Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Turner Tribute Park
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Assets: Park
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10.456 MB
5 dec. 2017 la 14:31
6 dec. 2017 la 12:27
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Turner Tribute Park

A Flabaliki and The Sim Supply tribute park for James by Jeyna.

Size 10x8
Cost 3500
Upkeep 120 / week
Water 160m³ / week
Power 80 KW
4 comentarii
Jeyna  [autor] 14 aug. 2018 la 15:20 
Well, I have no affiliation with him, I'm just a fan, so I have no idea what the thought process behind it was. If you flip it the right way I could see an F and keeping it the way it is the filled out part resembles an L .. but that might just be me.
So I'm sorry, but I can't answer this for you aside from speculation ^^
Aturchomicz 14 aug. 2018 la 14:19 
no I mean what meaning has it?The Sim supply one is clearly a modefied version of the plumbob but whats the meaing of Flabelikis symbol?
Jeyna  [autor] 14 aug. 2018 la 11:54 
It's the logo of the Youtuber it's a tribute to
Aturchomicz 13 aug. 2018 la 14:30 
what does the Flabeliki symbol even mean?