Killing Floor

Killing Floor

827 ratings
How to fix technical problems, perk issues, achievement issues
By Bigguns 93 and 1 collaborators
Short guide on how to fix 90% of the technical issues with Killng Floor and where to find the help with the other 10%
How to fix 90% of your problems - SECTION 1
Try each of the fixes 1 - 6 listed below. You can also check the Guide Index on the far right side to jump to your specific problem (i.e. Linux fix for Open GL as an example)

FIX #1
Most issues, like achievements not working , killing floor not starting, or perks not working can be fixed by doing these simple things
- turn off killing floor
- turn off steam (exit steam and make sure it is not running)
- turn steam back on
- verify the game cache for killing floor
- turn killing floor on and check now

FIX #2
How to verify the game cache
Right click on Killing Floor in your steam library, then select properties. Navigate to the "local files" tab and choose verify integrity of game cache.

FIX #3
How to delete Killing Floor System Folder
If it still didnt work you might need to delete the killing floor.ini file and the user.ini . Just delete the entire Killing Floor System folder which has both of those files. Veryifying your game cache, after you have deleted the System folder will automatically rebuild your system folder with all the latest updates and synch.

Location of the system folder is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System

Library/Application Support/Killing Floor/System <-- where the .ini files are

On Linux, it's in your home directory ~/.killingfloor/System

FIX #4
How to delete the Steam Client Registry Blob
Sometime the problem is Steam, not Killing Floor. If deleting and verifying the Systems folder did not work, try deleting the Steam ClientRegistry.blob and then verifying the game cache

WINDOWS - the client registry blob follow these direction.
-Completely exit from the Steam client.
-Go to C:\Program Files\Steam (or the Steam directory that was specified during installation).
-Locate ClientRegistry.blob and rename this file to ClientRegistryOld.blob.
-Restart Steam to allow the file to be recreated.

Mac OSX - - the client registry blob follow these direction
- Completely exit from the Steam client.
- Go to /Users/[Username]/Library/Application Support/Steam
- Locate ClientRegistry.blob and rename this file to ClientRegistryOld.blob.
- Restart Steam to allow the file to be recreated
Test the issue once more.

If you have deleted and reinstalled your Client Registry blob, go back and follow the steps for deleting the Killing Floor Systems folder and then verifying the game cache. The new Client Registry Blob should ensure you are now rebuilding with the latest files.

FIX #5
Windows XP / Vista / Win 7 / Win 8 fixes

A. Run Killing Floor .exe as administrator. This fixes the issue for many people
- find C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\KillingFloor\System\killingfloor.exe
- Right click on killingfloor.exe and select Run As
- Select Run As Adminitrator

B. Run Killing Floor .exe in compatibility mode. This has also fixed the issue.
- C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\KillingFloor\System\killingfloor.exe
- Right click on killingfloor.exe and select Properties
- Select Compatibility Tab
- Select appropriate compatibility mode

Always try running as administrator first. If that does not work, leave it set to run as administrator then set to compatibility mode

FIX #6
Sometimes running the game in windowed mode will allow you to play the game and get past some issues with loading, black screen, etc until you find a permanent fix

Right Click on Killing Floor in the My Games tab in Steam
Select Properties
Click Set launch options...
Type -windowed into the text box
Click Ok and then try to launch Killing Floor again

FIX #7
Refresh Your Steam Files

Do you believe that Steam's files may have been modified, corrupted, missing, or misconfigured? How can you restore Steam to its original state without having to reinstall your games?
Why you may need to refresh your Steam files:

Refreshing your Steam files can resolve many issues that can be encountered in the Steam application, store, or games. Performing this operation will ensure that there are no issues that could be resolved with a new installation of Steam, and is a good place to start any troubleshooting process.

This process will not affect your currently installed games.

Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Completely exit the Steam client.
Open the run dialogue by pressing windows key + r (you can also navigate here from the start menu by typing run).
Type steam://flushconfig then press enter. (If asked to allow this website to open a program, please click Allow or OK).
Restart your computer.
Now, launch Steam directly from the installation folder, not from a pre-existing shortcut (~C:\program files (x86)\Steam).
The Steam application will either appear as Steam or Steam.exe depending on whether your settings show file extensions.


Completely exit the Steam client.
Open Safari and type steam://flushconfig then press enter
Restart your computer.
Launch Steam and re-test the issue.


Open Terminal
Type steam --reset
You will see the following: Installing bootstrap /home/[username]/.steam/steam/bootstrap.tar.xz
Reset complete!
Restart your computer.
This should remove and download new Steam files for your Steam client.
Launch Steam and re-test the issue.

Link to official Steam Support Page

FIX #8
Some times the problem is:
- the server you were on is not updated. Try another server

- Down load from different region
If you just installed and its not working try deleting the game and downloading from a different region. Sometimes the downloads from one region might get temporarily corrupted.
First uninstall Killing Floor, then change the download server in Steam by going to > settings > downloads > download region. Next, download Killing Floor from this new region and install.

