Tap

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Rapid tap Strategy guide
By Sparky1j and 2 collaborators
Rapid Tap is a very deep and complex game with many different strategies and complex manuvers that you can pull off to make your game a bit easier. As one of the top ranked Rapid Tap mobile players in the world I am here to help you and show you some secret strategies that will help you to beat the story mode.

1. Tap the icons.
Now one of the biggest challenges for new players is often the question "what do i do?" well its actually pretty cryptic but it says what you have to do in the name of the game actually. Occationally one of the 9 boxes will flash the color green. The color green for those of you unfarmiliar with all the names of the color octogon is one of the most common colors you can find in nature. Green is the color of leaves, grass, poison, alligators, and praying mantis. For you gamers out there you might recognize the color green as the primary color of the "Grass" type pokemon from the series "Pokemon". Now when the square turns green in the early stages of the game you have a few seconds to actually act and what you are supposed to do is hover your mouse over that square and press the left mouse button located on your mouse. This can be rebinded to any button on your keyboard or if you perhaps have a gamer mouse, any other button on that. Once you have clicked the box then it will turn yellow and you will hear a sound indicitive of success. This means you are permitted to access the next level of box. If you fail to click the box in the given ammount of time you will hear a noise indicitive of failure and will lose a life. You only have 3 so be careful. This will lead to issues for you though as Rapid Tap is a game of risk and reward. Should you hit the block successfully then the rate at which the boxes appear and dissapear increases. Meaning the boxes will show up faster and leave faster. So you should think strategically about which boxes you want to hit and not hit. Do this until you have a score that you are happy with
2. Numpad.
Now for you elite gamers out there, you might have whats known as a "Numpad". A numpad is a bunch of number buttons but placed to the right side of your keyboard in 3 rows of 3 rather than one row of 10 going across the top. This is an exact match to the layout of the boxes from Rapid Tap. Probably an easter egg on behalf of the creators of the keyboards. Anyway, you can use these keys to hit the boxes in the game actually. So if you were to say for example hit the number 9, the coresponding block on the screen would be tapped. That block being the top right one. So you could also press 3 and hit the bottom right block. This is not a well known strategy and is only used by elite players so, use with caution.
3. Super Speed.
One of the strategies often attempted by "Noobs" as we call them in the Rapid Tap community is to simply mash the buttons and hope that you hit the boxes. This however is not the strategy that you should be using. First of all if you have one box selected already and then tap another box while still holding the previous box then you do not hit it and it will count as a failure. Rapid Tap is a game of reflexes and surgical percision. Playing the game in this way not only defeats the entire point but is an ineffective strategy to begin with.
4. Conclusion.
I hope that you have learned a bit about Rapid Tap from this strategy guide. I will keep this guide updated should a new strategy be created by the pro league. Thank you for reading and happy tapping.
sweaty 9 year old Apr 3, 2018 @ 8:29pm 
this is amazing
mump Jan 24, 2018 @ 11:17am 
touchscreen tablets
fat cock gaming  [author] Jan 11, 2018 @ 1:07pm 
Where am i
Raptors  [author] Jan 11, 2018 @ 10:57am 
Sparky1j i am the world champion and you'd better show me some respect you fuckin squimbo
Sparky1j  [author] Jan 11, 2018 @ 10:52am 
glad my strategies could help somebody out
Raptors  [author] Jan 11, 2018 @ 10:48am 
Just scored over 300k thanks to this guide. This game is truly next gen