Gundemonium Recollection

Gundemonium Recollection

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Matrix Orders Guide
By Shoey
This is going to be my short guide on how to get through the sticky parts of the Extra bosses (The Matrix Orders) attack phases, this guide isn't going to be in-depth and is going to only cover the main threat of each boss.
Ruby Matrix
Ruby is the first and probably the simplest matrix Order boss, however she can still be difficult if you don't know what your doing. (Like any boss in this game.)

First off I should tell you a bit more about Matrix order mode, it's like the Demonic challange mode but with extra bosses, only real difference is that you don't get a few free seconds of invincibility, except for Sapphire, but we'll get to that later.

Anyway, the only real advice I have for ruby is simply don't panic and when she dose her massive explosion thing as shown in the screen shot, try to move ONLY Vertically because if you move back you can get hit by them expanding again after they all move inward focusing on you. One other thing I should mention is that slow down moves dose not work on her 3rd pattern so you can't rely on that. Other than those things she's like any normal boss, at least to me.
Diamond Matrix
Oh lord Diamond...

Ok, I just wanna say that I freaking hate Diamond, now anyway, she opens up by shooting aimed spread bullets at you and by spawning a circle of bullets around you, these can easily be avoided by moving only Vertically.

Her Diamond lasers are next as seen in the picture... and as much as I would want to give you advice on this, I can't, the lasers are completely Random to my knowledge so just do your best at avoiding them, also try to aim for the 2nd one from the top if you have a weapon that pierces, it will help in the next pattern.

For the 3rd pattern, it's pretty awkward, she forces you to go into the center and then fires streams of bullets at you, the only real hard part is dodging the first stream of bullets, after that you can just follow the open spaces, I find that being in about the middle of the screen and going diagonally up and to the left is the best way, but if you find a way that suits you better props to you.
Sapphire Matrix
Ah Sapphire Matrix, my personal favorite.

First of all unlike the other bosses you start off with a bit of invincibility time and you MUST move in to the center of the screen and the center of all the bullets to dodge them. (Kinda ironic huh?) anyway, Sapphire fires some weird aimed bullets at you and will make them suddenly jump at you by stopping time, be sure to friction/graze/touch without actually getting hit, these bullets as much as you can, your gonna need the friction points.

When she starts spamming bullets without stopping time and making them jump, friction as much as you can, because soon the screen is gonna go all green and she's gonna create an undodge-able wall of bullets heading stright for you. (Seen in the screen shot.) (Though you may be able to avoid them by going behind her, haven't tried that myself yet.) The ONLY way to get through that alive is to get a friction break at that point and turn all of the bullets into point items (Every 500 friction is when that happens.) after that she will just fire bullets desperately at you, but you've pretty much won at this point, just don't get hit stupidly.
Emerald Matrix (Aka Cat god giving birth to kittens infinitely.)
Ah, Emerald... the screen shot says it all.

First off don't die to the kittens fireing pawprint bullets at you (Those things have bigger hit boxes than you'd think!) then be sure your in the back otherwise Emerald is going to come flying out at you and murder you in cold blood. Dodge all of the random bullets (slow down REALLY REALLY REALLY HELPS!)

After you succeed at that... well the real fun begins (See Screen shot.)
Ok, so, here's just what's going on, she's going be either firing a F@#! ton of bullets AROUND you, or AT you (She will always start on Around you.) HOWEVER this dose NOT apply to her little kittens so be sure to watch out for the random pawprints. When she's firing around you don't move a lot, and when she's firing directly at you, move but not TOO fast to where your gonna find yourself at the edge of the screen. Try to just move slightly out of the way of the ones coming at you and you should be ok... (Note should, also don't forget about those pawprint bullets, Sorry this fight is easy in concept, but hard in execution, at least for me.)
Jet Matrix
Jet Matrix, another one of my favorites! (Yes I like the gimmick ones.)

Ok, so the thing about Jet is, do NOT hit the giant black sphere too much, instead hit those little components firing bullets at you in the screen shot, if you kill the main part the fight starts all over and your basically gonna lose to time out. Continue doing this untill you see it sphew out a bit of non-damaging fire, when that happens, get BEHIND Jet and wait for her to launch 3 walls to where you just were, after she launches the 3rd wall be sure to rush back or else she's gonna cheap kill you.

After you destroy all of the little parts, then you've basically won, just be carefull not to get hit by the spam, I reccomend saving a bit of mana for slow down for this just in case. She dosen't take many hits to bring down after her parts are destroyed.
Pearl Matrix (The Twins)
Ok, pearl matrix, the last original matrix masters.

