

95 ratings
Signs may be helping you more than you realise.
Additional hints to go along with the signs found within the game in order to help you solve the puzzles without completely holding your hand.
Before you begin reading, have you:

1) Been stuck for longer than just 2 minutes before coming here
2) Read nearby signs for hints
3) Read the title of the room you are in to use as a hint

If you have not done these then I suggest you go back and give it some more time.
If you have done all these and have truly lost all hope, then you can move on.


Welcome to my "guide" for Antichamber. As a preface, I recommend you use these hints as a last case scenario and really attempt to solve the challenges in the game on your own. I am strongly opposed to creating complete walkthroughs of puzzle games as it defeats the whole purpose of the game. You are suppose to struggle through parts in order to feel the reward of overcoming a difficult challenge. However, I do recognize that Antichamber is quite strange and purposefully does not hold your hand when it comes to figuring out game mechanics.

This is not a guide to finding all the signs.
Turn_on_a_Dime's Image Guide
Is a great guide for finding them though what it really comes down to is completing the map.

The goal of these hints is to help guide you in a direction that will hopefully lead you to finding an answer for specific puzzles/rooms. Since the game is fairly nonlinear, I figured linking the hints to each sign would add some clarity to the area they are located in. That being said, the order that the signs appear rely heavily upon the paths you take.

Antichamber is an incredible game that really has to be experienced on your own so even if my extra hints don't immediately provide epiphanies, give it some more thought before rushing over to youtube to find a walkthrough.

Simply stated, if you are going to use video walkthroughs for this game, you should have saved yourself the $15 and watched someone else play it.

The Order the Signs Appear

After playing through the game multiple times, I have found the game will "guide" you somewhat through a linear path that only requires going back to the map only a couple times (you may notice arrows popping up occasionally). This is the order that the signs appear in this guide. Thus, many signs that are off this path will be included at the end of the guide.

Using this guide

CTRL+F to find the sign you are looking for.

If there is spoiler, I consider that a strong hint that you should wait to view.

Also, there is quite a bit of backtracking in the game but will typically be gun-specific so make sure you are in the correct section.

If there is an underlined portion, that will be in reference to the specific area near the sign for clarity.

Sometimes the sign following a puzzle gives a better hint as to how the puzzle should be done. If you're are stuck, even with the current hints, look at the sign before and after.
Warning: Doing this does spoil a few of the puzzles.

Many signs do not have hints and that is for good reason.
No gun
Failing to succeed does not mean failing to progress.
  • There will be times in the game where you will be expected to first fail.

Some paths are clearer than others.

A choice may be as simple as going left or going right.
  • Are those your only choices?

The choice doesn't matter if the outcome is the same.

When you return to where you have been, things aren't always as remembered.

Some choices leave us running around a lot without really getting anywhere.
  • Use the map to know if you are at a dead end.

Taking the first step can be harder than the rest of the challenge.

We often fall into things when we least expect.

Dig a little deeper and you may find something new

What appears impossible may have a very simple answer.

How we perceive a problem can change every time we see it.

A few steps backwards may keep you moving forwards.

A window of opportunity can lead to new places if you are willing to take a closer look.

Look a little harder and you will find a way forward.

Venturing into the unknown can lead to great rewards.

The end may come before we were ready to get there.

Life isn't about getting to the end.

At times we need to view the world from someone else's perspective.

Blue Gun

Try hard enough and you will get to where you want to be.
  • Where is the blue cube before you grab it? How can it be used to get you through the door?

Some doors will close unless we hold them open.

It's harder to progress if you're leaving things behind.
  • You won't be able to get through with just one cube.
  • Your gun can store more than one cube at a time.

There are multiple ways to approach a situation.

A path may not be right or wrong. It may just be different.

Too much curiosity can get the best of us.

When you've hit rock bottom, the only way is up.

Signs may be helping you more than you realise.

Some hurdles are too high to jump over.

How we perceive a problem can change everytime we see it.
  • How we can perceive a problem can change as we see it.

The solution to a problem may just require a more thorough look at it.

Rushing through a problem won't always give the right results.
  • Noticed all the keys that you can use for movement.

Moving through a problem slower may help find the solution.
  • A red laser cannot be blocked from just one end.

