Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

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Rappan Athuk_test
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1 Şub 2013 @ 14:11

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Rappan Athuk_test

Many hundreds of years ago, the forces of good
allied to destroy the main Temple of Orcus in the
ancient city of Tsar. With their temple in ruins, the
surviving high priests of this accursed demon-god
fled the city with an army of enemies on their trail
- an army of heroic fighters, clerics and paladins - led
by Zelkor, a powerful wizard. The exact fate of these
evil priests was then unknown, for not only did the
remnants of the followers of Orcus disappear from
all human reckoning, but so did the army of light
that followed after them disappear as well. Some
said that in the eternal scales the loss of so many
good men was a fair price to pay to rid the world of
so much evil.
The evil cult, however, had not been destroyed. The
surviving priests and their followers instead settled on a hill near the Forest of Hope, a sylvan woodland
near the Coast Road. There found a vast underground
complex of caverns and mazes, carving out a volcanic
intrusion beneath the hill. There, the priests of Orcus
found the perfect lair to continue their vile rituals. For
many years, they carried on in secret, hidden from the
light and from the knowledge of men.
Many years later, their underground delving completed,
the evil priests erected a hideous mausoleum
and a sunken graveyard atop the hill. It is believed
that these graves are in fact the final resting place of
the pursuing army of heroes that had been destroyed
to a man. Soon after the mausoleum was erected the
peaceful creatures of the wood began to disappear.
Though many rangers and druids investigated these
happenings, the cause of the creatures disappearance
was not immediately determined. Some years later, a
powerful group of adventurers, led by Bofred, a high
priest of Cuthbert, investigated the evil happenings
and found the sunken graveyard leading to a labyrinthine
complex. Bofred and his companions found
great hordes of evil creatures in the complex. Though
some of his companions returned from their expedition,
telling tales of fantastic treasure and ferocious
monsters, Bofred was never seen againlost in the
catacombs beneath the cursed mausoleum.
For the last one hundred years, ranks of adventurers
swarmed to the newfound dungeon. Many fell prey to
bandits and monsters in the surrounding wilderness.
Of those who survived to reach the mausoleum and
the sunken graveyard, rumors suggest that most were
slain by guardians of green stone before they even
entered the dungeon or perished on the very first
level. Those rare few who return from deeper treks
speak of horrible undead and creatures that cannot
be slain. All who have explored Rappan Athuk
offer this one universal piece of advice: Dont go
down the Well.