- it might be your computer. Check your firewall settings, check your antivirus, check your video drivers. If you read this and think its not the problem, it probably is. There are thousands of post of people with issues and they swear their computer works for other games, then they update their video driver or update their OS and magically it starts working. Sometimes the best way to find the problem is to eliminate everything else. Just update your video drivers , check you firewall setting, turn off your antivirus. Doing it will at least eliminate that as an issue.

FIX #9 thru #30 check the sections below.....

-. post the issue as a ticket[]

- . check the tripwire Killing floor support area []


No servers or few servers for multiplayer - SECTION 2
Fix #1
Go to killingfloor/System folder and delete steam_appid.txt.

Location of the file is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System\steam_appid.txt

Restart Steam, it will automatically put in a fixed file.

Fix #2
Another common issue is the update list can become corrupt, this is solvable by deleting the AppUpdateStats.blob file and forcing Steam to download a new and fresh copy.

•Go to C:\Program Files\Steam (or the Steam directory that was specified during installation).
•Locate AppUpdateStats.blob and delete or rename the file to AppUpdateStatsOld.blob.
•Next time you start Steam, the file will be forced to download.

Fix #3
1: Turn off Steam.

2: download MasterServers2.vdf.

3: Put it into C:\Program Files\Steam\config.

4: Rightclick MasterServers2.vdf and press properties, on the bottom of the window check the box for READ ONLY and press ok.

5: Start Steam, enjoy KF.

Fix #4
Originally posted by Agent Orange:

1) Refresh the server list
2) Alt-tab to desktop
3) Wait for 4 seconds, then alt-tab back into the game
4) You can now see plenty of servers
Alternate Method of Starting Killing Floor- SECTION 3
First thing you should do if you can't launch Killing Floor is try all the methods in the first section of this guide. If all those methods have been tried and did not work then try launching Killing Floor WITHOUT USING STEAM.

- Go to My Computer
- C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\KillingFloor\System\KillingFloor.exe (application file)
- double click on KillingFloor.exe
- this should launch Killing Floor

- Go to Library/Application Support/Killing Floor/System/ Killingfloor.exe
- double click on Killingfloor.exe
- this should launcch Killing Floor

These steps allow you to bypass going through Steam to help find the issue. If it works then the issue resides in launching through Steam. You won't be able to play multiplayer using the alternate start method, just single player, but we are using it as a test.

If Killng Floor does launch using the alternate start method, then there is an issue with Steam. The top fix for that would be deleting the Client Registry Blob which is listed in the first section/ Next would be to try to refresh your Steam files by doing a steam://flushconfig. Both deleting the client registry blob and flush config are detailed in the section above.

If those two fixes do now work, then you will need to delete Steam and reinstall steam and Killing Floor.

Error: to run Steam, you must first connect to the internet - SECTION 4
Fix #1 - run Killing Floor in administrator mode

Fix #2. The most common issues can be solved deleting the ClientRegistry.blob file and force Steam to download a new and fresh copy of it. See above / below for steps or go to

The clientregistry.blob is a file for the program Steam. The file holds your registration data for your games. If you delete it the file will be restored and you will have all of your default settings on all games installed (like your name, spray, binds, etc)
•Go to C:\Program Files\Steam (or the Steam directory that was specified during installation).
•Locate ClientRegistry.blob and delete or rename the file to ClientRegistryOld.blob.
•Next time you start Steam, the file will be forced to download.

Fix #3. Turn off Steam. Turn off your computer. Unplug your modem and your router. Plug in your modem and wait 2 minutes. Plug in your rounter and wait 2 minutes. Start your computer. Log into Steam and see if the error is resolved.

Fix #4. Another common issue is the update list can become corrupt, this is solvable by deleting the AppUpdateStats.blob file and forcing Steam to download a new and fresh copy.

•Go to C:\Program Files\Steam (or the Steam directory that was specified during installation).
•Locate AppUpdateStats.blob and delete or rename the file to AppUpdateStatsOld.blob.
•Next time you start Steam, the file will be forced to download.

Fix #5. If none of the above work, you should try to start Steam on another computer on the same network, to check for router problems.

•If Steam doesn't start on another computer on the same network, it indicates that there is a problem with the router. •Your router might need port forwarding. is a great site for tutorials on how to forward ports on a lot of routers.

•If Steam starts on another computer on the same network. It's something with your computer that's causing issue.

Fix #6. If you have a firewall, try disabling it and start Steam.
•If Steam starts your firewall might be blocking it. If you are using Windows Firewall, navigate to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Firewall\ and press the "Advanced Settings" button on the left side. Then press the "Restore Default Policy" as this image shows.
If you are using another firewall, please consult the firewalls manual to figure out how to restore the default settings.

