Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th: The Game

32 ratings
Guide To The "Worst" Jason: Part 7 Jason!
By Sprayable Spaghetti™ Salesman
Hello one and all, to the guide that will teach you how to make the community named "Worse Jason" into something that even Freddy Krueger will fear in his nightmares! This guide does cover a lot, but it is in random order (sorry, blame me making the SFM's and thinking ahead of myself.

If you would like to read another Part 7 guide to show other people's way, here's the only other one I could find while making this!
Hope You're ready to read, because here we go!

Part 1: Git Gud

Like many Jason's, it takes time and practice to get good at them, and part 7 is no exception. I don't suggest Part 7 to newer players, instead of ones that want a challenge! Since this Jason is a bit more difficult to play because of his positive and negative ration being more negative, you need to have a few hours in the game.
Part 2: Basics!

To start anything, you need to know what you're working with.

Part 7's Positives Are:
Sense lets you see where the counselor is, and if they are in a building. Since this is positive, Part 7's sense is longer than usual.
+Water Speed
All that time under Camp ̶B̶l̶o̶o̶d̶ Crystal Lake helped you learn how to swim better. You are the fastest Jason in the water.
+Grip Strength
These counselors may have some weird kinks, but your choke is killer. It is harder for counselors to escape from your grasp, so you have more time to get those sweet kills.

Part 7's Negatives Are:
-Can't Run
Like most zombies and Jason's, He can't run.
I would say 'Traps are gay" but these are different traps. This is the main downside many people see with this Jason, but it's manageable.
No longer the worst shift in the game, but it's still weak. It's still useful though.

Part 7’s Weapon: The Machete
A very iconic weapon of Jason’s, and one of his deadliest. Even though it has medium range and normal damage it seems to have a secret stat, it’s really fast when swinging. I believe it’s one of, if not the fastest Jason weapon.

Part 7: Achievements:
Let's Split Up: Perform the machete dismemberment kill.
The achievement is a reference to the horror cliche of how horror movie characters always split up when there's a killer on the loose. It is also a very common phrase in the Scooby Doo Shows and Movies.

As like many you should always grab the knives in the cabin and place a trap in the doorway. After that, straight to the phone box, if someone is there, try to make them go away, or kill them, your choice. I would take the advice of the other Part 7 guide, and destroy all the windows, and hit the doors only 5 times, all will be explained if you read this guide. Then to the car. If there is only 1 car, place a trap at either the gas or battery area (I personally put it at the gas, so I know if they put it in.), If there are 2 cars, take a gamble, and if it's the right car, do your thing. If it's the wrong car, try to scare any counselor in the area off, or kill them.

Part 3: Dominate The Playing Field!

Once you are done with the basics, go straight for the generators, this gives a less of a chance of Tommy being called, and less chance of the counselors escaping. This also gives you an indicator of where counselors are, in my opinion, there is a difference between a battery screw up and a generator screw up.

Keep on the move, patrol objectives, (but don't puppy guard them), make your presence known, this will make the counselors' fear to rise, but also the players, as they don't know where you are.
Part 4: No Mercy!

As I said earlier, you can kill counselors while your doing the other things, but personally I like to give the counselors a chance, not because I'm that good, it's because I know I hate being killed off right at the start. But once you've done the deeds, in the words of the narrator of DOOM (2016), " Rip and tear, until it is done". Don't give them an inch, unless the inches are your machete going through them!
Part 5: Think Ahead

You've played as a counselor before, so you have an idea of what they might do, so use that to your advantage. Think a counselor is going to take a swing? Do a 360 and grab them! Think a counselor is going to a window? Either throw a knife at the window (you can even hit windows if they are open with knives, but it's harder.) or save your knives and shift in front of the window and either break the window and grab them, or grab them. Just use your undead killing machine mind.

Let's put you in a situation which will happen. Say they got the car on the move, and you don't have shift, what do you do? Use your morph to teleport as far down the road and use the map, stalk, and sense (only use sense when they are closer to you) this should give time for shift to recharge and you can ram them! Most counselors will drive down the main paths, but if they are better counselors, they will go off-road, which is tricker, but just use your head, and think of their moves.
Part 6: Water is your friend!

Water is your best friend when it comes to moving without using your abilities! You are a lot faster in water, so you can cut off counselors if they are by it. Teleport it if a car is near, look at the scene with sense, and go in for the kill with shift, or go around if you see no one. Your best bets to use the water are the Jarvis Map and Higgins Haven.
Part 7 (Hey That's You!): If The Are Out For Blood, Show Them Why You Are The New Blood!

