Derpy Dinos

Derpy Dinos

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100% Derpy Dinos Achievements guide
Tekijältä Kenny93 B>keys $1.55&Bps
A (hopefully) helpful guide to help you getting all achievements in this free to play game.
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Technical Infos
Game: Derpy Dinos.

Number of achievements: 26.

100% completion difficulty: 6-6.5 out of 10.

Estimated time to get all the achievements: approximately less than 10 hours.

Major issues in getting all the achievements: favorable RNG to get 200k points ten times to unlock the "Score Master" achievement.
How to get all the achievements, step by step: Part 1
An easy game to 100%, if you are willing to put some patience in. The game consist in mostly "kill x enemies" and "do x y times" along with some bit tricky achievements.
Following, the analysis of every achievement and how to get them.

Meat Sack Murderer
The first achievement you will get. Simply abduct a villager and crash it into another one.

Quick Draw
Easier to do on high waves. The easiest way to get it is simply spamming around with your laser killing everything on sight.

Volcano Tamer
In the first wave, simply kill two ptero to make the volcano erupt. Grab an erupted volcano rock by putting your spaceship above it and use the ray.

In wave one, simply don't kill anything until you will get it.

Must be done in Endless mode as you can't die. To get it quickly, simply advance to a high enough wave where there are enough dinosaur to cause a costant souce of damage.

Catch a villager then throw it away and manage to get hit by it. Easiest way to do it is to catch a villager, stand in the middle in the screen then press up and fire. If done correctly the villager should be thrown up in the sky. To get hit stand below him and wait for the villager to fall down on your ship.

Villager Violator I
The first grind achievement. You should get it fairly easy after some playtime.

Villager Violator I
Like Villager Violator I, this time you must kill 1500 villagers.

Villager Violator III
Last of the "Villager Violator" achievement series. 4000 villagers must be killed to get this achievement.

Dino Destroyer I
Can be trickier than "Villager Violator" due to dinos shooting laser. Shouldn't be that hard to get by playing naturally the game.

Dino Destroyer II
More dinos to kill, this time 2000.

Dino Destroyer III
Final Dino Destroyer achievement. Kill 5000 dinos to get this achievement.

One of the few kinda problematic achievement. The game requires you to beat a wave over 5 in less than 5 seconds. I got this luckily by having a boulder as wave 6 start and by boost throwing it around the screen so i could kill part of the pteros. I finished the wave by laser spamming the few ptero remained.

Hot Potato

The easiest way to get this achievement is to have two time slowing powerups. Get a rock and, as you stand, press up and fire to throw it in the sky. Once it's falling, slow down the time and set the ship above the rock to get it. Repeat another time to get this achievement.

Wrappy Alley-oop
Easier than it could sound. Catch a ptero, move highest in the sky as you can then use the boost and press left, up and fire to throw the ptero. Immediately turn to right and move as fast you as you can against the ptero. If done correctly you should be able to catch it up and unlock this achievement.

Can be quite annoying as it's RNG based. Start the wave and kill the two pteros required to make the volcano erupt as soon as you can. Now you just have to hope to get one or two score multiplier. If they don't show up, just restart the game. If otherwise you'll be lucky to get a multiplier, do the Rock-Rock combo to get atleast 13500 points each time. Ideally you should do it two times then get the few remaining points by quickly laser killing dinosaurs and villagers.

High Scorer
For me this was one of the hardest achievement to get. All i can suggest you is to learn how often dinousaurs shoot so you can predict when you can catch them without being hit. I usually get high scores by freezing time with a multiplier active and by doing the Rock-Rock combo, kill the ptero required to advance to the next wave and repeat but to each their own.

How to get all the achievements, step by step: Part 2
Life Juggler
Collect a time slowing power up and catch 5 villagers.Now, as you stand high as you can in the sky, activate the power up and, as you stand still, press the fire button to throw the five villagers. Don't fire too fast or the villagers will crush together nullifying the achievement. Once you throw them all, use your boost and collect them again.

Rock Star
It's highly recommended to try to get this one as soon as you get a rock at the end of wave one, since there will be way more dinousar spawned at high waves. Get a rock and use your ship boost to mow every villager you see. Once there are no more villagers avaible, kill enough ptero to make the volcano erupt and scare the villagers out of their homes. Now, simply repeat the whole process until you get this achievement. Take your time to kill the ptero required to advance to the next wave as the rock can stand only three hits before getting destroyed.

Point Fiend
My personal mehod to get this one is the following. Make sure you have atleast 1 powerup to slow time. The next step is to collect 2 points multipliers in a row so you get a 5x multiplier. As soon as you get the first multiplier slow the time up, this will freeze the multiplier last, allowing you to get the second multiplier in time. Now, just get a rock and make it collide against another one. By doing so you will collect 22.500 points, enough to get the achievement.
HINT: you can use a second time slowing powerup after you collect the second multiplier if you want to play safe and be sure you make the two rocks crash together.

Wave Rider
It can be a bit tricky to get as the last waves get very crowded with enemies. Just focus on killing pteros with your laser to advance faster in the game, without caring about your score. Try to grab shields and powerups as they get very helpful during the last waves.

Slow Mobius
Simply slow down time 60 times.

Grind shouldn't be required to get this one. If you feel you want to do it, just use your boost to lap the island until you will get this achievement.

Collision Connoisseur
Devs already made a helpful guide about how getting all the possible collisions in game. You can check it here

Score Master
Most likely the last achievement you will get. Like "high scorer" but you have to get 200.000 points ten times. Practise and patience are the only ways.

The only achievement i'm not so sure how to get. Supposedly you have to fully replenish your ship's health, collecting a shield won't increase the achievement bar. If someone knows for sure how to get this one i'll update this achievement description.
Final considerations
Not a very hard game to 100%.
Biggest issue is definetely to get the high score (200.000 points) ten times but with some dedication it's totally do-able. Try to find your personal way to rack up points or scroll through my guide to get tips and advices to build a decent one.
If you have any question or advices feel free to post in the comments section and i'll try to reply.
Any hint or advice is welcomed and could be included in the guide.
1 kommenttia
Collecting 30 shields does in fact grant you the medic achievement. Almost at 100% thanks to this awesome guide :)

Thanks again!