Fix #7. Another common issue is the steamappid.txt file is corrupted. To fix
- Go to killingfloor/System folder and delete steam_appid.txt.
Location of the file is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System\steam_appid.txt

Restart Steam, it will automatically put in a fixed file.

Fix #8. Some programs may interfere with Steam and it's connectivity.
•Check your latest installed programs with Steam's list programs that might interfere.

Fix #9. Some Spyware, Adware, and Viruses also interfere with Steam.
•Scan your computer for viruses, spyware and adware with an Anti-Virus program of your chose.
If would recommend the free version of AVG, if you are in need of a Anti-Virus program.

Error message "Video: No Video" - SECTION 5
If you are getting an error message and it contains the line "Video: No Video" the

In the KillingFloor.ini configuration file, change,



NVidiaG PU=True

Alternatively, you can try deleting the killingfloor.ini file, then verifying the contents.

Run time error or Microsoft c++ visual error - SECTION 6
Are you getting this error?

Fix #1

- Delete killing floor system folder (instructions at top of the guide)
- verify game cache (instructions at top of the guide)
- restart Killing floor

Fix #2

- download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) from Microsoft (free)
- open steam
- verify Killing floor game cache (instructions at top of the guide)
- restart killing floor

Fix #3
- download and install DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from Microsoft (free)
- open steam
- verify Killing floor game cache (instructions at top of the guide)
- restart killing floor

Laptop with HD integrated graphics won't run KF fix - SECTION 7
Go into the Intel control panel and change the 3d settings from performance to balanced

To access 3D graphics settings, right-click on your windows desktop and choose graphic properties.

The Intel HD Graphics and Media Control Panel has preset options and custom settings. Click on 3D and under global settings, you will find a slider that lets you choose between Performance and Quality. Choosing performance will enhance gaming performance, but will lower 3D settings. Moving the slider toward Quality will improve 3D graphics, but may lead to slower frame rates and choppy performance. I always choose Performance over Quality to ensure a stutter-free gaming experience.

Black screen at launch - SECTION 8
First up some people are reporting flickering and a black screen on launch. Also if your system seems to be having graphical lag you will also want to try this.

To fix open up your killingfloor.ini file (located in steam/steamapps/common/killingfloor/system)



and change it to


You will also want to change your resolution to your desired. In the same ini file look for:


And change the Full Screen and windowed to your desired resolution for full screen and windowed mode.

Save the file and launch KF again.

Text unreadable or text is just dots - SECTION 9
Some possible solutions to text being dots

1. set resolution to a higher setting. Sometimes at the lowest settings it can show just dots. or

2. Change you video card settings. In the ATI CCC, change "Force AA" to "application enabled/controlled" OR in KF use "none" for AA settings.

3. change Trilinear filter

Fix for "Querying Master Server" - SECTION 10
This issue has cropped up again recently. At the moment it looks like there may be problems on Steam's end. You may be able to find servers by using the Steam server browser instead of the in-game one - to do this right-click on the Steam tray icon and click Servers, and in the Servers tab make sure that you filter by Killing Floor and click Refresh. This should bring back a server list. If it doesn't then you can almost be sure that Steam is having more fundamental issues.

Also, Steam may have wiped the master server file for some people. Try hosting a listen server from the main menu, start playing and then disconnect, and then try finding servers again. Apparently this causes the file to be created.


Also users are reporting that unchecking Dynamic Net Speed in options has fixed a connection failed issue.

Perks Reset to zero or Perks not progressing - SECTION 11
Your perk levels are stored at Tripwire Interactive, makers of Killing Floor. Even if you delete Killing Floor, you perks will always be saved. If your perks are suddenly reset to zero or get stuck, chances are there is a very temporary break in synching your computer to your Perks at TWI.

Here are three simple fixes:

Fix 1 - Restart Steam and Killing Floor
Most issues, like achievements not working , killing floor not starting, or perks not working can be fixed by doing these simple things
- turn off killing floor
- turn off steam
- turn steam back on
- verify the game cache for killing floor
- turn killing floor on and check now

Fix 2 - Verify your Killing Floor game cache
How to verify the game cache
Right click on Killing Floor in your steam library, then select properties. Navigate to the "local files" tab and choose verify integrity of game cache.

Fix 3 - After trying Fix 1 and 2 perks still not reset.
If you did 1 and 2, and are still at zero, start killing floor in solo and play for a couple of minutes. Then switch to multiplayer and play for a few minutes. Exit Killing Floor and restart, should be fixed.

