Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

91 人が評価
TQRespec: The respec tool (updated at 2022-06)
作者: EPinter

TQRespec is the tool for Titan Quest game that helps you to change your character at any time. While this tool permits you make changes not available in game, cheating features are not available.

This software was developed carefuly and with dedication to the details that makes everything safe without compromise usability. Your game data is extremely important, because it means you have spent hours and hours on a single save game, so the development is focused on keeping your data consistent and working. Therefore, if you find any small bug that can compromise your experience, please report here, or at https://github.com/epinter/tqrespec/issues

Is highly recommended that you have at least one full backup of your "Titan Quest - Immortal Throne" folder, not just when using this software, but to avoid loss of several hours of gameplay in case of a PC crash or any other bad thing (sh** happens). :)
You can download TQRespec from the GitHub project releases page, https://github.com/epinter/tqrespec/releases/latest. There's no installation, just extract and run.
This software requires **Microsoft Windows (64-bit recommended)**. You don't need to have java or any other software installed, but if you have problems like missing dlls, check if you have Microsoft Visual C++ Redist 2015-2019 installed.

Before you start
Keep in my that this software make modifications to your save game (more specifically the file Player.chr). You shouldn't run this software while the game is running, you can corrupt your save game. So, always close the game before opening TQRespec.
Use it!
Select the character you want to change. Now you can see some information like Class and Difficulty, and start to change your savegame.
There are five attributes available to change (Health, Energy, Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity). When you decrease an attribute, you will see the number in "Available Points" increasing, and when you increase an attribute the points are automatically got from "Available Points". The number that increases in each of the attribute fields follows in game rules. In fact, you can't give more points to your character, just redistribute. So no cheat.
Now if you change to Skills tab, you will see two lists with the skills of your character. Below these lists, there are two buttons for each. The first button "Reclaim All Skills Points" will remove all points allocated on skills on that mastery and make the points available to use in game. The button "Mastery" permits you to reduce the mastery level to 1 or remove the mastery completely.

If you have a mastery on level 24 and 7 skills with points allocated, you can click on "Reclaim All Skills Points" to have the points from the 7 skills back to you. Then you click on "Mastery / Reclaim" to have 23 points back from the mastery, so you will have the mastery with just 1 point allocated, or you can click on "Mastery / Remove" to have all 24 points from mastery.
Characters list and stats
When you click on the button near the character selection list, you will be able to see a table with all your characters, with attributes and stats. There's also an option to export the table to CSV.
Copy your character
If you want to change the name of you character, in the Misc tab you can type the new name in the "New character" text field, select the target platform then click on "Copy" button. A new character will be created, with progress, inventory with all items, attributes, skills, etc...

There are three targets available for selection: Windows, Android and Backup:

  • The Windows target will make the new savegame compatible with Windows version of TQ, converting if necessary (when you are copying a mobile savegame to windows).
  • The Android target will make a zip file with the savegame prepared to run on Android device, converted if necessary. Differently from Windows version, the savegame directory is different from player name inside the game. TQRespec generates a random number for the save-id, although very unlikely it's not impossible a save-id generated is already present on your device, if this happens you can just copy again. Some data is not copied, see "Android Support" for details.
  • The Backup target will make a zip file with the savegame. If you type a new name, it will be renamed before save. In the case of a mobile savegame, the save-id will be changed before save too.

Saving and backup
After you finish, you can click on Save. At this moment, TQRespec will make a backup of the file "Player.chr" inside a .zip in the folder "Titan Quest - Immortal Throne/SaveData/TQRespec Backup". The file "Player.chr" is where the games saves everything about the character, except the progress, transfer area and storage.

Is highly recommended that you have at least one full backup of your "Titan Quest - Immortal Throne" folder, not just when using this software, but to avoid loss of several hours of gameplay in case of a PC crash or any other bad thing (sh** happens). :)
Android support
Characters from "Titan Quest: Legendary Edition" are supported, can be respeced or copied/converted. TQRespec is unable to access the savegames directly on mobile, so you will always have to copy from mobile and copy again to device when finished. The savegame directory can be copied from Android device to savedata directory in the same directory as TQRespec.exe, the structure is like this:

TQRespec/app TQRespec/runtime TQRespec/savedata/__save1 TQRespec/savedata/_CharacterFromWindowsVersion TQRespec/TQRespec.exe

The characters are normally stored at Android/data/com.hg.titanquestedition/files/Preferences/SaveData/Main. The name of each savegame is "__save" and followed by a number, this number is the saveId.

IMPORTANT: The game files (database and text) are ALWAYS needed. See above "Running without the game installed" to know where to copy the files. At this moment, the Android version is compatible with PC version. While (AT THIS MOMENT) there's no problem using a database from one platform on a savegame from another, we don't know when the compatibility will break. So is recommended to use Android database/text with Android savegame, and Windows database/text with Windows savegame. TQRespec will not block using PC files with mobile savegame, but will alert. And will block the usage of mobile database with PC savegames. The stash (additional storage) will not be supported, conversion and copy of mobile savegames completely ignores the stash. All items stored in the character are kept.

The old mobile version of the game will not be supported.

IOS support
The IOS version of the game is untested and unsupported at this time. If you want to use with IOS, open an issue and contribute testing, sending logs and feedback.

New tests shows IOS version of the game works the same way as Android.

102 件のコメント
Moxiboy 2022年12月25日 12時03分 
To continue with previous message...

Caused by: br.com.pinter.tqrespec.core.UnhandledRuntimeException : java.io.IOException: Can't read Player.chr from player Harbinger

Caused by: java.io.IOException: Can't read Player.chr from player Harbinger
Stepan11pz 2022年10月7日 13時15分 
Thank you so much!
EPinter  [作成者] 2022年5月3日 18時02分 
Sorry, I didn't play latest version of Titan Quest yet, so I still don't know about electrum :). And I didn't know about the save changes. Thanks for telling me. Could you send me a Player.chr so I can try to fix the problem ? Can you try to open an issue on github and post the file there ?
Immortal2563 2022年5月2日 22時43分 
@EPinter: Your program does not work with last patch. Maybe elctrum(alt money) is a problem.
EPinter  [作成者] 2022年5月2日 21時01分 

I'm not aware of any problem, no issues was reported. Maybe you posted your message in the wrong place ? Electrum ? I don't know what you talking about...
Immortal2563 2022年5月1日 23時15分 
Can you improve your application for the last patch? It is impossible to load any character. As someone from the community has suggested, the problem could be electrum.
Doozle 2022年3月23日 18時12分 
Wow I am so stupid. You have to copy the files into the game directory! I retract my previous complaint. This program is great! Thank you!
Doozle 2022年3月23日 18時08分 
Program won't start, even after following instructions to copy gamedata files from install directory.