Stick Fight: The Game

Stick Fight: The Game

TheLoaf's Advanced Melee weapon guide
由 LivingInFear 發表
In this guide i will be showing you the perameters of the melee weapons i game, their ins and outs, damage, tips, tricks, and things you should know.
Sword (Katana)
This is a very versatile weapon in many situations and it is very usful. it can be used for many things
This is short to medium range weapon. And it has a knock back on players (nothing really special)
This weapon is hard to tell by damage but we can identify by hits.
Interstingly this weapon does matter on which part of your opponent you will hit
It has a 2-3 hit damage output on 100 HP, why does it say 2-3 hits?
It has a 2-3 damage out put because if you want to hit the body or legs it will take 3 hits
If you want to kill someone in 2 hits then you want to aim for the head
Yes i know its weird that you have to aim for the head
A little difficult to pull that off, but worth it
Im making a catagory on throwing because melee weapons behave differently when you throw it The sword when you throw it rotates or spins really fast this will come to mind later
Throwing your sword at \your opponent will take alot of damage but how many hits?
It roughly 1-2 hits to players with 100 HP
"Roughly" meaning most likely it will be 1 hit, if the opponent has taken 2 punches then its a one hit throw
Now there is a very cool mechanic when throwing a sword, Ricochet
When you throw your sword at a wall at some angle, your sword will bounce off the wall!
Remeber what i said about the sword spinning or rotating really fast? Well this is where it should come into mind
Your sword spins clockwise if you throw it to the right of your screen, and it will spin counter-clockwise if you throw it to the left.
Know that the more your sword spins the more momentum it has to ricochet, and the more you throw the sword at an angle, the less spinning momentum you will lose in the sword.
But, you must throw it at an angle because if you throw it straight at the wall, then it wont bounce off properly
This is really cool and i use it all the time to get people
Also the sword can bounce of the map walls
You can throw the sword out in the void and it will bounce back!
Tips and Tricks
-When you swing your sword it will boost you in a direction you are pointing So if you use this in a way you can use this boost to your advantage!
- Boost upwards when you jump, it will send you flying high
Its like punch jumping but with a kick!
-Boost in a direction where you're running, you will start going much faster than you run!

The spear is a medium range melee weapon, and produces a huge knock back to players
The spear needs 5 hits to kill players with 100 HP
The spear does create a big knock back on players that really comes in handy
You can hit your opponent from a long distance, meaning that you can chase and widdle your opponent down, or you can safely kill them from a distance
The spear behaves A LOT different from the other melee weapons when you throw it
If you want to hit someone on ground level, you cant just throw it straight at them
The spear will kind of clip in the ground when you throw it and it loses all of its momentum If you dont want this to happen then you should jump into the air THEN throw Hitting someone in the air is really easy because of how big the spear is
Hitting an arial target is no problem sense you dont have the ground blocking you BUT a huge draw back on inclosed levels and tight spaces, it is almost impossible to throw a spear like that
Like the sword, the spear rotates and ricochets, really hard to pull off
Tips and Tricks
The spear also has a boost like the sword when using it, use the boost trick as i explained in the sword section
Keep your distance to other players when using the spear, especially when they have a type of gun
You can still kill people from a distance with tha long reach of the spear poking them to death and knocking the back. [Forgot picture :( ]
Blink Dagger
The blink dagger is a medium range melee, and will sometimes make a huge knock back to players, and having a dash/teleport mechanic when you attack Damage
The blink dagger takes 4 hits to kill a player
Also it i has a huge knock back like the spear
This does have ammo You have 25 dashes before you run out of ammo and you cant use it anymore
When hitting a player, you do not want to stand close to them, because A) you will be punched a lose your blink dagger and B) you cant hit them at close range. Why?
Well when you use the blink dagger you will dash or teleport the way you are aiming
You can go through objects close to you
same thing with a player, if you are to close to your oppnent and you attack, you will teleport or dash right through them! Keep this in mind.
The blink dagger dose not bahave as different as the sword and the spear
But it has some advantages when throwing it
The BD also has spin and ricochets like the spear and sword
But its smaller than the sword and spear, so you can throw it in smaller places, hitting someone camping with a sniper
But with every Pro theres a Con, the BD is much harder to ricochet sense its smaller
Tips and Tricks
The BD is the master of boost
You can double, tripple, and even quaddruple jump!
With its capability of dashing you can dash forwards backwards up down everywhere, get to hard to reach places with this!
Remember what i said about teleporting through objects at close range? Use this! Suprise your enemy by teleporting through a platform above you! They will never suspect a thing!
I REALLY hoped this helped, this guide took forever to make, and this is jammed packed with everything i know and want to spread to the Stick Fight The Game community!
26 則留言
ladyzbyrd 2022 年 4 月 20 日 下午 3:19 
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ladyzbyrd 2022 年 4 月 20 日 下午 3:19 
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A random Scorpion 2021 年 7 月 9 日 下午 4:44 
this guide is bad sorry but my best evice is just to throw every wepon you get
FeiTDK 2021 年 2 月 10 日 上午 1:43 
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Electrical Star 2020 年 7 月 1 日 上午 7:42 
your section on the sword says that unlike other weapons, hitting people on the head will do more dmg. thats untrue, headshots are a thing. take the deagle, or magnum, the big pistol shoot someone in the body they wont die, shoot somelse in the head and they will instantly die, assuming the health is set at the standard 100hp. you make it seem like the only the sword does that. also this seems to be outdated because it looks like when you throw the spear it throws vertically towards where you want it to go, when i throw it it flies straight as an arrow
Doomrind 2019 年 6 月 25 日 下午 12:16 
Instructions quite clear, dick not stuck in toaster.
RealTheranHours 2018 年 8 月 2 日 下午 4:35 
btw the blink dagger seems to have this thing where if you hit someone at the place when you teleport too its like an instakill (if they have at least 100 hp)
BloodrinSky 2018 年 5 月 28 日 下午 9:46 
GREAT :steamhappy: (thums up from me)
sleeper 2018 年 5 月 13 日 上午 2:08 
红纸红纸 2018 年 5 月 12 日 下午 8:56