Fix 4 - Delete the Killing Floor Systems folder then veryify your game cache
If you did steps 1, 2 and 3, then you can try this additional fix. After deleting KF systems folder and verifing, then follow step 3 again.
How to delete Killing Floor System Folder
If it still didnt work you might need to delete the killing floor.ini file and the user.ini . Just delete the entire Killing Floor System folder which has both of those files. Veryifying your game cache, after you have deleted the System folder will automatically rebuild your system folder with all the latest updates and synch.
Location of the system folder is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System

Fix 5 - Wait 24 to 48 hours
You are just out of synch with the Tripwire server. Should fix itself in 24 to 48 hours.

Fix 6 - Un-favorite non-whitelisted weapons
Originally posted by nightquaker:
I had an issue with perks not progressing yesterday. Usual non-whitelisted mutators and stuff (weapon by IJC somehow wasn't whitelisted). Basically, even if you disable all mutators, but have the non-whitelisted weapons favorited in the shop, it'll not progress your perks. The weapons still stay in the favorites list even if you disable their corresponding mutators. The solution is to un-favorite the weapon

Fix 7 - Host an online game and set a password.

Can not play multiplayer / Can not host listen server / Killing Floor ports - SECTION 12
The following is a list of ports used by Killing Floor. Make sure they are open in your router/firewall. (You will need these to host a listen server)

7707 UDP/IP (Game Port)
7708 UDP/IP (Query Port)
7717 UDP/IP (GameSpy Query Port)
28852 TCP/IP and UDP (Allows your Server to Connect to the Master Server Browser)
8075 TCP/IP (Port set via ListenPort that your WebAdmin will run on)
20560 UDP/IP (Steam Port)

Another setting you might have to deal with when hosting a listen server in your killingfloor.ini is:
ServerBehindNAT=False Set it to True

Go to killingfloor/System folder and delete steam_appid.txt. (This file is createed if you use the UCC file at all for compiling or decompiling mutators or content. and will cause KF to hang at the black connecting screen)
Location of the file is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System\steam_appid.txt

Handy internet tools[/url] to test if your ports are open
Port Fowarding Tester and other tools[]

Useful websites for people who do not know how to open ports on their router/firewall
How To Find You IP Address[]

Also users are reporting that unchecking Dynamic Net Speed in options has fixed a connection failed issue.

Additional can not connect to server \ can not play multiplayer - SECTION 13
If you have used Killing Floor SDK or have it installed, it creates a file that will block multiplayer server acces. Simply delete the file "steamappid.txt"

Go to killingfloor/System folder and delete steam_appid.txt.

Location of the file is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System\steam_appid.txt

Restart Steam, it will automatically put in a fixed file.

Killing Floor Slow loading / Game lag - SECTION 14
Option 1: Turn off "Reduce Mouse lag"

The option reduce mouselag reduces the mouse lag you get when you have vsync enabled, however it eats loads of cpu cycles. So if you get stuttering or bad performance or even mouselag, its worth trying to turn this off.

Option 2
turn of PreCaching
1) Find your KillingFloor.ini file located in the steam/steamapps/common/KillingFLoor/system folder (hint it looks like a notpad icon with a cog)
2) Change the values listed below:

under [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem]
Change UsePrecache=True to UsePrecache=False

and under [Engine.LevelInfo]
Change bNeverPrecache=false to bNeverPrecache=true

and under [Engine.NullRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False

and under [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False

and under [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False

and under [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False

and under [PixoDrv.PixoRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False

Option 3: for windows 7/Vista users turn off Superfetch

Superfetch is generally used to load often used programs early into your memory so when you use it, that it can be started up quicker.

Finally if you use windows 7 or windows vista and make use of SuperFetch for your memory and encounter "stuttering" it might be worth turning that off.

To turn it off press the windows start button -> in the search field type "services"
From the result list press on Services or press enter.

Look in that screen for superfetch and and double click on it to open a window
Set startup type to "Disabled" and below that click the "Stop" button.
After that press OK or Apply and close all windows.

Option 4
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System\k illingfloor.exe"
Select Properties / Compatibility Tab
Tick "Run this program in Compatibility mode for:"
Select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" in the Drop-Down Menu
Tick "Run this program as an administrator"
Click Apply
Click OK

This solution worked on 3 PC's...

1st Machine
Windows Vista Ultimate (x64)
Pentium Celeron 2.4Ghz
4GB Ram
160GB Seagate HDD

2nd Machine
Windows Vista Home Premium (x86)
AMD Athlon64 3200+ 2.8Ghz OC
2GB Ram
80GB Maxtor HDD

3rd Machine
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+ 3.1Ghz
4GB Ram
500GB Maxtor HDD

Option 5: Use the DX 9 renderer (recommended), or perhaps try the OpenGL renderer (not recommended)

On most computers the DX9 rederer performs faster and loads better than the dx8 renderer, and its only advised using the DX8 renderer if the DX9 one gives issues. The OpenGL renderer is officially not supported afaik, but on some computers it can actually give the best speeds and performance so if you have issues with performance and loading just try it out on your own risk.