Every once and awhile, a group of people decides they want to take you down because they think they are a "weak" Jason, but you're going to show them otherwise. Here are some ways to react in certain steps.

If they talk about it pre-game and your Jason: be even more aggressive than usual and collect and keep as many knives as possible, you will see why later.

If one of the females get the sweater, and Tommy hasn't been called and your mask isn't off: target them with everything.

If counselors are trying to take your mask off and are surrounding you: start blocking and slashing, teleport and shift away.
1. If they do knock your mask off, and they haven't got Tommy or the sweater: play as usual

If Tommy is called: Play as usual but try to make Tommy waste the shotgun.

If all 3 steps are ready, and they are out for your blood, stay at a distance, but don't be a coward, Mommy didn't raise a coward. With the knives, you should have collected, target the sweater girl with the knives and kill her with the knives. Don't risk going in slashing and dying. If the sweater person uses a spray, wait for the animation to end unless you are sure 1 more knife will be the final blow.

Part 8: Random Tips/Community Tips

Now this is where you come in! Help your fellow slasher and give some tips for Part 7 Jason, and if They're good, I'll put them in with your name here too!

I'll start: When throwing a knife, use your right elbow as a crosshair if you are going to randomly throw it, that's the closest thing to the middle of the screen.

Part 9: Congrats!

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of this guide, now there’s nothing left to do besides load into Friday the 13th, load into a lobby, change your god awful Jason to Part 7, wait till you get Jason, and kill them all. Go out there and make Kane Hodder proud!

Here are some videos of me (A Part 7 Main) playing as Part 7 Jason:

(Sorry that video 4 died randomly, my recording software decided to end itself)

I hope this guide helped in some way, shape or form, because this was the first guide I ever made, and I'd be damned if there weren't any screwups. Goodluck to you beautiful bastards, and get to playing Part 7!

ProtoX Oct 16, 2021 @ 1:33am 
the strengh and weakness are different now, hes no longer powerful (he no longer has the strengh where couselors have a hard time escaping)
Sprayable Spaghetti™ Salesman  [author] Mar 25, 2018 @ 7:43am 
@Crowbaria The shift to stun change is the bigger one out of the two, because that means he has no negative cooldowns are his abilities, so he will be one of the most mobile Jason's with regular morph, regular shift, and +water speed. I don't get why they went from grip to weapon strength, but I guess you could see it as a weak link so they changed it.Overall these changes will definitely make Part 7 a stronger Jason (Now either part 9 or 4 are the weakest) but I wouldn't say he's up there with Part 6 and 8.
Nobaria Mar 24, 2018 @ 11:09pm 
How do you feel about the buff for part 7?
+Grip is now +Weapon strength
-Shift is now -Stun
Jet Chan Feb 4, 2018 @ 2:02am 
This is the jason I actually picked up and played first because he looked cool, I didnt like him the first game or 2 I got him, but then I realised how much water is on each map and I loved this jason the most due to how fast I could get around without needing abilities
Catatonic Schizophrenic Jan 31, 2018 @ 6:49am 
@Sprayable Spaghetti™ Salesman - Good to hear.
Sprayable Spaghetti™ Salesman  [author] Jan 31, 2018 @ 6:42am 
@Garak Thank you for the complement, I did work my ass off on this, but I must give credit where credit is due. A lot of your tips really helpped my get more 8/8’s and 7/7’s, even when I’m not playing Part 7.
Catatonic Schizophrenic Jan 31, 2018 @ 6:15am 
@Sprayable Spaghetti™ Salesman - I wrote the previous guide that you mentioned. Thankyou for making a more detailed guide than i did. this obviously took alot of your time and maybe some research but i'm happy to see that people still view Part 7 Jason as something useful and not completely useless. Good Job!
Noobzerboonzer Dec 23, 2017 @ 6:23pm 
Part 7 Jason breaks doors the fastest when compared to any other Jason besides Part 4, Part 8, and Savini.
exsems Dec 20, 2017 @ 8:29am 
bonus tip: buy on him dlc kills)
Sprayable Spaghetti™ Salesman  [author] Dec 20, 2017 @ 3:37am 
@(ISIG) Scorpionspear77 I could agree with this, but only very very early when learning the Jason. Just like how playing with a private match is different than playing a public match, playing a public match is different with the bots.