The right answers may also be the most obvious ones.
  • Cubes taken in will change to whatever color your gun is.
  • Lasers are not color specific.

Sometimes we only have just enough to get by.
  • The colors used in an area will sometimes serve a purpose.

Similar problems can have entirely different solutions.

Going a certain way may require building your own path.
  • The more force you apply to a spring, the lower it will go.

Old skills are useful even after we have learned new ones.

If you aren't paying attention, you will miss everything around you.
  • The spring box must be held back in order for you to get on the platform.

To get past a problem, you may just need to keep pushing through it.

Getting where we want may require jumping through some hoops.
  • Or maybe jumping off some hoops.

Throwing yourself into things can take you to new heights.
  • Throwing yourself off of things can take you to new heights.

What we've done before may impact what we can do next.
  • One of the two spaces at the end already has a cube.

If you're only focusing on right now, you won't have enough for later.

At this point the game becomes a lot less linear.
  • Use the map to find areas that have other paths.
  • I find that when I'm lost, going back to the start helps.

Patience has its own rewards.
  • One cube has to hold the door open.
  • All the lasers intersect at one point.
  • A cube will stand freely in space even if you remove connecting cubes.

There's nothing wrong with taking shortcuts.
Green Gun

You can now hold down right click to pick up blocks.

Some tasks require a lot of care and observation.
  • Removing certain cubes will sometimes destroy other connected ones.
  • Try and figure out what causes this.

Mastering a skill requires practice.

New skills enable further progress.

Half way through is half way finished.

Some problems just come down to size.
  • You can now remove cubes faster using the green gun.
  • Squares using the green gun gives a different result than the blue.

When what you have is not enough, find ways to turn it into more.

  • You need to time all the ends to disappear at the same time.
  • The top is 10 blocks, right is 17, left is 14, bottom is 12. Try to create an intersection that accounts for these differences.

With forethought, things have a way of just working themselves out.

The world looks different on the other side.
Laser puzzle
  • You do not have enough cubes to block the lasers.

Getting to a solution requires cutting out what doesn't work.
  • Check the title of the area (in case you didn't read the top of this guide).
  • How can you create a "fuse" to remove each cube in a timed order? This requires undertanding the mechanics behind what you should've figured out at "Some tasks require a lot of care and observation."

The right decisions at the right time will get you where you want to go.

Yellow Gun

The further we explore, the more connected everything becomes.

A little kind direction can get obstacles out of your way.
  • Yellow blocks can't simply be removed quickly.
  • Using the middle mouse click, you can drag a connected chain of cubes.
  • This includes moving cubes behind glass.

A problem may only be difficult when you are missing the right tools.

Some obstacles are more stubborn than others.

Understanding a problem requires filling in the pieces.
  • This type of particle field does not allow you to hold cubes. How else can you get cubes through the field?
  • This particle field allows cubes to exist in it but not be held.

If you lead the way, others will follow.

Rushing through a problem won't always give the right results.
  • The cubes are automatically replaced when you remove them. How can you use this to your advantage?
  • Move a chain onto a laser, delete the cube that is directly on the laser, and then move the chain before it reappears.

Splitting a problem up may help you find the answer.

A dead end will only stop you if you don't try to move through it.
  • The cubes spelling FLY? are replaced meaning an infinite amount of cubes to use for what?

Building a bridge can get you over a problem.

The problem may not be where you're going, but how to get there.

Connecting the pieces can solve a puzzle.
  • The cube inside the field is yellow.
  • You are unable to jump up to the big box by yourself.
Just a Bit Shy
  • You will need more cubes to hit all the lasers.
  • Form one long chain first and control it using one cube.
  • You will need to make more cubes 3 times (doing it 4 times makes the task more difficult).

Old solutions can apply to new problems.

Dig a little deeper and you may find something new.
  • You have already done this puzzle before, except this time there is no floor. How can you walk through the field without a floor?

Sometimes you need to be carried.

Straightforward problems can often require roundabout solutions.
  • You cannot land inside the box.
  • There is a window pane on the ceiling (stating the obvious).

Attention to detail can lead to very rewarding outcomes.
  • Attention to detail in the room.
  • Staircases and elevators are good ways of going up.

Life is full of ups and downs.
  • This isn't a dead end.
  • You might have to redo your ascent.
  • You'll need to get back in the box.

No matter how high you climb, there's is always more to achieve.
  • When removing a cube and then moving the remaining chain, the original cube reappears in the unmoved position.
  • You can make more cubes but it isn't necessary for this puzzle.
    Note the one cube covering the bottom right laser. How can you replicate that with the other lasers?

Red Gun
Once the red gun is obtained, the game can be completed.

There comes a time when you can work your way through anything.

The further we get, the less help we need.

Getting to the end requires tying off the loose ends.

The best solutions may still be the most primitive ones.

Falling down teaches us how to get up again.
  • You probably recognize this puzzle and you solve it the same way as the others, but this time there is glass.
  • Use your red gun power to solve this.
  • If you partially use your red gun power, you'll be left with only one cube for a moment.

Some things don't have a deeper meaning.

You can grow a garden anywhere.

The world is always finding new ways to surprise us.
  • How could you fill in the entire box?

Peeking behind the curtains lets us see how everything works.

This is the end of the "linear" path.
If you don't go back to the map, you can go to the previous puzzle and fall leading you to the Four Different Exits room. From there another arrow appears taking you (eventually) to WTF!?. I don't belive any more arrows appear after this except for the one pointing you to The End which is at A Jump Too Far.

The End
I will eventually add hints for the ending portion, but I think it should be blank for now.

Some pieces can't be solved until you're more experienced.

Complicated problems are easier when solved one step at a time.

We can appreciate the entire journey by looking back at how far we have come.

Every journey comes to an end.

Now go back and try to find all the signs, developer rooms, and purple cubes!

Other Signs

Dig a little deeper and you may find something new.
  • Notice the gap in between the floor and the box holding the field. Why is the gap there?
  • There are multiple ways of getting through but doing it this way helps with the following area.

Obsure problems may require unusual solutions.[/i]
  • Note the title of the room (did you read the beginning of this guide?).
  • Once down, notice the door is a blue ringed door meaning the lasers need to be open.

    Complete Map:

Additional Remarks
The game can actually be completed once the yellow gun is obtained.

I did this accidentally during my first playthrough having no clue about the red gun.

Try it for yourself if you want an extra challenge.

I will be constantly updating this guide with the other signs and "secret" areas (though I might wait a while to reveal secret rooms). The organization of this guide is far from complete and I will continue to improve upon this guide as I do further playthroughs.

Thanks for reading!

JonDaBoss1 Nov 21, 2014 @ 1:52pm 
ya Aionard how would you not know?
Slice of Thanatoast Mar 21, 2014 @ 10:18pm 
He didn't really help with the "Hitting a Wall" room.
Sir Dec 29, 2013 @ 2:00am 
That last one leads to the end
Aionard Dec 26, 2013 @ 12:04pm 
sorry, but the map is not actually complete ;) one of the squares is big with a half corridor coming out meaning you have not explored the whole area, getting everythin is actually easy after finishing the game (with red gun)
greatmaccao Feb 10, 2013 @ 4:04am 
Now, I did find a special area with a sign reading "When you look beyond the surface, there may be more to find." It's beyond A Book and its Cover, the red path.
Leafy Greens Feb 9, 2013 @ 4:23pm 
in the "falling forward" area, is there anything past the empty white room with the gate that closes behind you?
ietso Feb 2, 2013 @ 6:10am 
"The game can actually be completed once the yellow gun is obtained." Oh. Lol.
ietso Feb 2, 2013 @ 6:04am 
Oh. My. God. Thanks for this, I was stuck at "Escape". Was trying to do it with the yellow gun ¬_¬ Apperantly I need the red gun? I just found it locked in another room ... Can't reach it though.
Ritzi Feb 2, 2013 @ 5:46am 
P.S.: Just noticed there's another guide that's just a master list of the signs, so no worries~ Thanks again!
Ritzi Feb 2, 2013 @ 5:44am 
Thanks for the guide! I didn't check it until after I had completed the game once (since a game like this is best played on your own wits), but I did find it very helpful to track down the signs that I had missed here and there (still one missing, gaaah... if anything I wish there was a master list at the end of the guide that's the same order as on the wall in the antechamber, but that's a nitpick). Best of luck updating it~