If you had previously enabled the dx8 renderer you can do the opposite of this thread to put it back to dx9 or to the openGL one.

Option 6: Defragment your hard disc

Bad fragmentation of your harddisc can increase loading times and lower fps so keep your system drive and kf drive in good shape.

I personally recommend perfectdisk (their site got a free trial As they are the only company offering an offline defragmentation option with metadata defragmentation. Doing both a regular defragment as an offline defragment for the KF and Windows drives will definitely improve performance and loading speed.

If you dont wan't to try trial software you can of course use your favourite defragmentation software.

Comcast internet - KF won't work - SECTION 15
If you use Comcast for internet and use their Constant Guard, it is a known issue. Try this fix:

1. Open Constant Guard
2. Click on Options
3. Under additional Options, click on "Manage blocked programs"
4. Unblock KillingFloor.exe
5. Close Constant Guard
6. Launch Killing Floor
7. Have fun and stop cursing at KF and start cursing at Comcast!

Linux - KF won't start / open / graphic issues - SECTION 16
Fix #1
KF might have forced the game setting to Direct X. Linux will not work with Direct X, it works with Open GL.

Try this: open "properties" and then you press "set launch setting" there you type "-opengl".

Several people have reported this issue was fixed with this process.

Fix #2

edit .ini file
go to /home/myuser/.killingfloor/System/KillingFloor.ini file
change the resolution for FullscreenViewportX and FullscreenViewportY

Achievement did not work / I did not get new weapon, skin, award - SECTION 17

If you did not get an achievement or Perk it might be because:

- the server was not running a long game (map). Must be 10 waves to be long. So for instance the Bedlam map must be Hard difficulty and on 10 wave long or it doesn't count. Some achievements DO NOT require a long map (most newer achievements don't). Read the description to see if that is problem.

- you may not have done the achievement correctly. READ THE ACHIEVEMENT CAREFULLY!! Try it again

- You may have turned on a mutator if you are playing solo. If you did, the achievement won't count.

- You can not play offline and get the achievement. Even in solo you must be connected.

- If you are playing multi player the server can not be running mutator. If it is the achievement won't count. Check for mutators before joining the server.

Tips on how to get Achievements can be found at

Fix for Dwarfs Axe - Gimli that Axe achievement bug - SECTION 18
Dwarfs?! Axe + Achievement Bug Solved!
If you buy Dwarfs?! or just play Dwarfs F2P (free to play) and get the Achievement "Not A War hammer". Same steps if you don't get the Achievement and the Axe if Killing Floor:

Step 1:
Go to your Steam Profile

Step 2:
Click on "Edit My Profile"

Step 3:
Click on Settings

Step 4:
Set your Profile Status and Inventory to Public

Now start Killing Floor, go in any Match (Solo or Multiplayer it's the same)
You now should have the Achievement "Gimli that Axe" and buy the Axe.

If it still does not work you can try fixes for deleting your system folder and client registry blob listed in the first section.

This fix was posted by Selurio

Additional achievement help


Due to recent changes in how Steam works and can read profiles, this is
no longer possible to achieve.
Delete SDK to fix Killing Floor won't launch or closes - SECTION 19
People have reported deleting Killing Floor SDK has helped them. You do not need SDK to play KF so deleting it is not a problem.

To try this fix do these steps:
=go to steam game libary
=change the "All Games" dropdown to "Tools" (above your game list)
=right click on SDK and select deleat

Map Achivement not working for Bedlam, Wyre, Foundy and a few others - SECTION 20
Originally Posted by [TW]Dan
Hi all, there's an issue in the current live build that's causing the achievements to be incorrectly earned when completing earlier maps. To prevent this I've turned off the offending achievements, as we won't be able to fix the issue without doing a new build (the fix will come in the rollback).

I've already posted the details on another thread, so if you've seen it you can stop here, as I'm just repeating them.

The following maps have had their map-completion achievement disabled during the difficulties-Hard, Suicidal, Hell on Earth: West London, Manor, Farm, Office, Biotics Labs. Normal is still fine.

The following maps have had their map-completion achievement disabled only on Hell on Earth:Bedlam , Wyre, Foundry. Other difficulties should be unaffected.

My apologies if this happens to effect your achievement earning, but I'd say it's better than earning the wrong achievement.

Still broken with no date on when the fix will come.

Additional achievement help

Thompson Router isssue, other connection issues - SECTION 21
Thompson router fix[]

1.Odds are your router/firewall is blocking Killing Floor connections. You might need to open some of or all of the ports listed here: try

2.Also users are reporting that unchecking Dynamic Net Speed in options has fixed a connection failed issue.-(No servers appear in MP also after unticking under options)

3.You've had your game update but you still don't see servers or have connection issues?

