Slashy Hero

Slashy Hero

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Best way to take out Boss.
By =^.^= Pumpshotgun Kitty Overbeck
How to kill Ghost Lords and Skeleton Lords with a breeze. Using these techinques.
Step 1: What Gear needed? (Ghost Lord and Skeleton Lord)
I suggest you use gear that gives you HP, Attack, And Speed.

However you don't have to for i use this on my Ipad version. His layout is Dark Vader Set which base give ( +15 HP, and +20 Attack)

Step 2: Sturdy Hands (Ghost Lord)
You have to have sturdy hands in order to pull this off or you will travel To far or Not far enough.
Step 3: Learning to do a straight line. (Ghost Lord)
So the name might be simple, but behind its important. As you can see in this snapshot the straighter and beter distance its drawn the more you won't get hit by them. It depends on the dugeon layout, sometimes its beter to do a straighter curved line to behave like a "boomerang"

*Pls remeber this was in main world these pics so they are smaller but the concept applies.

Step 4: Take it to the Boss! (Ghost Lord)
Show the Ghost Lord who is boss and master the slash to grind them!

Step 2: Learning to use opening and titles that stick out. (Skeleton Lord)
One important part of the Skeleton Lord is his DANGEROUS FIRE BALLS

To avoid them time your slash (Requires more power so you can have a longer slash) and return to the tile you were on, I suggest or if you stand infront of him welcome to Crispyville.
Step 3: Timing is everything! (Skeleton Lord)
Timing I may have said it last section but its Vital to have for the Skeleton Lord due to his wide range of Fireballs (Which is why you retreat to the tile you were on.)
Step 4: Patience is important for the Skeleton Lords!
They have a alot of health, and require a bit to kill. So Don't try to rush, or you could lose your life.

Just remember what I said about timing and returning to the tiles
Step 5: GET HIS LOOT! (Skeleton Lord)
Now you have killed him, you can get his set depending on what he drops at the time!
Thanks for reading and Good luck explores to get that Candy Back!
Thanks for reading and Good luck explores to get that Candy Back!

Here is a reward: