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A Grandmasters Guide to Puppets
Por Never
This is a Detailed Guide to Training, Ranking, taking care of your puppets, Combos and other general things on how to get you and your puppet to win time and time again.
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Puppets and You

This Section Will Cover Basic Info on Charater Movement and Puppet Movement. Along With Some additional Info.

As Most of you Will Find out puppeteering isnt as easy as it looks when it comes down to movement and positioning as you can Grab Aggro onto your self pretty easily. Heres Some Tips in how to Prevent that

  • First and Biggest thing is you can move your Character Seperatly from your puppet By Pressing Left shift and holding it
  • Always Try To Keep your Puppet Between you and the mob
  • Enemys Will Lose Aggro and go back to walking around when they have aggro on your Puppet and you desummon
  • Bounus Tips: Puppets Wounds Will Heal if you desummon them
  • When Enemy Bosses use life drain on you or your puppet you can make them cancel thier skill by desummoning your puppet
  • When Targeted By a blinker Try to get it to aggro your puppet. Detach From your puppet and use ranged or melee attacks to kill it without getting harmed. Dont Desummon Your puppet though or the blinkers Beam Will move Onto you.

Always Remember Your Puppet is there to protect you and do damage for you Even if it Gets Knocked out all it needs is a bit of TLC to get up and fighting for you again.(Basicly Best Meat Shield in game ;D. er Wood and Metal)
Skills and What do they Do (Not just Damage)

  • Wire Pull: uses Strings From Your Bars to wrap around and pull Enemys Towards you Damaging Them
  • Puppets Snare: Wraps Strings Around The Enemy ( Not all Enemys can be Snared ) and does Damage over time durring the snare doing a small chunk of damage at the end of the skill
  • Pierrot Marionette: One of the 2 Summonable Puppets that fight along side you ( Resembles a Little Girl
  • Colossus Marionette: One of the 2 Summonable Puppets that fight along side you ( Resembles an Armoured Knight )
  • Control Marionette : Increases Damage and Critcal Rate of your puppets also reduces Cool Downs of the puppet skills
  • Act 1 Inciting Incident : Slams your Puppet into the enemy knocking them back
  • Act 2 Threshhold Cutter : Hits the enemy 3 times The first 2 hits doing the same damage and the last being the strongest
  • Act 4 Rising Action: Huge Aoe attack centerd on your character knocks back/Down Enemys. Does Good Damage
  • Act 6 Crisis : Pulls enemys in towards your puppet knocking them on the ground stunning them(making them temporarily invulnerable but good for setting up attacks)
  • Act 7 Climactic Crash: The Bread and butter of the Puppeteer Charges Your puppet forward dealing massive aoe damage in a line.(capable of hitting the same enemy multiple times!)
  • Act 9 Invigorating Encore: Does a Small aoe burst of damage when first activated Boosts damage of your puppet and decreases Cooldowns of the puppet skills when activated(And adds its own mini ai to the puppet. For when you get too lazy to kill things)
Ranking Priorities For The New Puppeteer
This Section Will Be Just a Short Blerb for Puppeteers Who need a little help Starting off deciding what to rank. I will List The Relevant Skills that i think are the most important to have and rank

Starting off with this little makeshift List of Importance and the reasoning behind it

Control Marionette>A Puppet of Your Choosing> Threshhold Cutter> Rising Action> Inciting Incident>Climactic Crash> Crisis and then Invigorating Encore

Control Marionette: Rank this Whenever you can Since it boosts your overall Damage with puppets

Pick a puppet you use most often: Try to Get this to rank 5 as soon as you can. The reason being so that it is more durable and gets knocked out way less(Also Does more Damage)

Threshold Cutter: Rank Whenever Possible This will Do almost all of your Single Target Damage

Rising Action: Rank Whenever you can. Great for keeping enemys off of you and knocking them away for an inciting incident

Inciting Incident: R1 This Last but its good to have for the stun and charge. I Reccomend getting it to R9 and leaving it there untill you feel like your other skills are good enough

Climactic Crash: Rank When you can afford it This will be your main source of damage when you are close to R1ing Every Skill. Its your bread and butter in Elites and Lord Missions.

Crisis and Invigorating encore: Rank these whenever you have the spare ap after you finish with most of your skills. They Dont add anything Significant to your kit at higher ranks with the exception of crisis's Pull range getting bigger try getting atleast rank f of these.

Notice i Dident Add Any of the wirepulls or snares. I dont really Find any use for those skills outside of PvP. Your Puppets will be doing all the muscle Work.
Optimal Skill Training Locations For the Various Skills
While Most of The Skills you can Train Just from normal combat theres better and faster ways.