Try going to your killingfloor/system folder and deleting the entire system folder and letting steam regenerate it from the new build. Some configuration settings might not have been reset which are keeping you from receiving changes in the update-(No servers appear in MP after deleteing the system folder and reverifying the game cache under properties)

4.You might want to switch the following setting in your killingfloor.ini:
To: =True
(-(No servers appear in MP

BT Home Hub Users problem Killing Floor - SECTION 22
We've been picking up on a small number of people having issues trying to play KF while using one version or another of the BT Home Hub in the UK. With a little (alright, rather a lot of) digging, we've discovered that BT does appear to have some issues with the Home Hub and multi-player/online gaming (their forums mention everything from L4D to WoW). It seems to be very intermittent and only affects "some" users. They also tend to point people at some internals for the hub to do with port forwarding. See this link:

Obviously there is no easy way for us to test this out... We aren't even sure if it is relevant, but it does seem to clear the problems for some people. For details of port forwarding for KF, see this thread on these forums:

If someone would like to try it out and report back, that may help. Please follow the BT instructions carefully and do NOT screw up your Hub!

In general, if you have had issues with a BT Home Hub, we need YOU to contact BT Support, as we can't because we aren't customers.

Port Forwarding Killing Floor on the Netgear - SECTION 23
Original thread with directions and screen shots is at

What is Port Forwarding?[]

To setup port forwarding on this router your computer needs to have a static ip address.
Try our free PF Setup Static IP Address Program which will setup a static ip address for you.

Or you can take alook at our Static IP Address guide to setup a static ip address. When you are finished setting up a static ip address, please come back to this page and enter the ip address you setup in the Static IP Address box below.
Do not skip this step!

Open a web browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox. Enter the internal IP address of your router in the address bar of your browser. If you do not know your routers internal IP address please read our How To Find Your Routers IP Address guide.

In the picture above the address bar has in it. Just replace all of that with the internal IP address of your router. By default the IP address should be set to

You should see a box prompting you for your username and password. Enter your username and password now. By default the username is admin, and the password is password. Click the Ok button to log in to your router.

Please visit our Default Router Passwords page if the username and password shown above did not work for you.

Click the Port Forwarding link near the left of the page.

Click the Add Custom Service button near the center of the page.

How to change to Direct X 8 mode by ini file - SECTION 24
To fix open up your killingfloor.ini file (located in steam/steamapps/common/killingfloor/system)



and change it to read as


Save the .ini and relaunch the game.

Mac or Microsoft - start in windowed mode - SECTION 25
Right Click on Killing Floor in the My Games tab in Steam
Select Properties
Click Set launch options...
Type -windowed into the text box
Click Ok and then try to launch Killing Floor again

Version mismatch errors - SECTION 26
This is either because the server has a mod you don't have, you have a mod the server doesn't, the server is outdated or you are outdated. Verify your game cache. Remember that things such as Audio Mods and Trader Mods will not trigger Perks to stop working, but some of them will cause version mismatches if they replace certain files. Most of them will require you to download the original packages from the server you're connecting to. Let it do that once, and you should be able to keep your mods and still connect to servers. At least, until the Cache is cleared after 30 days. You can change the amount of days before the cache is cleared by changing PurgeCacheDays in KillingFloor.ini.

Unknown Steam Error is preventing access to the server! - SECTION 27
this is because of the way Unreal Engine works. Killing Floor will try to remember the password so you won't have to input it again next time. However, the perk system and Steam connectivity in KF is kind of a hackjob, which means that Steam can't initialize properly this way. To fix it temporarily, you can search for SavedPasswords in KillingFloor.ini and remove those lines, or the server in question can change passwords. For a permanent fix, you'll have to make your KillingFloor.ini Read-Only, which means that most of the options you change after that will not save.

An Unknown Steam Error prevented access to my perks? - SECTION 28
The server is not allowed to have any mutators activated (And some mutators aren't even allowed to be installed) which are blacklisted. None of the official mutators, apart from No Trader and No Karma Decorations, is whitelisted or even greylisted. So don't even try. The Mutator Whitelist can be found here.

Additional fixes from the Tripwire tech forum - SECTION 29
Read the list of fixes in this thread on Tripwire[]

TWI tech forum[]

How to run in windowed mode - SECTION 30
Right Click on Killing Floor in the My Games tab in Steam
Select Properties
Click Set launch options...
Type -windowed into the text box
Click Ok and then try to launch Killing Floor again

alt+enter is a hotkey for windows that makes a program switch between fullscreen and windowed.
(source: Immortal Nub)

Can't join friends game in multiplayer - SECTION 31
The friends tab doens't work properly. When a friend is in a game and you get the "Server is not responding"- message, then:
-Copy the IP number that you see of that server. ( you see it on the "Server is not responding"-window.
-Enter multiplayer and Internet games tab.
-Right click and choose open IP
-paste the IP and press OK.