This fight is Hard especilly after the first phase. it's pretty easy untill you get up to where they start fighting you one by one so I'll start there. (However you do get some invincibility time during the start so use that to get some free hits.)

Once she get's into her 2nd phase with just one of them you will have to suddenly dodge very fast incoming bullets you can go to the top or the bottom, or risk staying in the middle where you will be able to damage her. Dodge the static bullets she fires, and around this time your gonna kill a few cards, NOTE: this is technicly on demonic difficulty so those cards will file "death bullets" at you like stage enimies in the normal game on demonic, so be carefull of that, they can really screw you over if you're not carefull. Try to weave through the, again, static pattern of the next bullets. If your lucky nearly all of the cards should be dead by now execept for maybe one or two, DO NOT destroy all of the cards untill she enters her 2nd (after the starting pattern) pattern again. Otherwise she will fire bullets herself at you. (Which are almost worse than the normal patterns.) So wait untill that, the cards will fire stright lines of bullets at you in the 4th pattern, not hard at all to dodge if you destroyed a good bit already. then kill her after you destroy her last card on her 2nd phase.

Now here comes the other one, looking for revenge for her twin. Dodge those circle rings, I find staying in the bottom left works best. Then she will fire some circle bullets which will explode into cross shaped lines off bullets. Try to slow her down on the last couple of waves or else it can get pretty dense. Then comes the noob killer... she fires a stream of bullets that will follow you around the screen by bouncing off the edges. If your lucky you will be able to kill her before she get's a chance to utilize it, if not, try to misdirect the thing a bit so the bullets it leaves behind are not too bad.

Then comes the surprise phase, where your guns die and you have to get a mana shot off on her. Be sure to friction the static slow bullets coming at you for extra mana, you don't got much time, so fire at the time when that opening in the central ring of white... things is facing twords you. hopefully you will time it right and get a shot through and kill her, if the wheel touches the white things it will decipate from existance right then and there. I'm not quite sure what you do with other characters besides Eryth.
Unknown (Elixirel Daath)
This is it... the final Matrix Orders fight, and it's against the hidden last boss of the main game. (Which you need a 100 player score to actually fight her in the main game, which is D@*! near impossible.) and it's quite the doosy.

I... can't really give much advice on how to beat her, however I can give instructions, so that's what I will do instead, this is what I do and what I find best for defeating Elixirel Daath.

Pattern 1: Get in the center of the screen slightly to the left so you can hit her without getting hit by her bullets, however close enough to get friction off of her bullets to restore mana.

Pattern 2: Go to either the top center or bottom center (The opposite of the one she goes to, 1st she'll go the the top, and then go the bottom on the 2nd phase.) and twitch (Tap) dodge her bullets, and the next bullets she's going to fire to, while making your way around the screen twords the center left.

Pattern 3: continue from pattern 2 however be wary when moving around corners, they can mess you up, be sure not to dodge into her static bit yellow bullets when ending this pattern and starting pattern 4.

Pattern 4: PRAY FOR YOUR LIFE These bullets are random, completely random from my personal experience, however unlike her other patterns it IS possible to slow down time in this phase using mana, so be sure to use that to your advantage to dodge those crazy small bullets that travel super fast.

Rince and repeat.

Hopefully you are able to kill her before she enters into a 3rd phase and then if you were able to kill her.... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Congratulations!!!! (Hopefully)
Hopefully you were able to beat Elixirel Daath, and if you were able to. (Actually you just have to beat Pearl for this but...) You will have unlocked Ain Soph Aur what I like to call Infinate/Random stage mode... I'm not going to go into detail about that since this is supposed to be about the Matrix Orders mode, however I will tell you... *In a whispered voice* If you can get to the final few zones in Aur Soph Aur, you can Unlock Elixirel as a playable character... but trust me... it's probably gonna be the hardest thing you've done so far... definitly the hardest if you plan to beat the hidden boss there...

Anyway, I hope you found this guide helpfull and perhaps even a little entertaining, and I wish you all a good day/night/evening/afternoon/whatever time it may be.

Thank you for taking your time to read this guide, I hoped it helped! If not then... sorry. :(
This is also the first guide I made, and possibly the last.

anyway enough of me rambling on, Have fun Matrix Masters!
__mKkKm__ Mar 7, 2016 @ 8:50am 
Great guide man!