When in Doubt Racoons. Yep its easy as that The Racoons in Dugald Lumber Camp are the easiest way to Train almost all of your puppet skills since there is no Cp Requirement for most of them. For the skills That require Similar ranked or Strongs etc. Use Shadow Missions on various Difficultys to get the cp you need. For Skills That Require you To Kill or hit a large number of enemys i use. Other Alchemists(The First Room)-Mosty for Rising Action- and for Crisis where it requires a Large Pull of alot of enemys use Shadow Cast City and its Boss(Works Very Well in training Climactic Crash as well)
Some Puppetry Combos
Extra Things/Reccomendations and How To Contact Me
How To Repair Broken Puppets: You repair Broken Puppets by Using repair kits you can buy from the puppet shop in emain or handicraft.

To heal Damaged Puppets you can use marionete potions(Found at almost every healer) or Cloud pets. I really Reccomend Owning 1-2 Cloud Pets. Cloud Pets Heal a Huge Chunk of you and your puppets hp, Speed up Stamina and mana regen, add defence and protection for a short while when summoned and make great mounts both fast in land and air.

To Contact Me about Suggestions or Errors in the Guide Send Me a Steam Message and I Will Either fix it or try to add your Suggestion to the guide.

To Contact Me In game Heres my info

IGN: Aikasensei
Server: Ruari

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18 comentários
GtxTrillihin 29 jul. 2020 às 23:05 
@Kanye North you mean the puppeteer skills? summon dolls? Equip a control bar, you can buy it from Huey in Emain Macha and do the puppeteer quest. Use this wiki to help
Raymomen 8 jun. 2020 às 15:39 
But how do I get the basic summon and such?
Eragonwesker 24 jun. 2019 às 20:11 
@Salty Sis' 4U There is a quest line if I remember correctly to go through and gain said skills. Try checking your quest logs, it might be there.
Take this with a grain of salt though, I only touched it enough to grab the skills. If not, consult the puppeteer wiki:
Salty Sis' 4U 13 nov. 2018 às 12:50 
I became a puppeteer and equipped my cross, but I don't have the ability to learn anything other than two wire skills. Not even Control or puppet. Defuq? How do I fix this?
Dubious Dogious 17 out. 2018 às 16:53 
fish 11 jan. 2017 às 10:06 
i wanted to friend you as a fellow puppeteer but i am in the server tarlarch :steamsad:
Jayrassic 20 jun. 2014 às 6:02 
eeer. Using Crisis in Lord's and Elites, And Especially in MA end game is. legit god. yes it makes everything untouchable for that 2-3 seconds but. if you Grab Everything. they cant touch any of it. which allows eveyone to move in and set up a better combo. from a sudden 5 man Windmill. to thunder's flying in, shooting rush blazing over. all of the Aoe's from the whole team, allowing 100% faster clear and RIGHT After the invunerable Fades if everyone dishes out their hits instantly, the mobs are still 100% hit factor'd and still wont displace, which allows for AOE Holding pets like a ice dragon or Scooter too freeze then for a 2nd dose of everyone's AOE (if you have it) which again. allows for even better and more potential clear.Using Climatic as a opener displaces everying around and forces everyone to spread out and try to take things on 1v1.
(:giftbox:Also Climatic crash is a mobbing skill and will always have a fixed 30% crit rate Just like windmill)
Never  [autor] 20 jun. 2014 às 1:42 
Yes but considdering in higher rank missions enemys will kill your puppet very quickly so the def/prot boost dosent really matter when you are switching puppets often. Its just a playstyle that i use in combat. Plus this guide was made when i was endgame doing lord missions. Crysis Causes mobs to be invulnerable for a certain amount of time afterwards causing all your partymembers attacks to be moot. Since in lord its not just you anymore you have to considder everyone else. But by all means if you prefer to solo everything and dont worry about dungeon efficency then use crisis! Its a great way to group up mobs for several combos that are used in soloing. Otherwise you will be using climatic charge about 90% of the time for your oppener (Considdering if you have confidence in your crit rate) it will demolish your enemys witch then can be finnished off with rising action or theshhold cutter etc.
Jayrassic 16 set. 2013 às 18:18 
eeeeh, i beg to Differ greatly on the Crisis being one of a last things. or atleast if you're using the skill set in anything about int missions or that. it just... it should be your starter to everythiing. ranking it boosts the range. the Def/prot buff it gives your puppet and the invoke length it instills
Never  [autor] 19 jul. 2013 às 7:27 
But Monster Hunter :<