Default character won't change / won't save change - SECTION 32
There is a known issue that this is a problem for DAR, Robot Chicken, and some others. There is no patch from Tripwire as of today. I will update as soon as there is a patch. Below are two fixes that have worked for many people, but not everyone:

Fix 1

The Unreal engine will not write to the ini file while in a multiplayer game. If you start Killing Floor, go into Profile and Achievements and select the default character you want (Robot Chicken, DAR, etc), save, then close Killing floor without ever going into multiplayr, close steam, then start steam, start Killing Floor it is supposed to work.

Its important not to go into multiplayer before changing the settings, and not to play Killing Floor after changing the settings. You have to turn off killing floor and steam, then restart.

Fix 2

Change the default character in your Killing Floor user ini file, First turn off Killing Floor and Steam. Then go to
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System\User

File will open as a text file. It will start off like this

Where it says Character= put the name of the skin you want to be your default skin. Close and save the file.

Nothing worked - what do I do now? - SECTION 33
Create a post asking for help in the Discussions as well as on the Tripwire Technical support area.

List your specific problem, computer specs, operating system, video card and driver. Copy and paste your killing floor log fille, its the only text file in the Killing Floor System folder (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\System). List each of the fixes you have already tried to help eliminate certain issues and so you won't have people repeating fixes several times that you already tried.

Sometimes it is the little things like updating your video driver or unsubscribing from all the mods in the Workshop. Don't skip those steps, it may be the fix you need or it may just eliminate that as a possibility.

Killing Floor official manual - free - SECTION 34
You already have it, you just don't know it. This is the location
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\Help

Killing Floor Game Manual[]

There is also a quick start guide in the same folder


MAC fixes - SECTION 35

FIX #1
- turn off killing floor
- turn off steam (exit steam and make sure it is not running)
- turn steam back on
- verify the game cache for killing floor
- turn killing floor on and check now

FIX #2
How to verify the game cache
Right click on Killing Floor in your steam library, then select properties. Navigate to the "local files" tab and choose verify integrity of game cache.

FIX #3
- Right Click Killing Floor in Steam>Properties>turn off Steam Community

FIX #4
How to delete Killing Floor System Folder
If it still didnt work you might need to delete the killing floor.ini file and the user.ini . Just delete the entire Killing Floor System folder which has both of those files. Veryifying your game cache, after you have deleted the System folder will automatically rebuild your system folder with all the latest updates and synch.

Library/Application Support/Killing Floor/System <-- where the .ini files are

FIX #5
How to delete the Steam Client Registry Blob
Sometime the problem is Steam, not Killing Floor. If deleting and verifying the Systems folder did not work, try deleting the Steam ClientRegistry.blob and then verifying the game cache

Mac OSX - - the client registry blob follow these direction
- Completely exit from the Steam client.
- Go to /Users/[Username]/Library/Application Support/Steam
- Locate ClientRegistry.blob and rename this file to ClientRegistryOld.blob.
- Restart Steam to allow the file to be recreated
Test the issue once more.

If you have deleted and reinstalled your Client Registry blob, go back and follow the steps for deleting the Killing Floor Systems folder and then verifying the game cache. The new Client Registry Blob should ensure you are now rebuilding with the latest files.

FIX #6
Sometimes running the game in windowed mode will allow you to play the game and get past some issues with loading, black screen, etc until you find a permanent fix

Right Click on Killing Floor in the My Games tab in Steam
Select Properties
Click Set launch options...
Type -windowed into the text box
Click Ok and then try to launch Killing Floor again

FIX #7
Solution for Mac

To fix this error use the following steps:

Exit Steam
Navigate to Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Steam by default.)
Delete everything in that directory
Launch from your Dock or Applications folder

FIX #8
Mac Driver Updates
How do I update my drivers on my Mac?
Apple handles all system and driver updates for your system.
To check if any updates are available please do the following:
Click on the Apple in the upper left corner of the screen
Select "Software Update..."
Any updates available will be listed and able to be downloaded or you will be told your software is up to date
NOTE: It is recommended that you always keep your system up to date
Something to think about while looking for a fix - SECTION 36
Something to think about while looking for a fix
Perks will not progress - progress resetting / won't save - SECTION 37
You are playing and you get your perk to level 3 ( or any level / progress). You start a new game and you are back to level 2. What happened?


- you are not online, even when playing solo you must be online

- you can not be in third person, must be in first person

- you use sandbox mode

- you use a grey listed mod

- you are on a server using a grey listed mod

- you turn on cheats in solo mode

- you are playing swarm mode or toy box

- you downloaded a custom map or workshop mod that affected perks

1. Don't do any of the stuff listed above
2. Follow these steps EXACTLY in order. Directions are at the top of the guide
- unsubscribe from workshop mods
- delete steamappid.txt file
- delete appsupdate.blob file
- delete killing floor system folder
- delete killing floor maps folder
- set killing floor to run as administrator
- set steam to run as administrator
- set steam to run in compatibility mode for MS XP
- delete steam cliientregistry.blob file
- restart steam
- refresh steam (steam://flushconfig)
- verify game cache for Killing Floor
- start killing floor in solo mode vanilla ( no mods, no cheats, no custom maps, no sandbox)
- play one full round in solo mode, can be any length any difficulty
- turn off Killing floor, turn off steam, restart steam, restart killing floor
- play killing floor on multiplayer vanilla server ( no mods, no cheats, no custom maps, no sandbox)

Linux perks not progressing - SECTION 38

rm -rf ~/.killingfloor

Then re-launch the game, then set all the options up again from scratch. You'll lose your key bindings, resolution, sound settings, skin settings, etc. You won't lose your character's XP progression.

If this did not fix it, go to the post above this one and follow EVERY STEP IN ORDER.
Windows 10 fix - SECTION 39
Fix #1:
a Windows 10 fix

C: > Program Files > Steam > steamapps > common > KillingFloor > System > right click KillingFloor.exe and select Properties

check "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"

( this fix is credited to azn_ninja's guide )

Fix #2:
Originally posted by Rausku:
Changing renderer worked.


The second fix was a situation where a player upgraded hardware from a GTX 970 to an RTX 2080 in addition to changing from windows 7 to windows 10.
ZED MKI not unlocking after getting achivement - SECTION 40
Try setting your steam profile to public, run Killing Floor, then set your profile to private again.
Killing Floor Disables Windows Gamma - SECTION 41
Run the game in windowed mode.

Alternatively, you can adjust your setting with the Nvidia control panel.
Discord Overlay - SECTION 42
The discord overlay might prevent you from starting Killing Floor. If you use the discord overlay, just go to your discord settings, and disable the overlay.
Rubberbanding Zeds in low ping servers - SECTION 43
Make sure you have exhausted all other options before doing this because I have no idea how to change this back. - Immortal Nub

Go to console and type "netspeed 30000" without the quotes.
Did you not find the fix you were looking for?
If you have been unable to find a solution, please start a new thread in the discussion forum, and post the link in this comment section. It makes these issues much easier to manage, and more people in the community can chime in as well.
Homer Feb 16 @ 8:03am 
Anybody knows how to fix it? I have tried running the game as an administrator and in windows 7 compatibility mode, disabled Steam overlay and verified file integrity. The game still keeps crashing sometimes.
It never crashes in the middle of a game, it always crashes on the beginning or the end of a match.
Homer Feb 16 @ 8:03am 
History: UTexture::Update <- FD3D9RenderInterface::HandleCombinedMaterial <- FD3D9RenderInterface::SetSimpleMaterial <- FD3D9RenderInterface::SetMaterial <- FCanvasUtil::Flush <- UCanvas::DrawTile <- UCanvas::DrawTileStretched <- UCanvas::execDrawTileStretched <- (LobbyMenu Package.LobbyMenu @ Function KFGUI.LobbyMenu.DrawPerk : 040F) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (LobbyMenu Package.LobbyMenu, Function KFGUI.LobbyMenu.DrawPerk) <- UObject::ProcessDelegate <- GUIPage::Draw <- (LobbyMenu Package.LobbyMenu) <- GUIController::NativePostRender <- UInteractionMaster::MasterProcessPostRender <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine::Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- Level KF-WestLondon <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 726F6F6C 0 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 0*2 <- FMallocWindows::Free
Ave, True To Caesar! Sep 9, 2024 @ 9:13am 
{ST}Immortal Nub  [author] Sep 6, 2024 @ 2:03pm 
No, you will just have to select DAR every game.
Ave, True To Caesar! Sep 6, 2024 @ 2:31am 
@{ST}Immortal Nub
My bad, I should have written: I did everything suggested in this post, and other post, and section 32. It did not work. Any further help or ideas? Did you make it work for yourself somehow?
{ST}Immortal Nub  [author] Sep 5, 2024 @ 7:13pm 
Ave, True To Caesar!

Ave, True To Caesar! Sep 5, 2024 @ 2:33pm 
Can not select DAR as default character, tried EVERYTHING. Could anybody help? Maybe someone with simillar experience?
zang May 19, 2024 @ 11:27am 
For some reason, the game's gamma, contrast, and brightness settings simply don't work in Windowed mode? They bars are locked and cant be moved, and they have no effect. They only take effect and make the game as bright as I set it when in Fullscreen. I'd like to play in Borderless mode but I just cant because it's too dark and I cant brighten it up at all.
Heshynver Mar 31, 2024 @ 8:02am 
Anyway, this was a great guide, good job.
Bigguns 93  [author] Mar 30, 2024 @ 9:09pm 
A mediocre attempt at a play on Imagine Dragon

I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals
I'm breaking in, shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bus